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Alt 18.10.2008, 03:59
R_F_I_D R_F_I_D ist offline
Registriert seit: 16.08.2007
Beiträge: 6.876

Hier noch nen Artikel in der Zeitung Neues Deutschland.

Leider nur der Anfang--der Rest ist kostenpflichtig.

Herr von Klaeden und die Bilderberger


Die Teilnahme des CDU-Abgeordneten an einer dubiosen Konferenz wirft Fragen auf
Von Fabian Lambeck
Wenn ein Bundestagsabgeordneter an einem geheimnisvollen Treffen teilnimmt, wirft das Fragen auf. Erst recht, wenn er zu den dort besprochenen Inhalten schweigt und sich die Reise vom Bundestag bezahlen lässt.

Eckart von Klaeden ist ein Tausendsassa. Der smarte CDU-Bundestagsabgeordnete ist nicht nur außenpolitischer Sprecher seiner Fraktion, sondern auch Bundesschatzmeister der Christdemokraten und Vorstan...

Und nen Artikel im Stern

Davos ist "wie eine Bambi-Gala"


Davos ist nur eines von mehreren privaten Treffen von Unternehmern, Militärs und Politikern wie zum Beispiel die geheime Bilderberg-Konferenz. Sehen so die Netzwerke der Reichen und Mächtigen aus?
Davos ist ein Symbol für die Privatisierung der Macht. Schon längst sind große transnationale Konzerne mächtiger als die meisten Regierungen, ganz zu schweigen von Parlamenten. Der amerikanische Soziologe Richard Sennett sagt, der moderne Kapitalismus sei in seiner Grundtendenz antidemokratisch.

Politische Macht ist abgewandert in die Finanzsphäre und in die Hände einer neuen Managerklasse, die über informelle Netzwerke weltweit politisch wirksam wird. Politische Macht ist unsichtbar geworden und zugleich weiß Jedermann, dass es sie gibt. Deshalb wird diese neue Form der Macht in prächtigen Schaubildern inszeniert. Dem dient zum Beispiel Davos. Während die Bilderberger schon ein bisschen altmodisch sind
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Alt 24.10.2008, 13:44
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Verschwörungstheorien zur Krise

Auch für David Rockefeller & die Bilderberger gibts ein Bildchen...

FTD.de betont: Alles Quatsch - aber unterhaltsam.
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Alt 29.10.2008, 23:22
R_F_I_D R_F_I_D ist offline
Registriert seit: 16.08.2007
Beiträge: 6.876

Zitat von lucy
Verschwörungstheorien zur Krise

Auch für David Rockefeller & die Bilderberger gibts ein Bildchen...

FTD.de betont: Alles Quatsch - aber unterhaltsam.
Danke für den link. Endlich macht mal jemand research mit hier

Ist doch erstaunlich wie in dem üblichen Verschwörungstheoriegesülze dann Wahrheiten eingebaut werden um sie gleich wieder zu relativieren.

Und das in einer Zeitung wie der Ft.

Wie der Bilderberger Text

Der Bilderberger Club

Die Bilderberg-Konferenzen sind informelle Treffen von einflussreichen Personen aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Medien, Hochadel, Hochschulen und Militär. Ein Mitglied der Gruppe, David Rockefeller, ist Verschörungstheoretikern kein Unbekannter. Manche Blogger glauben, dass er und seine Gruppe nun auch für die Finanzkrise verantwortlich sind. Denn die Krise soll Teil ihres kriminellen Plans sein, durch geschaffte Abhängigkeiten die Weltherrschaft an sich zu reißen

Blah Blah Blah
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Alt 31.10.2008, 01:11
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RFID, Du willst mehr?! Kannst´e haben!

A Conspiracy So Immense

There are some major themes. A frequent one in the US is that
global elites are plotting - via the Bilderberg Group and the Council on
Foreign Relations, among others - to establish a "One World Government"
dominated by themselves rather than national governments. Sometimes,
more folkloric details come into play, broadening the members of this
cabal to include the Illuminati, the Freemasons, Rhodes Scholars, or, as
always, the Jews.
...irgendwie hätte ich von Mrs. Wolf etwas mehr erwartet...
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Alt 01.11.2008, 00:50
R_F_I_D R_F_I_D ist offline
Registriert seit: 16.08.2007
Beiträge: 6.876

Danke immer gerne.

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Alt 06.12.2008, 03:36
R_F_I_D R_F_I_D ist offline
Registriert seit: 16.08.2007
Beiträge: 6.876

So dann hätt ich mal wieder was zum Thema

Hier die Searchergebnisse zum Selberrecherchieren


Hier ein paar Artikel vom Guardian

Das iss doch ne wahre Goldgrube.

Also denne

Weekend break for the global elite

Weekend break for the global elite



This weekend, it is the turn of Bilderberg, perhaps the most secretive (or as the organisers would prefer to claim, discrete) club for the global elite. It holds its weekend on Stenungsund, an island off the Swedish west coast.

That said, there's a new and extremely important question facing the organisers of this international meeting. There is a growing perception that globalisation is a process which is being managed for the benefit of a small proportion of the planet's residents and at terrible cost to many more.

Man beachte die links unten auf der Seite

bin überrascht

einige kennen wir


Einige sind auch neu



Pentagon bankers may bail out Black

Pentagon bankers may bail out Black


Leading foreign policy hawks Richard Perle and Henry Kissinger sit on the Hollinger board. Black himself is a member of the secretive Bilderberg group, an organisation comprising the world's leading businessmen and politicians, which some have accused of being an alternative world government.

Blair, EU president? Non, merci

Blair, EU president? Non, merci


Ever since he attended his first Bilderberg conference in 1993, Tony Blair has never disappointed his powerful masters.

He transformed Labour from a social democratic/democratic socialist party pledged to extend public ownership and reducing inequalities into a privatising, pro-big business party that was "intensely relaxed about people getting filthy rich".

Judgment of Paris

udgment of Paris


The Paris Club sounds like one of those shadowy organisations, such as the Skull & Bones or the Bilderberg group, which secretly plot to run the world. Sadly for conspiracy theorists, the Paris Club does not have any secret handshakes or rituals, but it does seem capable of black magic: this week it managed to get the US, Germany and France on the same side over Iraq. Under the aegis of the Paris Club - an informal confederation of creditor countries, including Britain and Japan - several of Iraq's largest lenders agreed to cancel up to 80% of the outstanding debts owed to them.

The Bilderberg group

The Bilderberg group


3. Those who run Bilderberg's annual four-day meetings, and some of the people who have been to them, insist that there is nothing sinister going on. The official line is that the meetings are no more than useful forums, talking shops for prominent people from various influential spheres (politics, business, royalty ... ) to chew the fat about big issues. And the only reason they are so secretive about what exactly goes on is to facilitate vibrant, uninhibited informal discussion. So no evil cackling.

Even a Bullingdon baronet can struggle in the rarefied air above democracy

Corfugate is primarily a tale of club rules broken. Not literal clubs, in most cases - though Bilderberg Group meetings have been mentioned - but the deck-shoed networks of the super-powerful, who sweetly allow politicians the illusion of being allowed to run things, and even to start the odd war, so long as they think it will bring down the price of oil. Most of the politicians ever allowed within a sniff of this world learn its mores, just as Mandelson has.

The parallel universe of Ron Paulistan

The parallel universe of Ron Paulistan


The sun is actually setting outside the 10,000-seat Target Centre in Minneapolis, but the crowd is a sea of fist-pumps and cheers. Allen is about to play her selectively-targeted hit song Revolution, an anthem for Ron Paul's campaign that debuted a bit after the first primaries and has filtered through the speakers at many of the ex-presidential candidate's rallies ever since. Bouncing around the stage in red tights in a goth black skirt, Allen turns Paul's platform into pop-rock couplets. "We don't want world government," she sings, "or the Bilderberg Group that pays for it."

An alternative truth

An alternative truth


You know why your life is hell. You're on the wrong end of a plot for world domination by some unholy alliance of secret cabals. We're all set to be chipped and controlled by the elite, in a plan thrashed out by freemasons at a Bilderberg meeting, aired publicly at the world economic forum, and implemented by European Union laws and Pentagon brute force. Most people are unwittingly compliant, their minds numbed by fluoride or terrorised into acceptance by the demolition of the World Trade Centre or the bombing of the London Underground.
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Alt 06.12.2008, 04:08
R_F_I_D R_F_I_D ist offline
Registriert seit: 16.08.2007
Beiträge: 6.876

Diese zwei Seiten muss ich hier mal getrennt betrachten.

Kannte ich gar nicht.

Bilderberg Hirarchy

Bilderberg Hirarchy


Bilderberg Büros

North America

American Friends of Bilderbergs, Inc.
Attn: Charles W. Muller
477 Madison Ave., 6th Floor
New York, NY 10022
Phone: 1-212-879-0545


Bilderberg Meetings
Attn: Maja Banck-Polderman
Amstel 216
1017 AJ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Phone: 31 20 625 0252
Fax: 31 20 624 4299

Media Blackout

Media Blackout

With the exception of special guest reporters, journalists are barred from Bilderberg meetings. The secret services of the United States and several European nations coordinate with local police to enforce a strict "no-go" area around Bilderberg venues such as the Turnberry Hotel in Scotland. Since the Group's first meeting in 1954, its security network has been specifically used to prevent reporters from sneaking into the forum.

Critics have suggested that the media have been slow to investigate and report on the Bilderberg because many corporate news executives and journalists are members of the Group. Like all other Bilderberg attendees, these individuals have agreed to remain silent about the meetings, in spite of their responsibilities as high-ranking members of the national and international media.

"Guests of the Bilderberg Society are bound by the same rules as members of the Bilderberg Society -- not to write about the proceedings," conservative columnist William F. Buckley wrote six months after attending the Bilderberg's 1975 meeting.

Some of the Bilderberg's past "guests" from the corporate media include:

News Corporation director Andrew Knight;

Reuters CEO Peter Job;

Henry Anatole Grunwald, former editor-in-chief of Time and Council on Foreign Relations member;

Mortimer B. Zuckerman, chairman and editor-in-chief of U.S. News and World Report, New York Daily News, and Atlantic Monthly, also a Council on Foreign Relations member;

Robert L. Bartley, vice president of the Wall Street Journal and member of both the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission;

Peter Robert Kann, Chairman and CEO of Dow Jones and Company, and member of the Council on Foreign Relations;

Katharine Graham, owner and chairwoman of the executive committee of the Washington Post, also a member of both the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission;

Jim Hoagland, associate editor, of the Washington Post;

New York Times editor and Council on Foreign Relations member Arthur Sulzberger;

Und die andere Website


Welcome to the World of Bilderberg



JUNE 3RD-6TH 1999


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The forty-seventh Bilderberg Meeting was held at the Caesar Park Hotel Penha Longa, Sintra, Portugal, from June 3rd-6th 1999. There were 111 participants from 24 countries. The participants represented government, diplomacy, politics, business, law, education, journalism and institutes specialising in national and international studies. All participants spoke in a personal capacity, not as representatives of their national governments or employers. As is usual at Bilderberg Meetings, in order to permit frank and open discussion, no public reporting of the conference took place.

This booklet is an account of the 1999 Bilderberg Meeting and is distributed only to participants of this and past conferences and to prospective participants of future conferences. It represents a summary of the panellists' opening remarks for each session, and of the comments and interventions in the subsequent discussion.

Viel Spass beim Stöbern
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Alt 08.01.2009, 14:20
R_F_I_D R_F_I_D ist offline
Registriert seit: 16.08.2007
Beiträge: 6.876

Bin ich froh das des Zeug noch da iss.
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Alt 08.01.2009, 19:09
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The New American

Kissinger Urges Obama to Build a "New World Order"
What Mr. Kissinger is describing here in somewhat veiled terms is
something he and his confreres at the Council on Foreign Relations and
Trilateral Commission refer to as the new-world-order process of
"convergence": the gradual melding together of the various regions and
political-economic systems of the world into a world government.
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Alt 08.01.2009, 19:12
R_F_I_D R_F_I_D ist offline
Registriert seit: 16.08.2007
Beiträge: 6.876

Zitat von lucy
The New American

Kissinger Urges Obama to Build a "New World Order"
What Mr. Kissinger is describing here in somewhat veiled terms is
something he and his confreres at the Council on Foreign Relations and
Trilateral Commission refer to as the new-world-order process of
"convergence": the gradual melding together of the various regions and
political-economic systems of the world into a world government.

Jaja echt krass--danke.

Und sehr aktuell. Ich sags ja: Alles was im moment passiert ist Teil des Planes. Gojem und Hintergründe.
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