Hier ein kurzer Ausschnitt aus
Living Energies von Callom Coats
As mentioned above, each of these two potentialities
of opposite gender has its own characteristic
orientation or axis along which it
moves in a particular direction. So the Sun's
paternal energies are propagated vertically
with respect to the Earth's surface, whereas
the Earth's maternal energies are propagated
horizontally. This 'horizontality', as it were,
depends on the scale at which it is observed.
At a small scale this lateral extension appears
flat and planar whereas, viewed over the
Earth as a whole, it is actually curvilinear and
spherical, and is coupled with a certain expansive
movement. The Earth-ovum is therefore
fertilised through the Sun's seasonally pulsating,
male impulses from a direction perpendicular
to the Earth's surface and embodies
the most ethereal and sacred act of coition
(fig. 5.2b). In its modus operandi it is comparable
to the fertilisation of the female ovum by the
male sperm (fig. 5.2a) and, without in any way
wishing to offend, the human sexual act is
perhaps the best way to explain it.
Analogous to the penile penetration of the
female (Earth) by the male (Sun), this pulsating
movement along its characteristic,
straight (vertical) axis subsequently metamorphoses
into a movement perpendicular
to it; into a spherical expansion of the Earth's
matter-energy field, like the rotund expansion
of the womb. In human beings (and
many animals) the growth of the foetus produces
a lateral stretch-expansion of the outer
tissues, namely a horizontal movement that
occurs when the outwardly-radiating, formative
energies reach the physical limits of their
radial extension. They are then propagated
parallel to the outer surface. Equally applicable
to the Earth, both movements of energy
are caused by the expansion of the internal
pressures resulting from the conversion of
the combined energies of the two genders
into physical mass (the baby).
5: The Sun 85
The same applies to solar fertilisation.
During the winter months, those fertilising
solar ethericities, which have not been metamorphosed
into physical growth by fusing
with their female counterparts present in the
higher strata of the Earth, continue their
inward penetration and encounter the
embryonic female energies lying deep below
the surface. Here their union gives rise to the
procreative energies that produce the burgeoning
blossoms of springtime. Since this
process of impregnation is repeated continually,
there is an almost continuous outwardand
upward-moving, pulsating flux of
maternal fructigenic and qualigenic matter
radiating from the centre, which forms and
concentrates at the ground surface (figs. 5.2b,
c, d & e) providing the creative impulse for
renewed growth.
Reduced to their simplest form, the paths
these two ethereal energies follow could be
represented by the Cross (fig. 5.2f), symbolising
the ennobling creative power of the ECI
in both material and immaterial dimensions.
When the sign of the cross is made by a priest
during Mass, for instance, the first gesture is
a strong, blade-like downward movement of
the hand reflecting the Sun's primary downward
fertilising impulse. This is then followed
by the softer, flatter sideways
movement of the palm, which alludes to the
horizontal motion of female, fructigenic