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Alt 23.02.2009, 09:33
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Standard John Harris - It's an illusion (2009) - Unbedingt anschauen!

John Harris - It's an illusion

Filmed at the "Lawful Rebellion" Conference, The British Constiution Group, Stoke-on-Trent, 24th January 2009.

“You are the currency. Not money. You are.” John Harris

“Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration.” A. Lincoln

I want you to think about the film Casino for a second. In that film, which is based on a true story, the Chicago Outfit runs a Vegas casino, the Tangiers, in a covert manner by using a “front man” chairman of the casino, Phillip Green played by Keven Pollak. Now this guy is squeaky clean and his job is to show up every now and again and sign some forms and be the official face of the corporation, while what he really does is lounge around in luxury as a corporate playboy while the actually day-to-day operations of the Tangiers is run by a mob plant, Sam “Ace” Rothstein and his enforcer, Nicholas “Nicky” Santoro. Now this is all based on a true story, and is apparently done quite often in the corporate world.

The video you are about to watch (and please watch all of it, it is very informative) details how our governments are not really what we think they are anymore. In fact, they are nothing more than corporations; not figuratively, but actually corporations. This makes sense when you think about it in relation to the Global Fascist Government that is being set up. For they would need to abolish the nation states in any legal manner they could, but they would also need to set up a governing body that extends beyond the limits of language and nationality, in order to accomplish that. So, like math is a universal language, the corporate model is a global one. If they are capable of setting up nations as corporations, then they will fit more neatly into their pyramid structure of control that is well on it’s way to being created.

And that brings us back to Casino. Look back at Bush; look at Obama. As you watch John Harris’ video lecture, I want you to think of these two men as the Phillip Green character in Casino; front men with somewhat clean backgrounds that come in occationally to sign bills and they go on television everynow and again to help sell some new corporate policy to the body of the employees of the corporation - us.

“When we are divided, we cannot unite… Political parties were designed to divide people...” John Harris

“Let me now take a more comprehensive view, and warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of party, generally.” George Washington

Blip.tv Stream (FLV) (53:13 Min.)

Unten könnt ihr auch WMV auswählen und es z.B. mit dem Orbit Downloader runterladen, die Qualität der WMV ist signifikant besser (495 MB, 1227 kbps, 1024x576 Px)

Für mich war das Thema neu und unbekannt, mich würde interessieren ob es sich in Deutschland genauso verhält. So wie gesehen sind alle Länder einfach Konzerne, auch die BRD. Aber seht selbst, hochinteressant!

Lieben Gruß
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Alt 23.02.2009, 13:10
Beiträge: n/a

Hier noch einige Bilder, die vielleicht anregend sind.

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Alt 23.02.2009, 17:56
Beiträge: n/a

wow, eines der besten videos seit langem, vielen dank!

ich hatte mich mit diesem thema ja schon vor einigen jahren mal beschäftigt...wird zeit das ich mal wieder etwas hausaufgaben mache vorallem auch was uns hier in D. angeht...

und es lief zum schluss sogar eins meiner absoluten "chillout" favoriten, die melodie am anfang kam mir schon so bekannt vor

hier noch mehr dazu, diesmal auf die USA(britische kolonie) bezogen und mehr andeutungen zwecks der englischen sprache und dem unterschied zur juristischen sprache...



ich glaub mya911 hatte im "ist D. souverän?" thread zB mal versucht das wort "personal- bzw personalausweis" mit dem allgemeinen duden bzw einfacher dt. grammatik zu rechtfertigen.

epic fail. denn auch wir hier haben eine sog. "juristensprache" die sich ähnlich anhört wie unser alltägliches deutsch aber wenig damit gemein hat. also vorsicht!

Geändert von muffl556 (23.02.2009 um 18:00 Uhr)
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