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Alt 22.09.2008, 23:21
mr_self_destruct mr_self_destruct ist offline
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So, no wonder if something like this happens to you.
I wasn't surprised by it, I know far far worse goes on (years ago I was punched by a copper in the UK). Just wanted to get it on video to show other people who aren't so susipicious or questioning of the police (and should be).
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Alt 23.09.2008, 16:41
Trickster Trickster ist offline
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Remember one of Bush´s visits in Germany (that one before that grill party of the united political criminals), where the police even infiltrated flat´s of people removing banners hanging out of the window, after that, in many cases they were staying till the end of the day till Bush´s visit was finished, they policed them in their own living rooms, that is in absolutely no way democratic but a fascist behavior in a state, no, in a world moving towards a global fascist state where opinions of the individual are no more allowed.

With every step they take and every decision they make, they are constructing a world dictatorship that´ll seek to have full control of how we think, how we speak out and behave.

The World needs to wake up to these criminals sitting in the governments of the world using the police as tools, using the whole system as a tool.
THE OBAMA DECEPTION , jetzt runterladen
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