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Alt 30.08.2009, 19:47
Carmelita Carmelita ist offline
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Quelle für diese Behauptung?

Hallo RFID,
Ich warte……

Über die vorgeschichtliche und den Ursprung der Freimaurerei gibt es keine einheitliche Darstellung, dafür viele Legenden und Mythen. Manche sprechen auch von „Tradition“ Demnach soll Adam oder Jesus die ersten Freimaurer gewesen sein. Je nach sagenhafter Entstehungsgeschichte soll sich die Freimaurerei bereits aus dem Isis- und-Osiris Kult des Alten Ägypten entwickelt haben.

Nach eigenen „offiziellen“ Angaben geht die Freimaurerei auf die mittelalterlichen Domhütten und baumeisterlichen Gilden- und Steinmetzbruderschaften zurück.

Hier wurde von „frei geborenen“ Bauleuten, also frei von Leibeigenschaft und feudaler Abhängigkeit, in Bruderschaften die königliche Kunst von Architektur und Bauhandwerk von Kirchen, Domen und Kathedralen geflegt.

free stone masons“ Maurer und Steinmetze, Bildhauer und Bauplaner (Architekten) hüteten sorgsam gegenüber Außenstehenden das Geheimnis ihrer Baukunst.


Von Guido Grandt
Carpe diem
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Alt 30.08.2009, 19:56
R_F_I_D R_F_I_D ist offline
Registriert seit: 16.08.2007
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Hallo RFID,
Ich warte……

Über die vorgeschichtliche und den Ursprung der Freimaurerei gibt es keine einheitliche Darstellung, dafür viele Legenden und Mythen. Manche sprechen auch von „Tradition“ Demnach soll Adam oder Jesus die ersten Freimaurer gewesen sein. Je nach sagenhafter Entstehungsgeschichte soll sich die Freimaurerei bereits aus dem Isis- und-Osiris Kult des Alten Ägypten entwickelt haben.

Nach eigenen „offiziellen“ Angaben geht die Freimaurerei auf die mittelalterlichen Domhütten und baumeisterlichen Gilden- und Steinmetzbruderschaften zurück.

Hier wurde von „frei geborenen“ Bauleuten, also frei von Leibeigenschaft und feudaler Abhängigkeit, in Bruderschaften die königliche Kunst von Architektur und Bauhandwerk von Kirchen, Domen und Kathedralen geflegt.

free stone masons“ Maurer und Steinmetze, Bildhauer und Bauplaner (Architekten) hüteten sorgsam gegenüber Außenstehenden das Geheimnis ihrer Baukunst.


Von Guido Grandt
Dann warte noch ne Weile oder fang mal an selber zu recherchieren--ich mach jetzt nicht die Arbeit für dich. Das ist etwas Arbeit.
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Alt 30.08.2009, 20:00
Carmelita Carmelita ist offline
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Dann warte noch ne Weile oder fang mal an selber zu recherchieren--ich mach jetzt nicht die Arbeit für dich. Das ist etwas Arbeit.
Brauchst du auch nicht, ich habe natürlich vorher schon recherchiert und auch extra eine Quelle des Kopp Verlages benutzt.
Ich kann dir auch noch drei Bücher nennen, wo du das bestätigt bekommst.

Nenn jetzt deine Quelle, ich bestehe drauf!!!

Carpe diem
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Alt 30.08.2009, 20:11
R_F_I_D R_F_I_D ist offline
Registriert seit: 16.08.2007
Beiträge: 6.876

Steiner und der Misraim--Memphis Ritus und das Vorhaben der Aufteilung der Schweiz durch den OTO

Rudolf Steiner and Marie von Sivers became members of the Reussian Memphis-Misraim Rite on November 24th 1905, though their oath made no mention of the O.T.O. as the O.T.O. did not exist yet. They both received a charter to run an independent group on January 3rd 1906, granting the permission Steiner required to advance to the 33°, 90°, and 96° as soon as he has 100 members. At this time Steiner was still the general secretary of the Theosophical Society. According to a letter from the Hungarian Emil Adrianyi "Ardens Ascendo" (later a member of both the O.T.O. and the Golden Dawn) [1] on September 8th 1906, to Steiner "the Reussian Orders had absolutely no 'practises'", but were merely an imitation of Theosophy, mixed in with the 'Ancient and Primitive Rite'. [2]
The Steinerite ritual texts for lodge-opening and initiation are in places identical with those of the later 'O.T.O. Orient Thuricensium', which referred to the 'Office of Misraim' as late as the 1960's (it is still used by the Swiss O.T.O. today, in a slightly revised version). [3]
In the same year 1906, Steiner parted from Reuss, stating that he would have "nothing, but absolutely nothing" to do with his Orders; even though he was still using the titles 'Mystica aeterna' or 'Office of Misraim' in early 1914. Steiner had not taken over the merging of the separate Rites of Memphis and Misraim but only the permission to use the expression "Misraim". Aleister Crowley stated: "Steiner is in relation with the O.T.O., but he lets a lot of drivel go out." [4]
Early in March 1910 Crowley received the VII°. On the 12th of April 1912 he was made 33°, 90°, and X° "of London", "National Grand Master General [...] in conformity with the Constitution of the O.T.O. of the 22nd of January 1906 E.V. [...] for Great Britain and Ireland."
Just as with similar warrants [5] issued by Reuss in 1912, this printed Memphis-Misraim charter had the title "O.T.O." written in (later on?) by hand at its head. Crowley's branch of the O.T.O. received the name 'Mysteria Mystica Maxima' (MMM).

Crowley wrote to Heinrich Tränker in 1924:

"My relations with Dr. Reuss.
My name came to public notice in London in March 1910, when Mathers
[1854-1918, co-founder of the Golden Dawn] attempted to prevent the publication of No. III of Eq. In this vol. as instructed by the Chiefs who had come to me in Cairo in 1904 I published the rituals of 5=6 R.R. et A.C. London talked for 9 days of Rosa Crucians & my studio harangued by sole authentic Chiefs of that Order in great multitude. Among these was Brother R[euss] [...] Some time later however he came to visit me again in an entirely different spirit, he was the Grand Master of Germany under Br. Yarker who had given me 90-95. R. claims that the O.T.O. combined all the secrets of all degrees [...] He now explained the great importance [6] of this method of working. I did not take him very seriously but from time to time made experiments. My personal reaction against R was always very strong, his overbearing aggressive manner was offensive. [...] R was very uncertain in temper and in many way ways unreliable. In his last years he seems to have completely lost his grip even assuming the B. of the L. of ....tion ...dans [two illegible words]: than which no statement could be more absurd. Yet it seems that he must have been to some extend ...ty [word illegible] led on account of his having made the appointment of yourself [Tränker] & Achad [Jones] and designating me in his last letter his successor is evident to me, in my case at least he was acting altogether against his human will as will be clear if I can lay my hands on the letter by way of the very ...s p... [two partly illegible words]".

Dividing Switzerland for O.T.O. matters

In 1913 a certain Professor Emil Schaub in Basel (German speaking Switzerland), and a John Daniel Reelfs in Geneva, wrote independently of each other to Crowley. "I shall be obliged to divide Switzerland" according to the different native languages (which would be four) Crowley answered Schaub in March; and stated that he would not confer any MM degrees, as these were already incorporated in the O.T.O. Emil Schaub had been "appointed" by Edoardo Frosini (33° 90° 96°, VII°), and Crowley dispatched Reelfs to see Frosini as well, so that he could first confer a charter on Reelfs by virtue of his having the 33° and VII°. It remains a mystery why Reuss was not informed of this as OHO.
In a report of 1914 on the 'Present Standing of the MM', Reelfs was commissioned to remind certain members who had fallen behind with their subscriptions of their financial obligations - these were L. Waddell, J. van Notten, Florence van Notten and Frederic Alfred Beeker; Schaub was not mentioned.
Theodor Reuss left London at the last possible moment before the outbreak of the First World War in 1914 and immediately reported for service with the Red Cross at Berlin. After a brief period spent working for German Counter-intelligence on the Dutch border he moved to neutral territory at Basel in Switzerland where he worked as a newspaper correspondent and taught English at the local Berlitz School. He was using a visiting card which described him as A.C. Theodor Reuss, "Honorary Professor at the High School for Applied Medical Science (University of France)". This centre for Higher Learning was probably founded by Gérard Encausse/Papus.
Also in 1914 Reuss published the by-laws of the British section of the O.T.O. (already published by Crowley in 1912) (which were later re-used by Crowley for his 1919 Constitution in the "Blue Equinox" [Detroit 1919]) [7] in the German magazine "Oriflamme" and the "Outline and Elements of the O.T.O.". (4*)

In 1917, while distributing his translation of Crowley's Gnostic Mass (later published in 1918 in German) on Monte Verità in the Italian speaking part of Switzerland, Reuss published a revised O.T.O. Constitution [8] (a revision of the 1906 Constitution).[9]
Between 1917 and 1919 Crowley revised his own version of the lower O.T.O. initiation rituals (0*-III*), which were never used by Reuss or any deriving Reuss-O.T.O.-group. [10]

It is probable that the outbreak of the Great War and Crowley's escape to America prevented any further developments. In Crowley's "Golden Book", which only contains entries from 1912 to 1917, Reelfs is found in the list of VI° members; nor again is Schaub included [11].
Frosini's collaborator (Frosini being the successor of Michele de Vincenzo Majulli, 33°, 90°, 95° and VII°), were G. di San Fortunato and Arturo Reghini; the latter made Crowley an honorary member the 'Ritus Philosophicus Italicus' on October 20th 1913. Reghini moved to Julius Evola's (1898-1974) UR group in 1927. [12]
After October 12th, 1915 Crowley saw himself as the prophet of his New Aeon of Horus, which he had evoked. Between 1917 and 1919 he drafted his own O.T.O. rituals (from 0° to VI°), [13] but without Reuss's agreement; seemingly Reuss had expressly warned Crowley that the O.T.O. was not to be used as a vehicle for Thelema. [14]
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Alt 30.08.2009, 20:13
R_F_I_D R_F_I_D ist offline
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Brauchst du auch nicht, ich habe natürlich vorher schon recherchiert und auch extra eine Quelle des Kopp Verlages benutzt.
Ich kann dir auch noch drei Bücher nennen, wo du das bestätigt bekommst.

Nenn jetzt deine Quelle, ich bestehe drauf!!!

Kannste mal lange bestehen--ich lass mich nicht drängen. Warts ab.
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Alt 30.08.2009, 20:24
derLeser derLeser ist gerade online
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Dann warte noch ne Weile oder fang mal an selber zu recherchieren--ich mach jetzt nicht die Arbeit für dich. Das ist etwas Arbeit.
Sorry, aber ich kann es mir nicht verkneifen:

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beweise es oder schweig

Anonyme Kinder des Teufels - Mach mit!

"Gott ist tot! Gott bleibt tot!"
Friedrich Nietzsche

"You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world."
Tyler Durden
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Alt 30.08.2009, 20:39
R_F_I_D R_F_I_D ist offline
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Sorry, aber ich kann es mir nicht verkneifen:

Wenns dir Spass macht, ändert aber nichts an deiner Lamerhaltung.
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Alt 30.08.2009, 21:12
Yawargoth Yawargoth ist offline
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Kannste mal lange bestehen--ich lass mich nicht drängen. Warts ab.
Zitat von R_F_I_D Beitrag anzeigen
Wenns dir Spass macht, ändert aber nichts an deiner Lamerhaltung.
Ganz schwach, ganz schwach.

Peace Yawargoth
Ich werde die Welt von hier aus neu erschaffen.

„Wer die Freiheit aufgibt um Sicherheit zu gewinnen, der wird am Ende beides verlieren.“ Benjamin Franklin

"Wer Sicherheit der Freiheit vorzieht, ist zu Recht ein Sklave." Aristoteles
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Alt 30.08.2009, 21:14
R_F_I_D R_F_I_D ist offline
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Ganz schwach, ganz schwach.

Peace Yawargoth

Sagen alle Lamer wenn sie nichts zustande bringen und nur schmarozen wollen.

Die Tour zieht bei mir nicht . Geh spielen.
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Alt 30.08.2009, 21:21
Yawargoth Yawargoth ist offline
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Sagen alle Lamer wenn sie nichts zustande bringen und nur schmarozen wollen.

Die Tour zieht bei mir nicht . Geh spielen.
Und die Tour zieht bei mir nicht.Geh spielen.

Peace Yawargoth
Ich werde die Welt von hier aus neu erschaffen.

„Wer die Freiheit aufgibt um Sicherheit zu gewinnen, der wird am Ende beides verlieren.“ Benjamin Franklin

"Wer Sicherheit der Freiheit vorzieht, ist zu Recht ein Sklave." Aristoteles
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