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Alt 05.02.2009, 19:15
INP INP ist offline
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Gibt es dazu einen link? Wäre höchst interessant wenn dem wirklich so ist.
start from here:
leading here [and elsewhere]

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Alt 05.02.2009, 19:21
lamb lamb ist offline
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Die mögliche Icke-MI5 Connection eher skeptisch betrachtet:
You guys, do your research!
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Alt 05.02.2009, 19:41
R_F_I_D R_F_I_D ist offline
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Zitat von R_F_I_D
Ja was hast du meine posts nicht gelsen?

Iss doch klar rübergekommen oder --Period Punkt [i.S. von "weiter gibt es nichts zu sagen"]
Merke: Troll RFID nimmt es mit der Wahrheit nicht so genau.
Auf welcher Gehaltsliste stehst du eigentlich Desinfo-Agent?

[wo ist der fuckin' Ignore-Button um solche Spammer auszublenden?]

auf welcher Gehaltsliste stehst du? Auf der der Dummschwätzer und möchtegern Infokrieger, die sich furchtbar wichtig nehmen. Du machst dich nur lächerlich.

INP der Wahrheitsfinder--JA DANN KOMM DOCH MAL AUF DEN PUNKT und red keinen Stuss hier.

WAS ist dein Beitrag INP im Infokrieg ausser andere zu beschimpfen
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Alt 05.02.2009, 21:02
INP INP ist offline
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Zitat von R_F_I_D
auf welcher Gehaltsliste stehst du? Auf der der Dummschwätzer und möchtegern Infokrieger, die sich furchtbar wichtig nehmen. Du machst dich nur lächerlich.
Auf meiner eigenen, und das selbst und ständig. Nachdem ich erkannt habe das Abhänigkeit nichts für mich ist. :P
INP der Wahrheitsfinder--JA DANN KOMM DOCH MAL AUF DEN PUNKT und red keinen Stuss hier.
Nope, Wahrheitssuchender. Stuss?! Da hab ich wohl eher deinen Nerv getroffen.
WAS ist dein Beitrag INP im Infokrieg ausser andere zu beschimpfen
Hui, ich denke da gibt es schon den einen oder anderen konstruktiven Betrag, wie sagtest du so nett: "Ja was hast du meine Posts nicht gelesen?"
Das war kein Beschimpfen, eher freie Meinungsäusserung oder gar Enttarnung.

Buddy, du hattest deine Chance, übrigens auch via PN. - Schönes Leben noch.

@Community: Entschuldigung für das partielle Highjacking, ich habe mich hinreißen lassen.
@Admin/Mod: Feel free to delete.

Back to topic.


[Edit: Typos]
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Alt 05.02.2009, 23:36
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Zitat von lamb
Die mögliche Icke-MI5 Connection eher skeptisch betrachtet:
Der Artikel gefällt mir.
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Alt 05.02.2009, 23:59
R_F_I_D R_F_I_D ist offline
Registriert seit: 16.08.2007
Beiträge: 6.876

Das war kein Beschimpfen, eher freie Meinungsäusserung oder gar Enttarnung.

Buddy, du hattest deine Chance, übrigens auch via PN. - Schönes Leben noch.
Buddy du bist einfach ein armer Irrer.

Keine Chance --bei was - Im Dummschwätzen? Da hast du recht: Ich gebe mich geschlagen.

Pseudos wie dich gibt es wie Sand am Meer.

Was hast du denn sonst beizutragen im Infokrieg. Du willst eine Icd Schlüssel für die Störungen des David Icke? War es das? Was nutzt es dir. Kannst du es mit der Kasse abrechnen? Hahaha

Ich geb dir nen Tipp

rechne doch für dich F74 ab und vielleicht noch bestenfalls F79

Für David Icke würde ich empfehlen F 30 bis F31 abzurechnen wobei noch ein F23.0 bis F23.8 in Frage kommt. Kann man aus der Ferne schwer beurteilen.

Spass beiseite. Reg dich ab und mach mal was produktiveres statt mich anzugreifen aus reiner Profilierungssucht.

Deine Pm beeindruckt mich nicht im Geringsten und beweisen muss ich Dir oder sonst niemandem was.

Ich habe schon Infokrieg betireben, da wusstest du nicht einmal wie man es schreibt.
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Alt 06.02.2009, 00:45
lamb lamb ist offline
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Hier noch mal ein kurzes aufschlussreiches Video zu der Thematik:
Gefallene Engel/Aliens
You guys, do your research!
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Alt 07.02.2009, 02:18
lamb lamb ist offline
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Ah, da hat Sentinel eine interessante Stellungnahme von Ivan Fraser zu David Icke gepostet:
Ich meine, das bestätigt einige meiner Vorwürfe.
Mit einigen seiner (Fraser's) metaphysischen Ansätze stimme ich nicht überein.
Hab mir erlaubt zu kürzen. Hervorhebungen von mir.
Den ganzen Text kann man im anderen Thread (Falsche Alternativen) nachlesen:
Zitat von Sentinel
By Ivan Fraser

...She (AW) states the royal lizards change back to lizards when asleep. Considering how many of them were educated in schools where they also lived amongst hundreds of others in dorms, and how many of them were in the armed forces, you would think someone would have noticed this little thing!

She states that the royal lizards can’t stay in human form at the scent of blood and transform and go crazy, ripping into their victims. And in all those years nobody has ever noticed this when they have cut themselves, been around blood, menstruating women etc. Considering they are so public, there is no way they have never been in the vicinity of blood. No signs there though either.

I thought, ‘this is just too ridiculous for words. David how the hell are you allowing this nonsense to influence you?’

She regularly inverts important ideas. The ancient Egyptians were anointed with the fat of the dragon - the sacred crocodile. AW states that the royal lizards anoint themselves with the fat of humans. Head lizard is Pindar. How similar is Pindar to ben Pandir, the Talmudic name for Jesus? Reversal at a deep archetypal and psychological level? I think so. And there are more examples too numerous to go into. I think you get the point...

I also know a genuine multiple who HAS performed satanic ritual called Patti and whom I had introduced David to years ago, setting him off on the track of this whole Satanic thing. He refers to her in his books ‘I Am Me, I Am Free’ and ‘The Biggest Secret’ as ‘a contact from Darlington’. I know this woman well and am accustomed to her body language and how she flips between personalities and how she displays quite notable body language if you know what you are looking for. I also have interviewed her priest (an exorcist) and her ex-Harley Street therapist and discussed this subject at length. And I have spoken to Cathy O’Brien and Mark Philips about this, albeit briefly.

To me, AW was not displaying what I expected in terms of body language. Everything I saw told me she was hiding something.

So I contacted the aforementioned expert; a professional therapist, specialising in multiples and victims of abuse, including those from government level paedophile circles. I had introduced her to David a couple of years ago and he mentions her in TBS. She looked at the video and agreed with my analysis. AW was not a multiple, nor seems to have ever been one. Her body language did not reveal this and suggested that she was deliberately lying and trying to keep from revealing this. She also has grave concerns about David, his health, his reptilian thesis, and that he may be under a great deal of pressure and psychic attack from those trying to pervert his work. She agreed that what I suspected was the more likely case - AW is a deliberate set up and her testimony is absolutely not to be trusted.

I also emailed Cathy O’Brien and Mark Philips for a comment from them, but got no response. I later heard from another contact that they were avoiding speaking out about David’s latest book.

I later got calls from some very concerned people telling me that AW tripped their inner warning bells so much that they couldn’t accept her testimony and for that reason were very dubious about the book.

Others contacted me to say they were seeing negative energies around David.

If AW is a Satanist and has the kind of power she claims - and she would have to be one of the world’s most powerful magicians to work for the global elite in their highest rituals - then David is in extreme danger of being infected by her demonic magic if he spends any time with her. If I am wrong, and she is a multiple, but has not recovered, she may be working on David without either his or her knowledge.

She also claims to be part of a church involved in satanic ritual. But she also claims to be out of it. But she also knows enough to warn people about forthcoming rituals. Is she in, or is she out? Who can tell?

How is she still around considering what she is revealing?

How did they let her programming slip?

How come she was performing rituals with the likes of Tony Blair (that means it must be very recent) at a time when her programming was coming apart? I have seen the chaos Patti goes through as she has been regaining coherence over the years. And this is the woman we are expected was performing the highest level rituals in the world? Give me a break!

So I phoned Linda Icke. I told her of my concerns. As well as my concerns over David’s historical inaccuracies, lack of occult understanding, and flaws in his reptilian thesis. I said I was concerned that he had stated on radio that he was unusually drained of energy and had been ill for a while. She agreed I may be right and said that David has to face his own mistakes and defend himself in his own way.

Amazingly, when I told her what had transpired over the video and what I had looked into, she told me that David doesn’t actually trust AW!!!! ‘He’s the first to say "you can’t trust her,"’ she said!!!

So why is he selling a 2-hour interview with the woman?!

Why is he accepting her testimony at all?

Why has he refashioned so much of his work around her claims?

If it hadn’t been for her, the text would be far less sensational, less risible and have a far more balanced analysis of the occult.

This single woman has so overshadowed the real information in TBS that I no longer am able to trust a lot of it simply on David’s say so. I no longer trust David’s previously excellent antenna for getting to the truth.

Has Wilder also done something to David to lower his guard and turn him around? He certainly does not seem to me to be the same man he was. And that is what I am hearing time and time again from other people too.

I then contacted two people whom I know and trust who I consider to be as knowledgeable about the psychic aspects as I believe anybody could be. They both said the video was total nonsense. One (a well known author and Remote Viewing and mind control expert) agreed with my analysis 100%, that she was part of an Intelligence set up.

I showed Patti. She called the video, ‘A piece of shit.’ But granted, she may not be considered the ideal judge.

I had reports of people hosting David’s lectures who were so disturbed by the incredibility of the video that they stated that if it were not for the fact that it was David supporting it, they would never have sold it.

Then consider the Illuminati ritual post on the website, which I refer to in my chapter The Predators (Truth Campaign magazine 14). AW and David warn people about key dates and asked them to send love and light to the reptiles. As I pointed out in the article, this only feeds the problem as they are feeding an illusion - a psychotronic virus. Moreover, on one of the dates mentioned, I attended, but did not partake in, a mass channelling meditation, which was actually a guided meditation which opened the participating crowd up to predator possession.

I feel compelled to see this as further confirmation that the entire AW scenario is part of a wider conspiracy to jointly misinform, psychically attack and control the audience!

Who is influencing David Icke and why? The results of following the book, and his advice certainly seem sinister.

Then we had the solar eclipse, another blood ritual date according to AW. David went to the Great Pyramid in Egypt on that date for the eclipse and made all kinds of superficial comments about what seemed to be going on there. He said people were prevented from going in, that the attendees may be using underground tunnels to get in to do their blood rituals etc. No proof. And everything was adequately explained by Amargi Hiller, an independent journalist who works closely investigating the Giza site, in a message which was posted on David’s Forum.

But what did David do?

On this very powerful day, he had people all over the world sending thought energy based upon the most horrific images of blood-spattered tombs and child sacrifice, DIRECTED AT PERHAPS THE MOST POWERFUL ENERGY POINT IN THE WORLD! Did they really need to do a blood ritual with that kind of energy focussed on it? Is this another way that David has been set up to actually do the very job he is trying to expose?

I refer you to my chapter on the predators to see how that may fit into the Illuminati agenda...

David has an excellent track record of bringing hard to get information into the wider public arena. He has worked extremely hard and endured a great deal of ridicule for courageously speaking out and standing up for what he believes in. It would be ‘The Biggest Shame’, if his efforts and work were to be overtaken and used by the very forces he seeks to expose.
From The Truth Campaign issue 15

I believed that he was educated and insightful when I read his first book and had no idea that the information that grabbed me had been taken lock

stock and barrel from others. I thought David was special because he was 'in tune' and because he reprinted his own and others' psychic

messages about him and what is going on in the world.

When he released his second book, I accepted his word when he said he was in almost daily communication with ascended masters, Jesus Christ, Rkaorski, Saint Germain etc. But I know better now.

I accepted that his - what I would have judged otherwise - intolerable behaviour of flaunting his pregnant girlfiend in the face of his wife and
expecting her to accept it because if she didn't she didn't understand unconditional love. I know better now.

I accepted and was stunned by the conspiracy material in Robot's Rebellion. I thought his observations and witticisms were profound. That is, until I read Behold a Pale Horse by William Cooper which was where most of what I considered astute observations had been taken from, despite

David saying directly that he had come up with, for example renaming the Protocols of the Elders of Zion the Illuminati Protocols to get away from the anti-Semitic tag. I know better now. I also know that half of Robot's is erroneous, even Cooper himself stated that the alien agenda was a fake

and he had been used as an unwitting dupe to perpetuate it.

And ...and the truth was - and still is in my opinion - one of the best conspiracy books ever written. But I know better now to understand that the alien links are erroneous, and that it is merely a collation of other people's work, some of whom were not credited. I know now that when David makes a profound statement, or a good witicism, it is most probably directly from someone else, who deserves the praise for it - and the dollars.

I accepted that he published a book called Lifting The Veil, shortly after I gave him a copy of my own book called Lifting the Veil.

And on up to 1996, even when I was beginning to hear from various people who were consistently telling me that they had provided information for David, but were surprised at his lack of gratitude, I thought 'ah well he's a busy man and at the forefront of waking people up'. And when people started telling me that Icke was brash and rude when not in the public eye, that he was egocentric and behaved like he really expected people to see him as a very important person, I thought they were just misreading a very talented and intelligent man whose spirituality was deep, and that he needed his style and ego to enable him to carry on and get into the limelight, and into the faces of those who needed to know such important truth.

But in September 1996, I was with a number of friends of David and Linda Icke - who had been involved in helping him with his work. Even they didn't like him personally, found him rude, but believed the 'work' transcended any personal feelings. They introduced me to Linda. The very first thing she said to me was 'David isn't the man you see on stage. He doesn't walk his talk.' During the day she told me that she believed he was mixing with a crowd that were planting disinformation, and he was vulnerable to it because they were sycophantic type women. She told me that David had admitted having ego problems but felt he was over them, and asked Linda to tell him if she saw him going down the 'ego road again'.

She said she tried, but he wasn't receptive - he was too concerned with breaking America and his ego had been boosted by the success of ...and
the truth.

I STILL saw David as 'the man' for the job, but by then I had a very different view of him personally. I felt sorry for Linda being treated like a doormat. I realised that Icke had a very distorted opinion of himself, and that this delusion made him vulnerable to his naive view of the material he was writing. I began to agree with those people i now knew, who had been involved with David from the early days, who almost to a person said they couldn't stand the man personally, did not like his company, but believed he was the best person for the job.

But then, at that time, we all thought he was a very clever man with amazing powers of observation, and that the material he was writing was
essentially the truth.

So I started to help him out by sending information. I introduced him to the topic of satanic organisations, I introduced him to the first satanic cult
mind control victim, I provided the first health-related material for his then David Icke/Bridge of Love newsltter - 2 of which he put his own name to! I felt confident he would do the research and wasn't afraid of breaking it into wider consciousness. I had no idea he would make such a pig's ear of the occult-related information and end up being the instigator of one of the biggest mythologies of our age - the reptilian aliens - and that he would demonise so much that provides the very keys of understanding Creation and the way things are created by the astral level of consciousness, which is controlled by the very forces operating through satanists and Illuminists, religions etc. I didn't expect him to become the vehicle by which they could introduce a mass psychomemetic virus into the consciousness of those beginning to wake up.

And they achieved this quite easily because David Icke was seen by so many as an intelligent, astute, spiritual, nice, trustworthy, discerning and scholarly and special kind of person.

When he came up to meet Patti - the cult victim - I was really beginning to lose the veil I had with David. But the work was important. I saw first

hand what those people meant by him being rude. The way he blanked Shona trying to tell him some important information about the occult (she

knew a lot about it - Icke didn't, but he just talked her down). And when he waltzed into my house and sat down without invitation then swiped my

cat off the arm of the chair without a blink, I realised that he wasn't spiritual at all. All that unconditional love stuff is a front. He knows how to sell
himself and make people fawn for his material, but when his act ends, the guy is in my view just a rude, arrogant, egomaniac who is struggling with his own masks and trying to convince himself that he's very special. That cat had more true spirituality in its paw than Icke has in his entire body.

So I stopped defending Icke, but I still promoted his work. Until The Biggest Secret, that is, when I had really started investigating the references,

and the subjects in earnest, and found so many errors, and so much ignorance of the subjects on his part that I could no longer ignore it. But

having tried to inform him and getting no feedback, but genuinely fearing for his welfare at the hands of organised disinformationists, I posted my

concerns on his forum. The rest is history - I became unceremonially 'dumped' in public for saying things on an uncensored forum of 'the most

controversial ayhtor and speaker in the world'. And never once did he address any of my concerns or correct errors in his research.

Yes, he corrected a typo. is taht a major point you are making? Please consider it in context.

From 'buy the Truth Campaign, the magazine that tells it like it is'. Suddenly it was nothing, and I was a disinformationist attacking Icke and his

work for no discernible reason. He plastered every page of his forum with his total disassociation with me and his site still bears The Truth About

The Truth Campaign. Despite informing him that he had misunderstood certain comments that I had made, and had been listening to people who

were clearly part of an agenda to create turmoil on the board, discredit me and cause friction between the 2 of us (even the forum moderator told

me that because she had access to the board data and knew that people were using multiple handles and playing games), he chose to take the

position of self-righteous indignation and personal offence. Hypocrite! How can a man who discredits individuals at the drop of a hat, says he

speaks for truth, encourages people to 'just say it' when they feel they have important things to say, tells everyone to listen to contrasting

opinions, and who openly writes frankly about his personal life choose to be offended by and refuse to listen to conflicting opinions and actively

censor an uncensored platform?

But when I saw his words about me and The Truth Campaign, I saw just how manipulative and calculated a disinformationist he was. And how

cruel - cold and heartless. And I have seen much more of that since.

Additionally, I was now getting masses of mail and calls about reptilians. I was witnessing the unfolding of the damage his half-researched and
erroneous material was having on people. People were one step from the mental hospital - they were in fear, depressed, feeling helpless, and some had started hallucinating, hearing hissing voices and being convinced the reps were everywhere, from their friends and family to hiding in the house.

I had to spend quite a bit of time with some to help them through their delusions and happily, it was successful. But I can't be there for everyone.

At that time I was quite saddened but very very angry. Angry that I had laboured under an illusion for so long, and furious that he would behave

so dishonestly and against everything he publicly projects onto others. I'd needed to experience it first hand to break the last of the spell.

But over the years I have heard from numerous sources how this kind of behaviour is nothing new. It's a common theme that i hear - such as the opinions of Jordan Maxwell and others who claim he has taken and given nothing and unceremonially dumped them when they were no longer useful.

But I still sent him free copies of my magazine. And I saw his style shift slightly towards that in my own work and in the magazine. Our articles

about the illusory nature of reality, the non-physical nature of the 'reptilians' and their illusory nature started creeping into his work. He started contradicting himself and seemed to be finding it difficult to correlate a cogent definition of what the reptilians were. After exposing the fake et agenda in my magazine, I noticed he wasn't giving space to ET reptiles anymore. But never once did he ever say he was mistaken.

He just steamrolls ahead, changing his mind about things and gradually moving from one interpretation to another via a process of contradictions. Things he used to mock others for, he later accepts.

Now he is grossly misrepresenting quantum physics (what the bleep style) and using fiction such as the Matrix to try and convince people that
everything is an illusion and that our beliefs create reality. I see people really starting to dissociate into way out cult consciousness with this new
approach. And getting people to dissociate from reality is EXACTLY what the Illuminists are trying to achieve. There ARE rules and laws of
physics that exist with or without our observations. To tell you that science has proved otherwise is nonsense

Again, he clearly has a very shallow understanding of that material if he believs that science is proving these things. To create a current dissociated religious cultic mindset, you have to keep it up to date, so you create modern interpretations, exciting sounding quantum theories, tales of spaceships and ETs etc. to do it. In ancient times it was the same - they created Christianity by simply rewriting it according to modern references. If they'd had technology then,

Jesus would have been brought into Jerusalem in a car or even ascended in a spaceship, rather than on a donkey and in a supernatural format.

... The biggest fans of Icke are those who read his books and attend his lectures, who usually have less than the requisite

information to judge his material and who don't realise that most of the material was researched by others and collated by David. But those who do that research tend not to agree with his interpretations of their work.

They enjoy the new found attention for a while and say nothing about it, but in my experiences, those who communicate with me personally do not speak out about their concerns for fear of causing a distraction to 'the


Oh you can't criticise the man as he's on our side - an ally. I have seen that position change a number of times once they get the inevitable Icke

brush off.

To me, Icke bears all of the main attributes of a cult leader. I am of the opinion that ALL who open themselves to guidance from external forces are being manipulated by the unseen archons that influence religion, control the illuiminists, Masons, cults, New age channellers, prophets etc.

they are astral souls who did not ascend to Source and are stuck int he astral heavens that they themselves created by their misperceptions whilst laive.
They see themselves as ascended masters and guides and are trying to programme humanity via their influence through the auric field, by preprogramming souls to reincarnate into new born souls, all with the intention of creating their heaven on earth. They create gurus and messiahs and prophets - and these people then programme others by dint of their cult of personality. many are absolutely genuine and don't realise that spirituality comes from within, even though they continually tell people it does.

They lose self-awareness and become convinced they are on a mission to save others, or they cannot ignore the drive to preach to others what is

being fed to them from 'beyond'. The more they heed the voices and the more mytical experiences they have, the more they open up. And their

drive is male intellectual energy. It isn't felt within, it doesn't come from their spirit, it is downloaded and repeated. Their veil of perception makes

them see only what the controllers want them to see. They filter what goes in and then spew it out as a distortion of reality. They don't sympathise

or empathise with others, they intellectualise and create rules and regulations and interpretations to explain things to others. They believe they

have a gift and become impermeable to criticism, finding reinforcement of their opinions by others who parrot back the same misperceptions to

them, and they couldn't care about those who disagree.

The effect that has on followers is submission, and they too get infected by the same consiousness.
Cult members are usually replications of characteristics of their idols. But you disrespect their guru and often you see a radical shift, from parroting the usual 'love' to venemous attacks on the critic. They become less penetrable to reason and more faithful to the idol, as they see the criticism as proof that the idol is right, and need to

protect them from the heretical critic.
They look down on the critic, sometimes hate the critic, and ignore however much reasonable information the

critic provides in his case. They invent and assume things about the critic, because they are not ready to accept that perhaps the critic is honestly


And having communicated with hundreds and hundreds of Icke fans over the last 15 years, as well as cult followers of many variations, I

personally see the same psychic traits in many of them. The same denials, and the same patterns developing.

This is why i have been outspoken about Icke. I think people need to know that there are forces at work that control the minds of people on this planet that are largely unrecognised. They play sides against each other, create distractions, and even create belief systems that address their

very existence, but divert and distort it so much that they have a net for virtually everyone to fall into. They set patterns of thinking in your mind

via key personalities, and this creates a veil that filters perception. By the end of your life you end up in a loop of recycling your soul between

their 'heaven' and this planet. They want your soul, that's all.

When Icke hears voices, when he accepts that 'they' have chosen him for a special task - it cannot be coming from within - from Source. That

experience is different - no voices, no face to face with God, or masters, no alien experiences or 'trips' or angelic encounters. That is ALL coming

from the astral sphere in which previous PEOPLE have chosen to become guides, angels, ets, teachers, to guide people through life and into what

they on earth viewed was the TRUTH.
But if they knew the truth, they would never have ended up in that state.

Icke's Matrix is real. But Icke's portrayal of it and understanding of it is like a naive child's. He has no depth of understanding and insufficient

experience in the field. His veil is strong, and his influence great - because he connects his ignorant level of energy with others of ignorance and

the energy is transferred, auric field breached, and controllers plugged in.

You yourself spoke of feeling the flow at his meetings. Me too - I had to leave the room at one of his lectures because something was desperately
trying to force its way into me.
But because I know what is going on, I defend myself - whereas 99.99% of people on this planet have no idea what

is going on. Icke is one of them - he gets flashes of it but they always steer those into their own propaganda. They get in first with people like

Icke, so that anyone revealing the truth of it will fall on deaf ears, on those that have already believed they have the answer and have already

plugged into their astral reality, and have already reinforced the Veil of perception...

I am not here to tell anyone to believe me, I am exercising my right to have my say. I am doing what I believe is right, because I am passionately

concerned that in general icke readers tend to get a distorted picture of life through the Icke lens, and they deserve to know that there are other

interpretations, as well as errors in his material. Fortunately, I have studied many of these topics and can hopefully shed a bit more light. It is up to people to interpret what I say in whatever way they wish...

FIvan Fraser
You guys, do your research!
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Alt 16.02.2009, 20:10
einheri-limetree einheri-limetree ist offline
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Ausrufezeichen Bloodlines

Wusste doch,das ich was bergesse hatte und was fehlt,ist mir später noch eingefallen ,
hatte es schon mal gepostet,aber der kurze Absatz ist wichtig,das ich es wiederhole

"The idea that there was a time when man was directly in contact with the Celestial Beings is at the root of the myths of the Golden Age that have been redacted to the Grail stories of the 11th and 12th centuries. During this paradisical time, it is suggested that communications between heaven and earth were easy and accessible to everyone. Myths tell us of a time when the "gods withdrew" from mankind. As a result of some "happening," i.e. "The Fall," the communications were broken off and the Celestial Beings withdrew to the highest heavens.

But, the myths also tell us that there were still those certain people who were able to "ascend" and commune with the gods on the behalf of their tribe or family. Through them, contact was maintained with the "guiding spirits" of the group. The beliefs and practices of the present day shamans are a survival of a profoundly modified and even corrupted and degenerated remnant of this archaic technology of concrete communications between heaven and earth such as the Cassioopaean Transmissions.

The shaman, in his ability to achieve the ecstatic state inaccessible to the rest of mankind, due to the fusion of his emotional center via suffering, generally, (witness the metaphor of the Crucifixion), was regarded as a privileged being. More than this, the myths tell us of the First Shamans who were sent to earth by the Celestial Beings to DEFEND human beings against the "negative gods" who had taken over the rule of mankind. It was the task of the First Shamans to activate, in their own bodies, a sort of "transducer" of cosmic energy for the benefit of their tribe. This was expressed as the concept of the "world tree," which became the "axis" or the Pole of the World and later the "royal bloodlines."

It does seem to be true that there is a specific relationship between this function and certain "bloodlines." But, as with everything that has been provided to help mankind, this concept has been co-opted by the forces seeking to keep mankind in darkness and ignorance. The true and ancient bloodlines of the First Shamans have been obscured and hidden by the false trail of the invented genealogies of the Hebrew Old Testament supposedly leading to certain branches of present day European royal and/or noble families, which seek to establish a counterfeit "kingship" that has garnered a great deal of attention in recent times. I devote some attention to this subject in The Secret History of the World."

Ähnliches wird auch erwähnt in dem wissenschaftlichen Standardwerk zum Schamanismus von Mircea Eliade,das Buch heißt Schamanismus und archaische Ekstasetechnik,es ist schon etwas älter inzwischen,aber nach wie vor ne Fundgrube.Da wird auch hingewiesen,das etliche schamanische Systeme modifiziert wurden oder gar teils sinnverändert wurden und das auch gewisse Geheimgesellschftliche Rituale und Zeremonien,eigentlich ursprünglich nen schamanischen Hintergrund hatten.
Die Wahrheit gegen die Welt - Leitsatz der Druiden

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Alt 26.02.2009, 16:57
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Ausrufezeichen Wissen schützt (wiedermal) ...

Hab nochmals mir das ein oder andere Material betrachtet und das Zitat ist nochmals sehr gut hier passend und warum David Icke,ein wenig mit Vorsicht zu genießen ist.

F: (TK) Also wir kontrollieren im Wesentlichen die 2. Dichte, und die 4. → Dichte kontrolliert uns. Es gibt die guten und die bösen Typen. (L) Und wir werden tun was wir tun werden. Entweder wir wählen uns an den Guten auszurichten, oder an den Bösen.
A: Es liegt an euch.
F: (TK) Wenn sich jedoch zu viele Menschen an den bösen Typen ausrichten, dann kippt das Gleichgewicht zu ihren Gunsten und es gibt keine weitere Entwicklung mehr, also muss es Erziehung und Aufklärung geben, damit die Leute wissen…
A: Tom, du bist nah dran, aber du begreifst das Wesentliche nicht.
F: (L) Und was ist das Wesentliche?
A: Das Wesentliche ist, dass nichts „sein muss“. Du wirst tun was du tun wirst. Du wählst. Wir haben euch das wiederholt gesagt, doch ihr leidet immer noch unter einer selbstzentrierten Perspektive.
F: (TK) Jeder kümmert sich um sich selbst. Alle wollen gerettet sein und sich nicht um andere kümmern.
A: Treffender ist, jeder im einem → STS Bereich sieht sich selbst als irgendwie „besonders, erwählt oder beschützt.“ Das ist einfach nicht so!!
F: In anderen Worten, wenn wir das Wissen um die Situation besitzen, ist das, was wir damit tun, unsere Wahl?
A: Ja.
F: (TK) Das Wesentliche ist, es wird geschehen…
A: Doch es ist niemand hier um für euch zu intervenieren, wie viele gerne glauben würden.
F: (L) Wir sind also hier auf diesem Planeten und werden es entweder schaffen, oder nicht, so wie Dorothy und Toto in Oz, basierend auf unserer eigenen Fähigkeit es herauszufinden und die Ungeraden, die Hexe, die Affen und die Soldaten zu überwinden. (TK) Vielleicht versuchen sie den Leuten die Informationen zu geben, oder die Informationen verfügbar zu machen, damit die Menschen ihre Wahl treffen können, ob sie hier bleiben wollen…
A: Wir „versuchen“ überhaupt nichts. Wir sind hier um Fragen zu beantworten, wenn sie gestellt werden. Wir können uns nicht einmischen.
F: (TK) Ja, die Idee des Nichteingreifens ist ziemlich klar und verständlich. Also sie können nicht eingreifen…
A: Und auch wenn wir antworten, du wirst es nicht glauben, liegt es an euch!
F: (L) Also sind wir wirklich auf uns alleine gestellt!?
A: Das wart ihr immer, und wir auch, und alle anderen auch!!

(TK) Ich vermute dann ist es eine Angelegenheit des Stellens der richtigen Fragen, damit man weiß, welchen Kurs man in seinen Handlungen einschlagen soll. Ich meine, wollt ihr euch entwickeln? Wollt ihr in die 4. → Dichte kommen? Oder höher? Oder wollt ihr hier bleiben? Wie kann man eine kundige Wahl treffen, wenn man seine wahren Umstände und Optionen nicht kennt? (L) Ist es so, dass die Religionen, die geschaffen und der menschlichen Rasse angedreht wurden, so gestaltet sind, damit sie den Menschen ein Gefühl von Wohlbehagen oder Vertrauen in etwas außerhalb ihrer selbst geben, das sie dann von der Suche nach Wissen abhält, sie abhält ihre Augen zu öffnen und den Tatsachen der Existenz ins Gesicht zu schauen, und sie so in ihren Fesseln hält?
A: Es sind nur Hindernisse, wie immer. Ihr habt für eure Freunde in der 2. → Dichte auch so etwas!!

(TK) Welchen Geisteszustand muss man haben um sich zu entwickeln? (F) Nun, du weißt dass du auf dem Weg bist, wenn du sehen kannst, dass die Worte nicht den Tatsachen des Lebens entsprechen. Denk an all die Leute, mit denen du ein philosophisches Gespräch geführt hast. Wie viele würden sagen: Oh, alles was ich brauche ist die Bibel. Sie ist das einzige, das Aufmerksamkeit verdient.
(TK) Ich habe nicht viele philosophische Gespräche weil ich selten mit den Aussagen übereinstimme. (F) Nun, du musst es zumindest versucht haben, sonst hättest du nicht herausfinden können, dass es nicht funktioniert. (TK) Ich habe ein echtes Problem… ja, die Bibel war lange Zeit in meinem Leben, und die Religion auch… doch ich habe ein echtes Problem an etwas zu glauben, das so offensichtlich von Menschen mit einer eigenen Absicht produziert wurde!
Doch die meisten Menschen die so etwas von sich behaupten würden sagen: Oh nein, die Bibel wurde nicht von Menschen geschrieben, Gott hat sie geschrieben! Oder sie sind völlige Atheisten und glauben nur an die Religion der Wissenschaft.
(TK) Ich glaube dass die Menschen mit Regeln leben sollten und einander mit Respekt und Ehre begegnen sollten… und einige der religiösen Ideen sind gut… doch sie überschreiten die Grenze.
(F) So fangen sie die Leute ein. Mit einer Mischung aus Lügen und Wahrheit. (L) Ja, ein → Lügensandwich mit zwei Wahrheiten lässt sich leichter schlucken. (F) Ja, wenn ALLES falsch wäre, würden das die meisten Menschen sofort spitzkriegen. Oder zumindest sehr schnell.
(TK) Die meisten Menschen kümmern sich nicht darum. Sie wollen nur wie Schafe geführt werden. Sie wollen keine Verantwortung. (F) Und was geschieht mit fast allen Rindern? Sie schmatzen auf ihren Weiden ihr Gras bis es Zeit ist in den Viehtransport einzusteigen der sie zum Schlachthof bringt. Und wenn du mit den religiösen Leuten sprichst, dann werden sie sagen: Oh, ich habe keine Antworten… Ich folge nur der Bibel.
(L) Sie haben nicht nur keine Antworten, sie haben auch keine Fragen. Und ich denke das ist der Schlüssel. Es gibt die Menschen, die sich immer noch Fragen stellen, nachdem sie durch alle Religionen und den esoterischen Hokuspokus gewatet sind, im Gegensatz zu jenen, die glauben die ultimative Antwort gefunden zu haben…
(TK) Der ganze Sinn des Lebens, so scheint mir, ist Wissen zu erlangen und sich zu entwickeln. Man steckt auf einer Stufe bis man es herausfindet. Aber was soll man herausfinden?
Ich glaube, dass Wissen im Tun liegt. (TH) „Ihr sollt die Wahrheit kennen und durch die Wahrheit werdet ihr freikommen.“ Es steht in der Bibel!!! (L) Ist das Wissen der Schlüssel?
A: Ja.
F: (L) Ich glaube, dass Wissen deine Frequenz verändert. Stimmt das?
A: Ja.
F: (L) Die Bestätigung und das Sehen?
A: Ja.

Die Wahrheit gegen die Welt - Leitsatz der Druiden

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