Parallel zu den Kongresswahlen findet morgen ein beratendes Referendum zur Wiedereinführung der Todesstrafe und zum verfassungsmäßigen Verbot gleichgeschlechtlicher Partnerschaften in Wisconsin statt.
MADISON, Wis. -- Days before Tuesday's election, the latest poll shows that support for a state marriage amendment has a 9-point lead.
The amendment would change the state Constitution to define marriage as between a man and woman.
In the poll, 54 percent favored it and 43 percent opposed it with 5 percent undecided.
Among Madison voters, the numbers are flipped, with 53 percent opposing the marriage amendment and 38 percent supporting it.
There is also an advisory referendum on the ballot, giving voters the chance to weigh in on the death penalty in Wisconsin.
The latest WISC-TV poll showed that 57 percent of likely voters support bringing the death penalty back. In the poll, 40 percent were opposed to it and 3 percent were undecided.
The poll was conducted Monday through Wednesday of this week. The group Research 2000 conducted the survey of 600 likely voters.
WISC-TV paid for the poll, which has a 4 percent margin of error.
Es ist schon erstaunlich, wie der religiöse Fundamentalismus inzwischen auch in den Norden übergeschwappt ist. Die Todesstrafe in Wisconsin wurde 1853 abgeschafft. Von dem verfassungsmäßigen Verbot gleichgeschlechtlicher Partnerschaften möchte ich jetzt gar nicht reden, aber immerhin hatte man die Homoehe bereits vor zwei Jahren in Massachusetts legalisiert.