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Alt 07.01.2008, 01:15
MasterChiller MasterChiller ist offline
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Standard Barrack Obama's AIPAC Rede - Unterstützung für Israel..

Last update - 15:11 03/03/2007
In AIPAC speech, Obama repeats support for Israel, peace talks
By Shmuel Rosner, Haaretz Correspondent

United States Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama reiterated his support for Israel on Friday, while at the same time calling on the U.S. to make a concerted effort to revive the peace process.

"Our job is to rebuild the road to real peace and lasting security throughout the region," Obama said during a speech to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee in Chicago. "Our job is to do more than lay out another road map."

"That effort begins with a clear and strong commitment to the security of Israel: Our strongest ally in the region and its only established democracy," he added. "That will always be my starting point."

In what may have been a veiled reference to reports of American opposition to Israeli negotations with Syria, Obama said: "We should never seek to dictate what is best for the Israelis and their security interests. No Israeli prime minister should ever feel dragged to or blocked from the negotiating table by the United States."

The Illinois senator also called for continued American military assistance to Israel. "We must preserve our total commitment to our unique defense relationship with Israel by fully funding military assistance and continuing work on the Arrow and related missile defense programs," he said.

Obama added that he was concerned about the Palestinian unity government accord.

Turning to Iran, the presidential hopeful called for direct engagement with the Islamic republic over its nuclear program.

"We need the United States to lead tough-minded diplomacy," he said. "This includes direct engagement with Iran similar to the meetings we conducted with the Soviets at the height of the Cold War."

"Tough-minded diplomacy would include real leverage through stronger sanctions," Obama continued. "It would mean more determined U.S diplomacy at the United Nations. It would mean a cooperative strategy with Gulf States who supply Iran with much of the energy resources it needs. It would mean full implementation of U.S. sanctions laws."

Obama blamed what he called the Administration's failed strategy in Iraq for strengthening the Iranian position, placing "Israel and other nations friendly to the United States in greater peril."

Obama ein Aipac-Man ? Ich denke ja
zeitgleich zum lancierten weltwirtschaftskollabs, werden zahlreiche regierungsgesponsorte terroranschläge durchgeführt. die geschockte und verängstigste bevölkerung die nun ums überleben kämpft, wird sich neuen kriegen nicht in den weg stellen können, einige werden den krieg begrüßen in der hoffnung auf besserung der wirtschaftlichen lage. die anti-terror gesetze werden auf alle bürger angewendet, sie wurden auch für diesen fall geschaffen, einigkeit und recht und freiheit werden abgeschafft sein. nach jahren von krieg und hunger wird die elite der menschheit eine weltregierung anbieten und wieder von frieden und wohlstand sprechen. das endziel der elite ist nun da, der gechippte mensch, das ende des bargelds - die vollständige kontrolle einer kleinen elite über die menschen der welt
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