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Alt 19.08.2009, 00:00
Kay Kay ist offline
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Es gibt keine schublade für Christen,in du nicht reinpasst,lieber RFID.
Remember remember...the 5th of November...
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Alt 19.08.2009, 00:27
R_F_I_D R_F_I_D ist offline
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Obama ist nicht alleine. Auch der Herr Blair bedient sich gewisser occulter Praktiken.

Blair revelations reiterate elite occult obsession


So the Blairs are contending that all these claims are simply false, which is surprising given that in the past many mainstream media outlets have reported on their engagement in strange practices, were those all made up too?
Among the milder activities Cherie Blair is said to have taken jars of her own and her husband's hair and nail clippings to health guru who "dowsed" the jars by waving a pendulum over them to detect "poisons and blockages" that could affect the Blairs.
Supposedly the guru told Cherie Blair that "his pendulum could tell her when it was a good time or bad time to make major decisions."
According to encyclopedia site Everything2.com, the pendulum "...has been used for centuries in fortune-telling and as an occult device for communicating with spirits and ghosts. The seemingly spontaneous swings or rotations of the pendulum are seen as coded signals from the World Beyond."
Of course, this is not the first time we have heard of the Blairs' penchant for making major decisions via bizarre practices. In 2004 the London Times reported on the fact that Tony Blair had made political decisions based on new age readings of a hidden force called 'The Light'.
Whether the term "The Light" does or does not represent Lucifer, as it is commonly known, is an afterthought. The fact that The Prime Minister of Britain, who has made the call to partake in multiple armed conflicts around the world since 1997, makes political decisions by channeling anything is beyond the pale.
The new Book also reveals how Cherie Blair has borrowed a practice from white witchcraft and on a regular basis casts a circle, a deeply symbolic act in magic, to create ‘sacred space’.

Witchcraft and nail clippings: the weird world of Cherie Blair?

Witchcraft and nail clippings: the weird world of Cherie Blair?
Even by the standards of the alternative therapies said to be used by Cherie Blair, submitting her husband's toenail clippings to a health guru's pendulum is taking her alleged New Age obsession to a higher level.
Mrs Blair, a human rights lawyer, has long been the subject of claims about her fondness for weird and wonderful treatments, ranging from a Mayan rebirthing ceremony to eating strawberry leaves to cure swollen ankles.
But a book published yesterday about the Blairs has taken tales of odd practices inside the prime ministerial household to new extremes.
Such was the eyebrow-raising nature of the claims made in Tony And Cherie, A Special Relationship that Downing Street issued a forthright denial.
The book, written by Paul Scott, a journalist, uses alleged conversations with members of the couple's entourage to paint a picture of Mrs Blair as ambitious and intelligent but in the thrall of a series of bizarre practices. Among the techniques said to be employed by Mrs Blair was to take jars containing hair and nail clippings belonging to herself and her husband to Jack Temple, a retired market gardener turned health guru.
Temple, who died in 2004, is claimed to have "dowsed" the jars by waving a pendulum over them to detect "poisons and blockages" that could affect the Blairs.
Quoting a number of unnamed "Blair court insiders", the book claims: "Temple told Cherie that his pendulum could tell her when it was a good time or bad time to make major decisions."
The author, who also makes lurid claims about the Blairs' sex life, said he had written the book because of the way the couple had sought to portray themselves in the public eye.
Scott, who has written for the Daily Mail, said: "The Blairs have sold themselves as a ... sort of celebrity couple. It is important that in the face of this carefully-constructed image we know what goes on behind the scenes."
The couple's relationship with Carole Caplin, the former glamour model turned lifestyle adviser, is also revisited in the book, which claims that Ms Caplin personally bathed Mrs Blair as part of her service.

to be continued......
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Alt 19.08.2009, 00:54
Silent Green Silent Green ist offline
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Ich habe es in einem früheren Post schon einmal betont - Deine Art von Infokrieg ist nicht die der Mehrheit hier.

Es wäre gut auf die Stimmen der Mehrheit hier im Forum zu hören.

So long
Gruß Gerd

§328 Stgb
Mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu fünf Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe wird bestraft, wer eine nukleare Explosion verursacht.
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Alt 19.08.2009, 00:57
Jericho83 Jericho83 ist offline
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Standard Solange jeder von uns....

....etwas zu verlieren hat werden wir sicher nichts ändern wollen weil man das wenige was man vielieren kann nicht aufs Spiel setzen will.

Friedliche Demostrantionen nützen sowieso nichts, außer daß man vielleicht eine kurze Zeit die Blicke einiger Weniger auf sich zieht und das war es dann auch schon. Vielleicht berichten auch die Medien darüber, diese werden die Demonstrantenn sicher wieder als Spinner hinstellen und denn Rest kennen wir ja.

Es wird aber auch keine Revolution geben wenn die Leute ums überleben kämpfen müssen, da hat man keine Zeit für Politik. Braucht man nur einen Blick auf Afrika oder diverse anderer 3.Welt Länder werfen. Dann müsste gesamt Afrika im Krieg sein. Es gibt zwar Kriege, diese drehen sich aber mehr um die Machtausweitung der diversen Clans und um wertvolle Bodenschätze. Aber das Volk selbst hat da andere Sorgen, wie z.B. wie kann ich meine Familie ernähren usw. usf.

Die haben keine Zeit für eine Revolution, wenn man seine ganze Zeit dafür benötigt um zu überleben.

Es gäbe, so glaube ich jedenfalls, sehr einfache Methoden um das System im Chaos versinken zu lassen:

1. Wie im Film FIGHT CLUB alle Banken sprengen, oder zumindest hacken und alle Finanzdaten zu löschen. Wie schnell das geht sieht man ja beim aktuellen Kreditkartendatenklau. Somit wären alle Schulden Geschichte
2.Bankrun, wie wir alle wissen wäre das eine efektive Methode um dem Finanzsystem den Todesstoß zu versetzen.
3.Wenn man mal unser Gesellschaftliches Leben für längere Zeit lahm legen möchte, einfach ein paar hundert millionen Menschen überreden zur gleichen Zeit, am besten Nachts wo man eigentlich schon schläft, alle Stromverbraucher einzuschalten. Dann würde das gesamte Stromnetz kollabieren. Man sollte es halt so organisieren das die Energiekonzeren nichts davon mitkriegen sonst bringt es nichts .

Viele sind sich gar nicht im klaren wie mächtig wir eigentlich sein können und was mir mit dieser Macht verändern könnten.
Aber wir machen es nicht weil wir alle etwas zu verlieren haben, wenn wir es machen würden.

Würden wir die Banken hacken wird das Internet (was ohnehin mal der Fall sein wird) noch schneller total überwacht als sie es jetzt schon vor haben.

Bei einem Bankrun würden viele ihr Erspartes verlieren, was wir auch nicht wollen.

Und bei meiner Stromidee müssten wir auf alle annähmlichkeiten die uns der Strom bietet verzichten. Woll wir das?

Zu erst müsste sich grundsätzlich mal was in der Gesellschaftlichen Denke ändern! Heutzutage schauen 90% eh nur auf sich selbst, echte Freundschaften gibt es so gut wie nicht mehr. Einige verstehen unter Freundschaft wenn man einen Wildfremden in seine Freundesliste aufnimmt. Ich glaube die meisten verstehen halt nicht was Freundschaft eigentlich heißt.

Und solange die Gesellschaft so bleibt wie sie jetzt ist gehört ihr gar nichts anderes als von ihren Führern ins verderben geleitet zu werden.

Wir sollten uns auch mehr auf uns konzentrieren, auf die Community! Die Systemkritischen Menschen landen früher oder später sowieso auf einer der diversen "Verschwörungsseiten". Wir können nur vorsorgen damit wir nicht als totale Verlierer der Krise dastehen. Vielleicht werden wir nach der Krise, durch unsere Vorsorgemaßnahmen, besser dastehen als vor bzw. während der Krise.

Mag zwar alles ein bisschen idiotisch klingen, aber wer nicht hören will muss fühlen.

Just my 2 Cents

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Alt 19.08.2009, 12:13
R_F_I_D R_F_I_D ist offline
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Obama--isser nun Christ, Muslim oder ein Euelenanbeter oder Alles zusammen?

Natürlich von jedem etwas, je nachdem was seine Macxher ihn haben wollen.


Obama's Muslim Roots

Dr. Cass explains, "The most glaring misstatement of fact in the packaging of Obama for the presidency is assertion that—in his words—he is rooted in Christian tradition. The claim is unsubstantiated. His mother was, at best, an agnostic. His biological father was a Muslim. His stepfather was from a devout Muslim family. Throughout his formative years, Obama lived in Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim society where—according to a passage in his first memoir, Dreams from My Father —he studied the Koran. He lived his teen years with his maternal grandparents who, by his own description, were Universalists, not Christians."

In a 2007 New York Times interview, entitled Obama, A man of the World, Obama fondly recalled the Islamic evening call to prayer as "one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset." According to the article, "Obama went on to recite its opening lines with a perfect Arabic accent: "Allah is Supreme! Allah is Supreme! Allah is Supreme! Allah is Supreme! I witness that there is no god but Allah! I witness that there is no god but Allah! I witness that Muhammad is his prophet!"

"A devoted follower of Jesus Christ would never say 'Allah is supreme and there is no god but Allah,'" argues Dr. Cass. "Sitting in a pew from time to time doesn't make someone a Christian. If anything, Obama is rooted in Islamic tradition."

Obama On "My Muslim Faith"

On September 5th, 2008, in an ABC television network on-air conversation with former Clinton advisor turned political pundit, George Stephanopoulos, Obama uttered the line, "You're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith." Stephanopoulos quickly saved Obama from political disaster by reminding him that he meant to say his "Christian" faith.

"I have never met a Christian, especially one who claims to have been a Christian for twenty years, mistakenly confuse Islam with Christianity when referring to his or her personal faith," notes Dr. Cass. "Perhaps this was Obama's only candid public comment on his belief system since people started keeping track of the things he has said."

Libyan Strongman Identifies Obama as Muslim

On June 11th, 2008, Libyan leader Mu'ammar Al-Qadhafi was videotaped and broadcast on Al-Jazeera TV at a gathering as he referred to: "A black citizen of Kenyan African origins, a Muslim who studied in an Islamic school in Indonesia. His name is Obama. All of the people in the Arab and Islamic world and in Africa applauded this man. They welcomed him and prayed for him and his success and they have been involved in a legitimate contribution campaign to win the American presidency."

Dr. Cass observes, "Clearly one of the world's most vocal anti-American Arab leaders is convinced that Obama is a Muslim and is cheering the possibility of having a brother Muslim named the leader of the free world. Just as troubling is the candid admission that Muslims in Arab countries and in Africa are making financial contributions to the Obama campaign. It is against U.S. election laws for foreign nationals to give money to any candidate for federal office, but that is apparently not a deterrent to Obama or to Qadhafi."

Marketing Obama In America

At a time when the United States is at war with Islamic fundamentalists, it has been vital that the candidate obliterate any connection to his Muslim roots. For the American public to buy the Obama brand, it was pivotal that the candidate convince voters that he was a bona fide Christian.

As Dr.Cass observes, "Once he decided to run for president, Obama and his surrogates started attacking anyone who questioned his Christianity. So, for an accurate insight into his duplicity, we need to look at an interview he gave to Chicago Sun-Times religion columnist, Cathleen Falsani, on March 24th, 2004, a few days after he was nominated to run for the U.S. Sentate from the state of Illinois and three years before he was considered a presidential candidate."

During the exhaustive interview with Falsani, Obama showed himself to be profoundly uninformed about the basic tenets of the Christian faith. Falsani, who currently also writes a blog for the pro-Obama website, The Huffington Post, authored the book, The God Factor: Inside the Spiritual Lives of Public People, a collection of spiritual profiles. (Published in 2006 by Farrar, Straus & Giroux.)

Obama's Statement of "Faith"

To Falsani's question, "What do you believe?" Obama answered: "I am a Christian. So, I have a deep faith. So I draw from the Christian faith." Then he qualifies that statement by saying, "On the other hand, I was born in Hawaii where obviously there are a lot of Eastern influences. I lived in Indonesia, the largest Muslim country in the world, between the ages of six and 10. My father was from Kenya, and although he was probably most accurately labeled an agnostic, his father was Muslim. And I'd say, probably, intellectually I've drawn as much from Judaism as any other faith."

Obama continued to distance himself from the teachings of Jesus when he finished his answer saying, "I'm rooted in the Christian tradition. I believe that there are many paths to the same place, and that is a belief that there is a higher power, a belief that we are connected as a people."

"Nowhere in the Bible is there a reference to Obama's many paths," explains Dr. Cass. "Nor is there any biblical basis for his astoundingly erroneous assertion in the Falsani interview that, 'All people of faith—Christians, Jews, Muslims, animists, everyone knows the same God'."

Obama on Prayer

In the course of the interview, Falsani questioned Obama about his prayer life. To which the candidate responded, "Uh, yeah, I guess I do. It's not formal, me getting on my knees. I think I have an ongoing conversation with God. I think throughout the day, I'm constantly asking myself questions about what I'm doing, why am I doing it."

Few mature Christians confuse self introspection with praying to God as Obama suggests.

Obama on Heaven

When Falsani followed up the prayer question by asking Obama if he believed in heaven, the candidate needed clarification. "Do I believe in the harps and clouds and wings?" he asked.

"A place spiritually you go to after you die?" the reporter clarified.

Obama demonstrated a clear ignorance of the Bible's teaching on the subject of the afterlife. He answered, "What I believe in is that if I live my life as well as I can, that I will be rewarded. I don't presume to have knowledge of what happens after I die. But I feel very strongly that whether the reward is in the here and now or in the hereafter, the aligning myself to my faith and my values is a good thing."

Obama on Sin

The next question from Falsani was, "Do you believe in sin?" To which Obama replied, "Yes."

Since the answer provided little insight, Falsani asked him to define sin. "Being out of alignment with my values," the Harvard educated former law professor answered.

Noting that Obama's response was inconsistent with the Christian definition of sin, Falsani queried, "What happens if you have sin in your life?"

"I think it's the same thing as the question about heaven," Obama responded. "In the same way that if I'm true to myself and my faith that that is its own reward, when I'm not true to it, it's its own punishment."

"Again," Dr. Cass points out, "Obama demonstrates a total disregard to the teachings of the Bible."

Obama on Jesus

Perhaps the most telling exchange from Falsani's interview of Obama was the simple inquiry: "Who is Jesus to you?"

To Barack Obama, "Jesus is an historical figure for me, and he's also a bridge between God and man, in the Christian faith, and one that I think is powerful precisely because he serves as that means of us reaching something higher. And he's also a wonderful teacher. I think it's important for all of us, of whatever faith, to have teachers in the flesh and also teachers in history."

The question about Jesus was the final proof Dr. Cass needed to determine the paucity of Obama's Christian insight. "I'm more than a little skeptical of an avowed twenty year Christian who is so blatantly uninformed about the Bible and its teachings. How many of the two billion Christians in the world when asked 'Who is Jesus?' would get the answer wrong? How many couldn't define sin as explained rather succinctly in the Bible? How many have no idea what heaven has promised in Holy Scripture? This guy is checking the box 'Christian' on an application form without any idea what he's talking about. Unfortunately, the application he's filling out is to be the president of the United States."

Obama's Political Christianity

Contrary to all available evidence, while ignoring two thousand years of Christian tradition, Obama has the audacity to hope that people will accept him as a Christian simply because he says so. Obama's statement: "I believe that there are many paths to the same place" defines him as a non-Christian. Jesus says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me." Dr. Cass concludes with the observation that, "Judging the intent and the degree of Mr. Obama's deception is above my pay grade. My greatest concern is that Christianity is being hijacked by a prominent individual purely for personal, political, and financial gain. There are two billion Christians in the world. Every one of them should be insulted that their Savior is being used as a hollow campaign promise."

The Christian Anti-Defamation Commission is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) education corporation whose purpose is to work constructively to advance a robust religious liberty in public opinion and policy so that Christians everywhere might fulfill their biblical duties to God and neighbor. The commission is dedicated to responding to attacks by any individual person or groups of persons, institutions, or nations that defame and/or discriminate against Christ, Christianity, the Holy Bible, Christian churches and institutions, Christian individuals, and Christian leaders.

Wat denn nu Christ, Muslim oder Eulenanbeter?..................................... ............

Nun das werden wir sehen. Mal weiter untersuchen was denn noch so rauszufinden ist über Obamas Götter und wem er wirklich dient.

Geändert von R_F_I_D (19.08.2009 um 12:15 Uhr)
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Alt 19.08.2009, 13:07
derLeser derLeser ist gerade online
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Wat denn nu Christ, Muslim oder Eulenanbeter?.....
Er darf glauben, was er will.
Wichtiger ist die Tatsache, dass er Politiker ist. Deshalb ist es schwer aufgrund solcher aussagen auf seinen persönlichen Glauben zu schließen.

"Obama demonstrates a total disregard to the teachings of the Bible"

Das verschafft ihm zweifelsfrei Sympathiepunkte.
Anonyme Kinder des Teufels - Mach mit!

"Gott ist tot! Gott bleibt tot!"
Friedrich Nietzsche

"You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world."
Tyler Durden
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Alt 19.08.2009, 13:32
R_F_I_D R_F_I_D ist offline
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Zitat von derLeser Beitrag anzeigen
Er darf glauben, was er will.
Wichtiger ist die Tatsache, dass er Politiker ist. Deshalb ist es schwer aufgrund solcher aussagen auf seinen persönlichen Glauben zu schließen.

"Obama demonstrates a total disregard to the teachings of the Bible"

Das verschafft ihm zweifelsfrei Sympathiepunkte.

Echt dass er nicht an die Bibel glaubt verschafft ihm Sympatie? Weil er lügt ist er dir symphatisch? Warum nur. Was für eine Argumentation ist das? Das scheint mir sehr unreif.

Sehr kurzsichtig jemandem zu vertrauen nur weil er etwas ablehnt. Die Frage ist doch:

Was glaubt er und wem dient er?

Darum geht es hier: Wem dient und was glaubt die Elite und was spielt sie dir und mir vor.
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Alt 19.08.2009, 13:34
Kay Kay ist offline
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Völlig belangslos,was sie glaub,oder nicht glaubt.
An ihren taten wist du sie erkennen,und nur ihre Taten zaehlen,und denen gilt es Einhalt zu gebieten.
Remember remember...the 5th of November...
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Alt 19.08.2009, 13:37
R_F_I_D R_F_I_D ist offline
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Völlig belangslos,was sie glaub,oder nicht glaubt.
An ihren taten wist du sie erkennen,und nur ihre Taten zaehlen,und denen gilt es Einhalt zu gebieten.

Das würde ich so nicht sagen. Wir entscheiden doch oft kurzsichtig nach dem was jemand sagt was er glaubt oder vertritt und schauen nicht auf das was dahinter steht.

Jemand kann vordergründig ein paar gute Sachne machen und doch ganz andere Ziele im Auge haben.

Es ist sehr wichtitg zu erforschen und entdecken was die Führer der Welt glauben, vorgeben zu glauben , tatsächlich praktizieren und wessen Herren oder Diener sie sind. um das zu entscheiden müssen wir aber auch wissen wie wir das rausfinden können.
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Alt 19.08.2009, 13:47
Kay Kay ist offline
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dabei spielt der glaube aber nicht die hauptrolle,ssondern : Wer profitiert ,wem dient es,ausser ihm.

Natuerlich sind grenzen ab und an fliessend...Ich glaube aber zb nicht an "opfer-gaben" am 9/11 sondern sehe ganz klar :

1 Establish a Scenario of Terror
2 Bring the people to Fear
3 Install A solution-propaganda
4 Install Big Brother
5 btw get me some $7bn Dollar Check xD ,while we do 1-4 :P
Remember remember...the 5th of November...
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