Infowars-Autor Juriaan Maessen hat einen ausführlichen Artikel zum neuen Blackjack-Wust verfasst:
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"It is therefore more than likely that operation blackjack is a psyop directed specifically at those who are already aware of the reality of false flag operations."
"Admitting that such operations do indeed exist, the operatives provide precise dates and places, inspiring their target audience to enter a forest of details like mice trapped in a maze. That’s why the operation is so elaborate in its details. The people who are being lured inside the maze find a fresh clue around every corner, directing them to the next clue and the next and so on, until he is so far in he can no longer discern the contours of the maze he is trapped in."
"In this sense operation blackjack may be described as an example of the new and improved version of predictive programming, as the target audience is not so much sensitized to real events underway, but rather to the anticipated event not coming to pass."
"In the end the viewers sit down underneath a tree, completely exhausted from their quest, and realise that the predicted date they focused on has long since past without anything occurring. As a result, they will think twice about following clues again lest they will embark on another such wild goose chase. And then, when a large part of the awoken has turned to other matters, the globalists can commence with their next false flag attack in full impunity."
Kurze Übersetzung:
"Blackjack scheint speziell an die Leute gerichtet zu sein, die bereits über False-Flags bescheid wissen ... Man gibt zu dass es solche Operationen gibt, lockt den Betrachter aber in ein Labyrinth aus Rätseln (Hex-Codes) und schickt ihn immer tiefer in das Labyrinth ...
am Ende sitzen die Betrachter erschöpft da und merken dass gar nichts von dem passiert ist was da prognostiziert wurde ... wenn die Aufgeweckten sich dann anderen Dingen zuwenden schlagen die Globalisten mit ihrem nächsten, echten False Flag zu."