lösung angeblich angeblich hierher :
s I've already posted on your 'no censorship' site in a reply that you've seen fit not to use, I ain't no Jesuit and I'd be very grateful if you'd stop describing me as such. Neither am I a Freemason, 'Zionist', a member of the security services or a part of the global elite or any other epithet you've given me.
There is not some sinister agenda with Blackjack. It's a piece of fiction. A group of us came up with the idea after seeing that Fallout 3 graphic of DC after a nuclear attack. It was just going to be London but then expanded from there. Nobody told us to do this nor did some secret agent sidle up to us and suggest it.
I'm happy to answer any questions anybody has about Blackjack. For the record, there is some inspiration from Jericho (a great show which is much missed) and, yes, some of us are concerned about the authoritarian tendencies of western governments. But does that mean that I think they're going to set of a load of nukes in a massive false flag attack? Hardly. What I do think is entirely possible is that as the global financial system worsens, we're going to find our liberties further and further eroded. Crisis is always presents a great opportunity for these people to make life more difficult for all of us.
Justin Williams
Assistant Editor
Telegraph Media Group
alles klar jetzt bin ich schuld weil ich KRISE heraufbeschwör, haha
hier der Beweis für den ALLERERSTEN 4 TAGE Counter.. , zu spannend um den als fake abzutun..
könnte man mit den Uhrzeiten nochmal abgleichen ächz.
hier der erste (?!) Barcode :
das ist superspannend, ab einem gewissen Bekanntheitslevel klickt jeder auf die Site.....und selbst wenn wir nur ne VERHALTENS-STUDIE werden- völlig schnuppe.
Wo kommen wir denn hin wenn ich demnächst wirklich mal ÜBER EIN STOPPSCHILD IM INTERNET STOLPERN sollte und sofort als Verbrecher behandelt werde ? ich kann mir keine 200 Euro Firewall leisten die JEDEN pop-up oder was weiss ich entdeckt .
Die Spuren sind doch so gelegt das man hinterher soll -
letzte Runde Auffälligkeiten :
the sun semis again.. angeblich gabs da mal n Video wo Obama die Sonne hat abdecken lassen im Hintergrund ... ich hab nur das mit dem Kreuz vorn am Redepult abgedeckt gesehen .... Imagepolierung, ganz klar.
''If you start part 4 and click through it says there are 17 pages, and then switches to 16. The only way to see the 17th slide was to backward from the beginning. Most people probably missed this one.''
ardent: eager, zealous support; fiery hot, glowing
sentry: guard at a point of passage
It's interesting to note that in 1944, as the Allies prepared for D-Day, a series of crossword puzzles appeared in the London Daily Telegraph with key codewords as part of the puzzles.'' WTF ??
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