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Alt 03.08.2008, 01:22
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It's not a shame, You are favored by fortune.

Ans so You are the luckiest Guy in this Forum. :P
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Alt 04.08.2008, 01:51
miharu miharu ist offline
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Welcome msd!

As for how far the NWO is in Germany...well, we have the "Onlinedurchsuchung"(online search), that our "Bundesverfassungsgericht"(Federal Constitutional Court)thankfully heavily modified so that the BKA needs strong evidence before they can do it(... in the original draft bill they wouldn't have been curtailed like that in their choice of online search victims).

As you've been told before, there are the chips in our "Reisepass"(passport) and we can choose if we want our finger prints on our ID cards or not. There are plans to enable the ID card to use it in the Internet, but nothing too concrete yet.

There has been a "hacker-tool prohibition" law passed, meaning you can't use certain programmes and/or softwares anymore which would enable you to check your own computer for spy programmes etc.

Most currently they tried to force us into a EU despotism by way of the Lissabon Treaty(...which would have made military build up mandatory for every member state and allowed the member states to shoot people during an uprising, to only list two of the highlights of that treaty), which the people of Ireland thankfully vetoed in a referendum of the people. Still, the other EU contries are now thinking about ways to force Ireland to say "yes" to the treaty, perhaps by taking a second vote.

The EU is debating a new "Richtlinie"(...law for all member states)about telecommunication guard(...to make sure there won't be any illegal downloads any more). It wasn't really a surprise to learn that the commitee consists largely of politicians who represent the media lobby and representatives of media groups themselves. So the media groups will determine our fundamental rights concerning freedom of information and privacy of home and thoughts now, isn't that great?

If you are looking for activities there will be a demo on Sept.7th in Brussels demanding a re-investigation of 911: http://www.unitedfortruth.eu/
wer mir sagt "Wer nichts zu verbergen hat, der braucht den Überwachungsstaat nicht zu fürchten", dem entgegne ich "Wer im Regen nicht schmilzt, braucht keinen Regenschirm. Allerdings könnte er sich ohne Schirm eine Erkältung einfangen."
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Alt 04.08.2008, 02:00
R_F_I_D R_F_I_D ist offline
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Zitat von mr_self_destruct
R_F_I_D: Good clips, thanks.

This guy looks pretty funny but the info is good:


As for a We Are Change DE, I was surprised to hear there wasn't one already. I would definitely get involved if there was, though I'd be limited by my German. I do have a camcorder which I make short films with though.
Send me a PM so maybe you can exchange ideas about founding a Projekt like We are change in Germany if you want.
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Alt 04.08.2008, 02:11
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Zitat von mr_self_destruct
Zitat von Amazonia
Hi Mr. mr_self_destruct

If your life ist boring and you'ld like to do something for the Infokrieg you could translate this lecture into the German language. :P

Thank You
Did you not read my first message, specifically the bit where I said I my "German is basic"?
Too bad. It gonna take me a 100 cigarettes and 20 coffee pots to get it done
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Alt 04.08.2008, 13:32
mr_self_destruct mr_self_destruct ist offline
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Zitat von miharu
Welcome msd!
Thanks, good info. What's going on here regarding "the war on terror" and the subsequent loss of civil liberties? I know Germany was against the invasion of Iraq but how have things changed now Merkel's in power?
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Alt 04.08.2008, 13:33
mr_self_destruct mr_self_destruct ist offline
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Zitat von Sieben
Too bad. It gonna take me a 100 cigarettes and 20 coffee pots to get it done
Someone has written an English transcription of the talk, that might at least save you a few cigarettes and pots of coffee:

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Alt 04.08.2008, 15:16
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Someone has written an English transcription of the talk, that might at least save you a few cigarettes and pots of coffee:

Thanks man. Appreciate this !
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Alt 04.08.2008, 15:43
Iks Iks ist offline
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This indeed will help... I planned to do a sub for that but I guess its already too late for that. Many probably have already started writing one.
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Alt 04.08.2008, 15:57
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@ mr_self_destruct

if you find some transcripts for Ickes "Turning the Tide" or "Secrets of the Matrix" it would help me a lot cause specially the second is enormous work
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My encounters with the German police (in English) mr_self_destruct Globaler Polizeistaat 11 23.09.2008 16:41

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