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Alt 22.08.2009, 04:24
Barbarossa Barbarossa ist offline
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Wurde auch Zeit, dass jemand erkennt, um was es ich handelt.

So etwas ist keine Auseinandersetzung mit dem politischen Gegner, sondern eine reine Hetzkampagne.
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Alt 22.08.2009, 04:25
R_F_I_D R_F_I_D ist offline
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Wurde auch Zeit, dass jemand erkennt, um was es ich handelt.

So etwas ist keine Auseinandersetzung mit dem politischen Gegner, sondern eine reine Hetzkampagne.

Wie meinst du jetzt? Hetzkampagne gegen Alex Jones oder gegen Obama?
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Alt 22.08.2009, 04:33
R_F_I_D R_F_I_D ist offline
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Obamas Kabinet

Obamas Kabinet

The tradition of the Cabinet dates back to the beginnings of the Presidency itself. Established in Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution, the Cabinet's role is to advise the President on any subject he may require relating to the duties of each member's respective office.
The Cabinet includes the Vice President and the heads of 15 executive departments — the Secretaries of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Labor, State, Transportation, Treasury, and Veterans Affairs, as well as the Attorney General.

President Obama at Cabinet meeting April 20, 2009 at the White House.
White House Photo by Pete Souza
In order of succession to the Presidency:

Vice President of the United States
Joseph R. Biden
Department of State
Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton

Department of the Treasury
Secretary Timothy F. Geithner BILDERBERGER

Der Unverzichtbare

Obamas Leute hatten dem Mann mit der Schamesröte auf den Wangen einen Patron zur Seite gestellt. Als sich Timothy Geithner am Dienstag der Befragung durch die Senatoren stellte, saß Paul Volker neben ihm, Amerikas ökonomische Eminenz.
Volker, zwischen 1979 und 1987 Chef der Notenbank Federal Reserve, pries seinen Schutzbefohlenen in den höchsten Tönen: Geithner verfüge über einen enormen Erfahrungsschatz, habe sich auf den Finanzmärkten Respekt verschafft und genieße das volle Vertrauen von Präsident Barack Obama.

Klar und seine paar Betrugsmanöver sinn auch vergessen

Doch die Anschuldigungen, die gegen Geithner erhoben werden, sind keine Lappalien. Er, der Herr über die Steuerbehörde IRS werden will, soll dem Staat jahrelang Steuern geschuldet haben. Es geht um Forderungen über 34.000 Dollar, die er zwischen 2001 und 2004 nicht beglichen hatte, als er beim Internationalen Währungsfonds arbeitete.

Obama holt New Yorks Notenbankchef ins Kabinett

An der Spitze von Barack Obamas Wirtschaftsteams soll den Informationen von NBC zufolge als Finanzminister Timothy Geithner stehen, der bislang die New Yorker Zweigstelle der amerikanischen Zentralbank Federal Reserve leitet.
Änderungen in letzter Minute seien jedoch noch möglich, räumte der TV-Sender ein. Geithner war maßgeblich involviert, als die Zentralbank im März die Übernahme der kollabierten Investmentbank Bear Stearns organisierte und im September Lehman Brothers in die Pleite schlittern ließ.

Department of Defense
Secretary Robert M. Gates

Department of Justice
Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr.

Department of the Interior
Secretary Kenneth L. Salazar

Department of Agriculture
Secretary Thomas J. Vilsack

Department of Commerce
SecretaryGary F. Locke

Department of Labor
Secretary Hilda L. Solis

Department of Health and Human Services
SecretaryKathleen Sebelius BILDERBERGER

Obama wählt Bilderbergerin aus

Obama has picked a Bilderberger to be his choice for health secretary — Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius. Obama initially picked former Senate Democrat leader Tom Daschle for the position, but Daschle “withdrew because of personal tax issues,” in other words he didn’t bother to pay any taxes because minions of the elite are not required to do so, except for public relations reasons.
Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius was groomed for the position of health secretary. She attended the 2008 Bilderberg meeting in Chantilly, Virginia, and the 2007 meeting in Istanbul, Turkey.
Recall Sebelius, described as “a moderate Democrat,” was considered a leading candidate to be Obama’s vice presidential running mate last summer, but the elite picked CFR member Joe Biden instead.

In 2007, Sebelius attended the Bilderberg meeting in June in Istanbul, Turkey and the Kansas City Star reported the story on Sept 2, 2007. “It is a rather prestigious group,” Sebelius spokeswoman Nicole Corcoran told the Star. “She was pleased to be invited.”

Department of Housing and Urban Development
Secretary Shaun L.S. Donovan

Department of Transportation
Secretary Raymond L. LaHood

Department of Energy
Secretary Steven Chu

Department of Education
Secretary Arne Duncan

Department of Veterans Affairs
Secretary Eric K. Shinseki

Department of Homeland Security
Secretary Janet A. Napolitano

The following positions have the status of Cabinet-rank:

Council of Economic Advisers
Chair Christina Romer

Environmental Protection Agency
Administrator Lisa P. Jackson

Office of Management & Budget
Director Peter R. Orszag

United States Trade Representative
Ambassador Ronald Kirk

United States Ambassador to the United Nations
Ambassador Susan Rice

White House Chief of Staff
Rahm I. Emanuel

Geändert von R_F_I_D (22.08.2009 um 05:01 Uhr)
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Alt 22.08.2009, 05:12
R_F_I_D R_F_I_D ist offline
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Waren Obama und Biden bei den Bilderbergern ?

Obama und Biden Bilderberger?

Barack and Bilderberg
Recently, there has been much discussion about Barack Obama having possibly attended the recent Bilderberg conference in Virginia. This speculation arose when Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton sneaked off for a secretive meeting while in Virginia. As the AP reported, "Reporters traveling with Obama sensed something might be happening between the pair when they arrived at Dulles International Airport after an event in Northern Virginia and Obama was not aboard the airplane. Asked at the time about the Illinois senator's whereabouts, [Obama spokesman Robert] Gibbs smiled and declined to comment."7
The press that had been traveling with Obama were not made aware of the secretive meeting until the plane that they assumed Obama would be present on was moving down the runway, prompting many angry questions from the press towards Obama’s spokesman, Robert Gibbs. One reported asked Gibbs, "Why were we not told about this meeting until we were on the plane, the doors were shut and the plane was about to taxi to take off?" to which he responded, "Senator Obama had a desire to do some meetings, others had a desire to meet with him tonight in a private way and that is what we are doing." This preceded another question, "Is there more than one meeting, is there more than one person with whom he is meeting?" Gibbs simply replied, "I am not going to get into all the details of the meeting." He again later repeated that, "There was a desire to do some meetings tonight, he was interested in doing them, others were interested in doing them, and to do them in a way that was private."8
On Friday, June 6, it was reported that Bilderberg tracker, Jim Tucker, "called Obama’s office today to ask if he had attended Bilderberg. A campaign spokeswoman refused to discuss the matter but would not deny that Obama had attended Bilderberg."9
Bilderberg to Pick Obama’s Vice President

James A. Johnson, the man Obama asked to pick his running mate, played the same role for John Kerry back in 2004, and he selected John Edwards. As the New York Times reported, "Several people pointed to the secretive and exclusive Bilderberg conference of some 120 people that this year drew the likes of Henry A. Kissinger, Melinda Gates and Richard A. Perle to Stresa, Italy, in early June, as helping [Edwards] win Mr. Kerry's heart. Mr. Edwards spoke so well in a debate on American politics with the Republican Ralph Reed that participants broke Bilderberg rules to clap before the end of the session." The Times further reported, "His performance at Bilderberg was important,'' said a friend of Mr. Kerry who was there. ''He reported back directly to Kerry. There were other reports on his performance. Whether they reported directly or indirectly, I have no doubt the word got back to Mr. Kerry about how well he did."11

Obama bei den Bilderbergern?
Obama's Office Won't Deny Senator Attended Bilderberg
Tight security around Westfields Marriott suggests Illinois Senator and Hillary Clinton met at elite confab

Senator Barack Obama's office has refused to deny that the Democratic nominee attended Bilderberg last night following reports that he and Hillary Clinton were present at "an event in Northern Virginia."

H.Clinton und Obama bei Bilderberg?

It has emerged that Obama's press entourage were not informed of his secret meeting with Hillary Clinton in Northern Virginia until they were literally locked inside a plane that was taxiing down the runway on its way to Chicago.

The press reacted angrily to the way in which Obama's campaign organizers covered up the meeting, which is now suspected by many to have been planned in conjunction with the secretive 2008 Bilderberg Group meeting of around 140 corporate and political luminaries.

Geändert von R_F_I_D (22.08.2009 um 05:21 Uhr)
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Alt 22.08.2009, 05:29
R_F_I_D R_F_I_D ist offline
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Was sagt Henry Kissinger über Obama und die neue Weltordnung?

Kissinger über OBAMA und NWO

Henry Kissinger: Die globale Weltordnung, dominiert von den USA, war bisher die beste. Das gilt nicht mehr. Wir sehen turbulenten Zeiten entgegen. Was wird entstehen? Ich weiß es nicht. Noch herrscht das Paradoxon, dass viele Länder sich von Amerika lösen wollen und zugleich wissen, dass nichts ohne Amerika geht. Wenn die Krise zu lange dauert und die Maßnahmen der Staaten zu nichts führen, dann wird sie zu einer Krise des internationalen politischen Systems werden. Denken Sie an die Auswirkungen der iranischen Revolution, eines einzigen Landes, auf die internationale Ordnung.

Sibylle Lewitscharoff: Mir ist das zu pessimistisch. Es gibt doch ganz gute Blinkzeichen. Seit einigen Jahren ist es so, dass im kulturellen Leben, in kompletter Spannbreite, diese Probleme irgendwie bearbeitet werden, manchmal dämlich, manchmal intelligent. Aber überall sind Ameisen am Werk. In der kitschigen Welt des "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" sind 90 Prozent der Teilnehmer Einwanderer-Kinder, die üben und rumturnen und machen. In der Literatur gibt es mittlerweile gute türkische Schriftsteller, im Film haben ebenso Menschen großen Erfolg, das sind doch auch Integrationsfiguren. Es ist genau das Gleiche, was in Amerika so bewundernswert gelungen ist über die Jahrzehnte: das Eindringen der Schwarzen in die Mitte der Gesellschaft durch die Kultur. Sie haben in gewisser Weise Barack Obama vorbereitet. Auch bei uns ist da ein Ameisenwerk, das unbedingt positiv ist.

Henry Kissinger: Wir suchen auch nach Lösungen, wir wollen so schnell wie möglich herauskommen. Noch hat die Bevölkerung großes Vertrauen in Obama. Ich gehörte nicht zu seinen Anhängern, glaube aber mittlerweile, dass er diese Krise besser meistern könnte als die Republikaner. McCain ist mein Freund. Aber wenn der schwarze Kandidat verloren hätte, wäre eine neue internationale Ordnung schwieriger geworden. Wir Amerikaner sind glücklich, dass wir einen Präsidenten haben, der ein solch unglaublicher Charakter ist. Die Tatsache, dass er gewählt wurde, bewirkte eine Neuorientierung unseres Denkens.

Henry Kissinger: Aber nachdem man alles andere zuvor zerstört hat. Wohin führt das denn? Die Akteure haben die bestehenden Werte zerstört. So kommt man nicht in eine neue Gesellschaft. Ich sehe die Serie nicht oft, aber das sind doch Leute, die nur mit sich selbst beschäftigt sind, eine Obsession der Generation Internet.
Wie aber kommt man ohne Religion und die Überstrapazierung durch Werte durch eine solche historische Phase? Das ist sehr schwer. Als ich aufwuchs, waren meine Eltern nicht interessiert, wie ich mich innerlich entwickelte.
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Alt 23.08.2009, 02:12
R_F_I_D R_F_I_D ist offline
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Sonstige CFR und Bilderberger bei Obama

In a flurry of diplomatic activity in his first week in office, U.S. President Barack Obama on Thursday named special envoys for the Middle East and the Afghanistan-Pakistan region.

George Mitchell is not simply a CFR member — he is a former director of the globalist organization.
Mitchell “got his start in Federal politics when appointed by President Jimmy Carter (CFR member),” writes Tom Kovach. “Mitchell is chairman of the second-largest law firm in the world, DLA Piper. You know, the firm that recently put a full-service, ‘multicultural’ office in Dubai. You know, the port city in a country that tried to buy American port operations with oil money. Mitchell’s law firm has a ’strategic alliance’ with a consulting group owned by former US Secretary of Defense William Cohen (CFR member), which did PR work on behalf of DP World, the Dubai company that tried to buy the ports.” DLA Piper represents more than half of the top 250 Fortune 500 clients and nearly half of the FTSE 350 or their subsidiaries.
Mitchell sits on the steering committee of the American Friends of Bilderberg along with such luminaries as Conrad Black, Henry Kissinger, and David Rockefeller,

Ditto Richard Holbrooke.Heis on the board of directors of the Council on Foreign Relations. A dedicated Clintonite and former ambassador to the United Nations, Holbrooke brokered the Dayton Peace Accords, the “peace agreement” that partitioned and reduced Bosnia to a NATO and IMF client state, a model of bankster privatization. Holbrooke’s “peace plan” was only realized after massive NATO bombardment of Bosnian Serb territory.
Holbrooke is a consummate insider and global elite operative. Along with Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, and Paul Allaire, Holbrooke directs the American Friends of Bilderberg, an organization that takes money from Exxon, Arco, IBM, and other transnational corporations and has its meetings funded by the globalist Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, and the Carnegie Endowment fund.

Obama To Attend North American Union Meeting

President Obama will attend the controversial Security and Prosperity Partnership meeting with Mexican President Felipe Calderon and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper next month, it has been revealed.
The White House had not responded to requests to verify Obama’s schedule during the second week of August, however, a statement from Press Secretary Robert Gibbs titled “Upcoming Travel by the President,” confirms that Obama will attend the recently re-branded
“North American Leader’s Summit” in Mexico.
“The president will travel to Guadalajara, Mexico, August 9-10 to attend the North American Leaders Summit with Mexican President Felipe Calderon and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper,” the announcement, reported by World Net Daily, states.

Interessantes Dokument des CFRs selber über die Schaffung der NAU.

Und was sagt die CFR denn selber über Banker und OBAMA und Bilderberg?

And so I think as more voters get to know him, get to see that he's about reconciliation, get to see that he is a minority himself with an internationalist background -- let me tell you, in this trip to the Middle East, to Africa and to -- well, Egypt and Norway and Israel and France and Spain -- Obama would get 90 percent of the vote around the world, even among conservatives!
I was just talking to Marie-Josee -- some of the people who attended the Bilderberg Conference. The most conservative bankers --
they're all for Obama! I mean, I don't know -- and I think you're seeing this nationally.
You know, my prediction is it's going to be a decisive victory.
UTLEY: Right up here.
QUESTIONER: Yes. Jim Ziron, Governor. And thank you for your remarks today.
I wondered, since we are on the subject of politics, has there been any climate change in your relationship with the Clintons? (Laughter.)
RICHARDSON: You know, when I made my decision to endorse Senator Obama, I got more attention than when I announced and got out of the race. (Laughter.) And you know, I always had the highest regard for the Clintons. I still do!
You know, I served two Cabinet positions. We had a friendship. I felt, though, that my loyalty was to the country. And you know, just past loyalties -- nobody seems to remember, but I was in the race. I ran against Senator Clinton so I was trying to offer something different too.
And with Obama, it was interesting: I saw something in the guy early on. We were in Iowa at one of those chicken dinners -- not as good as this chicken here -- but all the candidates had spoken. You know, it was one of those Jefferson-Jackson dinners. They go on and on and everybody wants to leave and it's 11:00. And Obama got up, after all seven of us had spoken, and he talked about healing the country and bringing the country together and a higher calling.

Geändert von R_F_I_D (23.08.2009 um 02:46 Uhr)
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Alt 25.08.2009, 04:52
R_F_I_D R_F_I_D ist offline
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So zwischedurch mal ne kleine Studie: Obama and Handsigns.

Nur mal so .......

Und hier noch eines mit Bushi und dem großen Affen aus Iran , dem "Rothschildbekämpfer" der Antithesefraktion.

Und die Hure Babylon iss auch dabei.

Man beachte Obamas rechte Hand

Geändert von R_F_I_D (25.08.2009 um 04:59 Uhr)
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Alt 25.08.2009, 16:20
Newword Newword ist offline
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Ist der Thread-Titel nicht auf eine Art irgendwie rassistisch?
Wieso Wahlbetrug an den Schwarzen?
Gruß Newword
Jesus lehrte Buddhismus
Alles ist O.K.
David Icke- Beyond the cutting edge (deutsch) Stream
Eine Botschaft an die Welt

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Alt 25.08.2009, 17:14
freischütz freischütz ist offline
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Obama und der Herr in Rom scheinen sich auch nonverbal gut zu verstehen:

Alles nur Zufall?
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Alt 25.08.2009, 17:52
R_F_I_D R_F_I_D ist offline
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Ist der Thread-Titel nicht auf eine Art irgendwie rassistisch?
Wieso Wahlbetrug an den Schwarzen?
Gruß Newword


Wie kommst du darauf??? Schau den Film am Anfang, dann verstehst du.
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