Zitat von Aus Ruinen
schön und gut, da gebe ich dir recht. Innerhalb Europas ist das nicht umzusetzen was du meinst, weil es eine Überbevölkerung gibt um mit diesen Zielen in Stämmen zu lebe, oder verstehe ich das falsch?
es existiert keine
"überbevölkerung", aber ICH will auch NICHTS "umsetzen"! zum letzten mal!
das hier ist kein lösungsvorschlag! nur ein historischer rückblick und vergleich, dokumentiert mit augenzeugen(damals und heute), bildern und videos, gekoppelt mit
logischem denken und gesundem menschenverstand.
Ich kann mir sehr gut vorstellen, dass vor wenigen Generationen die relativ abgeschotteten Inuit glücklich gelebt haben. Die auch bei den Inuit angekommene Zivilisation weckt Begehren, und damit auch eine Unzufriedenheit.
ich habe letztens eine alte doku aus dem jahre 1989 gesehen(kA welcher sender es war) in der einige dieser inuit interviewt wurden, sie haben NICHTS übrig für geld und zivilisation, sie lieben und vermissen "den alten weg" und versuchen so gut es geht diesen weg weiterhin zu gehen, ungestört...gesunde, natürliche, normale, unprogrammierte menschen haben kein bedürfnis nach einer zivilisation, das glauben hier so leute wie freigeist bloss weil sie in dieses system geboren wurden und so progammiert wurden, genau wie ich einst...
Das Bild mit den Schädeln ist nicht unbedingt ein Bildnis für Zivilisation, oder? Bestimmt für Ausbeutung, Eroberung, Ignoranz, Zerstörung, ...
das ist ein widerspruch...
"Ausbeutung, Eroberung, Ignoranz, Zerstörung" = ZIVILISATION!
verdächtig dass einige hier es immer noch nicht WAGEN jefferson, darwin, marx und und all die anderen NWO top player und insider mal selbst "anzuhören" bzw
ihre bücher mal zu lesen!...seeeehr verdächtig, habt ihr etwa angst das "zivilisation" doch etwas anderes bedeutet als die schulen, unis, medien und wikiblödia euch weismachen(programmieren) wollen?
You’ll also be terrified of dying because “I'm getting old too,” because in this system of producing and consuming, the elderly take the bottom of the ladder. The young ones too, to an extent, but at least the young ones can grow up to be good producer-consumers and taxpayers, whereas the elderly will only consume. Therefore, that's bad, you see, and you can see it by the way they're treated in the system, the society and even the plays you see or the movies that you see where they portray elderly people as all being senile or silly or eccentric or foolish or childlike. That's deliberate you see, very deliberate. However, then you must get rid of the elderly who could pass wisdom on in previous times if you want to control each up-and-coming generation completely. You must get rid of those who have input and wisdom to pass on.
As the song goes, "freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose." You don't know what it is until it’s gone. Many people think they're free because they can pull out a credit card and hop on a plane, or go to Disneyland or go to a restaurant. These are only authorized methods of consumption, for which you will have to pay up by producing or else. Nothing in the system is for free.
People, as I say, getting back to the original thing, what good can you bring through from the present system into the next?
Well that's up to yourselves. Once you're addicted to certain lifestyles it's very hard for people to go without. It's deprivation to them, whereas those who never had it can survive because there's no loss to begin with. However, science and the system can only go in one direction of ultimate total efficiency. All the playing that people do at the moment is to disappear as they create new types of humans who won't need entertainment, who won't sit and stuff their faces with chips and things in front of television sets. They won't need the downloading of propaganda from the television sets. They won't need the media in fact, which is one blessing about it all.
Once everyone is brain chipped and purpose-made, except for the elite themselves, they'll have their utopia and that's what they must do because they have no option. They can only go in one direction and they must use all sciences to get there. That's their persona. It's their nature. They have no choice. The trick is to make us all go along as they update normalcy continuously, right into that box of oblivion, at least for the conscious mind.
Why does the waking-up process fail to spread quickly through society?
1. He is terribly naive. He believes the massive corruption "just happened"
to begin in his own lifetime, otherwise mummy or daddy or teacher would
have warned him. It does not occur to him that his Parents, teachers etc.
were as conditioned as he was.
2. Most people do not wish to know. They, like farm animals, have been
domesticated. Wild animals (original) have natural instincts of self-
preservation. They sense the evil intentions of predators and they survive
by trusting their instincts. Wild herds do not "hang around" when one or
more members drops dead. Specially bred sheep do.
3. Pavlovian conditioning/response indoctrination has been fed to every
individual, through schooling. The media then takes over. Peoples’
opinions are simply sound-bites from news, talk-shows or quotes from
glossy magazines.
das hier passt ganz gut auf leute wie Freigeist die GLAUBEN sie wären anti-nwo und hätten alles gecheckt, aber die bücher welche die elite selbst geschrieben hat, sowie augenzeugenberichte, bilder und videos der unangenehmen realität werden konsequent ignoriert und als "nicht existent" abgetan zum schutz des ego und der möglichkeit falsch zu liegen, in fast jedem thread hier sind inzwischen solche leute unterwegs...
hier nochmal die liste mit den titeln passend zum thema dick markiert:
* The Open Conspiracy by H. G. Wells.
* Protocols of the learned Elders of Zion
* Albert Pike "Morals and Dogma"
* Plato "The Republic"
* The Communist Manifesto
* America BC by Barry Fell
* The Shape of Things to Come - by H. G. Wells
* In the Minds of Men by Ian T. Taylor
* Impact of Science on Society by Bertrand Russell
* The Next Million Years by Charles Galton Darwin
* Anglo-American Establishment by Carroll Quigley
* Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time by Carroll Quigley
* The Prince by Nicholo Machiavelli
* 1984 by George Orwell (the book) and (the movie)
* Between two Ages by Zbigniew Brzezinski
* Education and the Good Life by Bertrand Russell
* Agenda 21,
* United Nations Human Settlements Program
*Roads to Freedom: Socialism, Anarchism & Syndication by Bertrand Russell
*The second genesis;: The coming control of life by Albert Rosenfeld
*The Ghost in the Machine by Arthur Koestler
*Spycatcher, by Peter Wright
*An Essay on the Principle of Population by Thomas Malthus
*Acres of Skin: Human Experiments at Holmesburg Prison : A True Story of Abuse and Exploitation in the Name of Medical Science, by Allen M Hornblum
* Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
* The Wizard of Oz by L Frank Baum
* Towards a new beginning by Mikhail S. Gorbachev
* 2001: A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke
* Earth Rising: The Revolution, Toward a Thousand Years of Peace by Nick Begich
* Books by Francis Bacon
* Books by John Dee
* The New Atlantis by Francis Bacon
* Deadly Allies : Canada's Secret War, 1937-1947 by John Bryden
* Future Shock by Alvin Toffler
* The Third Wave by Alvin Toffler
* NATO and Europe by André Beaufre
* Animal Farm by George Orwell
* Millennium: Winners and Losers in the Coming World Order by Jacques Attali
* The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives by Zbigniew Brzezinski
* The Fringes of Power: The Incredible Inside Story of Winston Churchill During WW II by John Colville
* My Life by Leon Trotsky
* The Fringes of Power: Downing Street Diaries 1939-1955 by John Colville.
* Seven Pillars of Wisdom by Lawrence of Arabia
* The Old Testament
* Make Room! Make Room! by Harry Harrison
* Man and superman a comedy and a philosophy By Bernard Shaw
* An Unsocial Socialist by Bernard Shaw
* The Handmaid's Tail by Margaret Atwood
* Autobiography of Thomas Jefferson by Thomas Jefferson
* Das Kapital by Karl Marx
* Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man : Critical Edition by Marshall McLuhan
* The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell by Bertrand Russell
* The Secret Destiny of America by Manly P. Hall
* World Brain by H. G. Wells
* The Final Days by Bob Woodward, Carl Bernstein
* The Fifth Man: The Soviet Super Spy by Roland Perry
* Worlds in Collision by Immanuel Velikovsky
* The New Testament of the Bible
* The First Global Revolution by Alexander King, Bertrand Schneider
* e-topia by William J. Mitchell
* The Babylonian Talmud
* I, Robot by Isaac Asimov
* The Giver by Lois Lowry
* Virtue and Terror (Revolution!) by Maximilien Robespierre
* Inferno by Dante
* Hamlet by William Shakespeare
* Childhood's End by Arthur C. Clarke
* The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin by Benjamin Franklin
* Orientations by Ronald Storrs
* A Short History of the World by H.G. Wells
* Silent weapons for quite wars by William Cooper
* A World Without Women: The Christian Clerical Culture of Western Science by David F. Noble
* If I Were an Animal by Prince Philip
* Books by Henry Kissinger
* Philip Dru Administrator : a Story of Tomorrow 1920 - 1935 by Edward Mandel House
* History Begins at Sumer by Samuel Noah Kramer
* Straight and Crooked Thinking by Robert H. Thouless
* The Balfour Declaration (1917)
* Books by Arnold J. Toynbee
* LEGACY OF MALTHUS by Allan Chase
* The Age of Faith (The Story of Civilization, Volume 4) (Story of Civilization) by Will Durant
* Ages in Chaos by Immanuel Velikovsky
* Armand Hammer: The Untold Story by Steve Weinberg
* The Moses Mystery: The African Origins of the Jewish People by Gary Greenberg
* The Golden Bough by James George Frazer
* The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop
* The Naked Ape: A Zoologist's Study of the Human Animal by Desmond Morris
* Goethe's View of Evil and the Search for a New Image of Man in Our Time by Alan P. Cottrell
* 3001 The Final Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke
* The Undiscovered Self by C. G. Jung
* Peoples of the Sea by Immanuel Velikovsky
* Thirteenth Tribe by Arthur Koestler
* The Other Side of Deception: A Rogue Agent Exposes the Mossad's Secret Agenda by Victor Ostrovsky
* By Way of Deception: The Making and Unmaking of a Mossad Officer by Victor Ostrovsky
* The Intimate Papers Of Colonel House by Edward Mandell House
* Letters of Thomas Jefferson by Thomas Jefferson
* The Final Days by Carl Bernstein, Bob Woodward
* A Short History of the World by H. G. Wells
* Proofs of a Conspiracy by John Robison
* The Scientific Outlook by Bertrand Russell
* The Trap by Sir James Goldsmith
* The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
* Wall Street & the Bolshevik Revolution by Antony C. Sutton
* Vodka Cola by Charles Levinson
* The Memoirs Of Sir Ronald Storrs by Ronald Storrs
* Human Agenda by Roderic gorney
* The Rockefellers: An American Dynasty by Peter Collier & David Horowitz
* Trading With the Enemy: An exposé of the Nazi-American money plot, 1933-1949 by Charles Higham
* The Crime and Punishment of I. G. Farben by Joseph Borkin
* Novum Organum by Francis Bacon
* The Cocktail Party by T. S. Eliot
* Movie Lot To Beachhead: The Motion Picture Goes To War And Prepares For The Future by Editors Of Look Magazine
* Hollywood Babylon: The Legendary Underground Classic of Hollywood's Darkest and Best Kept Secrets by Kenneth Anger
* Forbidden Archeology: The Full Unabridged Edition by Michael A. Cremo
* The Fugu Plan: The Untold Story of the Japanese and the Jews During World War Two by Marvin Tokayer