Hier noch 2 aktuelle deutsche Vorträge dazu, gefunden bei
Raumenergie - Der Nachfolger des Erdöls
Erdöl ist der Stoff, an dem unsere Weltwirtschaft hängt - es wird kontrolliert von mächtigen Kartellen, kein Land kommt daran vorbei. Doch was wäre, wenn es alternative Energiequellen bereits gäbe? Energiequellen, die absolut umweltfreundlich und dazu noch unerschöpflich sind? Das Schweizer Ehepaar Inge und Adolf Schneider ist seit rund 20 Jahren auf dem Gebiet der sogenannten "Freien Energie" aktiv und berichtet regelmäßig im NET-Journal über die neuesten Entwicklungen. Beide haben schon mehrere funktionierende Raumenergie-Maschinen gesehen und sind überzeugt: Die Energierevolution hätte längst stattfinden können - doch sie wird von Interessengruppen aufgehalten, die den Status Quo der globalen Machtverteilung aufrecht erhalten wollen. Im Interview mit Exopolitik-Koordinator Robert Fleischer berichten die beiden von ihren Insider-Kenntnissen über Freie Energie und erklären, was UFOs damit zu tun haben.
Das Interview fand am Rand der Konferenz "Chancen für die Zukunft" statt - organisiert von Inge und Adolf Schneider.
Inge und Adolf Schneider über Raumenergie
Raumenergie - Chancen für die Menschheit
Der Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. Josef Gruber forscht seit 15 Jahren auf dem Gebiet der Raumenergie. Damit wird es möglich, kostenlos, umweltfreundlich und unbegrenzt Energie zur Verfügung zu stellen. Da mit so etwas kein Geschäft zu machen ist, wird diese Technologie seiner Meinung nach bislang von mächtigen Interessengruppen unterdrückt. In seinem Vortrag schildert er die großen Chancen, die diese Technologie für die Menschheit birgt - aber auch die Herausforderungen, die durch den Übergang vom Ölzeitalter zum Raumenergiezeitalter auf uns zukommen.
Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. Josef Gruber - Energierevolution durch Raumenergie
Und als Ergänzung noch ein paar interessante Links:
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Energy from the Vacuum - Science Series
Sprache: Englisch
Länge: 4:59:52 Min, 25 FPS
Größe: 1,75 GB
Video: XVID, 544x304, 690 kb/s
Audio: MP3, 227 kb/s, 48 kHz, Stereo
• Energy from the Vacuum Part 1 - Overview
• Energy from the Vacuum Part 2 - John Bedini
• Energy from the Vacuum Part 3 - The Chung Experiment
• Replication of Tesla Radiant Energy and Bedini Motors (Website Rip)
• Tom E. Bearden - E-Book Collection (12 PDFs)
• Howard Johnson - Constructing one of his Magnetic Motors (PDF)
• Howard Johnson - The Secret World of Magnets (PDF)
• Jason Wolf - Constructing the Bedini Motor (AVI)
Die wohl mit Abstand beste Dokumentation über Freie Energie. Keine andere mir bekannte Doku geht so präzise auf das Thema ein.
In diesen 3 Teilen werden Maschinen in Betrieb gezeigt, mit detaillierten Beschreibungen und vielen Zusatzinformationen.
Absolut empfehlenswert! Wer danach immernoch zweifelt, dem ist nicht mehr zu helfen.
This package contains all available stuff which belongs to this science series.
Furthermore there are some documents and bonus material in this high quality upload.
Following Parts were not available before uploading:
PART 4 (Howard Johnson)
Pioneer - Magnetic Exchange Forces
PART 5 (Tom Bearden)
The Source Charge Problem
PART 6 (Prof. Daniel Sheehan Ph.D.)
Second Law Problems
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Norman Wootan: The History of the E.V. Gray Motor
(KeelyNet Conference 2001)
Sprache: Englisch
Länge: 1:53:48 Min, 25 FPS
Größe: 484 MB
Video: DX50, 352x288, 521 kb/s
Audio: MP3, 64 kb/s, 22 kHz, Mono
The truth is finally revealed. The mystery about Ed Gray's EMA motors is finally over. With two recovered EMA motor prototypes on stage at the KeelyNet Conference in June 2001, Norman Wootan discusses every design feature possible. Every single way the real motors deviate from the designs revealed in Gray's Patent are discussed in detail. Now you can see with your own eyes how it was really done. This video is a must for serious researchers wanting to convert Radiant Energy into mechanical power. A great companion piece to "The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity" by Dr. Lindemann (book or video) where the EMA power supply is discussed.
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Peter A. Lindemann: Electric Motor Secrets
Sprache: Englisch
Länge: 2:26:33 Min, 29.97 FPS
Größe: 688 MB
Video: DX50, 720x400, 598 kb/s
Audio: MP3, 48 kb/s, 24 kHz, Stereo
The most efficient motors available in the market today are in the range of 95 to 98 percent effective in converting electrical input into mechanical output -- according to the present configurations and the laws of physics upon which they are founded. Building on that foundation, any gains in efficiency will be just a few percent at most.
In his DVD presentation, drawing on 30 years of his own research and development, Peter Lindemann explains in simple terms what back EMF is, and how one can build motors and generators that do not involve back-EMF. He asserts that such designs can improve upon the most effective motors of today by many-fold, not just a few percent.
The best illustration of back EMF is the fact that if you turn the shaft on a typical motor, it turns into a generator, producing electricity. Lindemann points out that when electricity is input into a motor that even though net motive force is achieved, that at the same time electricity is being produced that works against the input electrical force. This is back EMF. Present physics describes it as an inescapable fact.
Pointing to the seminal work of Bob Teal in the 1970s, Lindemann points out that it is possible to create a motor that does not produce back EMF. Simply put, this is accomplished by using a piece of iron instead of a magnet to go into an electromagnetic coil. It is even possible to wire the coil circuit such that rather than producing back EMF, the collapsing magnetic field can actually be picked up separate from the input electricity, rather than fighting against the input electricity.
Lindemann also points to the work done by John Bedini to develop simple circuitry by which what used to be back EMF can be harnessed for use, rather than working against the motor system. He also draws from the work of Roger Andrews who has patented several "executive toys" (desktop demo models) that run for much longer than they "should".
Lindemann then explains some motor designs he himself has come up with, including a prototype he build in the early 1980s that had tremendous torque. He has not had the resources to develop his later designs (e.g. the Lindemann Solenoid Engine), but is confident that they are an improvement on the earlier prototype he built, and that they will continue to push forward a new understanding of motor possibilities.
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Peter A. Lindemann: Tesla's Radiant Energy
(ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference 2006)
Sprache: Englisch
Länge: 1:13:57 Min, 29.97 FPS
Größe: 761 MB
Video: DX50, 720x528, 1300 kb/s
Audio: MP3, 128 kb/s, 48 kHz, Stereo
After 105 years of mystery, the truth about Tesla's Radiant Energy system is revealed. This is the lecture D.Sc. Lindemann presented at the ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference on July 30, 2006 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Talking through a fully illustrated PowerPoint Presentation with 85 slides, Dr. Lindemann explains exactly what Radiant Energy is. Citing dozens of quotes from Tesla's patents and lectures, Dr. Lindemann presents the complete development of Radiant Energy in Tesla's own words. This lecture is the definitive communication on Tesla's model of electricity and its relationship to the production and use of Radiant Energy.
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Peter A. Lindemann: The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity
Sprache: Englisch
Länge: 2:51:50 Min, 25 FPS
Größe: 804 MB
Video: DIVX, 480x392, 514 kb/s
Audio: MP3, 128 kb/s, 44 kHz, Stereo
• Peter A. Lindemann: The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity (AVI)
• Peter A. Lindemann: The Free Energy Secrets of Cold Electricity (PDF)
In the 1970's, inventor Edwin Gray developed an electric automobile engine that produced 80 horsepower and recharged its own batteries. It ran on what he called "cold electricity." This amazing technology remained shrouded in mystery until September 2000. This three-part video is the complete technical lecture given by Dr. Lindemann at that time. In it, he explains exactly how Ed Gray's system works, how he produced "cold electricity" and how that relates to Nikola Tesla's earlier discovery of "Radiant Energy". Using 50 slides of articles, patents, photos, and circuit diagrams, Dr. Lindemann documents his research, until the method is fully revealed. Now you can understand one of the most powerful Free Energy methods ever discovered.
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Peter A. Lindemann: The World of Free Energy
(KeelyNet Conference 2001)
Sprache: Englisch
Länge: 1:59:28 Min, 25 FPS
Größe: 448 MB
Video: XVID, 352x288, 327 kb/s
Audio: MP3, 192 kb/s, 44 kHz, Stereo
Dr. Lindemann does it again! In his landmark presentation at the KeelyNet Conference in June 2001, Dr. Lindemann gives an up-date on the Ed Gray EMA motor power supply, as well as show: John Bedini's motor designs that recharge their own batteries, Bill Muller's low drag generators, Dr. Robert Adams' magnetic heaters, Tom Bearden's MEG and other magnet powered transformers, the amazing "ChemAlloy" that spontaneously dissociates water, Stan Meyer's water fuel-cell designs and their spin-off at Xogen, and much, much more.
This video has more information on more Free Energy systems than has ever been released to the public before.
A must for serious Free Energy researchers worldwide!
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Prof. Dr.-Ing K. Meyl: Power Engineering Scalar Wave Theory
(1st Nikola Tesla Energy Science Conference & Exposition" 8-9 Nov, 2003, W.D.C.)
Sprache: Englisch
Länge: 1:48:12 Min, 29.97 FPS
Größe: 677 MB
Video: DIVX, 720x480, 768 kb/s
Audio: MP3, 96 kb/s, 44 kHz, Stereo
Faraday vs. Maxwell and Demonstration of Longitudinal Wave Transmission
Do scalar waves exist or not?
Practical consequences of an extended field theory:
* what is the Maxwell approximation? * How could a new and extended approach look like?
* Faraday instead of Maxwell, witch is the more general law of induction?
* Can the Maxwell equations be derived as a special case?
* can also scalar waves be derived from the new approach?
* the experimental proof (Tesla)
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Prof. Dr.-Ing. K. Meyl: Tesla Physik Seminar 2001
Sprache: Deutsch
Länge: 11:53:53 Min, 25 FPS
Größe: 2,61 GB
Video: DX50, 352x288, 440 kb/s
Audio: MP3, 56 kb/s, 22 kHz, Stereo
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl's 12 Stunden Marathon (verteilt auf 4 Teile, jeder ca. 3 Stunden) Video Seminar über Tesla Physik, ist vielleicht das einzig existierende welches die elektromagnetische Feldtheorie richtig erweitert, um auch Longitudinalwellen zu enthalten. Die Folgen sind atemberaubend und benötigen eine komplette Veränderung im Denken und eine fundamentale Revision der Physik. Meyl geht tief in die Anfänge der modernen Physik und bietet eine komplette mathematische Ableitung seiner Objektivitätstheorie, welche beide Maxwell EM Feldtheorien (und auch Quantenmechanik) und Einstein's Relativität erfolgreich ersetzt.
Seine vereinheitliche Feldtheorie ist eine regelrechte Freude für Ingenieure, die meistens sehr mathematisch, komplexe Theorien wie Relativität, Quantenmechanik oder aktuell (aber unverständlich) die Superstring Theorie, nicht verstehen. Aber nicht so bei Meyl. Denn er benutzt sehr einfaches Mathe (Basis Universitäts Mathe) und hat die nötige Präzision für eine gute Theorie. Durch dieses Seminar werden sie die vergessene Ideen von Nikola Tesla wieder erleben und Meyl wird ihnen zeigen wie die selben Ideen notwendig sind um eine unfangreiche, vereinheitlichte Feldtheorie aufzubauen.
Im gesamten Video werden auch einige neue praktische Anwendungen diskutiert, welche nicht nur besser verstanden, sondern auch gebaut und im Alltag genutzt werden können. Auch Astronomie ist dabei und hier spielt Gravitation eine wesentliche Rolle. Um sie besser zu verstehen muss man sie aus einer elektromagnetischen Perspektive ansehen. Also geht es um Elektrogravitation die einfach und naturlich aus Meyl's Theorie ableitbar ist. Dieses Video Seminar ist ein Unikat und seine Bedeutung darf nicht unterschätzt werden.
Teil 1: Historie, Herleitung der Skalarwelle aus der Wellengleichung
Teil 2: Lorentzwurzel, Durchflutungsgesetz, Wirbel, Potentialwirbel, Gravitation, E- und H-Feldlinien, Wirbel und Gegenwirbel, Neutrino als Ringwirbel, Messung und Wirbelberechnung, Antenne und Welle, Nahbereich, Schrödinger-Gleichung, Resonanz Sender, Empfänger und Generator, Verbraucher
Teil 3: Neutrino - schwingende Ladung, Gravitation des Sonnensystems, Schwarzes Loch, Bethe-Weizsäcker-Zyklus, Neutrino und Vulkanismus, Olbersches Paradoxon, Plasma im Erdkern, Strahlung bei Sonnenfinsternis, Auswirkungen, Foucault-Pendel, Skalarwelle als Energieüberträger, Testatika, Flachspule nach Tesla, Wasserzelle von Stan Meyer, Konsequenzen der Skalarwelle
Teil 4: Harte und weiche Neutrinostrahlung, Photonen im Mittel, Biologisches Fenster, Wünschelruten - Phänomen Lecherantenne, medizinische Versuche Frequenztherapie nach Clark, Signalleistung des menschlichen Körpers, Gefahr durch periodische Frequenzmuster (Mobilfunk), Biologisch relevante Wellenlängen
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Thomas Valone: Zero-Point Energy Extraction from the Quantum Vacuum
(ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference 2004)
Sprache: Englisch
Länge: 1:10:33 Min, 29.97 FPS
Größe: 447 MB
Video: DIVX, 640x480, 780 kb/s
Audio: MP3, 96 kb/s, 44 kHz, Stereo
In a talk titled “Feasibility of Zero-point Energy Extraction from the Quantum Vacuum for Useful Work”, Dr. Valone reviewed what ZPE is and how it is being used. To kick off his talk, he cited a recent article (July 25, 2004) in the Los Angeles Times that stated that our only hope for solving the energy crisis is to be willing to consider “extreme possibilities.” With that introduction, he then cited numerous instances in which mainstream journals of science have been dabbling in a discussion of zero point energy.
He discussed how the vacuum used to be considered empty, but now it has been shown that the vacuum contains an enormous amount of energy. Even when you remove all sources of energy and cool a region to very close to absolute zero (the zero point), there is useable energy present in abundance. He said that this is why Helium stays liquid at fractions of a degree Kelvin. Dr. Valone described an experiment by Koltick that shows the effect of virtual particle "dressing" that shrouds an electron. The Quantum Vacuum text by Milonni, he says, estimates the ZPE energy density at 220 erg/cc in optical regions. These measurements were able to be made because of science’s ability to study matter at the nanoscopic level. He also reported that gravity and inertia are proven to be effects of ZPE, by none other than Dr. Hal Puthoff at the Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin.
Dr. Valone described the Casimir Effect, and how it can be used to tap ZPE. This is the slight attraction seen in metal plates when placed very close (atomic distances) to each other. The attraction can be shown to come from ZPE. Valone cites evidence that the ZPE is not conserved, and does not follow the normal laws of energy conservation. He also showed documented research that sometimes the Casimir Force is repulsive due to magnetic or thermal conditions. In some cases, the force changes sign as the temperature increased. This can lead to ways to manipulate and control ZPE.
In his presentation, Dr. Valone cited several mainstream science journals that are now publishing works by ZPE researchers (Some examples: Phys. Review Letters #92, 2004; Aviation Week March 1 2004; Science v. 299 issue 5608: 2003 p. 862.) He talked about Robert L. Forward’s early work proposing to extract energy from the Casimir Effect and how he made an electron storage battery instead. He said that now that we have the ability to work with nanotechnology, we have the tools to extract energy from the zero point field.
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Tom E. Bearden: Radionics - Action at a Distance
Sprache: Englisch
Länge: 1:35:40 Min, 29.97 FPS
Größe: 687 MB
Video: XVID, 320x240, 943 kb/s
Audio: MP3, 48 kb/s, 44 kHz, Stereo
Is it mysticism? Voodoo?
The very mention of the word Radionics evokes a strange sense of curiosity and puzzlement.
Why is Radionics always a footnote, and never the subject of discussion?
Why is is always alluded to, but never explained?
Well, there are very good reasons for this, as its implications are both astounding and dire. In 1990 Tom Bearden delivered a spell-binding lecture in Atlanta, Georgia, about Radionics, and Cheniere Media is now pleased to announce the re-release of this masterpiece as the latest DVD in its Foundations Series.
The presentation has been extensively re-mastered, and contains much new material, including a 2006 update by Tom Bearden. This is simply one of the most illuminating physics lectures ever given, as Tom connects all the dots with a plethora of slides and illustrations starting from the vacuum and its relation to parapsychology, to healing, to the almost inevitable pirating of the technology by the weapons manufacturers.