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Alt 10.10.2007, 01:04
Terrasystem Terrasystem ist offline
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Standard USA bereiten Drills mit schmutzigen Bomben vor

WASHINGTON (AP) — The nation is preparing for its biggest terrorism exercise ever later this month when three fictional "dirty bombs" go off and cripple transportation arteries in two major U.S. cities and Guam, according to a document obtained by The Associated Press.

More hier:http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/...exercise_N.htm

wenn wir uns einer Sache nicht sicher sind,so müssen wir doch handeln,lieber ein fehlgreifen der mittel,als tatenlos zu sein.
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Alt 10.10.2007, 08:02
JediKnight JediKnight ist offline
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Da sollten wir wachsam sein. Man kann hinter einem Drill ja viel verstecken...Aber ich denke wiederum, dass AP es dann nicht veröffentlicht hätte...
STOP "1984" !!!!

"Wer die Wahrheit sagt braucht ein verdammt schnelles Pferd."
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Alt 10.10.2007, 08:07
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Na klasse dann kann man ja schon wieder in Panik verfallen. 11.9. und London ist auch passiert, wärend genau das geübt wurde, was Sie dann durchgezogen haben. was 2 Mal klappt, klappt auch nen drittes Mal.
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Alt 10.10.2007, 08:34
Iks Iks ist offline
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Wie JediKnight schon gesagt hat ist das unwahrscheinlich weil es zusehr publik gemacht wird. Wenn da wirklich was passiert würde selbst jeder Depp sich wundern wieso an dem Tag der Übung genau das wirklich passiert ist was geübt wurde.
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Alt 10.10.2007, 09:35
lmet lmet ist offline
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Falsch gerade deshalb ist es möglich, dass es passiert.
Da es öffentlich gemacht wurde, wissen doch die "Terroristen" wann sie zuzuschlagen haben. Hinterher kann man sagen, dass sie die Übung genutzt haben um zuzuschlagen.
"Im ganzen Durcheinander der Übungen konnten die Sicherheitskräfte nicht reagieren."
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Alt 10.10.2007, 10:45
Iks Iks ist offline
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Dann kann man die Frage stellen wieso das so sehr öffentlich gemacht wurde obwohl so eine Gefahr besteht. Dann sagt man tja Pressefreiheit, wenn ne Zeitung oder TV darüber berichten will dann hat man da kein Einfluss drauf. Dann sagt man da muss man was tun damit man nicht veröffentlichen kann was man will usw usw.
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Alt 10.10.2007, 11:13
MasterChiller MasterChiller ist offline
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Terror drill to start despite lack of data

WASHINGTON (AP) — The nation is preparing for its biggest terrorism exercise ever later this month when three fictional "dirty bombs" go off and cripple transportation arteries in two major U.S. cities and Guam, according to a document obtained by The Associated Press.

Yet even as this drill begins, details from the previous national exercise held in 2005 have yet to be publicly released — information that's supposed to help officials prepare for the next real attack.

House lawmakers demanded answers Wednesday, including why the "after-action" report from 2005 hasn't been made public. Congress has required the exercise since 2000, but has done little in the way of oversight beyond attending the actual events.

Rep. Bennie Thompson, the committee chairman, did not get a direct answer to why it has taken the department two years to finish the after action report.

"I'm just wondering how much of that information you gleaned is actually current enough to move forward with," Thompson, D-Miss said. Rep. Norm Dicks, D-Wash., asked if the department was not releasing the report because it's hiding something.

"Is it so sensitive because there was a lot of failures in this exercise," Dicks asked. "You know Katrina wasn't exactly a home run."

The fourth Top Officials exercise — dubbed TOPOFF — takes place during the week starting Oct. 15. The program costs about $25 million a year and involves the federal government's highest officials, such as top people from the Defense and Homeland Security departments.

"The challenge with TOPOFF is not the exercise itself. It's to move as quickly as possible to remedy what perceives to be the problems that are uncovered," former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge said in an interview with AP this week.

Ridge, who launched his own security consulting company on Monday, said he's a big fan of the TOPOFF exercises. But he said "it's not acceptable" that the review from the 2005 exercise is still not released publicly.

The House Homeland Security emergency communications, preparedness and response subcommittee was holding a hearing Wednesday on the terrorism exercise program.

This year's TOPOFF will build on lessons learned from previous exercises, according to the Homeland Security Department, which runs the program. The agency said the Oct. 15-19 exercise would be "the largest and most comprehensive" to date.

According to an internal department briefing of the coming exercise obtained by AP, a dirty bomb will go off at a Cabras power plant in Guam; another dirty bomb will explode on the Steel Bridge in Portland, Ore., impacting major transportation systems, and a third dirty bomb will explode at the intersection of busy routes 101 and 202 near Phoenix.

Local hospitals and law enforcement agencies will be involved in the "attacks" by the dirty bombs, which are conventional explosives that include some radioactive material that would cause contamination over a limited area but not create actual nuclear explosions.

"Lessons learned from the exercise will provide valuable insights to guide future planning for securing the nation against terrorist attacks, disasters and other emergencies," according to the department's website.

The after action report from TOPOFF 3, which deals with issues that came up in the 2005 exercise, is supposed to identify areas for improvement. That report is still going through internal reviews.

According to a brief summary of the 2005 exercise — marked For Official Use Only, but obtained by AP — problems arose when officials realized the federal government's law for providing assistance does not cover biological incidents.

The exercise involved a mustard gas attack from an improvised explosive device in Connecticut and the release of the pneumonic plague in New Jersey. This caused certain federal disaster programs to be unavailable to some residents suffering from the attack, according to the summary.

A 2005 Homeland Security inspector general report suggested the department start tracking the lessons learned from these exercises.

And a 2006 White House report on Hurricane Katrina criticized the department for not having a system to address and fix the problems discovered in the TOPOFF exercises.

"The most recent Top Officials (TOPOFF) exercise in April 2005 revealed the federal government's lack of progress in addressing a number of preparedness deficiencies, many of which had been identified in previous exercises," according to the White House.

Previously, a more detailed version of lessons-learned from TOPOFF 2, held in 2003 was not released to states for security reasons.
Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Die Woche ab dem 15. Oktober sollten wir wachsam sein.
Ich hab hier die Original News mal geposted, falls im Fall der Fälle die Quelle ihre News verändert oder offline stellt.
Im Fall der Fälle haben wir dann ein weiteres und schweres 3. Indiz für das zeitgleiche Ausführen einer Anti-Terror ÜBUNG und dem tatsächlichen Eintreten.

Danke für den Link @Terrasystem
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Alt 10.10.2007, 21:38
Terrasystem Terrasystem ist offline
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Registriert seit: 22.08.2006
Ort: Kreis Offenbach
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bütte...Und gute Idee das du den Artikel hier gesichert hast!

Weiß ehrlich gesagt auch noch nicht wie ich die Meldung einordnen soll, aber zu mindestens können wir uns auf den Artikel berufen falls doch was passieren sollte!
wenn wir uns einer Sache nicht sicher sind,so müssen wir doch handeln,lieber ein fehlgreifen der mittel,als tatenlos zu sein.
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Alt 16.10.2007, 03:21
Terrasystem Terrasystem ist offline
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Registriert seit: 22.08.2006
Ort: Kreis Offenbach
Beiträge: 143

hier nochmal ein deutscher Link:http://derstandard.at/
wenn wir uns einer Sache nicht sicher sind,so müssen wir doch handeln,lieber ein fehlgreifen der mittel,als tatenlos zu sein.
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