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Alt 03.09.2008, 01:15
Clemens Clemens ist offline
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Bankster und die NWO
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Alt 03.09.2008, 01:54
Clemens Clemens ist offline
Registriert seit: 21.03.2007
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"Common Purpose" auch in Deutschland.

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Alt 03.09.2008, 04:25
Clemens Clemens ist offline
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Alt 03.09.2008, 04:29
Clemens Clemens ist offline
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Although it has 80,000 trainees in 36 cities, 18,000 graduate members and enormous power, Common Purpose is largely unknown to the general public.

It recruits and trains "leaders" to be loyal to the directives of Common Purpose and the EU, instead of to their own departments, which they then undermine or subvert, the NHS being an example.

Common Purpose is identifying leaders in all levels of our government to assume power when our nation is replaced by the European Union, in what they call “the post democratic society.” They are learning to rule without regard to democracy, and will bring the EU police state home to every one of us.

Common Purpose is also the glue that enables fraud to be committed across these government departments to reward pro European local politicians. Corrupt deals are enabled that put property or cash into their pockets by embezzling public assets.

It has members in the NHS, BBC, the police, the legal profession, the church, many of Britain’s 7,000 quangos, local councils, the Civil Service, government ministries, Parliament, and it controls many RDA's (Regional Development Agencies).

Cressida Dick is the Common Purpose senior police officer who authorised the "Shoot to kill" policy without reference to Parliament, the law or the British Constitution. Jean de Menezes was one of the innocents who died as a result. Her shoot to kill policy still stands today.

Common Purpose trained Janet Paraskeva, the Law Society's Chief Executive Officer. Surprising numbers of lawyers are CP members. It is no coincidence that justice is more expensive, more flawed and more corrupt. And no surprise the courts refused to uphold the law, when a challenge was made to the signing of the six EU treaties, which illegally abolish Britain's sovereignty.

Common Purpose is backed by John Prescott's "Office of the Deputy Prime Minister" (ODPM), and its notional Chief Executive is Julia Middleton. The Head of the Civil Service Commission is a member

It is close to controlling Plymouth City Council, where is has subverted the democratic process. Local people cannot get CP's corrupt activities published, because the editors of local papers are in CP, and refuse to let journalists publish the articles.

CP started in 1985; in the 1990’s, with its members' cross departmental influence, it was involved with what then became the disasterous New Millennium Dome Company and the squandering of £800 million; it appears £300m of this was diverted into the web of quangos set up by CP. There is a fraud case over this, stalled in the courts thanks to CP's influence in the legal profession.

Over £100 million of our money has been spend on CP courses alone, and its been hidden from the public, and members names are a guarded secret. It charges substantial figures for its courses. Matrix for example costs £3,950 plus VAT, and courses for the high flying ‘leader’ can be as much as £9,950 plus VAT. This money is ours, paid by government departments financing senior staff to become agents for CP, instead of loyal to their own jobs.

Common Purpose (Ltd by guarantee, No. 2832875) is registered as charity No. 1023384. It describes itself as being involved in Adult education. Given it preys on the rich and powerful, charges expensive fees, and its aims are clearly power and control, its charity status stinks and should be revoked.

Potential Common Purpose subjects are selected for training. Are they susceptible to being converted; are they in the right job, with the right colleagues and friends? Do they have power, influence and the control of money? If the candidate has some, or all of these key attributes, then the local Common Purpose Advisory Board decides if they can do the course.

Common Purpose - training our future EU rulers - continued

Trained leaders are encouraged to act as a network, enable other members' plans, and have meetings under the so called Chatham House rules. This effectively means their statements are not attributable to them, nor can attendees reveal information heard at a Common Purpose meeting.

Council Officers are having secret meetings with, for example, property developer Common Purpose friends. No agendas and no minutes. Common Purpose Graduates from the public quango sectors such as the Regional Development Agencies attend, and have the power to award large sums of public money to projects.

It is the worst national example of cronyism, closed contract bids, fraud and corruption. And unseen to the general public.

Common Purpose undermines traditionally effective and efficient government departments with an overwhelming influx of new language, political correctness and management initiatives. The talk is of empowering communities, vision, worklessness, mainstreaming (sucking EU money into a project to sustain it), community empowerment, working partnership, regeneration and celebrating diversity etc etc. Documents appear about change, and reorganisation.

As CP “leaders” become more senior they employ countless managers and bureaucrats. In time confusion rules, and things don’t seem to work properly. Management decisions are made that seem stupidly destructive. The organisation’s performance becomes sluggish. Undermining the NHS is Common Purpose’s biggest success so far, with bureaucrats outnumbering hospital staff three to one.

David Cameron, who is pro Europe, uses the language of Common Purpose; he has appointed Ken Clarke, the most committed of the pro Europeans, in charge of his “Democracy Taskforce” - rather like putting the cat in charge of the safety of mice.

Common Purpose specifically targets children from the age of 13, and more recently younger, for special leadership and citizenship training. Yes, it is active in schools, and again the average parent has no idea.

People have contacted us to speak of their experiences with Common Purpose. A common theme is its all sweetness and light, until you fail to follow the direction set by the CP leadership.

Then interesting things happen. Ladies in particular have been bullied at work, some have lost their jobs, some have become paranoid and depressed at the pressure from people ganging up on them.

A typical story is a husband describing the decline in his wife from the time she becomes a Common Purpose graduate. Loss of sparkle, enthusiasm, anxious and ‘changed’, and she initiated a divorce.

Other Common Purpose people lie when they are challenged as to their involvement.

Common Purpose candidates are given a two day residential course in which they are ‘trained’ in a closed residential environment, such as a small hotel. They are encouraged to reveal personal information about themselves, such as their likes, dislikes, ambitions and dreams. Discussions are then controlled by the course leaders. Some participants have likened this to Delphi technique or the application of group psychology such as Cognitive Dissonance or brainwashing.

Treason, subversion and deceit at work with a Common Purpose to destroy the UK and establish the EUsoviet.

EU funding is used as the fuel to power the set up of EU government in countries and as the fuel for fraud and corruption. Once a country and businesses 'suck on' EU funds they are effectively bought. By this means the EU can control businesses, regions and Countries.

Take a few UK examples. £2m plus of EU structural funds is sunk into developing a film studio in Cornwall. After 2 years there is found to be no proper studio, no accounts and no funds. Has there been an investigation? Yes but with no visible result. The only local organisation with responsibility and supposedly accountability for the EU funds is the GOSW. And when challenged they hide behind the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, itself the centre for all things EU.

The EU plan has been very simple and very clever. First set up via the traitors within UK national government the Regional Development Agencies. These were designed to be smooth as silk and sweet as honey – to do all things good e.g. regeneration, helping communities, helping business, innovation, entrepreneurship etc etc. Next load the honey trap with large amounts of money so that people, organisations are attracted to the honey pot. As more people are attracted, increase the powers of the RDAs to include planning powers and input. Make it compulsory for City Councils, County Councils and District Councils to consult them, and then their power increases further. And with planning powers they can get their organisational snouts into virtually every walk of life.

Meanwhile 'bring the government to the people' by setting up the Regional Government Offices - (remembering Regional = EU). The Government Offices now get increasing powers to interfere in everything, and especially local and strategic planning, because almost nothing gets done, or built without going through the planning process. Make consultation with the Government Offices compulsory.

Now the clever bit. In the background the traitors now work to introduce the Regional Assemblies. At first un-elected and informal, so as to allay fears and ease doubts as to their true purpose. Then the ‘behind the scenes traitors’ start to work to make them elected using large amounts of UK public money and EU funds.

The process will use anybody it can to sweeten the pill. The church for instance. What friendly vicar would help set up a devious political con. You can trust us they say. So interesting that the many Bishops, including the then Bishop of Exeter, worked so hard to help set up and implement the SW Regional Assembly for example.

Since all of these bodies, that is the Government Offices of the Regions, the Regional Assemblies and the Regional Development Agencies are accountable to the ODPM, it is quickly evident that the real plan has been to set up a parallel EU government structure in UK. Set up by deceit and deception. By making sure that these bodies have the ability to use massive amounts of funding and staff, they can now start to run amok over our traditional democratic structure of local government.

The EU grants and funding keeps pouring in. Take the £320m of Objective One in Cornwall. Nobody really knows where that money was spent, except that it was frittered away in remarkably small sums £500,00 and £150,000 here, £60,000 there etc etc. By this means, and particularly with minimal proper accounting and probity checks, the money reaches back pockets, favoured consultants and the dishonest. The breeding ground for fraud and corruption has been created, and not surprisingly fraud and corruption begin to run rife. With it comes the added nastiness of threats, intimidation and bullying of those who hold up their hand and say look this is illegal.

If you suspect Common Purpose is active in your organization, or see a pattern of incredibly bad decisions, money being wasted, notice bullying, fraud, or threats, note the names of those involved (we've tracked down over a thousand) and please contact us. And publish the truth about Common Purpose as widely as you can.

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Alt 04.09.2008, 23:18
Clemens Clemens ist offline
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Was denn? Keine Antworten?

Ist noch niemandem aufgefallen das auf der Webseite
ein "Alumni Portal" besteht?

Hat noch niemand nach Alumni gegoogelt?

Hat noch niemand nach "Young Leadern" gegoogelt?

The American Council of Trustees and Alumni was founded in 1995 by Lynne Cheney, the vice president's wife, and Sen. Joseph Lieberman. Its Website claims that it contributed $3.4 billion to colleges and universities last year, making it ``the largest private source of support for higher education.'' Cheney is cited several times in the report, and is reportedly a close associate of its authors, Jerry Martin and Anne Neal

Was haben die vor? Aufbau eines Systems von "Parteisekretären", Schnüfflern... wie in der DDR zur Bespitzelung und Unterdrückung der gesamten Gesellschaft?

Was sagt hier dazu.
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Alt 04.09.2008, 23:22
Clemens Clemens ist offline
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Video: Dick Cheney: The Unauthorized Biography
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Alt 04.09.2008, 23:30
Clemens Clemens ist offline
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Über Cheney schreibt u.a. auch Cathy O'Brien in tranceformation of america

Hier ein Auszug
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Alt 06.09.2008, 19:17
JediKnight JediKnight ist offline
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Über Cheney schreibt u.a. auch Cathy O'Brien in tranceformation of america

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Wie krass ist das denn? Die Leseprobe lehrt einem das Fürchten. Hat jemand von Euch das Buch gelesen?
STOP "1984" !!!!

"Wer die Wahrheit sagt braucht ein verdammt schnelles Pferd."
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Alt 25.09.2008, 00:01
Clemens Clemens ist offline
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KfW: Skandal-Überweisung erreicht die Politik
Die millionenschwere Überweisung der Staatsbank KfW hat eine Diskussion über die politische Verantwortung ausgelöst: Auch Politiker von Union und SPD wollen das Kreditinstitut des Bundes künftig genau so kontrollieren wie eine ganz normale Bank.

Die KfW wurde durch "Common Purpose" unterwandert.

Würde mich stark wundern wenn es zwischen der Skandalüberweisung und "Common Purpose" keinen Zusammenhang gibt.
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Alt 25.09.2008, 11:30
Clemens Clemens ist offline
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What is Common Purpose? On the surface, Common Purpose is an educational charity that does leadership and networking development training.

However, Common Purpose is not what it appears to be on the surface.

In reality, Common Purpose is a corrupt, subversive, secretive and sinister organisation with a hidden agenda (Euro communism, social control, corporate and EU state control) and hidden backers (Tavistock Institute, Fabian Society, Brussels).

Common Purpose is a recruitment organisation being used to recruit the bureaucrats needed to run Britain when the country is taken over by the European Union.

Common Purpose is a Marxist-led, European Union 'Trojan Horse' fifth column operation and is part of the mechanism being used by Brussels to undermine and soften up British society to pave the way for the take-over of Britain by the European Union Collective of Communist Purpose (EUCCP), also known as the European Union Police State.

When I first came across Common Purpose, it reminded me of Scientology and then I found this quote from here:
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