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Alt 15.08.2008, 12:00
R_F_I_D R_F_I_D ist offline
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Standard Saakashvili von Georgien redet über New World Order

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At one minute, five seconds into the clip here from Glenn Beck’s neocon propaganda hour, we hear the sock puppet Saakashvili make reference to the New World Order. According to Saakashvili, he is not concerned so much for his own personal safety, he is more worried about the “region,” in other words the little globalist and NATO fiefdoms carved out of the corpse of the former Soviet Union, only the latest additions to the New World Order.

Saakashvili actually uses this phrase, same as George Bush Senior, Bill Clinton, Gary Hart, and other minions of the globalist elite. Of course, Saakashvili is no Bush or Clinton, in fact he is little more than a rag doll that will be thrown on the growing pyre after he outlives his usefulness. He is but another disposable Mafia don and one low on the criminal syndicate’s totem pole. One day he is on Glenn Back telling brazen lies, the next he may share the fate Ngo Dinh Diem, assassinated in the back of an APC because he was no longer of any use to the United States in Vietnam. Misha the useful tool will undoubtedly become a footnote in short order. In the meantime, he takes his marching orders from the neocons and their musical chair fellows, the neolibs.

As Paul Craig Roberts notes, Saakashvili is a product of NED and the neocons. “Back in the Reagan years the National Endowment for Democracy was created as a cold war tool. Today the NED is a neocon-controlled agent for US world hegemony. Its main function is to pour US money and election-rigging into former constituent parts of the Soviet Union in order to ring Russia with American puppet states,” writes Roberts, who should know as a former member of the Reagan administration. “The neoconservative Bush Regime used the NED to intervene in Ukrainian and Georgian internal affairs in keeping with the neoconservative plan to establish US-friendly and Russia-hostile political regimes in these two former constituent parts of Russia and the Soviet Union.”

Roberts tells us the neocons are criminally insane and along with “the Israeli-occupied American media” are pushing “the innocent world toward nuclear war.” Glenn Beck, always an eager little servant, helps this lunatic effort by providing Saakashvili with a corporate media platform to spew his nonsense and lies. Beck, of course, simply does what he is told.

Saakashvili’s usage of the term “New World Order” provides us with more evidence of who is actually calling the shots in Georgia — not the Georgians, but the ruling elite. Saakashvili owes his ascendancy to NED and USAID and the “entire panoply of ‘democracy promoting’ devices” plied by the globalists as an alternate way to overthrow governments.

“During the late 1970s there was new thinking at the highest levels of the U.S. foreign policymakers, and they reconsidered whether these ugly murderous military dictatorships of the 1970s were really the best way to preserve U.S. interests in these countries,” writes former CIA officer Philip Agee. “This new thinking led to the establishment in 1983 of the National Endowment for Democracy. They had chosen the German pattern in which the major political parties in Germany have foundations financed by the federal government. They did more or less the same thing with the establishment of the NED as a private foundation – there is really nothing private about it, and all its money comes from the Congress.”

“A lot of what we [NED] do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA,” boasts Allen Weinstein, a UNESCO globalist. Mr. Weinstein should know, as he was chosen to serve as acting president of NED in 1983 when it was taking over CIA duties of subversion and subterfuge.

It make sense that Capo Bastone Saakashvili, the throughly disposable underling to the international banking crime syndicate, would appear on Beck. After all, the Operation Mockingbird corporate media is a wholly owned subsidiary of the CIA, an effort launched out of the psychological warfare labs of the Office of Policy Coordination and the Office of Special Operations with gobs of money diverted from the Marshall Plan back in the day. Beck is simply the latest manifestation of this ongoing disinformation and propaganda campaign, never mind the complete if not absurd transparency of the effort to portray the grubby little Saakashvili as a democrat.
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Alt 15.08.2008, 17:37
rauchschimme rauchschimme ist offline
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Bei CNN hat er auch die neue Weltordnung erwähnt.

12 August, 2008 - 15:35
Saakashvili und die "Zukunft der Weltordnung"
Ohne weiteren Kommentar:
Der georgische Präsident Michael Saakashvili sagte am 10. August
gegenüber dem amerikanischen CNN-Reporter Wolf Blitzer: "Hier geht es
um grundlegende menschliche Werte. ... All das geht um die Zukunft der
Weltordnung. Und da denke ich, stehen viel größere Dinge auf dem Spiel
als nur Georgien. Für mich geht es um mein Land. Aber für die anderen
handelt es sich um die zukünftige Ordnung der Welt".
Auf der Seite ist das Video verlinkt. Bei 5 Min. Laufzeit etwa.
ein R_ing, sie zu knechten,
sie alle zu F_inden,
I_ns D_unkel zu treiben und ewig zu binden
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Alt 15.08.2008, 17:45
M@k@veli M@k@veli ist offline
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Allgemein krass was da für eine Propaganda von seiten der Amis und Georgien abgehalten wird. Schon allein das Saakashvili sich bereitstellt für ein ganzes Interview in den US Medien sagt schon alles. Die Propaganda Maschine läuft auf Hochtouren!
Nur die dümmsten Kälber wählen ihre Metzger selber!

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Alt 15.08.2008, 19:09
Beiträge: n/a
Standard Der durchkreuzte Masterplan der Terroristen

Plündern,Brandschatzen und Morden : Der durchkreuzte Masterplan der Terroristen im feinen Zwirn.

Nach dem Ende des"kalten Krieges" wollte Amerika sich weite Gebiete und natürlichen Ressourcen der ehemaligen UdSSR unter den Nagel reißen.

Das gehörte von Anfang an zu dem Plan der Strippenzieher in den USA,den terroristischen Freimaurer Privatbänkern und ihren Präsidenten Marionetten :

Brandschatzen,Morden und Plündern,das Konzept von Freibeutern und Piraten sollte ihnen die Weltherrschaft bringen.(Ordo ab Chao)

Russland hat sich aber wieder Erwarten erholt und durchkreuzt diesen Masterplan zur Welteroberung,das ist der einzig wahre Grund,warum alle zu den Rotschilds gehörenden Medien so gegen Russland hetzen.

Dennoch haben diese Herrschaften in den USA und ihre Polit-Marionetten ihren Masterplan noch längst nicht aufgegeben.

Der Georgien Konflikt hat dies wieder sehr deutlich werden lassen.

Es steht also zu befürchten,daß noch weitere Provokationen Russlands erfolgen werden z.B auch in der Ukraine.
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