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Alt 16.08.2006, 17:48
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Standard Amerika bereitet sich auf Bürgerkrieg vor??!!

Naja, wenn der Dollar zusammenbricht, dann wird es so kommen

BREAKING INTEL: Bush Prepares for Martial Law
by Tom Heneghan
Tuesday Aug 15th, 2006 2:49 PM

U.S. Flag Officers
Pentagon-British-Mossad Neo-Cons

US Military prepares for civil war and domestic insurrection as British Viceroy Occupunk Bushfraud prepares martial law script. Bushfraud, on advice from his handlers the British Monarchy, readies 20 day detainee legislation which would functionally destroy the US Constitution and end the Bill of Rights as we know it.

AUGUST 15, 2006

U.S. Flag Officers
Pentagon-British-Mossad Neo-Cons

US Military prepares for civil war and domestic insurrection as British Viceroy Occupunk Bushfraud prepares martial law script. Bushfraud, on advice from his handlers the British Monarchy, readies 20 day detainee legislation which would functionally destroy the US Constitution and end the Bill of Rights as we know it.

Bushfraud and Dunblaine Blair are being assisted in their treason by the British Yiddish Corporate media which is now in full Gestapo terrorist propaganda mode.
The Box Media Filth dreams of shutting down the free Internet aka another phony terrorist scare. That is why the Box Corporate British Yiddish media is so enthusiastic having the NSA spy on the People.
How dare you, you "Tyrants and Conspiratorial Kings."

Item: Further breaking news. Pat Roberts (R Kan.) has been caught in delaying phase two of the Iraq War Inquiry until after the November election. An aide to Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D. W.Va.) has told this reporter that Roberts is protecting the criminal culpability of Bush, Blair, UK Minister Alexander and Mel Sembler, former US Ambassador to Italy, in orchestrating the forgery of the noted British Mi6 dossier which took American boys to their death based on a lie.

The Rockefeller aide also fingered the point man or liason between the Pentagon and the British government. That individual fingered today by this aide is former Iran-Contra player Eliot Abrams. Note: Douglas Alexander has been linked to Bay Point Schools, Florida-Gate 2000, and the latest false flag terrorist scare out of the U.K. Reference Aug 12/06 IEOR. Calling Flight 109 click.

P.S. Message to Chris Matthews: The American people will not hand over their Constitution to Bushfraud or a Dunblaine pedophile named Blair based on a phony war on Terror. Hey Chris did you not watch you colleague Keith Obermann last night. At least fifteen phony terrorist scares orchestrated for political purposes. Come on Chris Get real!

PPS - Michigan cell phone terrorist case collapses. Question: When will FBI bring Jose Padilla (John Doe #2) to trial on the Oklahoma City Bombing case? Answer: Never; too many 9-11 Oklahoma City, Bojinka Philippine documents might be presented in court.

PPPS - British Bank Dick Russell Chambers now linked to massive Bush Blair slush fund which bribes and controls US media stooges for favorable media coverage. Note: Of course Rupert Murdoch of Fox News is the bagman. Story developing,

NOTE: Rudy Giulliani former Mayor of New York, has been caught lying to the 9-11 Commission. Story Developing.



IF you are not yet aware, be apprised that International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and inside INTERPOL sources who are putting their very lives on the line, 24/7, for you and I and our loved ones to SAVE America and the World from Traitors-Treason-Tyranny

Court Adjudicated Official Federal Whistleblower FIRED, after 31 years of Federal service, without any compensation, for over eight years Reporting On-Going Treason Threatening National Security, that of Extensive Briberies and Cover Up Conspiracies 'Giving Aid and Comfort' to Illegal Muslims -- Rewarding Numerous Felonies

Three (3) Illegal Muslim Sham Marriage Rings in Orlando area PRIOR to 9/11 - NO prosecutions

*** These illegal aliens who have engaged in numerous FELONIES of sham marriage, document fraud, perjury, bribery, forgery, failed to pay taxes, etc. have been REWARDED with green cards and our highest privilege of United States citizenship.



Disloyalty to one's nation ; a person who reneges on an oath of loyalty or a pledge of allegiance, is considered to be a traitor.

Article Three of the United States Constitution defines treason as levying war against the United States or giving aid and comfort to its enemies.

Extensive TREASON in these united States of America is not a contained domestic issue, but has a far reaching, worldwide detrimental impact. We here in America have a moral responsibility to the rest of the world when our actions have negative repercussions on their daily lives.


Our highest privilege of United States citizenship rewards these felons with easier travel on United States passports, voting privileges, the ability to hold public office, and the opportunity for a federal position with access to classified information.

These treasonous conspiracies are NOT about Creator loving, law abiding legal Muslims in the United States, but specifically address illegal Muslims who are being aided and abetted by treasonous officials, after committing numerous felonies defrauding the American People.

This is NOT a political issue of democrats vs. republicans vs. libertarians vs. independents, it is NOT an issue of black, brown, red, yellow, or white, NOR is it an issue of Buddhist vs. Christian vs. Hindu vs. Jewish vs. Muslim... ; it IS an issue of national security, it IS an issue of home security, it IS an issue of personal security.

*** While, our very own men and women are ordered by the Bush Traitor Cabal to an illegal war against claimed 'seditious' Muslims [now in the quagmire of a foreign civil war], only to return in body bags or with their arms, legs, hands and feet blown off, bodies burned and/or poisoned with radiation poisoning ; and while you and I, John Doe American citizens, loose our precious freedoms and privacy and our divinely inspired united States Constitution is shredded in the name of 'created' terrorism, this Traitor Cabal so easily manipulate zoned-out, sleeping Americans via their conspiratorial Orwellian, corporate-controlled LMSM (lying mainstream media), and sold out, extortion-friendly treasonous Congress, expecting ignorant Americans will continue to give up their divinely inspired Constitutional rights and freedoms all in the name of 'security, security'; whether it be `security' from state-sponsored bombings or the highly convenient `created' HN51 bird flu; expecting the American People to willingly accept martial law and a quasi-tyrannical dictatorship through fear, fear, fear from their created 'terrorism' using Muslim patsies,i.e. via the highly successful D.C. sniper template

*** Read up on what Hitler did with the `Reichstag Fire' and to the German People's constitutional rights - this 'created catastrophe' enabled the power to pass laws by decree, without the involvement of the Reichstag aka congress aka parliament -- a familiar parallel ?

These same treasonous officials, destroying our divinely inspired constitutional rights and freedoms with their 'Patriot Act' (written PRIOR to 9/11), spending our hard earned tax dollars, hundreds and hundreds of billions, in fighting, bombing, killing innocent Iraqi men, women, children and babies :

* who did NOT attack the USA on 9/11
* who did NOT have WMDs
* who have NEVER attacked these united States of America

all in the name of the Traitor Cabal's 'created terrorism' to fight claimed 'seditious Muslims' (patsies) ; while these Traitor Cabal conspirators are supporting, protecting and propagating these treasonous briberies and extensive cover up conspiracies of 'giving aid and comfort' to illegal Muslims here in these united States of America ; [patsy sleeper cells ?]

rewarding their numerous felonies with green cards and our highest privilege of United States citizenship. Who in the Illuminati NWO Traitor Cabal's extortion-friendly Bush/Clinton, Congress, DOJ, FBI, DHS, OSC, OIG, DOD, the LMSM are knowingly complicit in these on-going treasonous conspiracies? See documents at :

AMERICA: Freedom To Fascism. Aaron Russo Interview.
36 min 49 sec - Jun 8, 2006

Freedom to Fascism - A Must-See Film by Aaron Russo - by Stephen Lendman

President JFK Speech on Secret Societies
and Freedom of the Press

"We each must seek to be more aware of right and wrong in our daily lives and then, using our God-given Free Will, choose to earnestly strive to do that which is moral and righteous for ourselves and our fellow man, connecting ever more with our Father and Creator of ALL that exists." -- Mary Schneider

Communications between Israeli Embassy in Washington D.C. to AIPAC
by Jeff Fisher 240-386-7314 Washington D.C.
( americanpatriotjefffisher [at] gmail.com ) Tuesday Aug 15th, 2006 3:29 PM

Please if you want the war to end now then click on this link,
read and then scream bloody hell to all the media to cover it.
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Alt 17.08.2006, 01:48
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der dollar wird schon nicht zusammen brechen, dafür wird bush schon mit nem neuen krieg sorgen. traurig irgendwie
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Alt 17.08.2006, 02:18
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Zitat von jaynixxo
der dollar wird schon nicht zusammen brechen, dafür wird bush schon mit nem neuen krieg sorgen. traurig irgendwie
Du solltest Dich schon mal mit beiden Möglichkeiten anfreunden.
„Die bewusste und intelligente Manipulation der organisierten Gewohnheiten und Meinungen der Massen ist ein wichtiges Element in der demokratischen Gesellschaft. Wer die ungesehenen Gesellschaftsmechanismen manipuliert, bildet eine unsichtbare Regierung, welche die wahre Herrschermacht unseres Landes ist. Wir werden regiert, unser Verstand geformt, unsere Geschmäcker gebildet, unsere Ideen größtenteils von Männern suggeriert, von denen wir nie gehört haben. Dies ist ein logisches Ergebnis der Art wie unsere demokratische Gesellschaft organisiert ist. Große Menschenzahlen müssen auf diese Weise kooperieren, wenn sie in einer ausgeglichen funktionierenden Gesellschaft zusammenleben sollen. In beinahe jeder Handlung unseres Lebens, ob in der Sphäre der Politik oder bei Geschäften, in unserem sozialen Verhalten und unserem ethischen Denken werden wir durch eine relativ geringe Zahl an Personen dominiert, welche die mentalen Prozesse und Verhaltensmuster der Massen verstehen. Sie sind es, die die Fäden ziehen, welche das öffentliche Denken kontrollieren.“
Edward L. Bernays (* 1891 † 1995) „Vater der Public Relations“, Auszug aus dem ersten Kapitel „Organising Chaos“ des Buches Propaganda.

"Es bedarf heutzutage eines mutigen Mannes,um furchtlos die Wahrheit zu sprechen, denn selbst das bedeutet persönliches Risiko und Kosten. Das Gesetz verbietet es nämlich, die Wahrheit zu sagen, außer unter Zwang, bei Gericht und unter Strafandrohung wegen Meineids. Wurden öffentlich und gedruckt Lügen über dich erzählt, bist du machtlos, um deinem Ehrabschneider den Mund zu stopfen, außer du bist wohlhabend; nenne Tatsachen, und du wirst ein Verleumder; hüte deine Zunge bei einer Ungerechtigkeit, die in deiner Gegenwart begangen wird und deine Freunde werden dich als ihresgleichen ansehen - als ihren Verbündeten. Seine ehrliche Meinung zu äußern ist unmöglich geworden in diesem, unseren Zyklus."
- Helena Blavatsky: Collected Writings, XI:188

Beste Grüße an unsere Freunde von der Antifa und vielen Dank für die zahlreiche,
bundesweite Werbung für infokrieg.tv auf Euren lustigen Seiten, die, wenn sie auch in Ihren Aussagen und Behauptungen grenzdebil anmuten und unhaltbar sind, jeden Tag viele Leser zu uns bringen!!!
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Alt 17.08.2006, 02:22
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Zitat von Anarcho
Zitat von jaynixxo
der dollar wird schon nicht zusammen brechen, dafür wird bush schon mit nem neuen krieg sorgen. traurig irgendwie
Du solltest Dich schon mal mit beiden Möglichkeiten anfreunden.
Da kann ich nichts hinzufügen, ich bin hier völlig d´accord
Amerika wird das gleiche Schicksal ereilen, wie damals das römische Reich. Die Römer haben zum Schluß ihren Haushalt auch nur mit Kriegen finanziert. Sowas ging noch nie gut
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Alt 17.08.2006, 23:57
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Zitat von Schwabio
Zitat von Anarcho
Zitat von jaynixxo
der dollar wird schon nicht zusammen brechen, dafür wird bush schon mit nem neuen krieg sorgen. traurig irgendwie
Du solltest Dich schon mal mit beiden Möglichkeiten anfreunden.
Da kann ich nichts hinzufügen, ich bin hier völlig d´accord
Amerika wird das gleiche Schicksal ereilen, wie damals das römische Reich. Die Römer haben zum Schluß ihren Haushalt auch nur mit Kriegen finanziert. Sowas ging noch nie gut
na dann hoffen wir das mal für rom... äehhmm amerika
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Alt 10.09.2006, 23:07
Beiträge: n/a

das bedeutet nicht, dass die regierung den bürgerkrieg wirklich erwartet oder ihn sich sogar wünscht. die amerikanische regierung bereitet sich schon seit der clinton administration darauf vor, dass das volk soch gegen die unterdrückung erhebt. gibt z.b. mal bei google, oder youtube "fema camps" oder "fema concentration camps" ein. die sind sehr gut vorbereitet.
aber vieleicht können sie es auch mitlerweile nicht mehr abwarten und werden einen bürgerkrieg provozieren. man weis es nicht.
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