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Alt 21.08.2009, 04:59
Clemens Clemens ist offline
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Zionism = Frankism

The Origins Of Modern Zionism

A history of Zionism

Geändert von Clemens (21.08.2009 um 05:35 Uhr)
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Alt 26.09.2009, 10:50
lamb lamb ist offline
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der "davidstern" und "zionism"(weltsozialismus) ist genauso "jüdisch" wie die kath. kirche und der vatikan "christlich" sind...

Revelation 3:9 I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars...
Genau. Deshalb kann man auch nicht sagen, dass die jüdische/christliche Tradition maurerisch sei. Zumindest nicht ursprünglich.

Die 12 Teile des Saturn-Videos werd ich mir noch ansehen.
You guys, do your research!
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Alt 26.09.2009, 16:38
Clemens Clemens ist offline
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Geheime Figuren der Rosenkreuzer, aus dem 16ten und 17ten Jahrhundert

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Alt 15.10.2009, 00:50
einheri-limetree einheri-limetree ist offline
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Beleuchten wir mal näher die große Zahl 666,die zur Zeit anscheinend wieder ziemlich populär ist......

666 = Vi.S.A Gewissermaßen führt uns das auch zu der Einführung eines neuen Geldsystems zur besseren Kontrolle und zur Federal Reserve = Kontrolle der Massen durch ein Geldsystem und später bessere Kontrolle durch ein vernetztes neuartiges Geldsystem mit kompletter Computerüberwachung das in erster Linie rein elektronisch abläuft.

Vi = 6 Buchstabe römisches Alphabet
S = 6 im alten Ägypten
A = 6 Buchstabe Sanskrit

Wenn das mal keine Hinweise sind ... ...
Bibelchristentum,NewAge ,etliche wissenschaftliche Arbeiten ,messiahnisch jüdische Sekten , Zionismus,die amerikanische Politik ect. ect. ,sie alle stehen mehr oder weniger im Zusammenhang mit Vi.S.A .....

666 - 6+6+6 = 18 = 9
9/11 - 9*11= 99 = 18 = 9

9 - 3*3=9 - 33 kann auch für das pyramidale Prinzip stehen oder für die Pyramide oder für jemanden der danach strebt mächtiger als der Eine,das Alles-Es zu werden oder das kosmische Bewusstsein,je nachdem wie man es bezeichnen mag,was irgendwann nicht unbedingt "hier" in der Selbstzerstörung /in einem neuen Kreislauf von vorne endet. = 9 oder 666
oder der Weg des ultimativen Dienstes an sich Selbst

Im positiven Sinne kann 33 von einer Person benutzt werden,die es geschafft hat die "Matrix" zu verlassen und gewissermassen das große Werk vollendet hat.
Für einem Menschen der den Zustand und die Position vor dem "Fall" erreicht hat.Die 33 kann also auch für das Kreisprinzip stehen.Auch für einen Menschen,der sich mit der Göttin,dem Christosbewusstsein oder seinem höheren Selbst verbunden hat. = 6 Der Weg eines Menschen im Dienst an Anderen und der harmonischen Entwicklung,wobei harmonisch in keinster Weise bedeutet,das derartige Prozesse friedlich,schön oder beglückend erlebt werden oder was mit Glauben ect. zu tun haben.

Mal ein längeres Zitat:

"After making plans for Illion's visit to the Holy City in the Valley of Mystery,
the topic drifts to numbers. Narbu mentions that "nine is a very auspicious number."
Illion responds:

I have studied the various occult philosophies and have my own views on
numerology which are the result of much independent thinking. I do not hold the view
that nine is an auspicious number."

When I read this last remark, I realized that this was a "clue" that the book was indeed "on the same frequency" with the C's material. I have long held the idea, based on a number of ideas and observations, that the number nine is the number of the Matrix Control System.
I was once told by an occultist:Nine is an ancient cosmic symbolisation of completeness. (It predates Ashoka).Search also under {ENNEAD}. From this system we get our 9 digits plus zero,
with 10 being in effect a higher zero & beginning of a new level or domain with 9 more units.

I responded:I question some of these ideas since some of the oldest sources tend to point toward the number 7 as the symbol of completion. Geoffrey Ashe writes:
In all the fantasy which occultists have employed, can we isolate a single clue that really does lead somewhere, really does point to an arguable Wisdom that is prior to known cultures? I believe we can ... It is the magical and sacred character of the number seven.

When we look at the number nine, and all the "lore" that has arisen around it since Gurdjieff brought it forth in his work, which, in my opinion, may have been deliberate disinfo - or was just simply misunderstood ... we find that nine is arrived at by adding two to seven. If seven is the number of completion, adding two to it is a symbolic re-dividing - i.e. recycling. The wheel of karma...

When we look at numbers, it is always interesting to see how they are used in some of the ancient literature as clues.

We find in the Bible, for example, that on the second day of creation in the
first creation story that god performed a separating act: separating the waters
above from the waters below...

The symbology of these numbers is important in another way. The result of the rules of numerology applied to the number 666 is 9: 6+6+6=18; 1+8=9. Nine is not only the name number of the beast, it is the product of 3 squared, or divine completion. We can also see in these numbers man's attempt to usurp the position of God -- 6 repeated 3 times -- or the number of man arranged as the divine trinity.

It has been said that nine symbolically signifies finality, completion,
fulfillment. There are the nine beatitudes, nine gifts of the spirit, nine fruits of the spirit, and the words of Christ at the ninth hour: "It is finished!" This is echoed in Revelation: "Then the seventh angel emptied out his bowl into the air, and a mighty voice came out of the sanctuary of heaven from the throne, saying, It is done!" (16:17)

There are other clues to the meaning of the number nine. In the story of the ten
lepers in Luke 17, only one, a Samaritan, turned back and thanked Jesus for his cleansing and Jesus asked "Were not ten cleansed? Where are the nine?" Was there no
one found to return and to recognize and give thanks and praise to God except this alien?"

In Nehemiah 11, more light is shed upon the symbology of nine: "Now the leaders of the people dwelt at Jerusalem; the rest of the people also cast lots, to bring one of ten to dwell in Jerusalem the holy city, while nine tenths dwelt in other towns and villages."

Gurdjieff said:

"There is an even more esoteric meaning to the number nine which I will describe only briefly because it is extremely complex and much study is required to understand the fundamentals behind it. There is a certain symbol which takes the form of a circle divided into nine parts with lines connecting the nine points of the circumference in a certain order... The circle is divided into nine equal parts. Six points are connected by a figure which is symmetrical in relation to a diameter passing through the uppermost point of the divisions of the circumference. Further, the uppermost point of the divisions is the apex of an equilateral triangle linking together the points of the divisions which do not enter into the construction of the original complicated figure...

This symbol cannot be met with anywhere in the study of occultism, either in books or in oral transmission. It was given such significance by those who knew, that they considered it necessary to keep the knowledge of it secret. Only some hints and partial representations of it can be met with in literature...

(This) symbol expresses the law of seven in its union with the law of three. The octave possesses seven tones and the eighth is a repetition of the first. Together with the two (additional elements) there are nine elements...

The isolated existence of a thing or phenomenon under examination is the closed circle of an eternally returning and uninterruptedly flowing process. The succession of stages in the process must be connected with the succession of the remaining numbers from 1 to 9. The presence of the ninth step filling up the interval completes the cycle, that is, it closes the circle, which begins anew at this point...

Therefore every beginning and completion of the cycle is situated in the apex of the triangle, in the point where the beginning and the end merge, where the circle is closed, and which sounds in the endlessly flowing cycle...But it is the ninth step that closes and again begins a cycle." [Gurdjieff, quoted by Ouspensky, In Search of the Miraculous]

In short, Gurdjieff was telling us that this number was the number of the Time Loop - the endless recycling. And we must note that this "new cycle" implies a new cycle of 3rd density. So, yes, nine is an important number... for entrapment of humanity.

Now, back to number 7... The number 7 was crucial to the development of early
astrology. The early astrologers worked with the Sun and moon and the five "true"
planets. Moderns have added the three planets discovered since, but the results have
been less than convincing. Western astrology has always been a septenary system,
based on the planets wandering through the signs... the Seven interpreting and
channeling the "Twelve." Or is it really Eleven???? The planets had their alchemical
counterparts... the seven metals. Each was matched to a planet.

Now, this business about 7 is curious because there have been other systems... other orders of the week, other numbers of planets, etc. Yet this 7 is very stubborn. It would certainly be easier to divide up our days if we had a week that was 5 or 8 or even 9 days. But, for some reason, this seven stuck because it is stuck in the subconscious and superconscious of Western man - which is why it dominates the world at present. It certainly was never spontaneously apparent in the Orient or Africa or America before Western conquest.

Seven is not "natural," you could say. But, in spite of this, it has lasted, it
has defied the efforts of reformers to get rid of it. According to the Pythagoreans (keeping in mind that we don't really know what they taught on the inside and people have been making stuff up for ages, but Manly Hall is the source here), the numbers are as follows:

1 ... mind, odd an even, chaos, obscurity, chasm, Tartarus, Styx, abyss...

2 ... it has been divided and is now two instead of one... and where there is two, there is opposition.: genius, evil, darkness, inequality, instability,
movability.... etc...

3 the first actually odd number since one is not always considered a number by the Pythagoreans... the first equilibrium of unities, friendship, peach, justice, prudence, etc...

4 ...the primogenial number, the root of all things material, the fountain of
Nature The number 4 is symbolic of God (interestingly, since it also symbolized matter and Nature!) since it is composed of 1,2,3, and 4 which, when added together, make 10. It is also important because it is the CENTER OF SEVEN!!!!! 3 +1+3=7 and you see chaos in the middle.

5 ... sacred symbol of light, health and vitality... also symbolic of the fifth
element, the ether, which is free from the disturbances of the four lower elements. Five is called equilibrium because it divides the perfect number ten into two equal parts. It is also symbolic of the processes of nature because when multiple by itself it returns into itself. Only five and six multiplied by themselves represent and retain their original number as the last figure in their products. keywords of five are reconciliation, alternation, marriage, immortality, providence and sound.

6 .. the creation of the world. The only perfect number between one and ten. Can also symbolize marriage because it is formed by the union of two triangles, one masculine and the other feminine. It can also, in this respect, represent 3rd density duality. keywords for six are time, the world, balance... etc.

7 ... the Pythagoreans said that 7 was "worthy of veneration." It was said by the Pythagoreans that there are seven celestial realms. Seven celestial spirits etc... It is also called the Motherless Virgin, Minerva because she was born of the crown of the father's head, (which relates to Daat, by the way). Keywords are: fortune, occasion, judgment, dreams, voices, sound and that which leads all thing to their completion. Seven represented the descent of spirit, or the number three, into the material world, or the number four... equaling seven. And, we can note that the
number of "god as Nature," or 4, added to the seven is 11... or knowledge, Daat.

8 ... the ogdoad... sacred because it is the number of the first cube and is a double 4, or the path to the replenishment of the monad. The keywords of 8 are love, counsel, prudence, law and convenience. The number 8 was also associated with the Eleusinian mysteries of Greece as well as the Cabiri.
9... according to the Pythagoreans, the number nine was the first square of an odd number, or 3E3, and was, therefore, evil and associated with failure and shortcoming. This was also emphasized because it fell short of the perfect number, 10, by just one number. It was also called the number of man because of the nine month gestation period. It's keywords are ocean and horizon. It is the number of the bottomless pit because there is nothing beyond it but the infinite 10. It is also called "boundary" and "limitation" because it gathered all numbers within itself.
The nine was also looked upon as evil because it was an inverted 6 which was the "perfect" number. According to the Eleusinian Mysteries, it was the number of the spheres through which the consciousness passed on its way to birth.

According to Vedic numerology, which I was taught by a Vedic astrologer, the number nine takes its character from that with which it is associated in general and leads to destruction, decay, dissolution and is generally a number of sickness and disease.

And it was at the ninth hour that "Jesus cried with a loud voice My God, My God,
why have You abandoned me?"

So, unlike most "students of mysteries," I don't have any positive views of the
number nine. "
Die Wahrheit gegen die Welt - Leitsatz der Druiden

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Alt 10.12.2009, 01:00
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the lord of the rings...

Brief History of Saturn Worship

The Cube of Saturn

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Alt 10.12.2009, 15:18
remedy remedy ist offline
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Hier wird aus dieser "die Ankünfte" Serie das Thema Kaaba auch angerissen.

Teil 44

Warum die 7x gegen den Uhrzeigersinn rumlaufen zB.

Würfel, Saturn, OZ, Hexagon, EL , 11.Sep gespickt mit Goat Kindergeschichten....
Das kann man draussen niemanden erzählen, aber das ganze lässt mir keine Ruhe mehr.
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Alt 15.12.2009, 12:56
JustinTeim JustinTeim ist offline
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Wow, erster Post hier.

Bin schon seit längerer Zeit am mitlesen Quer durch alle Themen, kann aber mit der Fachkompetenz vieler hier nicht mithalten. Von daher bis jetzt nur "Mitleser".

Eine Frage und eine Bitte habe ich.

Meine Frage: hat jemand die Teile 10 & 12 der von muffl verlinkten Videos? Vater Staat hat da mal dezent den Zensur-Riegel vorgeschoben. Wär nett wenn die jemand irgendwo uppen könnte.

Meine Bitte an muffl (nicht böse werden, nur konstruktive Kritik): mir, und ein paar anderen hier ebenso (wie man mitlesen konnte), ist dein manchmal doch recht ungehaltener Tonfall aufgefallen. Wäre für das allgemeine Board-Klima sicher förderlich wenn du ab und an emotional einen Gang runterschalten könntest. Ich kann dich verstehen, ist hier alles kein Spaß, thematisch etc., aber sowas schreckt Neulinge doch ein wenig ab befürchte ich. Und möglichst viele zu erreichen sollte ja eigentlich das Ziel des Ganzen sein. Wie gesagt, bekomms nicht in den falschen Hals

Ansonsten weiter so. Ich wüsste schon gar nicht mehr was ich ohne dieses Forum tun würde.
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Alt 15.12.2009, 14:09
MindFlow MindFlow ist offline
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Wow, erster Post hier.

Bin schon seit längerer Zeit am mitlesen Quer durch alle Themen, kann aber mit der Fachkompetenz vieler hier nicht mithalten. Von daher bis jetzt nur "Mitleser".

Eine Frage und eine Bitte habe ich.

Meine Frage: hat jemand die Teile 10 & 12 der von muffl verlinkten Videos? Vater Staat hat da mal dezent den Zensur-Riegel vorgeschoben.

Zunächst erstmal, willkommen im Forum...

Was die Videos betrifft schau sie einfach über einen Proxy, wie diesen hier...

Also einfach die Seite anklicken und die beiden Videolinks an entsprechender Stelle einfügen


ergibt dann:

Die Zensur wirst du bestimmt noch öfters so umgehen müssen...

Geändert von MindFlow (15.12.2009 um 14:12 Uhr)
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Alt 15.12.2009, 14:30
JustinTeim JustinTeim ist offline
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Ich danke dir vielmals!

Komm mir bald vor wie in China hier ...
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