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Alt 29.01.2009, 18:04
Polarfox Polarfox ist offline
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Standard US Navy bereit für weltweite Pandemie

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Navy Ready for Future Pacific Pandemics

Navy NewsStand

Story Number: NNS090128-03
Release Date: 1/28/2009 5:56:00 AM

By Bill Doughty, U.S. Pacific Fleet Public Affairs

PEARL HARBOR (NNS) -- The Navy is prepared to deal with pandemic influenza, an epidemic of infectious flu, if an outbreak happens. That's the message by Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet, Adm. Robert F. Willard in his latest Rat-Pac Report podcast, posted Jan. 28.

"The U.S. Pacific Fleet is part of a broader joint and combined effort to be prepared to deal with a pandemic flu outbreak," Willard said. "Our medical researchers continue to study the prevention of this and the response strategies associated with this."

"The Bureau of Medicine has been very helpful in this regard and, in the meantime, we in the Pacific Fleet will be on guard and prepared to help should a pandemic influenza ever occur," Willard said.

"Back in 1918, a worldwide (influenza) epidemic was started in an Army camp in Kansas and moved east," said Willard. "Sailors in Philadelphia and Boston died by the hundreds; millions of people died worldwide within weeks.

"This is not to frighten you but to illustrate how dangerous a pandemic influenza strain that we are unfamiliar with could be for the world, let alone the nation."

Of particular concern in the Pacific is the potential for an "avian flu" or bird flu pandemic.

Pacific Fleet Surgeon Capt. Charles Baxter reinforced Willard's message and said PACFLT has been developing pandemic avian flu plans since 2005.

"We are focused on prevention, early detection and fleet response in an avian flu pandemic," he said.

All human cases of bird flu transmission, to date, are traced to direct contact with an infected bird, according to Baxter. However, researchers are concerned that the virus may mutate and become able to be spread from human to human.

Baxter noted that the Navy's Bureau of Medicine and Surgery works closely with the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Food and Drug Administration, along with other international and national organizations and agencies, ready in case of a pandemic influenza outbreak.

The Navy's initiatives are aligned with President Barack Obama's Agenda for Homeland Security on Strengthening America's Biosecurity. One of the goals in the Commander in Chief's agenda is, "Lead an international effort to diminish impact of major infectious disease epidemics" to prevent or combat 21st century threats.
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Alt 29.01.2009, 18:07
Technoman Technoman ist offline
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das heisst ja wohl dann, dass die mal einen neuen virus entwickelt haben , den die dann verbreiten wollen !!!!!!! mal sehen
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Alt 12.02.2009, 15:18
Zeke.One Zeke.One ist offline
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Wie? Grippe?
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Alt 12.02.2009, 17:44
D-mcS D-mcS ist offline
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Bin mal gespannt, wenn die ersten Syptome auftreten dann hat die Pharma Industie auch mal wieder etwas zu tun......

Ob ich dem glauben schenken soll?!
Man wird es sehen ... !

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