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Alt 26.04.2009, 18:04
_Cineris_ _Cineris_ ist offline
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ich glaub die sagt da kit und nicht hit und playing und nicht plane aber bei plane bin ich mir nicht so sicher^^

aber auch wenn, was n zufall ;>
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Alt 27.04.2009, 22:57
FallenSon FallenSon ist offline
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Der Film transportiert den inhalt der Protokolle der Weisen von Zion.

Kurz gesagt: Das klügste Individuum der Welt, richtet durch einen Superpsychogau grossen Schaden mit millionen Opfern an. Dadurch soll die Menschheit ohne ihres Wissens in eine bessere Zeit geführt werden.

Grosses politisches Offerendum. Geschickt inszeniert. Es funktioniert, laut Darstellung. Die Lüge darf aber nicht ans Licht kommen wenn sie funktionieren soll.
hey hey kann mann diese protokolle irgendwo nachlesen und wer sind die weisen von zion?

desweiteren was sagt ihr dann zu allan moores "v wie vendetta"? zitate aus dem film:

"Auch wenn man den Schlagstock, anstelle eines Gespräches einsetzen kann, werden Worte immer ihre Macht behalten!

"Ein Volk sollte keine Angst vor der Regierung haben. Die Regierung sollte Angst vor ihrem Volk haben!"

"Hinter dieser Maske ist nicht nur Fleisch, hinter dieser Maske steckt eine Idee! Und Ideen, Mister Creedy, sind kugelsicher!"

"Künstler lügen, um die Wahrheit aufzuzeigen. Politiker lügen, um die Wahrheit zu vertuschen!"

"Menschen verleihen Symbolen Macht. Für sich betrachtet ist ein Symbol bedeutungslos. Aber wenn genügend Menschen dahinterstehen, kann die Sprengung eines Gebäudes die Welt verändern."(sehr interessantes zitat oder?)

in dem film geht es unter anderem und von der riegierung geplanten terror gegen das eigne volk...

"Stellen Sie sich ein Virus vor,das furchtbarste Virus das es gibt und jetzt stellen Sie sich vor Sie,und nur Sie hätten das Heilmittel dagegen.Wenn Ihr übergeordnetes Ziel Macht ist,wie lässt sich so eine Waffe am besten einsetzen?"

ebenfalls hat sich alan moore selbst von dem watchmen film distaziert und ist offen bekenender anarchist...
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Alt 28.04.2009, 00:04
Barack Osama bin David Barack Osama bin David ist offline
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hey hey kann mann diese protokolle irgendwo nachlesen und wer sind die weisen von zion?
geht da um schriften die angeblich gefälscht wurden von geheimdienstlern des russischen zaren vor ca 150 jahren glaub ich, geht grob gesagt um den fahrplan für eine jüdische weltherrschaft
sind angeblich zum grossteil von macchiaveli abgeschrieben

ich hab sie nicht gelesen
ich meien die sind in deutschland auch verboten

frag mal in dem e book thread nach, vll wissen die leute da mehr

ich fand den film echt unterhaltsam...
Milliarden Menschen sind stärker als Millardäre
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Alt 28.04.2009, 00:39
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geht da um schriften die angeblich gefälscht wurden von geheimdienstlern des russischen zaren vor ca 150 jahren glaub ich, geht grob gesagt um den fahrplan für eine jüdische weltherrschaft
das ist die übliche oberflächliche verallgemerinung aber so einfach ist das nicht, zion/sion bzw zionismus hat zb wenig mit dem 0815 juden(die sind genauso gearscht wie wir) bzw dem judentum zu tun...also vorsicht...es ist keine katholische NWO, keine jesuiten NWO, und auch keine jüdische NWO...

es ist der selbe uralte okkulte plan für eine "luziferische" NWO.

Learned Elders of Zion is an interesting read. There's no doubt that whoever did write it certainly knew an agenda and that's what's perplexing about it all. We know again that there were high groups. We know too that before it came out in Russia that it was actually circulated in France about 60 years before that and it was altered again to blame just one group. Of course, too, we know that in the 1800's even Blavatsky's group at one point and other Masonic groups were calling themselves Zion with its learned elders. It's not a specifically Jewish thing at all, really, although Jews can join it, but whoever wrote it certainly did understand – even sports. They said they'd push sports to the extreme, at a time when there were no sports arenas anywhere in the West. Now they're everywhere. They knew those parts would be pushed in. They knew too that culture would have to be destroyed.
es ist alles "nur" tiefste esoterische freimaurerei von inzüchtigen psychopathen...

Geändert von muffl556 (28.04.2009 um 00:54 Uhr)
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Alt 28.04.2009, 01:29
FallenSon FallenSon ist offline
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allright nice die jungs und mädels im e book thread werde ich mal anhauen....aber kommen wir doch zurück zu alan moore v und watchmen
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Alt 28.04.2009, 02:49
FallenSon FallenSon ist offline
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und dann gibt es da noch zwei anime serien die dann wohla uch mal von alex jones unter dir lupgenommen werden sollten

1.ghost in the shell....da geht es sehr viel um cyber terrorismus .....

2.neon genesis evangelion.....hier gibtes zb eine organistion die sich seele nennt und die menscheit auslöschen will um eine neue welt zu erschaffen ihr symbol ist eine umgedrehte pyramide mit sieben augen ...

ich persöhnlich bin ein fan beider serien und halte besonders die kinofilme für philosophische meisterwerke der film kunst...gits sac also di ova serie ist hingegen überhaupt nicht mein fall

Geändert von FallenSon (28.04.2009 um 03:00 Uhr)
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Alt 28.04.2009, 13:46
FallenSon FallenSon ist offline
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noch mal zu v wie vendetta zwar auf englisch aber gut.

A. V for Vendetta is a Pro-freedom of speech, Pro-individual rights, anti-fascist statement, presented on a silver screen...

some freedom-hating fascist said, about this movie, which I consider to of grate significance, regardless of your political views, in a post-9/11 society :
For any American who feels that V for Vendetta is a vile, pro-terrorist piece of neo-Marxist, left-wing propaganda filled with radical sexual politics and nasty attacks on religion and Christianity.

Its not that its pro-muslim, pro-homosexual, pro-anarchist, anti-christian, and anti-everything American, its also incredibly boring. I mean its probably the most boring thing I have ever been unfortunate enough to sit through. There's hardly any action; just one snide attack on President Bush after another.

1. You know though, in all seriousness I’m really glad I saw V for Vendetta because now I know that it was the Bush administration that blew up the twin towers and tried to blow up two other U.S. targets on 9/11 in order to scare Americans into giving them more power and turn America into a totalitarian state. I know now that it is conservatives who hate art, literature, and music—especially jazz music—and want to lock it all away because, well, we’re just mean like that.

2. I know now that Christians are in league with Republicans, and that together it is they, and not radical Islamists, who would like to exterminate all homosexuals and execute anyone that produces material critical of the Church-State. I’m so thankful that V for Vendetta showed me that it is Christians who persecute people for reading the Koran and not Muslims who persecute people for reading the Bible.

3. I know now that it is America's military personnel who are the ones who place hoods over innocent people's heads then mercilessly torture and kill them, and that broadcasts of Islamo-fascists doing so are just laughable propaganda. I mean I can’t even remember now the last time there was a terrorist attack committed by a muslum in the name of Islam or an instance where muslum terrorists shot fleeing Russian school children in the back as they tried to run away or where muslum terrorists blew up commuters as they rode their train to work or crashed a hijacked airliner into a building. V for Vendetta opened my eyes and showed me that they are all truly peace loving individuals and it is the evil white Christian who is the true threat to world peace.

4. Thank you Natalie Portman for showing me how truly terrible it is that we use renditions to arrest known terrorists. Forget the fact that muslum extremists would slit your Jewish neck ear to ear if given the opportunity, it’s those fascist intelligence officers in the CIA infringing upon the human rights of peace loving Arabs that Americans really need to worry about

5. But most of all, in true V style, I think that documents, like buildings, are only symbols, and that burning them can change the world. Therefore, I propose that we storm the National Archives and torch the Constitution—the document responsible for unleashing the Great Evil that is America.

6. After all, isn’t that what you Liberals want? When the English masses gather and cheer as Parliament, that bastion of fascism that it is, burns to the ground, aren't we too supposed to cheer? Aren't we supposed to want to run out of the theater ready to don our Osama Bin Laden masks ready to confront the world's biggest terrorist mastermind on the White House lawn?

7. Oh, but wait, the movie is "dystopian" and therefore has nothing to do with current events. The "yellow-alerts" the vile dictator employs are a coincidence. The campy television show in which Al Qaeda operatives torture women, suggesting that the threat of terror is as fictional as it is ridiculous, means nothing.

my response:

your right:
We should not listen to what the Wachowski brothers and James McTeigue got to say.
I mean, come on: It's not like we've got freedom of speech as one of our core values or anything...

The constitution's in the western world has a lot in common; they took years to sculpt in order to outline which truth's and moral we hold to be self-evident, and tampering with the core values should be done often and frivolously in order to justify any actions the government wish to take against its own citizens... (I want my government to know whether or not I'm reading the right books, and surtenly not the WRONG books, in my local library.)

The rights of two consenting adults should be dictated by an patch-work collection of ancient parchments glorifying father-daughter incest, and not by a democratic population who want freedom of expression to be one of the most important principals of our respective nations...

Democracy and Capitalism are, of course, one and the same thing: not two different things as some may believe (democracy a basic political structure of a sovereign nation, and Capitalism a financial system to make sure you pay at least twice as much for your house over 20 years than the original price would dictate... God bless banks, and their wealth-burdened CEO's...)
We can not allow 3rd world country's to rebel against one, because thats an attack on the other, and God love's US, not THEM...
If they live in a country that's a former colony (British, French, or otherwise), they should know their place, and bow down to our right to rule them: financially, politically and spiritually...

Some heathen bastard, probably reveling in degrading homosexual activities on numerous occasions, once said "you should be loyal to your country always, and to your government when they deserve it" (Mark Twain)...
Another lowlife who should be wiped out of the collective memories of ALL mankind is the Marxist-worshiping bastard child of a twice-cursed jackal who said "Those who would give up ESSENTIAL liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety" (Benjamin Franklin)...
I mean, come on: if our heads of state coins new phrases such as "Islamo-fascists", we should fall in line, and not ask dumb-ass questions about what our son's and daughters, brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers are ordered to do on Guantanamo bay and in the Abu Ghraib prison...
after all: we are in our right to do so, despite what some tinfoil-hat wearing lunatic may say about the actual events before and during the 9/11-attack... (so they made a little extra money, they deserve it: they are, after all, the people which our governments consists of!)

And last, but not least, a message to all those freedom-hating liberals who are so full of self-loathing that they WANT to be stoned to death by inbred towel-heads:
No, it's not a contradiction in term to have a SELF-APPOINTED "leader of the free world"...

(end quotes)...

Now, I originally posted that reply in the same group as the points "1-7" attacks on V for Vendetta belongs, in order to see what their response would be...

their response was, NOT surprisingly, CENSORSHIP!!!

Raise your hand if your surprised, or if you expected them to do just that...

Any road: this is a group which is a response to the hate and bigotry presented at the other group...
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Alt 28.04.2009, 19:59
_Cineris_ _Cineris_ ist offline
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v for vendetta ist eben ne verfilmung des comcis v for vendetta von alan moore

du musst dir mal anschaun was alan moore für eine person ist ...

So, keeping in mind in V’s masked visage, with his emergence from Larkhill – the abuse, torture center – in a huge fire, with a new personality that could no longer remember who and what he used to be, here’s an excerpt from Fritz Springmeier’s “The Illuminati Formula to Create a Totally Undetectable Mind Control Slave” which says:

“Fire/burning torture is used in the porcelain face programming….The memories of abuse are then hypnotically hid behind the masks…..This means that these alters have via torture and hypnosis lost their own faces!
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Alt 28.04.2009, 20:13
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The recent film V for Vendetta, on the other hand, was hailed by many as a previously unparalleled anti-establishment exemplar about our present move towards a police state. The forthright depictions of tyrannical rule, mass media as a tool of propaganda, false flag operations blamed on terrorists and secret government experimentation on citizenry do all ring true and are frighteningly similar to exactly what is happening in present society...

However, the most important thing to consider, is what does the film (which I will confess to personally enjoying) say about changing things? The same old true, tired Hollywood motif that has been ingrained on us since we were children: wait for some Superman to come save you, wait for Rambo, wait for “The One.” How does the protagonist reach the masses? Through the television; one talking head is swapped for another (¿one form of tyranny swapped for another?).

It doesn’t tell us anything about how we, as individuals and communities, need to network, and overthrow the system of oppression by refusing to feed the corporate entities, which ultimately, take the money we give them to buy up our government, and then build a bigger better prison to enslave us. Thus, after all is said and done, I fear the movie serves the proverbial beast.


danke für den hinweis mit dem 911/bush video, hab noch eine klare version ohne musik gefunden, ist tatsächlich kit/kid, was aber wiederum auch ein "pet goat" ist...interessant...

Geändert von muffl556 (28.04.2009 um 20:16 Uhr)
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Alt 29.04.2009, 14:25
oleander oleander ist offline
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v for vendetta ist eben ne verfilmung des comcis v for vendetta von alan moore

du musst dir mal anschaun was alan moore für eine person ist ...

hallo erstmal. v for vendetta war und ist eines der buecher, die mir damals meinen weg aufgezeigt haben.
vielleicht haette dieser typ von dem dein zitat stammt mal das buch richtig lesen sollen. "V" erinnert sich naemlich durchaus an die zeit vor seiner internierung.
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