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Alt 09.10.2008, 18:47
Clemens Clemens ist offline
Registriert seit: 21.03.2007
Beiträge: 3.484
Standard Polizeihandbuch-Internet

Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 09.10.2008, 19:06
R_F_I_D R_F_I_D ist offline
Registriert seit: 16.08.2007
Beiträge: 6.876

Wens interessiert, kann ich ne PM vonnem link schicken.

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Strafgesetzbuch (EGStGB)
Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetz (VwVfG)
Rahmengesetz zur Vereinheitlichung des Beamtenrechts (Beamtenrechtsrahmengesetz - BRRG)
Straßenverkehrsgesetz - StVG -

German Police Bootdisc

German Police - Special Windows Boot CD


German Police - Special Windows Boot CD

Live bootable cd of Windows with many options:
- Password Cracking Tools
- Passwords of all users are visible.
- Forensic analysis tools
- Data Recovery tools etc
- No spyware, viruses, etc.
- And so much more…
- Works on all windows OS
- Lot’s of PW Cracking Tools & Appz.
- 100+ Appz For All Types of files like RAR,ZIP,EXL

FBI - Handbook of Forensic Science

FBI Faces v4.0

Programm zum Erstellen von Fahndungsbildern--echt gut

award winning program makes a composite look virtually like a photo and it produces a good quality image. That?s why thousands of police agencies worldwide including the CIA, FBI and the US Military use FACES.

* Creates photo-like composites
* Generates unique alphanumeric code for every composite
* Extensive database of facial features
* Runs on any standard desk or laptop computer
* Expanded Latin, Asian and African-American features
* Three-tone hair color
* Side to side hair flip
* Facial markings: scars, moles, piercing, tattoos
* Improved age progression
* Detachable hats and headwear
* Full Windows XP compatibility
* Ability to export composite as JPEG file
* Integration with TRAK alert system
* Slide show capability
* ?Not A Real Photograph? Indicator
* Improved zooming and positioning tools

Spielerei halt, aber ganz interessant

FBI Field Kit [Bootable DVD Forensics Tools]

Forensics Tools:
Sleuth Kit -Forensics Kit
Py-Flag - Forensics Browser
Autopsy - Forensics Browser for Sleuth Kit
dcfldd - DD Imaging Tool command line tool and also works with AIR
foremost - Data Carver command line tool
Air - Forensics Imaging GUI
md5deep - MD5 Hashing Program
netcat - Command Line
cryptcat - Command Line
NTFS-Toolsqtparted - GUI Partitioning Tool
regviewer - Windows Registry Viewer
X-Ways WinTrace
X-Ways WinHex
X-Ways Forensics
R-Studio Emergency (Bootable Recovery media Maker)
R-Studio Network Edtion
R-Studio RS Agent
Net resident
Faces 3 Full (600 megs)
Encase 4.20

Field Kit Manuals

Incident response - Computer Forensics
Computer Crime investigation
Forensic Pathology
Internet Forensics
Forensic interpretation of Evidence
Windows Forensics
Computer Forensics -An Illustrated Dictionary
Computer Forensics - jumpstart

Additional programs on Boot DVD:

Gentoo Linux 2.6 Kernel - Opyimized for Forensics Use
Apache2 - Server
Mysql PHP4
Open Office
Gimp - Graphics Program
KSnapshot - Screen Capture Program
Gnome CD Master
K3b - CD Burner
XMMS - media player
Porthole - Gentoo Graphics Package Manager
Karchiver - GZIp GUI

Security Tools:
Etherape - GUI Network Traffic Monitor
Clamv - Anti Virus
snort - Command Line
John the Ripper - Command Line password cracker
rkhunter - Command Line
Ethereal - Network Traffic Analyzer
FWBuilder - GUI Firewall App
nessus - network scanner
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