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Alt 28.08.2006, 19:56
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naja man kanns auch übertreiben gell? .........
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Alt 28.08.2006, 20:01
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naja man kanns auch übertreiben gell? .........
Sicher, nur Vorsicht ist die Mutter der Porzellankiste...
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Alt 01.09.2006, 21:13
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Terror Drill 2006: CambridgeSide and Everett Edition
September 17 terrorism comes to the Hub. The Boston Globe got hold of a memo outlining the plans for an upcoming terrorism drill to be conducted by federal officials and the City's office of homeland security. There is great value in staging drills, but there is a bit of complacency that comes along with knowing that a drill will happen. When the fire alarm goes off in the building it's a slow stroll out to the meeting place to check in. It could be a frantic rush with true fear that fire will block exits and cause real harm. Often that is not the case.

The drill to be staged on a Sunday morning starts in Everett with an explosion in a basement, followed by a threat on the LNG facility. The pièce de resistance will be a bomb threat at the Cambridgeside Galleria mall, and just as shoppers flea from the mall they will be confronted with a bomb scare at the Lechmere T stop. It will, however, be a Sunday. We'd recommend that if you're trying to get away from the Cambridgeside and you're not laden with a new TV or too many pairs of Old Navy jeans that you just head for North Station. Waiting for the once and a while green line to pick you up might result in imminent demise. A real $78,000, and an imagined 25 casualties and 150 injuries later the drill – dubbed Operation Posidon – will conclude. The readiness drill won't be of the same scale of last year's dry run, one which included F-15s and an airliner carrying a fake bomb landing at Logan. That exercise cost about $750,000 to pull off.
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Alt 01.09.2006, 21:19
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NEW! Terror Drills RSS Feed!

Emergency terrorism drill Aug. 30-31 in Minnesota and Wisconsin
Virginia: Massive Flu Pandemic drill Sept. 7 (same day as Chicago drills)
Boston, MA: Terrorist drills Sept. 17 to simulate "Dirty Bomb," coordinated explosions

Bank of England, London FX, CLS bank plan financial outage terror drill Sept. 26
Toronto Heavy Urban Search & Rescue deployment exercise Aug 25-30
Terror drills, snipers, and SWAT Teams for weeklong exercise in Dayton, OH Aug 24-31
RED ALERT: Terrorist attack drill Sept. 7 in Chicago, IL-
San Diego, CA "Seahawk 06" naval war games, disaster drills from Aug. 21-Sep 4
RED ALERT: "Strong Angel III" pandemic/cyberterror/continuity drills in San Diego, CA Aug 21-26
Major disaster drill at fairgrounds in Holbrook, AZ on Sept. 22
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Alt 01.09.2006, 21:24
Benutzerbild von Anarcho
Anarcho Anarcho ist offline
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Hipp hipp hurra würde ich sagen.

Dann ist wohl ab Oktober Martial Law in den USA angesagt.
„Die bewusste und intelligente Manipulation der organisierten Gewohnheiten und Meinungen der Massen ist ein wichtiges Element in der demokratischen Gesellschaft. Wer die ungesehenen Gesellschaftsmechanismen manipuliert, bildet eine unsichtbare Regierung, welche die wahre Herrschermacht unseres Landes ist. Wir werden regiert, unser Verstand geformt, unsere Geschmäcker gebildet, unsere Ideen größtenteils von Männern suggeriert, von denen wir nie gehört haben. Dies ist ein logisches Ergebnis der Art wie unsere demokratische Gesellschaft organisiert ist. Große Menschenzahlen müssen auf diese Weise kooperieren, wenn sie in einer ausgeglichen funktionierenden Gesellschaft zusammenleben sollen. In beinahe jeder Handlung unseres Lebens, ob in der Sphäre der Politik oder bei Geschäften, in unserem sozialen Verhalten und unserem ethischen Denken werden wir durch eine relativ geringe Zahl an Personen dominiert, welche die mentalen Prozesse und Verhaltensmuster der Massen verstehen. Sie sind es, die die Fäden ziehen, welche das öffentliche Denken kontrollieren.“
Edward L. Bernays (* 1891 † 1995) „Vater der Public Relations“, Auszug aus dem ersten Kapitel „Organising Chaos“ des Buches Propaganda.

"Es bedarf heutzutage eines mutigen Mannes,um furchtlos die Wahrheit zu sprechen, denn selbst das bedeutet persönliches Risiko und Kosten. Das Gesetz verbietet es nämlich, die Wahrheit zu sagen, außer unter Zwang, bei Gericht und unter Strafandrohung wegen Meineids. Wurden öffentlich und gedruckt Lügen über dich erzählt, bist du machtlos, um deinem Ehrabschneider den Mund zu stopfen, außer du bist wohlhabend; nenne Tatsachen, und du wirst ein Verleumder; hüte deine Zunge bei einer Ungerechtigkeit, die in deiner Gegenwart begangen wird und deine Freunde werden dich als ihresgleichen ansehen - als ihren Verbündeten. Seine ehrliche Meinung zu äußern ist unmöglich geworden in diesem, unseren Zyklus."
- Helena Blavatsky: Collected Writings, XI:188

Beste Grüße an unsere Freunde von der Antifa und vielen Dank für die zahlreiche,
bundesweite Werbung für infokrieg.tv auf Euren lustigen Seiten, die, wenn sie auch in Ihren Aussagen und Behauptungen grenzdebil anmuten und unhaltbar sind, jeden Tag viele Leser zu uns bringen!!!
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Alt 01.09.2006, 21:27
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Folgende Kombination:

In March 2004, Silverstein Properties bought the tower in an $800 million deal. Larry Silverstein's penchant for large insurance pay outs, coupled with the strange coincidence of buildings only owned by him collapsing on 9/11, makes for a dangerous combination.

- Virginia: Massive Flu Pandemic drill Sept. 7 (same day as Chicago drills)
- RED ALERT: Terrorist attack drill Sept. 7 in Chicago, IL-
- Detroit, MI: Dirty Bomb terror drills Sept. 8-9
- Pandemic Tabletop Exercise on Sept. 7 in North Dakota- Major drill on Oct. 5

- Vollmond am 07.09.2006

- Dirty Bombs, Toxic Clouds, Martial Law and Extermination Squads Right At Your Door

Daley: Chicago Loop evacuation drill to be 'spontaneous'

August 28, 2006

BY FRAN SPIELMAN City Hall Reporter

Chicago has conducted countless tabletop drills since Sept. 11, 2001 to simulate what would happen if the city was hit with a terrorist attack or natural disaster.

Next week, the simulation will come “off the tabletop and out into the street.”

Emergency preparedness officials will stage a “voluntary evacuation” of fewer than a dozen buildings in a section of the Loop that Chief Emergency Officer Cortez Trotter described as “two square blocks, maybe more.” Sources said the Sears Tower will not be included in the drill, tentatively scheduled for next Thursday.

Building employees who agree to participate — and give up “several hours” of their workday — will be directed to designate “transport centers,” Trotter said. From there, they will presumably be taken by bus to central gathering places like McCormick Place, where they will be given food, water, washclothes, toothbrushes, blankets and other essentials.

McCormick Place got its first evacuation test during a South Side power outage earlier this month.

The goal of the drill is to test in a real-life situation how prepared Chicago is for a mass evacuation nearly five years to the day after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
“When you do tabletop exercises, that’s one thing. But it becomes real life to people when they can actually see it. Once they see these exercises unfolding and they can understand that, ‘Hey, that could be me tomorrow, the day after tomorrow or next year,’ they start to pay closer attention to it,” Trotter told a news conference at the city’s 911 emergency center.

“The exercise not only demonstrates what we would have people do once they reach ground level. It takes it to the next step. And that is, once you’re evacuated, you can anticipate going to assembly transport centers. You can anticipate being told to go to different locations. Once that takes place, then the second phase of the excerise that’ll be done — later on in the year, probably — picks it up at that point: the stockpiling. They’ll be made aware of that so that, if you are told to evacuate, we are starting to stockpile things that people need.”

Trotter said the evacuation will not cause a “considerable disruption” in the central business district. But it will cover an area “large enough so that we can get a good sampling” of where Chicago stands.

“Yes, we have a plan. Yes, we understand the plan. Yes, we believe that it will work well. We’re going to test it and make sure that it does and, if it needs to be tweaked, then we’ll do it…We had a recent power outage on the South Side. As a result of the evacuation that took place there, we’ve learned some things. We’ve tweaked the plan. Now, we’re bringing it downtown. Once we do it here, we’re going back to the neighborhoods,” he said.

Although building owners and managers have been notified, Mayor Daley said it’s pivotal not to reveal too many details about the drill in advance.

“You can’t say, ‘Everybody has to do this. Now, we’ll give everybody an alert. Here’s what you have to do.’ That’s not an evacuation plan. This has to be spontaneous….I’m not going to have people there two days before getting ready for an evacuation plan. You don’t do that. There has to be some chaos. People get frightened. They get upset,” he said.

But what about pedestrians and other innocent bystanders who have no idea that it’s only a drill? Isn’t there at least some danger of a War of the Worlds scenario, where passersby believe that it’s all for real and start panicking?

“Let’s hope not. Let’s hope that there’s enough interest and enough chaos to let us evaluate what would happen. But I doubt we would get into a War of the Worlds [panic] over just a few people,” Trotter said.

The Loop evacuation drill is just one of several activities planned for National Preparedness Month. City Hall is also planning public service announcements and presentations at schools and senior citizen centers to spread the word about disaster preparedness and the need to make advance plans to protect children, the elderly and pets.

Daley was joined at Monday’s news conference by Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.). Durbin has inserted proposed language into the Post-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act of 2006 that would provide grants to cities and states to develop evacuation plans, conduct drills and stockpile materials to supply emergency shelters.

The bill, now before a House-Senate conference committee, would not allow Chicago to apply for reimbursement for the Loop evacuation drill after the fact. But it would be available to finance future drills, the senator said.
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Alt 01.09.2006, 21:46
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MetLife Will Sell
Sears Tower

By Dean Starkman
From The Wall Street Journal Online

Two investors who are part of Larry Silverstein's group that owns the World Trade Center lease are among the buyers of the Sears Tower, which MetLife Inc. agreed to sell Thursday for more than $800 million, according to people familiar with the situation.

Lloyd Goldman and Joseph Cayre, New York investors who are among Mr. Silverstein's backers in the Trade Center, are part of a group that agreed to buy the Chicago landmark, these people said. Another New York investor, Jeffrey Feil, was also a participant in the Sears Tower deal, the people said. Names of the other investors couldn't be learned.

MetLife announced the agreement Thursday, but declined to disclose the buyer or the terms, citing a confidentiality agreement. While the insurance company, based in New York, had previously announced its intention to sell the tower, the speed of the deal and the relatively high price caught the real-estate industry off-guard.

MetLife said it would realize an after-tax gain of $90 million on the deal.

Messrs. Goldman and Carye couldn't be reached. Attempts to reach Mr. Feil were unsuccessful. The names of the three investors were reported Thursday on the Slatin Report, a Web newsletter.

Mr. Goldman led a group including Mr. Cayre that put up most of the $125 million of the equity that Mr. Silverstein, a New York developer, used to buy the 99-year office lease on the Trade Center office portion from the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. The deal, valued at $3.2 billion, including the Trade Center's retail mall, closed in July 2001, weeks before the September terror attacks that destroyed the complex.

Last month, The Wall Street Journal reported that the Port Authority in December had quietly agreed to return all of the $125 million in equity that Mr. Silverstein and his low-profile group originally invested to buy the leases. The full details of that transaction haven't been released to the public. But the deal effectively eliminated the Silverstein group's capital risk in the project, while allowing the group to retain control of 10 million square feet of office space. The Port Authority has rejected a Wall Street Journal request to review the transaction, citing Mr. Silverstein's ongoing lawsuit against his insurers, led by Swiss Reinsurance Co., over how many claims may be collected as a result of the attacks.


In March 2004, Silverstein Properties bought the tower in an $800 million deal. Larry Silverstein's penchant for large insurance pay outs, coupled with the strange coincidence of buildings only owned by him collapsing on 9/11, makes for a dangerous combination.
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Alt 02.09.2006, 00:27
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Why Monitor Drills?

Have a tip or article suggestion for FalseFlagNews? Please Email us. We need the help of dedicated readers, researchers, and government insiders in order to expose every drill and war game possible. Want to hear some music about 9-11 truth?


1) FalseFlagNews.com will be the main clearinghouse of terror drills, disaster drills, & military war games planned by the U.S. military with the aid of private military contractors.
Why monitor terror drills and war games?
Because rogue elements inside the military, not loyal to the Constitution, can use these drills as a cover for their synthetic, false-flag terror attacks which are later blamed on their stables of patsies, dupes, and double agents. Currently those patsies come in the form of the myth-drenched Al-Qaeda.
During the terror attacks of September 11, the U.S. military ran over 15 drills and war games. This was the highest concentration of military drills ever in one day. These included:
Vigilant Guardian, Northern Guardian, Vigilant Warrior, Northern Vigilance, Amalgam Warrior, Global Guardian, Crown Vigilance, Apollo Guardian, the NRO plane-crash drill, and AWACS drill over Florida and Washington DC, FEMA’s TRIPOD II and Timely Alert II drills in NYC, and the Fort Meyer, VA fireman drills near the Pentagon.
The hijacking drills successfully confused the FAA and NORAD into thinking that as many as 29 jets were hijacked on the morning of September 11. With so many radar blips going across the screen and simulated hijackings running, many low level NORAD and FAA employees did not know that the attacks were real. Then, upon discovering they were real, they had to take precious time to separate the fake radar blips from the real ones.
Other 9-11 drills suggest that the 4 hijacked planes that morning were part of a drill that was flipped live. For example, we can examine OPERATION VIGILANT GUARDIAN. This exercise simulated hijacked planes in the north eastern sector and started to coincide with 9/11.
Lt. Col. Dawne Deskins, NORAD unit's airborne control and warning officer, was overseeing the exercise. At 8:40am she took a call from Boston Center which said it had a hijacked airliner. Her first words, as quoted by Newhouse News Service were, "It must be part of the exercise." This is another example of how the numerous drills on the morning of 9/11 deliberately distracted NORAD so that the real hijacked planes couldn't be intercepted in time.
Amalgam Warrior, another live-fly NORAD exercise with hijacked aircraft, appears to have also been part of this operation. According to the NORAD:
“Amalgam Warrior tests such activities as tracking, surveillance, air interception, employing rules of engagement, attack assessment, electronic warfare, and counter-cruise-missile operations. A previous Amalgam Warrior in 1996 involved such situations as tracking unknown aircraft that had incorrectly filed their flight plans or wandered off course, in-flight emergencies, terrorist aircraft attacks, and large-scale bomber strike missions.”
Incredibly, some of the 9-11 drills even simulated jets crashing into government buildings. One of those we know about was run by the shadowy National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), which simulated a drill of a hijacked jet crashing into their headquarters.
Other drills that emerged after 9-11 included Amalgam Virgo, a terror drill with FBI agents playing hijackers on a real flight . While this drill was not officially run on 9-11, it was designed and announced before the attacks. Amalgam Virgo shows how such hijacking drills, with double-agent patsy hijackers, could have easily been hidden that morning and then flipped live by the coup faction.
War Games like Northern Vigilance sent fighter jets to Alaska and Northern Canada which depleted NORAD air defenses that morning. Other war games like Northern Guardian sent NORAD fighter planes to Iceland, ifurther weakening air defenses that morning (and perhaps as an operation backup for the nuclear war games run by STRATCOM).
Those 9-11 war games like Global Guardian, run out of STRATCOM, put the United States at a full war posture, in a so-called “practice Armageddon” simulating a nuclear strike on Russia. Author Webster Tarpley speculates they used these war games as blackmail against Bush and his handlers, threatening to launch a nuclear WW III that morning if they did not comply with their demands for a war in Central Asia and the Middle East. Meanwhile Vigilant Guardian postulated a nuclear counterstrike from Russia and put NORAD and STRATCOM at full nuclear launch readiness.
Additionally, FEMA began the TRIPOD II (response to a biochemical attack) and Timely Alert II (response to terrorist bombing) drills on September 10 in New York City which ran right through September 11. Because of these drills, FEMA was able to immediately take over the World Trade Center crime scene and begin shipping away the evidence, like the molten steel shipped to China on GPS-tracked trucks.
The use of war games and drills to bootleg false-flag terrorist attacks was repeated during the bus and train attacks of 7/7 in London, which were similarly blamed on “Al Qaeda”. On that day, Scotland Yard used a firm called Visor Consultant to run a drill in which the exact same trains and buses were bombed. This was clearly not a coincidence, but again a repeated pattern of using drills as a cover for government sponsored mass murder.
This trend goes back in history as well. When President Reagan was shot in 1981, a presidential succession exercise (Nine Lives) was scheduled for the next day.
Ultimately, terror drills help confuse the good people within the NSA, FBI, and other alphabet agencies who pick up chatter about upcoming attacks. When they alert their superiors or push for an investigation, they are told to ignore the evidence because it is merely part of a drill. This appears to have been the case with the FBI agents who attempted to investigate the flight schools attended by the hijacker patsies, such as Mohammed Atta. The FBI was told by Special Operations Command (SOCOM) that Atta was part of the “Able Danger” network and to back off the investigation.
Why did this happen? We must understand that drills tend to be run in binary pairs, with red and blue teams, as one side plays the attackers and one side defends (like the aforementioned Global Guardian simulating a nuclear strike on Russia and Vigilant Guardian anticipating a nuclear counter-strike). Is it a coincidence that SOCOM’s largest terror drill was called “Able Warrior?” Was Able Danger the stable of double-agent patsies to be used as “terrorists” for the attack? These issues have been covered at length by the brilliant Webster Tarpley, in his analysis of false-flag terror.
At FalseFlagNews.com, we intend to raise the price for the rogue faction that uses drills and war-games as a means to bootleg their false-flag synthetic terror attacks. Massive coordinated terrorist acts like 9-11 and 7-7 do not emerge from a cave in Afghanistan or the slums of Islamabad. They are the result of compartmentalized rogue factions inside the military bureaucracy, along with the aid of their privatized command centers at military front companies.
The evidence suggests we can succeed in preventing the next staged attack.
During the fall of 2005, a drill called “Sudden Response 05” simulated a 10-kiloton nuclear device detonating off the coast of South Carolina. Rumors began to circulate inside the military that this drill was to “go live” and be used as the pretext for a nuclear invasion of Iran and the escalation of WW III. When the drill became publicized, a four-star general, Kevin Byrnes at the Fort Monroe Base (site of the simulation), was fired. Many speculate that Gen. Byrnes was attempting to publicize the drill, in order to prevent it from going live, while he and others in the TRADOC division would lead a counter-coup against the rogue network plotting World War III.
Yet the key point is that by publicizing the drill, activists forced NORTHCOM to back off their plans.
Therefore, if a terror drill is being run in the United States, we will advertise it. If a war game is being run in the Persian Gulf, we will expose it. If a private firm announces a “simulation” of a WMD attack or bird flu pandemic, we will immediately alert our readers.
The goal of FalseFlagNews will be to prevent the next false-flag terror attack or Gulf of Tonkin style staged event, which will be used to launch World War III. Our goal is to save the planet, one drill at a time.

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Alt 02.09.2006, 14:19
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Es werden immer mehr Drills/wargames um den 6./7./8. September rum

- Pakistan, US to stage joint naval and anti-terrorism exercises Sep 4-6
- Virginia: Massive Flu Pandemic drill Sept. 7 (same day as Chicago drills)
- RED ALERT: Terrorist attack drill Sept. 7 in Chicago, IL-
- Detroit, MI: Dirty Bomb terror drills Sept. 8-9
- Pandemic Tabletop Exercise on Sept. 7 in North Dakota- Major drill on Oct. 5


Group says U.S. unprepared for dirty bomb

WASHINGTON, Aug. 31 (UPI) -- The organization Physicians for Social Responsibility says the United States health system is woefully unprepared for radiological disaster or attack.

The group evaluated three possible nuclear terrorism scenarios -- a weapons blast in lower Manhattan, an attack on a nuclear power plant near Chicago, and the detonation of a "dirty" or radiological bomb near the White House in Washington, D.C.

"We found that the U.S. government lacks a workable plan to respond to the likely medical needs. Thousands of American civilians injured by a nuclear terrorist attack could survive with better preparedness," said Dr. Ira Helfland, an author of the PSR report, "The U.S. and Nuclear Terrorism: Still Dangerously Unprepared."

The report says the U.S. government should designate a central authority and establish a clear chain of command to direct response and rescue efforts in the event of a nuclear attack.

It also says radiation alarms should be put in place in high-risk target areas, first responders should be trained specially for the job and a National Disaster Medical System should be put in place.

The group also advocates a public outreach and communications plan be put in place to inform the public whether and when it should evacuate or seek shelter.

Finally, the group advocates pre-positioning radiation protection supplies and medical treatments in high-risk areas.

PSR is a non-profit that advocates for environmental protections and against nuclear weapons proliferation.
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Alt 03.09.2006, 21:33
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Vom 6.-8. September haben wir mittlerweile schon 7 Drills bzw. wargames


- Pakistan, US to stage joint naval and anti-terrorism exercises Sep 4-6
- Virginia: Massive Flu Pandemic drill Sept. 7 (same day as Chicago drills)
- RED ALERT: Terrorist attack drill Sept. 7 in Chicago, IL-
- Detroit, MI: Dirty Bomb terror drills Sept. 8-9
- Pandemic Tabletop Exercise on Sept. 7 in North Dakota- Major drill on Oct. 5
- Wisconsin: Large-scale WMD/Pandemic drill set for Sept. 8 (same day as Detroit "dirty bomb" drills)
- Navy-CFFC exercise "Solid Curtain 2006" on September 6
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