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Alt 19.09.2007, 00:33
koppengalt koppengalt ist offline
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Standard Meine ganze Geschichte im Umriss: FBI, CIA, DHS

Dear Everyone

If you have seen my previous narrative on my struggle with the Department of Homeland Security, you have probably noticed the laconic nature of the story. I have not bothered to specify the details of my encounter with the FBI preceding the Homeland Security troubles, and I have left out the part about the CIA that happened concurrently with these troubles – that in fact in large part caused me to bring these upon myself. I left out CIA’s involvement because they had been kind to me last year during all the Homeland Security troubles and, after their withdrawal earlier this year, expected me to keep silent. Well, things are different now; the CIA regretted ever having anything to do with me at all. That fact is that, almost three years ago, I was entangled in a terrorist investigation, but the case was then dropped and I became the target instead of a CIA recruitment operation. When the operation was bungled because of inter-agency turf battle between the CIA and the Department of Homeland Security, I entered my present predicament of constant harassment by the DHS and serving as their operational and surveillance guinea pig. I have posted my summary narrative about my problem with Homeland Security in a few places on the net, but, since my internet activities were all monitored, wherever I posted, the DHS internauts just followed and posted after mine mockeries intended to discredit me. (You see one example right below.) Well here I would like to repost a summary of my experience, including FBI's involvement in the beginning and CIA's role in the middle.

But of course here I can only describe in their briefest outline the extraordinary events that I have undergone. The entire story is extremely complex and, hopefully, I can tell you the whole story in all its details in later communications.

My problem began in January 2005 when I moved to Montreal, Canada, to enroll in a master program in religious studies at the University of Quebec at Montreal. It is during the time when I stayed in Montreal from January 2005 to April 2006 that I became entangled in a terrorist investigation conducted jointly by the FBI, CSIS, and RCMP. I believe I became a target specifically because of a threat-like statement I made over the phone with my psychologist in January 2005. But I was innocent of any terrorist connections, and after that I never made any gestures that would suggest otherwise. At that time a person by the name of Gaurav Singhmar who I later learned was a government informant of some kind became acquainted with me and introduced me to a FBI agent once, and in late August 2005 when my best friend, Wesley, came to Montreal to transport some of my properties back to his apartment in Albany, New York, for storage, he was stopped at the border, searched and interrogated, and asked to sign a letter stating that he did not carry a bomb or 10,000 dollar in cash. But after the incident at the border there were no further signs for the rest of 2005 that I might have been a target of investigation.

Around January 2006, however, I started noticing first RCMP and then CSIS surveillance of me. I believe that the FBI reinstated my investigation at the end of 2005 because they initiated an investigation on some other people unrelated to me in Montreal and thought that they should check me out because I had a prior record, and then confused me with someone else. After I returned to Los Angeles/ Long Beach in Southern California in April 2006 the FBI continued its investigation and surveillance of me for another three months. By this time I was already well aware of the surveillance around me and my resistance had caused the FBI to flounder numerous times in their surveillance and sting operation against me. In July the FBI, while frustrated with the difficulties I had posed for them, had also apparently come to the realization of their mistake, stopped their surveillance of me, and cleared my status as a terrorist suspect. They then passed my case to the CIA. At this time the CIA clandestine service sent out its agents to come study me and recruit me. It seems that the CIA was impressed by the ease with which I could detect surveillance and the resistance I put up against it from Montreal to Southern California. They wanted to recruit me also for other reasons such as my family background and my academic aptitude, which the CIA clandestine officers greatly valued, themselves being mostly academics. The CIA officers and agents were extremely charming and intelligent, and I quickly bonded with the few that I met on a regular basis. Other than sending agents (posing as non-existent persons of various professions) to establish good rapport with me to study me and bond with me, the Agency’s recruitment method consisted in recruiting many of the people I was close to as assets to help stage situations and hold conversations with me in order to test my aptitude, personality, and position on issues and then to reform my dispositions, all clandestinely and in concrete circumstances. The CIA was such an extraordinary charmer that everyone around me was more than willing to help in and became so much happier after being touched by the Agency. The Agency had even recruited my cousin as its agent, and from my experience with the four dozens or so CIA agents and officers that I had encountered during their recruitment operation I learned that the CIA clandestine service regularly recruits members from the same family all at once.

The CIA agents and officers had made it clear to me on later occasions that they wanted me for their espionage operations against China. In August 2006 however the Department of Homeland Security somehow decided to re-initiate investigation and surveillance of me as a terrorist suspect, running operations in parallel with – and frequently in conflict with – CIA’s recruitment operations. While I met frequently with CIA agents, the DHS started a series of sting operations against me in addition to conducting surveillance on me around the clock. I cannot overstate to you the strangeness of the situation of these two agencies competing for my attention, that is, the enormous contrast between the extremely vulgar, uneducated, mean-spirited, and ugly DHS agents and the charming, educated, intelligent, and beautiful CIA agents. By October 2006 the DHS interference had caused the CIA to suspend its recruitment operation. The DHS then suddenly went into a state of emergency at this time, apparently convinced that I was about to launch an “attack.” It is difficult to gauge the strange stupidity of the DHS personnel in believing thusly, since the only contacts I had at this time were with CIA agents and those around me that were helping the CIA conduct tests on me. Perhaps they thought that I was planning terrorist attacks with CIA agents? The DHS then became increasingly alarmed because of my ability to detect their surveillance agents by the mere sight of them – their surveillance agents were so much more conspicuous than FBI’s – and increased the scale of its surveillance operation on me, enlisting the help of local police, public transportation personnel, and librarians at California State University Long Beach. (The Long Beach police, who were cooperating with the FBI in the beginning, were now caught between the CIA and the DHS.) I became in the eyes of DHS a genius of tremendous power and threat. I would later learn that the CIA had had to suspend its operations because the secretary of DHS Mr. Chertoff himself had stepped in and complained about “CIA interference” with his department operations. Upset with the withdrawal of CIA agents and officers from my life, I tried resisting the DHS efforts by pointing out to the DHS (based on my earlier experience of the CIA and DHS parallel operations) that the DHS had moles in it from the CIA clandestine service and possibly from other countries. This generated enormous chaos inside the DHS, and, as moles were most likely uncovered, my case was now causing a sensation in the intelligence community and came into the attention of those in the highest levels of the government. I used the opportunity to blackmail DHS that I would shut up only if they returned my “CIA friends” to me. The CIA and DHS worked out a deal and part of the CIA recruitment operation was allowed to continue. But Mr. Chertoff henceforth considered me a top priority threat to his department even when he had realized his mistake in classing me as a terrorist suspect, and began a legal assault against the CIA clandestine service as well. The result was that the DHS began aggressively taking over CIA’s institutional assets and obligating the CIA clandestine service to run joint operations with its agents on me in order to train its inexperienced agents in clandestine operations. At the same time the CIA agents who had befriended me were withdrawn again under the circumstances. Convinced that maximal force possible was needed to suppress a “genius” and CIA recruit like me, Chertoff at the same time worked with the Long Beach city officials to evacuate the entire Long Beach neighborhood I was living in and mobilized thousands of “agents” (many of them hired temporarily) to seal me up in a “surveillance bubble”. Because I was able to generate enormous chaos within the DHS with a few words, Chertoff considered me too dangerous to allow me contact with the ordinary population. A main staple of the CIA clandestine operational techniques consists in the creation of fake organizations, events, or circumstances to trap the target therein: either taking over an institution when knowing that the target was about to go there, evacuating all the people therein, and then sending in secret agents pretending to be the original people evacuated, or simply setting up a fake institution made up of their agents and diverting the target to it, all in order to create an artificial environment to trap and deceive the target and set him up for whatever is intended for him. The CIA had successfully deceived me several times with this technique. Mr. Chertoff was impressed by the effectiveness of this technique, copied it, and continually practiced it on me: He did this in Cal State Long Beach, Talbert Medical Group, UCLA, the UCLA Medical Center, metro lines, buses, bookstores, restaurants, hostels. Wherever I went he would evacuate the place and send in his agents to replace the original people there, so that I’d not come into contact with “real people”. This daily “bubble” was then punctuated by the occasional DHS and CIA joint operations to set up fake concerts and fake theaters, etc., and to lure me in with my CIA “friends” and cousin so that the DHS could practice clandestine operation. It seems that Chertoff wanted to use his victory in the interagency turf battle as an opportunity to grow a clandestine unit in his department. But I further offended him in the beginning of this ordeal (around late October 2006) by mocking his copies of CIA tactics which were badly done, and thus embarrassing him in front of other important people that were observing the case. The CIA officers sponsoring my recruitment then let me know that the DHS ordeal would continue until December and that, if I could behave well and not defy DHS as I had done, the Agency would continue its recruitment of me in December. When December arrived and the CIA recruitment officers never came back while the DHS “surveillance bubble” continued, I flew to Montreal, Canada, hoping to avoid the “bubble”. To my surprise, Chertoff was ahead of me and had already evacuated most of the places and the entire metro system in downtown Montreal and filled them up with his movie extras and surveillance agents so that I would again only interact with his fake people. The operation was so massive and involved thousands of people, and the Montreal police also helped in. When I went outside of downtown the next day I found only that most of the residents, even the priests in churches, were already notified about me and shunned me as a “terrorist suspect”. The eeriness of the whole situation caused me so much anxiety that I took the bus to Ottawa the following day. Ottawa was not evacuated but was filled with surveillance agents, and every bus driver and taxi driver was already informed to watch out for every move I should make. I bought an emergency ticket to Taipei, Taiwan, and went back to Montreal to take the flight. I met up with Gaurav Singhmar again, who tried to mediate between me and Chertoff but to no effect.

I arrived in Taipei, Taiwan, around December 12, 2006. Although Taipei city blocks were not evacuated and refitted as “fake”, all the public servants and employees were notified about my “terrorist status” and told to watch over me. I went to Taiwan specifically to obtain my household registry papers in order to renew my Taiwanese passport and citizenship and to probe the possibility of relocating back to Taiwan. At first the DHS forced out a cooperation with Taiwanese government to block my process of obtaining my papers, but later the CIA or the Taiwanese official who had cooperated with the CIA in regard to my recruitment operation stepped in and facilitated my process. I was then instructed by Taiwan’s Foreign Ministry to return to California to continue the procedures for my passport renewal.

While Chertoff’s goal in all this was to demonstrate himself capable of mastering CIA’s art of fakery and deception and of deceiving me, his other goal was to prevent CIA’s recruitment of me at all cost. Mr. Chertoff was an extremely vengeful person and would not allow someone who had offended him to have any sort of social standing, let alone enter the service of the CIA. After my return to Southern California, he had finally succeeded in this objective: by February, the CIA officers and agents had withdrawn from my life, regretting over the tremendous losses they had suffered at the hands of Chertoff because of me, and I would never see them again.

The DHS then went after my best friend Wesley as well. In December after I returned to California from Taiwan he also came back home to Santa Ana, California, to pass Christmas with his parents. When he went back to Albany in mid-January this year, his neighbor told him that there were people searching his apartment when he was away, and he noticed also that some of the things in his apartment were broken and moved around. Later, sometimes when he returned home he would find that his heater was on even though he had turned if off when he left the place. And suddenly his friends and colleagues in his university department at SUNY Albany all shunned him. Evidently, DHS agents had decided to investigate him also on account of his association with me, searched his apartment, and interviewed all the people that knew him, which scared them off. (They were of curse under the Patriot Act forbidden to reveal this to him.) The DHS also sent in agents to infiltrate the classes he was teaching in the spring semester of 2007. He continues to be under DHS surveillance just like me. The remarkable thing was that Wesley had earlier helped the CIA in staging tests for me, and yet his status with the Agency somehow was no immunity against DHS harassment and surveillance.

Although the DHS “surveillance bubble” had stopped weeks after my return to Southern California, up till today the DHS still constantly practices surveillance and clandestine operations on me, using me as guinea pig. On three occasions this year I have travelled to Brussels, Belgium, and Montreal, Canada, and the DHS had its surveillance set up in these places for me also. The most awful thing however is that the DHS had informed a large segment of the population and workplaces in West Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Long Beach, and Montreal to watch over me as a potential terrorist. (The DHS furthermore obtained the cooperation of population to wear decoy surveillance gadgets en masse in an effort to create an artificial environment wherein their surveillance gadgets may function more clandestinely.) And, although they didn't put me on the no-fly lists, they of course have also informed all the airline personnel in North America to always watch over me whenver I get on a plane. I have been widely shunned by people in all the cities I frequent or reside in and am effectively ostracized from society. Everyone avoids conversation with me and keeps secret from me because of being gagged or instructed to keep silent before a “terrorist suspect”, while few of the people working in the organizations to which I belong, although still talking to me, are all required to get information about my plans, etc., and pass it to the DHS.

Meanwhile, after the cessation of CIA recruitment in January, a reign of secrecy has taken over in regard to it. Silence has now fallen on the lips of all those around me – relatives, friends, acquaintances – who have been enlisted by the Agency as assets or recruited as agent during its recruitment operation on my. They constantly bombarded me with lies on behalf of both the CIA and the DHS and will always act as if none of this has ever happened. I have in effect lost all my friends and family members as well.

And so I expect to be under surveillance for the rest of my life, even if my eternal surveillance has been on and off. Surveillance is down during June and July, except for the few days I spent in Montreal in the middle of July, and on the flights where the DHS installed surveillance agents around me with their typical surveillance Mac laptops. In these two months I ran into their surveillance agents mostly on the bus or metro, which were patrolled by Homeland Security surveillance agents as a matter of policy now. (Again, they are these riders that wore earphones and carried iPods or portable CD players – those you never saw on public transportation before this year.) But during most of August the DHS put me under round the clock surveillance again, which prompted me to at last write letters to lawyers and legal organizations. I believe that their agenda is that they must use me to perfect their surveillance techniques and clandestine operations to the point that I’ll not notice, I having the reputation in the intelligence community and security industries as the crazy genius who could always detect surveillance. And as I wrote and sent out letters to lawyers in early September I was again under surveillance around the clock.

Last year during their operations against me the DHS agents showed very little respect for law while conducting operations on me: they have vandalized my old Taiwanese passport before I flew back to Taiwan, even though it was in violation of Taiwanese laws; during their regular searches of my apartment they have routinely stolen objects that belonged to me and damaged my computer; they have once denied me proper medical treatment by evacuating the clinic where I received treatment regularly (Talbert Medical Group in Long Beach, California) and sending in their agents to pretend to be the clinic personnel, and the agent that pretended to be my doctor was clueless about medicine and so did not engage in the medical treatment I requested but just sent me home after obtaining my blood and urine samples for the department’s record.

As noted, my case has generated such sensation in the intelligence communities, not only in this country, but also in Canada and Taiwan. My case has even caused a certain restructuration within the American intelligence community. Mr. Chertoff has used my case as an opportunity to vastly expand the power of his department at the expense of the CIA. While the CIA used to have its agents embedded in every important institution in society, today it is the DHS which has agents embedded in all institutions as permanent employees. The DHS has in other words taken over much of CIA’s functions in the domestic sphere.

My case is widely known in all levels of the government in this country, from the White House down to the local police and private security companies. In Long Beach, I’m certain that the Long Beach Police Department knows the whole story from the FBI investigation through the CIA recruitment to the DHS operations at the end. As for the rest, members and personnel of the following institutions and organizations in Long Beach and Los Angeles would have knowledge at least of the DHS operations against me because of their participation or involvement in these operations: Mayor of Long Beach; St. Mary’s Hospital (downtown Long Beach); California State University Long Beach; Assumption Orthodox Church (Long Beach); University of California at Los Angeles (a large portion of the student body knew about me); UCLA Medical Center; MTA; Long Beach Transit, fire departments and ambulance services in Long Beach and Los Angeles.

Taiwanese government agencies, including the Foreign Ministry, intelligence services, and Taipei police, as well as the Taiwan Economic and Cultural Office in Los Angeles, would have knowledge of my case. So would also many who worked in the public transportation and taxi services.

In Canada, not only are the usual Canadian security agencies such as RCMP, CSIS, and Sureté de Québec and many in the Canadian provincial and federal government well aware of the entirety of my case, but the police, churches, public transportation agencies, the taxi services and a large segment of the population in both Montreal and Ottawa have also knowledge at least of DHS operations against me.

My name is Lawrence Chin. Here is some biographical information about myself. I was born in Taiwan in late 1969 and immigrated to the U.S. in 1982. I have been residing in California ever since my immigration. I currently reside in Los Angeles. And yes, I’m a very unfortunate person. A few wrong words on the phone and my whole life is ruined.
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Alt 21.10.2007, 17:48
koppengalt koppengalt ist offline
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Registriert seit: 12.06.2007
Beiträge: 15

I have finished the preliminary draft of my story. I'd like to share with everyone here. Hopefully you might find this painful story of mine enjoyable in some way. The story is posted on my blog:

part one: http://feefeeinthirdperson.blogspot....i-cia-and.html

part two: http://feefeeinthirdperson.blogspot....ia-and_12.html

part three: http://feefeeinthirdperson.blogspot....ia-and_16.html

If you can't see my site after following the link. that just means the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has blocked it, in which case I'd like to plead you to note it down below.

The Department of Homeland Security has on several occasions prevented from finding legal assistance. Now all I can do is share my story with you...

Viele Danke.
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