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Umfrageergebnis anzeigen: Was hältst Du von der Nibiru Sache?
New Age Mist, absolut unglaubwürdig... 144 39,56%
da könnte eventuell was wahres dran sein... 184 50,55%
verdammt, wo gehts zum nächsten bunker?... 36 9,89%
Teilnehmer: 364. Sie dürfen bei dieser Umfrage nicht abstimmen

Alt 12.07.2008, 14:55
Mukudmak Mukudmak ist offline
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Ja, die Sache mit den Anunnaki fasziniert mich auch! auf Youtube tauchen diesbezüglich fast täglich neue Videos auf. Unsere ganze Geschichte nur eine inszenierte Lüge? Ich denke, die Welt und unsere Vergangenheit sehen schon ein bisschen anders aus als man uns so präsentiert.
Echte Wissenschaft kommt nicht aus sterilen Labors, sondern aus dem Funken der Fantasie
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Alt 12.07.2008, 17:29
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Standard 51-teilige Reihe "Your World IS Changing"

Ja, diese Dinge sind prüfenswert.
Wer zusätzliche Infos über die gesamte Palette an Themen, die hier im Forum infokrieg besprochen werden benötigt, dem sei die 51- teilige Reihe: "Your World IS Changing" angeraten zu sehen.

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Alt 13.07.2008, 14:40
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Standard Projekt Camelot

Einschätzung der Informationsquelle Project Camelot
Quelle: http://nextom.wordpress.com/2007/10/...ird-argerlich/

Project Camelot: Big Brother wird ärgerlich
Posted by nextom

NEXUS-Leser kennen die (von uns ins Deutsche übersetzten) Interviews von Project Camelot schon: Es handelt sich um Berichte von Zeitzeugen, die den Rahmen des Vorstellbaren um einige Dimensionen übersteigen. Project Camelot rangiert in unserer Redaktion ganz, ganz oben auf der Watchlist. Nun haben wir gerade eine interessante Mail der Betreiber erhalten, die wir hier für Sie übersetzen. Machen Sie sich Ihren eigenen Reim darauf!

"19 unserer 31 Videos wurden (wieder) aus Google gelöscht.
Dies bedeutet, dass wir mit Sicherheit irgendetwas richtig machen.

Unser gesamtes Material liegt an mehreren Orten gesichert, aber es wird ein paar Tage dauern, um es neu aufzuladen. Wir entschuldigen uns für die widrigen Umstände.
Angriffe wie dieser werden uns nie stoppen. Für den Hacker, der dies liest: Bedenken Sie, dass wir dadurch nur noch entschlossener geworden sind, unsere Arbeit der größtmöglichen Öffentlichkeit bekannt zu machen. Die Wahrheit kann so einfach nicht gelöscht werden … und es besteht auch nicht die geringste Chance, dass wir dadurch den Mut verlieren.
Interessanterweise wurde uns mitgeteilt, dass Alex Jones kürzlich dasselbe passierte. Zumindest ein Teil der Absicht dahinter scheint darin zu bestehen, die Google Besucher-Zähler wieder auf Null zu setzen (was auch bei unseren Videos vor ein paar Monaten geschah). Sie können gerne mit uns zusammen darüber spekulieren, was hier abläuft und wer dafür verantwortlich ist.”
__________________________________________________ _______________

Project Camelot über Steve Wood, der im CERN / Genf arbeitet und über Planet X / Nibiru berichtet
Quelle: http://www.www.projectcamelot.org/

21 June 2008
• Steve Wood: Update
We are awaiting receipt of a two hour audio testimony from this potential but as yet unvetted (by us) whistle blower. We will let you know our take on this material as soon as we have it available.

Siehe Video von Steve Wood: http://youtube.com/user/StevenWoodCERN
20 June 2008

• Steve Wood: 'Planet X is real'... or what's going on at CERN?
An interesting report from a possible whistle-blower forwarded to us from Marshall Masters. Worth contemplating. ( http://youtube.com/user/StevenWoodCERN )
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Alt 14.07.2008, 14:35
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Hier mal eine Doku zum Thema Nibriu von Secret TV

Secret.TV - Planet Nibiru

Viele Anzeichen weisen daraufhin, daß ein größerer Planet unsere Erde passieren wird.
Dieser Himmelskörper ist angeblich bereits gesichtet worden und sein Durchgang in Erdnähe sei bereits vor 3 Jahren von der NASA für Mitte 2003 vorausberechnet worden, würde aber strikt geheim gehalten, um eine Panik zu vermeiden. Entsprechend Hinweisen habe dieser Himmelskörper eine extrem exzentrische und zu unseren Planeten gegenläufige Umlaufbahn, was genau für den sumerischen Nibiru zutreffen würde.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Passwort: doku.dl.am

Immer schön kritisch bleiben
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Alt 14.07.2008, 14:55
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Standard Kritisch bleiben :)

Servus nofretete1969,

sei mir gegrüßt am Montag.
Danke für Deine Info – der Film von secret.tv ist mir bekannt.
Als Einstieg ist er gut geeignet. Die Wahrheit um das Thema Nibiru ist nicht einfach herauszuarbeiten. Zumal sich Quellen wie www.zetatalk.com mit www.marshallmasters.com/ nicht gut verstehen.

Es ist halt typisch menschlich, jeder arbeitet für sich und nicht alle zusammen für eine Sache.
Wenn dann noch die Regierungen plus Elite ihre eigene Suppe kochen, ist das Chaos perfekt.
Da stimme ich Dir zu: „Immer schön kritisch bleiben“

Danke für den Filmtipp heute um 17:00 Uhr auf N-TV. Schaue ich auch gern mal rein (Unter dem Reiter "Livestream": http://www.n-tv.de/ ).
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Alt 14.07.2008, 21:13
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Standard Joe Burd

Sehr informativer Artikel des freien Journalisten Joe Burd. Leider in englischer Sprache, aber mit google Sprachtools kann ihn sich jeder übersetzten.

New Facts about Planet X, the Earth's Rotation & Global Warming / 12.09.2007
Quelle: http://disinformationtoday.blogspot....-x-earths.html

Posted by Joe Burd – He is a freelance journalist and experienced blogger that passionately enjoys writing about topics related to international politics and significant current events happening around the world. He’s sceptical about a lot of things we see from the mainstream media and get from our contemporary leaders. His mission is to ask questions and get answers because of his relentless urge to understand the world, media and events that affect us all as a global community. His questions are always tough, relentless and measured but he never fails to deliver the bold straight goods on any answers he might find on topics that, most of the time, the mainstream media won’t even touch. Mr. Burd has also spent a lot of time and built a solid reputation for himself in the Canadian music industry as a Manager, Talent Agent, Promoter and Booker. Since 2001, he’s been involved with dozens of successful independent bands, organized numerous charitable music events, and has always been a strong propon of Canadian homegrown talent.

Interestingly enough, although I'm quite interested in numerous issues and topics including this particular subject, the idea to write this article came while researching my next major editorial series on Jean Keating's Prison Treatise and certificated monetary birth rights inherent to people all over the world, especially those in North America and Europe. Aside from being touted as one of the greatest legal minds of the past century in broad circles, Jean Keating was also an accomplished, respected researcher and scientist that spent a lot of his scientific career working on scalar weapon technologies.

During a 2004 seminar that I was reviewing, in the middle of the seminar Mr. Keating suddenly digressed from the main point and brought up the controversial topic of Planet X. He went on further to talk about how this elusive, but still officially unrecognized in the eyes of the scientific community as a whole, planetoid or Nemesis star is traveling toward Earth's sun, situated in the core of our solar system, and when this interaction happens, scheduled to occur in 2012, it could cause substantial problems for our little blue planet.

Howbeit his rant was short, his insight intrigued me so much that, recently, I went back through my notes and decided to research all of the topics and issues related to Planet X in more detail. It should also be noted, though, that given all of the evidence, pro and con, on this subject, I personally still haven't formed a definitive opinion. However, the pool of evidence presented, that implies the existence of some type of massive Trans-Neptune object with dangerous potential for humanity, is compelling and worth looking at with a serious, open mind.

According to a fringe, rapidly growing aspect of today's contemporary scientific establishment, the media's been blatantly lying to the public, at the request of major governments around the world, since September 10, 1984 by many accounts, but most certainly since 1992.

Whenever Planet X enters the conversation, one almost always encounters this automatic rejectionist orate, "If Planet X really did exist, our government would tell us about it."

Notwithstanding such denial, experts have come to expect this type of conflicting reaction when it comes to this particular topic, but instead of becoming frustrated those that know the real facts have been advancing their research and spreading the word.

For those that don't know what this is all about yet, Planet X is a large hypothetical planet with an orbit beyond that of Neptune. A hypothetical planetary object is a planet, natural satellite or similar body whose existence is not known, but has been inferred from observational scientific evidence. Folks, in this case to say there's been "observational scientific evidence" would be an out-and-out understatement.

The notion of Planet X was first proposed over a century ago by the scientific community, and accepted as a significant, distinct possibility by the beginning of the 20th century. Originally, speculation came about when astronomers first postulated that there's a defined plausibility of massive objects beyond the charted solar system in a region referred to as the Kuiper belt.

In the early 20th century, astronomer Percival Lowell's observation of apparent irregularities in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune led him to conclude that a distant planet, which he called Planet X, must lie beyond Neptune. The Lowell Observatory's long search for this planet ultimately led to the discovery of Pluto in 1930. However, Pluto's mass was found to be too small to disturb the other planets' orbits significantly. If you compare the size and mass of Pluto to Earth, the math becomes self-evident and, in fact, it is only 60% of the size of Earth's moon.

It should also be noted that astronomers, as early as the late 18th century, developed a fairly accurate, peer accepted mathematical formula that was used, by different parties until after the mid-20th century, to find other notable planets including, but not limited to, Saturn's perturber, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Since the dawn of the modern space age, new technologies have been employed to assist in the search for astrometric bodies.

Zecharia Sitchin is a respected author, researcher and scientist that, for decades through books, statements and other published documents, has been a staunch proponent of Planet X's existence since his early days. In a 1992 video, Zecharia Sitchin first offered a revealng citation from a 1992 NASA press release.

"Unexplained deviations in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune point to a large outer solar system body of 4 to 8 Earth masses, on a highly tilted orbit, beyond 7 billion miles from the sun.", stated NASA's official release according to Sitchin.

In 2003, the website YOWUSA.com's Steve Russell interviewed Mr. Sitchin, and in that interview it was stated that, "Some ten years ago the US Government itself, through its Naval Observatory, led the search for Planet X and the team's leader, Dr. Harrington, agreed with my ancient evidence. At that time even The New York Times wrote that all that is left regarding the existence of such a post-Plutonian planet is to name it."

On January 26, 1983, NASA launched the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS), a new telescope touted as a modern astrometric breakthrough. Numerous Planet X researchers have long held the idea that the IRAS satellite imaged Planet X during its sky survey.

On September 10, 1984, U.S. News & World Report published a groundbreaking article in its respected magazine called "Planet X - Is It Really Out There?". This particular article is widely considered by many observers to be the last genuine article about the hypothetical planet by a aristocratic publication.

Excertps from the U.S. News & World Report article include:

Shrouded from the sun's light, mysteriously tugging at the orbits of Uranus and Neptune, is an unseen force that astronomers suspect may be Planet X — a 10th resident of the Earth's celestial neighborhood.

Last year, the infrared astronomical satellite (IRAS), circling in a polar orbit 560 miles from the Earth, detected heat from an object about 50 billion miles away that is now the subject of intense speculation.

"All I can say is that we don't know what it is yet," says Gerry Neugenbaur, director of the Palomar Observatory for the California Institute of Technology. Scientists are hopeful that the one-way journeys of the Pioneer 10 and 11 space probes may help to locate the nameless body.

Some astronomers say the heat-emitting object is an unseen collapsed star or possibly a "brown dwarf" — a proto-star that never got hot enough to become a star. However, a growing number of astronomers insist that the object is a large, gaseous mass that is slowly evolving into a planet.

For decades, astronomers have noted that the orbits of two huge, distant planets — Neptune and Uranus — deviate slightly from what they should be according to the laws of physics. Gravitational pull from Planet X would explain that deviation.

Moreover, says Neugebaur, "if we can show that our own solar system is still creating planets, we'll know that it's happening around other stars, too."

Prior to the publishing of this pertinent article in 1984, numerous additional persuasive articles had also been written on the subject by sources including, but not limited to, Astronomy Magazine, The New York Times and Newsweek, between December 1981 and September 10, 1984. Subsequent to the release of U.S. News & World Report's article in 1984, the mainstream media suddenly and subtlety stopped reporting on this subject altogether — until 1992.

Privately and to be expected, NASA continued its important search, likely fueled by its findings in the early 1980s, for the elusive Planet X. In 1992, the space agency released its landmark statement regarding the object being approximately 7 billion miles from the star system's core.

Since that infamous 1992 press release, there's been absolute silence, dismissal, and public ignorance on the issue, more than after 1984, almost as if a "media blackout" had been imposed by government officials. The space agency itself will no longer publicly comment on issue, including their own previous comments, and no explanation is given for the agency's silence.

Since 1992, although the public has been led to believe that this hypothetical planet or brown dwarf does not exist, the evidence for this possibility has continued increasing and, in recent years, is becoming more and more difficult to dismiss. In terms of the math, the situation is becoming quite alarming in light of how quickly this mysterious object seems to be moving across our solar system toward its core, closer and closer to our own sun. Considering that, according to IRAS and NASA's official statements, this massive object was 50 billion miles away from the system's core in 1983, and only 7 billion miles away from the same point in 1992, it won't be too long before the object actually reaches its predicted destination.

Some scientists and astronomers believe that the object will reach our system's core before, but certainly no later than, 2012. Zecharia Sitchin had slightly more conservative estimates, predicting that the object's slowing down as it approaches its destination and won't arrive at the core until 2085.

According to experts, as this massive celestial object moves closer to its destination at the center of our solar system it will cause more and more astronomical turbulence, and serious problems for Earth in the form of violent solar and electromagnetic storms, mega-tsunamis, relentless heatwaves, and colossal earthquakes. In fact, a large number of astronomers and scientists feel that the Planet X phenomenon is evidently responsible for global warming. In recent years, experts have cited the 2004 Sumatra superquake, Thailand's mega-tsunami as a result of the superquake, farm lands burning all over the world, and severe droughts as evidence of their claims. Furthermore, these same experts also support global warming assertions and say that those who deny it or attempt to debunk the claims are either outright lying or not doing their homework altogether. However, if astronomical influences are indeed contributing to the global warming phenomenon, that means that humanity is only part of the problem.

In reality, the approaching planet or dwarf star could essentially be a key factor not only in global warming, but also in causing major seismic changes world-wide. Numerous events that can't adequately be scientifically explained, that we might even perceive as "freak accidents", such as the recent New York City steam pipe explosion, countless mining disasters on the rapid increase, and the Minnesota bridge collapse that happened on August 1, 2007. Statistically speaking, there's been more natural and freak accidents occurring over the past two decades than at any earlier point in modern times. The increased number of structural failure issues are a result of three major factors including a declining global infrastructure, Earth's interaction with other seen and unseen heavenly objects, and frequent low level seismic activity all world.

Commonly, experts will compare the Earth's declining structural integrity and infrastructure to its weakened, eroding biosphere. Scientists claim that infrastructural disasters related to seismic activity are partly due to humanity itself, but also because the Earth's orbit is being increasingly perturbed by the approaching Planet X.

Historically speaking, many astronomers claim that Planet X has approached and past the core of the system several times previously, over the course of thousands of years, as part of a natural, regular rotation around the solar system. However, in order for this to be true, you would have to accept three assumptions about a potential massive approaching object. First, it would need to have a long elliptical orbit around the sun, exactly like other planets in our solar system. Second, if it's a brown dwarf it must also be an evolving binary star because we live in a binary star system. Third, its now in the process, as it gets closer, of returning and passing through the core of our solar system. Considering these assumptions, it would only be logical to conclude that Planet X is already causing solar violence, global warming, and additional ongoing Earth changes.

Supposedly, this natural phenomenon could actually be responsible for previous global disasters and extinctions, Biblical accounts of the flood that are corroborated by other faiths and historical texts but referred to as The Deluge, the ancient account of Exodus, the Ten Plagues of Egypt, and the massive extinction of dinosaurs. While the Hebrews were writing the about the events of Exodus and the great plagues attributing their victories to God, the Egyptians had other ideas and sought explanations more secular in nature. Egyptians aspired to record their accounts, history, and deliberations in a massive anthology called The Great Book. It was the estimated to be the size of a modern encyclopedia and be more scientific than more faith-based scriptures of the time. Additionally, its common knowledge that the ancient Egyptians were exceptionally proficient in the areas of architecture, astronomy, and mathematics.

Essentially, the ancient Egyptians may have actually postulated the existence of Planet X and further determined that this mysterious heavenly object could possibly be responsible for some of the events that were also attributed to God at the time. Recorded accounts by Egyptians, from that time period, describe many catastrophic events with compelling detail, and these descriptions are reaffirmed by accounts in the Hebrew Torah, the Qur'an, and another ancient Bible-era compilation of texts, also originally written by the Hebrew, called the Kolbrin. In fact, one similarity among all of these ancient texts is that all of them refer to the events, that happen when Planet X passes, as "The Destroyer". In the Book of Jeremiah, it warns that, in chapters 25:32 and 48:8, The Destroyer will come and the entire Earth would suffer its wrath. It further says that, "Disasters will soon spread from nation to nation. They will come like a powerful storm to all the faraway places on earth" and "The Destroyer will come against every town, not one town will escape. The Lord said this will happen."

The Kolbrin Bible, as its commonly referred to by scholars and experts, has even more detailed accounts of this "Destroyer", it reinforces all of Jeremiah's prophecies, and describes everything in much more detail than any other account (almost as if the accounts were eye-witnessed). In fact, a lot of the natural events that the Kolbrin says will occur as The Destroyer approaches have arguably been happening, especially over the past two decades.

Many scientists and astronomers related to this research believe that, due to the overwhelming evidence, the governments of the world are already quite aware of what's happening concerning the approach of this massive object, preparations are well underway, and the official denials and media blackouts are due to the significant notion of not wanting to cause global panic about what might happen when the event comes to pass. Speculation, on the basis of global trends over the past twenty years and reasoned scientific postulation, is that such an event would, as the object draws closer, increasingly affect the Earth's magnetic field adversely and cause a continuance of seismic, structural and natural disasters across the globe.

According to experts, when Planet X makes its final approach, a violent cosmic duel could begin and last for several months, affecting the Earth in profound ways while the planet will be bombarded with solar flare storms and cosmic lightning.

Furthermore, experts point out that the world governments are already preparing and, through a series of 12 satellites, situated over the North Pole and Europe respectively, have recently detected a huge crack in Earth's electromagnetic field. Further evidence of preparations by the government include a clandestine NASA project to launch numerous new satellites for the purposes of detection and warning, older satellites and even the Hubble telescope have been given project extensions, and a construction of a brand new infrared telescope observatory that's located inside a U.S. installation at the South Pole.

It clear that, whether this massive object arrives by 2012 or it takes another century, when it does happens it could quite possibly mean a major problem for the Earth. It's difficult to discount all of the evidence, and it's certainly not hard to believe that humanity would be kept in the dark by its leaders.

However, many people seem to find it much easier to ignore the issue and dismiss all of the evidence, but if there's not really a problem, how can all of the previous documentation and scientific proof, NASA's previous research and telescope findings, and ancient accounts of similar activities be otherwise explained?
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Alt 14.07.2008, 21:48
Gonzo7 Gonzo7 ist offline
Registriert seit: 25.04.2008
Beiträge: 37

Also ich finde zwar das Thema wirklich interessant und glaube auch das da, so oder so, was dran ist...

Siehe Video von Steve Wood: http://youtube.com/user/StevenWoodCERN
20 June 2008
Sorry, wie schlecht ist das denn bitte?!

1. In dem 2:15 Video erzählt er wie ihn Jemand als Desinformant betitelt und seine Bilder vom Teleskop in Cern als Fälschung bezeichnet.
Diese Bilder würden das Hale Teleskop zeigen...
Ok, warum ist das so laut Steve?
Ganz einfach: Die Leute bei cern haben es extra so gebaut, falls mal Bilder davon nach außen dringen würden... ahja

2. Bei dem anderen Video (2:35) gibt es folgenden Text dazu am Rand:
Share this video. I am the former CERNand2012 youtube user. Note do not send me messages i will not reply. This is the first I did in May 29, 2008. This and my June 19, 2008 Steven Wood CERN video are mine. My previous account has been stolen by an imposter. My videos you see on yowusa.com are mine. They know me. The rest are fakes by the imposter. In danger. must go.
("fett und unterstrichen von mir)
Also wenn das mal net schelcht ist Wer sowas in den Text einfügt... ne sorry da kann ich nur lachen!

Ich gebe zu das ich seine ersten (gelöschten) Videos nicht kenne, aber diese Nummer ist doch wirklich mal nur lächerlich, oder?
Falls jemand nen link zu einem Video von dem Typ hat wo man seine Bilder sieht, würde es mich freuen wenn er sie hier rein setzt.
"Wenn die Biene von der Erde verschwunden ist, hat die Menschheit noch ungefähr 4 Jahre zu leben"
~Albert Einstein~
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Alt 14.07.2008, 22:03
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Standard Info und Angst

Na ja, ich sehe das so, dass für uns Außenstehende es nicht abschließend zu beurteilen ist, wie viel Angst die Menschen haben, die etwas Kompetentes über das Thema zu berichten haben.
Wer verliert schon gern seinen Job oder wird bedroht?
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Alt 14.07.2008, 22:51
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Standard Google: Zensur im Weltall ???

Google: Zensur im Weltall

Quelle: http://derstandard.at/?url=/?id=3008395

Neues Sky-Service von Google Earth offenbart: Nicht nur auf der Erde werden Gebiete unkenntlich gemacht. Doch: Warum bloß?

Seit der ersten Veröffentlichung von Google Earth hat der Weltenbetrachter immer wieder für erhitzte Diskussionen gesorgt. Wird hier rücksichtslos in die Intimsphäre von Menschen eingedrungen oder werden gar militärisch relevante Informationen verraten?
Während Einzelpersonen in der Regel recht wenig Chancen haben ihre Anliegen in diesem Bereich durchzusetzen, so hat sich Google doch dazu "überreden" lassen gewisse Details, die von staatlich / militärischem Interesse sind zu verschleiern. Vor kurzem wurde nun mit Google Earth Sky ein neues Service gestartet, das in die andere Richtung "schaut", also das Weltall über der Erde darstellt, und siehe da: Auch hier gibt es offenbar Zensur.
Black Hole
Wie ein User der Google Earth Community aufgedeckt hat, findet sich an einer Stelle im Weltall ein rechteckiger Bereich, an dem eine schwarze Fläche den eigentlichen Raum abdeckt. Dies wirft natürlich einige Fragen auf, die die Community zu klären haben wird: Hat eine außerirdische Regierung erfolgreich auf Verletzung ihrer Privatsphäre geklagt? Ist dies der schwarze Monolith aus dem Film 2001? Oder soll gar das Herannahen einer extraterrestrischen Invasionsmacht verschleiert werden (Anmerkung Joel: Nibiru???).
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Alt 15.07.2008, 10:43
Iks Iks ist offline
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und wieso steht da nirgends wo der fleck ist? weil man könnte ja selber mal nachschauen. und wenn mans gefunden hat auch mal selber mit dem teleskop da hinschauen. vielleicht war auch nen militärsatellit im bild wer weiß. gibt genug rießige objekte da oben.

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