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Alt 25.06.2009, 20:32
Backyard Backyard ist offline
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Standard Retired 9/11 D.C. guard head dies in Metro crash

Retired D.C. guard head dies in Metro crash

June 24, 2009 - 6:45am
WASHINGTON - Maj. Gen. David F. Wherley Jr., retired commanding general of the D.C. National Guard, and his wife, Ann, were among those killed in the collision of two Metro trains.
D.C. Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton wrote in an e-mail Tuesday that she developed a close relationship with Wherley, especially during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. That time saw the changing of the D.C. National Guard from weekend warriors to Army troops performing the duties of enlisted soldiers in battle.

Wherley worked on deployment and returning ceremonies for Guard troops, funding for tuition for Guard members, and after school activities conducted by the D.C. National Guard.

Washington Mayor Adrian Fenty said Wherley "was a fine public servant."


Major General (ret.) David F. Wherley, Jr. of the District of Columbia Air National Guard,
known for ordering jets to scramble over the city during the September 11 attacks, was killed in the accident.
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Alt 26.06.2009, 01:37
Schakal Schakal ist offline
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Revolverblatt (Bild.de)

Ahmadinedschad tut so, als sei nichts gewesen
Sie kämpfen mutig für mehr Freiheit im Iran. Doch gegen das waffenstarrende Militär haben sie keine Chance. Immer weniger Demonstrationen auf den Straßen Teherans!

Ein Trauerzug für die mindestens 17 Toten der Proteste im Iran wurde abgesagt. Oppositionsführer Mir Hussein Mussawi darf angeblich kaum noch mit seinen Unterstützern sprechen, wird vom Regime isoliert. Eine ihm nahestehende Zeitung wurde eingestellt.... Bla Bla Bla ..

Aber das beste stück aus dem Text,und ich glaub die frage ist berechtigt XD
Auf die scharfen Worte von US-Präsident Barack Obama („Wir sind entsetzt und erschüttert“) antwortete Ahmadinedschad: „Ich frage mich, warum der Mann, der immer von Wandel geredet hat, nun auf den Pfaden von George W. Bush wandelt.

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Alt 26.06.2009, 12:38
Backyard Backyard ist offline
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Standard Iranian envoy: CIA involved in Neda's shooting?


MEXICO CITY, Mexico (CNN) -- The United States may have been behind the killing of Neda Agha-Soltan, the 26-year-old Iranian woman whose fatal videotaped shooting Saturday made her a symbol of opposition to the June 12 presidential election results, the country's ambassador to Mexico said Thursday.
Neda Agha-Soltan, 26, was shot to death in Tehran on Saturday.

"This death of Neda is very suspicious," Ambassador Mohammad Hassan Ghadiri said. "My question is, how is it that this Miss Neda is shot from behind, got shot in front of several cameras, and is shot in an area where no significant demonstration was behind held?"
He suggested that the CIA or another intelligence service may have been responsible.
"Well, if the CIA wants to kill some people and attribute that to the government elements, then choosing women is an appropriate choice, because the death of a woman draws more sympathy," Ghadiri said.
In response, CIA spokesman George Little said, "Any suggestion that the CIA was responsible for the death of this young woman is wrong, absurd and offensive."

Though the video appeared to show that she had been shot in the chest, Ghadiri said that the bullet was found in her head and that it was not of a type used in Iran.
"These are the methods that terrorists, the CIA and spy agencies employ," he said. "Naturally, they would like to see blood spilled in these demonstrations, so that they can use it against the Islamic Republic of Iran. This is of the common methods that the CIA employs in various countries."

But, he added, "I am not saying that now the CIA has done this. There are different groups. It could be the [work of another] intelligence service; it could be the CIA; it could be the terrorists. Anyway, there are people who employ these types of methods."
Asked about his government's imposition of restrictions on reporting by international journalists, Ghadiri blamed the reporters themselves.

"Some of the reporters and mass media do not reflect the truth," he said.
For example, he said, international news organizations have lavished coverage on demonstrations by supporters of Mir Hossein Moussavi, whom the government has said lost to the incumbent President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad by a landslide.
But those same news organizations have not shown "many, many demonstrations in favor of the winner," he said.
Further, he said, members of the international news media have failed to report on people setting banks and buses afire or attacking other people. "The only things they show are the reactions of the police," he said.
Because of restrictions on reporting in Iran, CNN has been unable to confirm many of the reports and claims relating to protests.
Ghadiri said it is only fair that security forces protect the lives and property of the Iranian people.
"If in America supporters of Mr. McCain had gotten out on the street and tried to burn the banks during the last election, do you think the police would just sit idly by and be a spectator?" he asked, referring to the GOP presidential candidate who lost the presidential vote in November to Barack Obama.
Ghadiri called on backers of Moussavi to "accept the majority's victory."
Ahmadinejad's overwhelming victory was no surprise, Ghadiri said, noting that a poll published in the United States three weeks before the June 12 elections showed Ahmadinejad with a commanding lead. "Why don't you show that?" he asked.
Ghadiri also addressed questions about the rapid reporting of the election results, which the opposition has cited as evidence that the ballots were not properly counted.
"It wasn't said that only four people counted the 40 million votes," he said. "There were tens of thousands of people in Iran who counted these votes. They declared that this is very simple."
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Alt 27.06.2009, 18:20
rauchschimme rauchschimme ist offline
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Retired D.C. guard head dies in Metro crash

June 24, 2009 - 6:45am
WASHINGTON - Maj. Gen. David F. Wherley Jr., retired commanding general of the D.C. National Guard, and his wife, Ann, were among those killed in the collision of two Metro trains.
D.C. Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton wrote in an e-mail Tuesday that she developed a close relationship with Wherley, especially during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. That time saw the changing of the D.C. National Guard from weekend warriors to Army troops performing the duties of enlisted soldiers in battle.

Wherley worked on deployment and returning ceremonies for Guard troops, funding for tuition for Guard members, and after school activities conducted by the D.C. National Guard.

Washington Mayor Adrian Fenty said Wherley "was a fine public servant."


Major General (ret.) David F. Wherley, Jr. of the District of Columbia Air National Guard,
known for ordering jets to scramble over the city during the September 11 attacks, was killed in the accident.
Das habe ich über Gen. Wherley bzgl. 911 gefunden:

Andrews Air Force Base is located just 10 miles southeast of Washington, DC, and has been described as "one of the most modern bases in the Air Force." [2] Yet the first fighter jet did not take off from there until well after the time the Pentagon was hit--possibly as late as 10:38 a.m.--and this was armed only with training ammunition. [3] The first properly armed jets took off at 10:52 a.m. [4]...


The actions of Brigadier General David Wherley Jr. are particularly notable. As the commander of the DC Air National Guard, Wherley surely had a crucial role to play in responding to the attacks. However, although accounts are vague and sometimes contradictory, descriptions of what he did give us serious cause for concern.

Wherley was in the headquarters of the 113th Wing the morning of September 11. Yet reports indicate he only started taking action after 9:37 a.m., when the Pentagon was hit. According to the Washington Post, Wherley's "first inkling that the attacks would go beyond New York was when one of his officers, whose husband worked at the Pentagon, saw on television that the building had been hit and began shrieking." [24] After taking a moment to comfort the officer, he "raced out of his office and ran several hundred yards to the headquarters of the DC Guard's 121st Fighter Squadron." But then, upon learning that the Secret Service wanted Andrews to launch fighter jets, Wherley told squadron officers he wanted more explicit authorization, saying: "We have to get instructions. We can't just fly off half-cocked." [25]

Wherley talked over the phone with the Secret Service, which wanted the DCANG to establish a combat air patrol (CAP) over Washington. Yet he seemed reluctant to help. He told the Secret Service agent, "I would feel more comfortable receiving such an order from someone higher in the chain of command, preferably in the military." He was given the number for the Presidential Emergency Operations Center--a bunker below the White House--which he then called. The Secret Service agent who answered implored Wherley: "We want you to put a CAP up over the city. We need some fighters now." Yet Wherley was "not very comfortable taking orders from a Secret Service agent. That's just not how things are done." He asked, "Is there anybody else there from the military available to talk?" As there was not, he asked, "Is the vice president available?" The vice president was on the phone with the president. Only after further reflection did Wherley finally agree to help, saying: "Okay, then. What exactly do they want me to do?" [26]

Wherley then had to wait for the Secret Service to determine "exactly" what it wanted. According to the Washington Post, the instructions came "within a half-hour." Again, another delay. [27] The Secret Service agent who got back to Wherley said he had received instructions that came from the vice president. The guidance was "to send up the aircraft, with orders to protect the White House and take out any aircraft that threatened the Capitol." If the 9/11 Commission is correct, these instructions were not passed on to the first fighter jet that took off from Andrews, but instead only to "the pilots that launched at 10:42 and afterward." By that time, of course, the attacks were long over. [28]
ein R_ing, sie zu knechten,
sie alle zu F_inden,
I_ns D_unkel zu treiben und ewig zu binden
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Alt 29.06.2009, 02:33
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Food Inc. zeigt die Greuel der US-Nahrungsmittelindustrie. Versuchter Massenmord durch Schweinegrippevirus – Journalistin erhebt Anklage gegen die WHO und UN
Lesefaul? Sammelsurium vom IK-Radio und mehr unter: http://ripuli.de/ik-radio .. Engagiert? Schickt mir Eure Podcasts (Beiträge, selbst produzierte Musik, usw.) für das Ripuli-Radio.
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Alt 30.06.2009, 13:29
d0dge d0dge ist offline
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Zustimmungsgesetz zum Vertrag von Lissabon mit Grundgesetz vereinbar – Begleitgesetz verfassungswidrig, soweit Gesetzgebungsorganen keine hinreichenden Beteiligungsrechte eingeräumt wurden

Der Zweite Senat des BVerfG hat entschieden, dass das Zustimmungsgesetz zum Vertrag von Lissabon mit dem Grundgesetz vereinbar ist. Dagegen verstößt das Gesetz über die Ausweitung und Stärkung der Rechte des Bundestages und des Bundesrates in Angelegenheiten der Europäischen Union insoweit gegen Art. 38 I i. V. mit Art. 23 I GG, als Bundestag und Bundesrat im Rahmen von europäischen Rechtssetzungs- und Vertragsänderungsverfahren keine hinreichenden Beteiligungsrechte eingeräumt wurden. Die Ratifikationsurkunde der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zum Vertrag von Lissabon darf solange nicht hinterlegt werden, wie die von Verfassungs wegen erforderliche gesetzliche Ausgestaltung der parlamentarischen Beteiligungsrechte nicht in Kraft getreten ist. Die Entscheidung ist im Ergebnis einstimmig, hinsichtlich der Gründe mit 7:1 Stimmen ergangen.

ganzer Artikel hier
"Understanding is a three-edged sword. Your side, their side AND THE TRUTH."
- Charakter "Sheridan" in Babylon 5

Mein "unbequem" queue @ U-tube | Fakten über Churchill
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Alt 01.07.2009, 14:08
Taktikspiel-Spieler Taktikspiel-Spieler ist offline
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Standard Internet-Sperrgesetz - Europarat ist an Deutschlands Vorstoß sehr interessiert

Für ganz Europa in Erwägung ziehend, schaut der Europarat, der sich die engere Zusammenarbeit europäischer Staaten auf die Fahnen geschrieben hat, dieser Tage interessiert auf das deutsche Modell zur Sperrung von Internet-Seiten mit kinderpornografischen Inhalten.

Die stellvertretende Generalsekretärin des Europarates, Maud de Boer-Buquicchio, sieht das von Berlin ausgehende Zugangserschwerungsgesetz zur Bekämpfung von Darstellungen von Kindesmissbrauch im Internet, als einen richtigen Schritt nach vorne.

Die Repräsentantin der Organisation, mit Sitz in Straßburg, sieht die Bundesrepublik in dieser Sache als positives Vorbild für alle Teilnehmerstaaten des Europarates. So sollten die angeschlossenen Länder in dieser Sache über ein gemeinsames, internationales Konzept auf freiwilliger Basis nachdenken.

Es ist unglaublich wie babarisch wir Menschen sind. Aber noch unglaublicher ist wie fest wir davon überzeugt sind kultivierter geworden zu sein und als Rechtfertigung lediglich unser derzeitiger Wissensstand dient....eigene Meinung
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Alt 01.07.2009, 16:30
Mindfuck Security Mindfuck Security ist offline
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Frankreich entschädigt Atom-Opfer

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Alt 02.07.2009, 17:34
stupido stupido ist offline
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Neuer Posten für Ex-Bahnchef
Mehdorn wird Aufsichtsrat bei Air Berlin


Wer gibt so einem Menschen einen neuen, derartigen job?? Wohl nur ein Unternehmen, das Mehdorns Stasi praktiken, seine korruption und all seinen anderen Dreck gutheisst - also ebenso verfährt.

Ein Outing für Air Berlin!
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Alt 02.07.2009, 18:12
laxxol laxxol ist offline
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Nordkorea feuert 4 neue Raketen ab
Einfach treffend erläutert
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