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Alt 31.12.2009, 12:09
Fuchs68 Fuchs68 ist offline
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Standard Einsatz von Drohnen gegen Randalierer in den Niederlanden in der Sylvesternacht

Hab heute in meiner lokalen Tageszeitung einen Artikel von Helmut Hetzel, über den Einsatz von Drohnen gegen Randalierer in den Niederlanden, gelesen. Der Artikel ist leider nicht Online zu finden.

Angeblich soll der Luftraum ab 21 Uhr bis 7 Uhr bis 1000m gesperrt sein.


Ich wünsche allen hier noch einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr.

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Alt 31.12.2009, 13:12
freestyle freestyle ist offline
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so eine drohne hab ich schon vor 2 jahren mal per zufall in D gesehen....

danke für den artikel. hier die RAVEN B-Story weiter aufbereitet:

Raven B: Surveillance planes in Netherland, Italy, Denmark, Spain...

Surveillance planes for New Year's Eve 29 December 2009
The defence ministry is to employ its new unmanned Raven surveillance planes above the village of Veen in the southern province of North Brabant during the New Year’s Eve celebrations, according to ANP news service on Tuesday.
Last year youths set fire to several cars and fights broke out with the police in Veen which has become a hot spot for trouble on New Year’s Eve.
News of the use of Raven aircraft emerged in a so-called notice to airmen, an announcement for air traffic which orders planes not to fly lower than 300 meters in a wide area around Veen between 9pm on December 31 and 7am on January 1.
The defence ministry declined to comment, says ANP. The department bought 72 Ravens last year. The planes are just one meter long, weigh two kilos and have night vision equipment.
New Year's Eve celebrations in the Netherlands are often marred by rioting and bad behaviour.

New Year festivities 'largely peaceful' 01 January 2009 http://www.dutchnews.nl/news/archive..._largely_p.php

The Raven B system, an enhanced version of the battle proven Raven A system, is a lightweight solution designed for rapid deployment and high mobility for both military and commercial applications, requiring low-altitude surveillance and reconnaissance intelligence.
The most advanced small Unmanned Aircraft System (SUAS) deployed with the U.S. Armed Forces, the Raven can be operated manually or programmed for autonomous operation, utilizing the system's advanced avionics and precise GPS navigation.
With a wingspan of 4.5 feet and a weight of 4.2 pounds, the hand-launched Raven provides aerial observation, day or night, at line-of-sight ranges up to 10 kilometers. The Raven delivers real-time color or infrared imagery to the ground control and remote viewing stations. http://www.avinc.com/uas/small_uas/raven
The AeroVironment Raven B system http://www.avinc.com/ was selected by the Netherlands Ministry of Defence, acting through its Defence Materiel Organization (DMO), after performing an open competition in 2007. Key elements resulting in its selection were hand-launchability, reliability, ease of use, robustness, and demonstrated in-theater operational performance and logistics support. The DMO subsequently purchased Raven B systems and support services, including training of military users.
"Receiving this MTC validates the Raven system's airworthiness and reliability, but also represents an important step toward the operation of small UAS in our national airspace," said Dick Goedhart, head section type management unmanned aircraft, DMO. "This MTC also makes it possible for us to use Raven for non-military applications, though for those activities segregation of airspace must still be managed by procedures."
The Raven unmanned aircraft is a 4.2-pound, backpackable, hand-launched sensor platform that provides day and night, real-time video imagery for "over the hill" and "around the corner" reconnaissance, surveillance and target acquisition in support of tactical units. U.S. armed forces use Raven systems extensively for missions such as base security, route reconnaissance, mission planning and force protection.
In addition to the Raven system, AV's small UAS include Puma AE[TM] http://www.avinc.com/uas/adc/puma/ and Wasp[TM] http://www.avinc.com/uas/adc/wasp/ , which are also hand-launched and controlled by AV's hand-held ground control station. AV's UAS logistics operation supports systems deployed worldwide to ensure a consistently high level of operational readiness. AV has delivered thousands of small unmanned aircraft to date. In addition to the Netherlands, international purchasers of Raven systems include Italy, Denmark, and Spain.
http://www.thefreelibrary.com/AeroVironment's+Raven+Small+Unmanned+Aircraft+Syst em+Receives...-a0211071175
AeroVironment Raven B UAS - Night Mission
The most advanced small Unmanned Aircraft System (SUAS) deployed with the U.S. Armed Forces.
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Alt 31.12.2009, 15:47
Wahrheitssucher Wahrheitssucher ist offline
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In den Niederlanden macht sowas vllt. wirklich noch Sinn.... Was da in so manchen Städten abgeht... Z.B. Rotterdam. Soviel Kriminalität....wenigstens werden die Leichen dort noch von den Straßen geräumt...
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