Amazonia, wer sind die Nicht- möchtegernmenschen? Du scheinst da ja klare Vorstellungen zu haben. Wie werden wir denn "richtige" Menschen?
“Mentality of any individual is a multi-component information system. More exactly: mentality is
an information-metric system, since mentality is first of all the algorithms, and algorithms is a se-
quence of steps of transformation of the information, what is impossible without different kinds of
matrixes, common to algorithms – the converters of measured conditions, which represent all
kinds of “tracing-paper” from the objective all-enclosing measure-matrix – the God’s Predetermi-
nation of life.
The personal psyche determines individual behaviour of a man based on the elements, which in
computer business it is usually referred to as software. The information software, guiding the peo-
ple's behaviour is different in quality and includes:
· Instincts of a biological species “Homo Sapiens”;
· Habits, absorbed from the surrounding culture of the community in a ready-to-use way, and exe-
cuted mostly (as the instinctive programs) automatically in "triggering" situations;
· Fruits of the individuals' own intellectual efforts;
· Intuition, which nor is homogeneous, and includes:
* The results of independent (isolated from the environment) work of unconscious levels of men-
tality of the individual;
* Spiritual, or bio-field, influence on the individuals' mentality by collective mentality, which the
individual supports and participates in the spiritual world;
* Intimidation from outside and possessiveness, as a result of field influence on the individual
from the other subjects of both embodied, and bodiless spirits;
* Direct Highest Guidance.
The information software, determining individual behaviour, proceeding from some of the above
mentioned diversified components, is not necessarily – in all the life circumstances – go without col-
lisions with the information software of behaviour, proceeding from the other components. Depend-
ing on what the individual prefers, allowing this or that algorithms to be executed in his behaviour
both in material, and in the spiritual worlds, his personal psychological composition builds up, even
if the individual does not realize at all, what this is. Owing to ambiguity of individual preferences,
aimed at the resolution of internal conflicts between diverse components of information software of
behaviour in everyone's' mentality, the society at large displays more or less vividly expressed ten-
dency to polarization: on one end there are those who mostly unconsciously aspire to subordinate
everything to satisfaction of their instinctive needs – on the other those who more or less consciously
aspire to summon everything to accord with the God’s Providence and to live their lives on the route
of God’s Guidance.
The first group are the carriers of an animal build-up of mentality and in essentially represent
speech-capable humanoid apes, more or less tamed by the influence of the cultural environment of
the civilization. Representatives of the second group are at different stages on the path of irreversibly
becoming humans – the carriers of the human build-up of mentality.
In between these two categories of the society there have dispersed (in the mathematical sense of
statistical distribution) all others: different bio-robots-zombies – those who reject the freedom of
their mind in the statement and resolving of different tasks, and also reject intuition, subordinating
their will to the affect of external factors.
Among the zombies there is one specific group – the demonic personalities – those who do not re-
ject both their mind and intuition, but who reject the guidance from God and thus stay in intoxica-
tion by the will power both of their own, and of some embodied or spiritual substances.
But under a closer look all zombies, including the demonic personalities, are identical carriers of
the animal build-up of mentality, whose instincts are cemented by the norms of culture and surface –
directly or in perverted way – under different masks of formal innovations in hedonic culture – sub-
ordinating all components of the mentality to the extraction of various pleasures from all and every-