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Alt 21.11.2008, 16:54
DarkShadow DarkShadow ist offline
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verückt nach neuen regeln, wie?

da soll ma keiner mehr meckern wegen unübersichtlichkeiten
Das Forum hat schon an die 47 Seiten wo sehr oft das Thema angezweifelt wird/unseriös gemacht wird...Ich in auf Suche nach Fakten zu dem Thema...
Ich hab mir gedacht wenn man mit "normalen" Menschen nicht drüber rede kann, das wenigsten hier einige Menschen für das Thema offen sind...
"Der Tod eines einzelnen Mannes ist eine Tragödie.
Der Tod von Millionen nur eine Statistik."

-Joseph Stalin
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Alt 21.11.2008, 16:55
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Sei dir mal sicher, es liegt nicht am Forum, dass das Thema unglaubwürdig scheint.

Es liegt ganz einfach am Thema. Es ist unglaubwürdig.

Wenn es hier schon einen seitenlangen Thread dazu gibt, ist es Mist noch zwanzig dazu aufzumachen.
Das wirkt wie ein krampfhafter Versuch, doch noch etwas rauszuholen.
Die Sache ist nur die, es gibt keine Neuigkeiten dazu.
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Alt 21.11.2008, 17:07
DarkShadow DarkShadow ist offline
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Schaut euch das Video an...
Ich persöhnlich finde das Video nicht so toll aber liest euch den Text dazu durch, enthält viele Fakten...
Übrigens wurde die Existens der Zwergsonne durch die NASA bestätigt.
"Der Tod eines einzelnen Mannes ist eine Tragödie.
Der Tod von Millionen nur eine Statistik."

-Joseph Stalin
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Alt 21.11.2008, 17:32
Beiträge: n/a

Ich glaube darüber steht schon was im Nibiru Thread.

Ja, macht mir Spaß. :P
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Alt 21.11.2008, 18:05
DarkShadow DarkShadow ist offline
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Zitat von Amazonia
Ich glaube darüber steht schon was im Nibiru Thread.

Ja, macht mir Spaß. :P
Hast du/ihr schonmal die letzten Post aus diesem Forum gelesen?
Da gehts um die Revolution 1989...
"Der Tod eines einzelnen Mannes ist eine Tragödie.
Der Tod von Millionen nur eine Statistik."

-Joseph Stalin
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Alt 21.11.2008, 22:33
corny corny ist offline
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Also ich möchte ernsthaft mehr zu dem Thema erfahren.

Aber der Bericht aus dem Link am Anfang hat für mich sowas wie aus 007 entsprungen. Zu wenig belegbare Belege und zuviel Fantasie. Wenn er schreibt, dass es ihm nichts ausmacht, wenn er als "norwegischer Politiker" angeblich Staatsgeheimnisse verrät, wundert es mich, dass kein Name druntersteht. Er könnte, wenn er belegbare Beweise hat, ein großer Held werden. :P
Irret Euch nicht - Gott läßt sich nicht spotten!
Wer Wind säht, wird Sturm ernten
AktivChrist: http://www.aktivchrist.de/ <<< Das Christliche Forum!
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Alt 22.11.2008, 00:11
x x ist offline
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Standard Re: Planet X

Zitat von DarkShadow
Wollte mal fragen was ihr DAZU sagt:
nicht einlullen lassen!
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Alt 22.11.2008, 12:48
DarkShadow DarkShadow ist offline
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ber der Bericht aus dem Link am Anfang hat für mich sowas wie aus 007 entsprungen. Zu wenig belegbare Belege und zuviel Fantasie. Wenn er schreibt, dass es ihm nichts ausmacht, wenn er als "norwegischer Politiker" angeblich Staatsgeheimnisse verrät, wundert es mich, dass kein Name druntersteht. Er könnte, wenn er belegbare Beweise hat, ein großer Held werden.
Es gibt viele Beweise die von seriösen Wissenschaftlern bestätigt wurden...
Und was ist der Dank? Man sieht ja schon wie in SO einem Forum das Thema lächerlich gemacht wird, stell dir vor was die Medien über so jemanden berichten würden...
Beweise und Fakten gibt es viele, für Leute die Tatsächlich welche suchen.
Frag einfach mal die NASA warum die 1984 einen Infrarot-Sat hochgeschossen haben, oder (wenn du genug Geld und Kontakte hast ) geh zum Südpol zu diesem grossen SPT (South-Polar-Telescope).
Mithilfe dessen kannst du die Zwergsonne schon sehen.
"Der Tod eines einzelnen Mannes ist eine Tragödie.
Der Tod von Millionen nur eine Statistik."

-Joseph Stalin
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Alt 22.11.2008, 14:25
Polarfox Polarfox ist offline
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Nibiru ist hirnverbrannter Schwachsinn.


Nibiru Redux: Six recent questions about Nibiru: (1) I have found a lot of stuff about a so called planet. Planet x or nibiru. It anything they say possible like revolving around the sun clockwise and it has been said that its orbit is way far out past Pluto. Also there are statements that it has a 3600 year orbit around the sun an that is is supposed to return in the near future. Is this possible at all? It sounds fishy to me, but there are supposed pics of it and a lot of scientist talk about it. I even wikipedia searched it. I would just like to find out some info please. (2) Nibiru does exist and I can prove it. Nibiru is in the old testament Exodus 6:4. and you are watching Nibiru from a lab on the south pole. also I have images from a telescope of Nibiru. and people from the southern hemisphere can see Nibiru in the daytime. is that proof enough for you? (3) many signs tell that something big is out there coming and why wouldn't it be true about nibiru / planet x there is a lot of fact historical and scientific but i do understand your awnser but why build a telescope at the south pole an photos and such with this redish dwarf star moving fast in 1983 it was 50 billion miles away and 10 years later it is alot closer is it hiding behind the sun i know you all dont want to start a world wide panic. (4) I read were you said that Nibiru is a hoax. My question to you is why would anyone let the american population know about such a catastrophy? Isnt it the governments job to keep the population at ease? (5) You say Nibiru is a hoax, and no such planet exists, but is Nibiru not Eris? (6) What is this a picture of? http://www.greatdreams.com/nibiru-possible.jpg It's said to be Nibiru, but as you say Nibiru is a hoax. so what is this really a photo of?

I hope this is my last comment on the Nibiru hoax, but questions like the above six keep coming in. Most of the entries on the Internet about Nibiru are false. Wikipedia has it correct when they write that "Nibiru is a name in Sumerian, Babylonian astrology associated with the god Marduk, generally accepted as referring to the planet Jupiter." The rest is a hoax, including all the "stuff" questioner #! found on the internet. Questioners #2 and #3 mention the astronomical observatory at the South Pole, but I assure you these astronomers are not looking at Nibiru. The Antarctic is a great place for astronomical infrared and short-wave-radio observations, and it also has the advantage that objects can be observed continuously without the interference of the day-night cycle. If the questioner really thinks that Nibiru is visible in the daytime in the southern hemisphere, they are very confused; this sort of statement is obviously false. Questioners #3 and #4 seem to think that the government would hide information about Nibiru and the catastrophe supposedly due in a few years, but I can't imagine why. My experience is, in fact, that sometimes parts of the government do just the opposite, as in the frequent references to various terrorist threats or warnings about driving accidents on long holiday weekends, which are no more dangerous than any other time. In any case, the job of NASA scientists is to discover and tell the truth! Questioner (5) asks if Nibiru is the same as Eris, and the answer is an emphatic no. This Nibiru hoax has been around for a decade, including predictions that Nibiru would pass close to Earth and cause a catastrophe about 5 years ago. (Guess what: it didn't happen!). Eris, in contrast, is one of several dwarf planets recently found by astronomers in the outer part of out solar system, all of them on normal orbits that will never bring them close to Earth. There is a good write-up on Eris in Wikipedia. Finally, Questioner (6) asks me to identify two pictures. I could perhaps do so if I knew the type of telescope and camera used and the scale of photos. Without that information, I can only guess that (if these photos are real) these might be images of a gas cloud (nebula) ejected by a star in its old age. They are obviously very distant, since we see stars in the foreground superposed on the nebula. Also, since the stars are the same, this object (if it is real) has not moved between the dates of the two photos. It is just crazy that anyone would claim that these are photos of a planet in our own solar system. Let me say once again that Nibiru is a hoax promoted by a cult; it does not exist, and it certainly poses no threat to us. It saddens me that people would be taken in by such nonsense.

David Morrison
NAI Senior Scientist
February 7, 2008
Quelle: NASA
Propaganda is the deliberate, systematic attempt to shape perceptions, manipulate cognitions, and direct behavior to achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of the propagandist.

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Alt 22.11.2008, 14:41
InDeMioN27 InDeMioN27 ist offline
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Questioners #3 and #4 seem to think that the government would hide information about Nibiru and the catastrophe supposedly due in a few years, but I can't imagine why. My experience is, in fact, that sometimes parts of the government do just the opposite, as in the frequent references to various terrorist threats or warnings about driving accidents on long holiday weekends, which are no more dangerous than any other time. In any case, the job of NASA scientists is to discover and tell the truth!
hmm ...disqualifiziert sich der Herr nicht schon selber durch seine offensichtlich stark ausgeprägte Naivität?
I would want EVERYONE to know that every part of you is magnificent. Your ego. Your mind. Your intellect. Your body. Your spirit. Your soul.
It’s who you are. A beautiful product of this universe’s creation. Every part of you is perfect. There is nothing to let go. Nothing to forgive. Nothing to attain.
You already are everything you need to be. We make it so complicated. But it’s not.
The ONLY THING you need to learn is that you already ARE what you are seeking to attain!!
Just express your uniqueness with abandon!! That’s why you are made the way you are, and that’s why you are here in the physical world!!
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