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20.07.2009, 16:43
Erfahrener Benutzer
Registriert seit: 07.04.2009
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Zitat von R_F_I_D
Ja Bibelstudium ist wichtig, aber eigentlich ist das Thema gar nicht so schwierig, man darf nur nicht den Fehler machen Gefühle und eigene Spekulationen über das Wort zu setzen. Wir alle werden natürlich harte Zeiten durchmachen aber vor der Drangsal entrückt werden. Wann das ist darüber reden wir noch. Genau weiss es keiner aber wir haben genug Hinweise wie die Weltlage sich in etwa entwickeln muss. Und im Moment steuern wir einen schnellen Kurs daraufhin. Es bleibt spannend.
Spannend bleibt es allemal.Was ich lustig finde ist was die Elite zu Entrückung sagt und denkt
Aber lies es dir selber durch:
1Jn 4:1 Geliebte, glaubet nicht jedem Geist, sondern prüfet die Geister, ob sie von Gott sind! Denn es sind viele falsche Propheten hinausgegangen in die Welt.
1Jn 4:2 Daran erkennet ihr den Geist Gottes: Jeder Geist, der bekennt: «Jesus ist der im Fleisch gekommene Christus», der ist von Gott;
1Jn 4:3 und jeder Geist, der Jesus nicht bekennt, der ist nicht von Gott. Und das ist der Geist des Antichrists, von welchem ihr gehört habt, daß er kommt; und jetzt schon ist er in der Welt.
20.07.2009, 17:57
Erfahrener Benutzer
Registriert seit: 16.05.2008
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Zitat von R_F_I_D
Nein es werden keine Christen mehr übrig sein wenn die Drangsal eintritt--es werden durch die 144000 Juden noch Menschen das Evangelium annehmen können aber die Gemeinde wird diese Zeit nicht erleben, das ist definitiv biblisch erwiesen. Alles andere erfordert doch etwas mehr Bibelstudium. Nix für Ungut. Wir werden nicht nur den Antichrist und die Dragnsal nicht erleben sondern schon eine gewisse Zeit vorher entrückt werden.
Das lesen wir alles aus der Prophetie im At und im NT. Ich kann es gerne ausführlich biblisch beschreiben.
wo hast du denn das mit den juden her? die 144.000 (nach unsere zahlenlehre geht es hier um millionen) sind laut bibel aus ALLEN geschlechtern israels. wie wir aber wissen, handelt es sich ja um das geistige israel und nicht um das judentum oder das heutige israel. so steht es in der offenbarung im 7.kapitel.
ich muss das nochmal nachlesen....man ...das ist vielleicht zeitraubend hier...
20.07.2009, 18:07
Registriert seit: 16.08.2007
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Zitat von kleriker
wo hast du denn das mit den juden her? die 144.000 (nach unsere zahlenlehre geht es hier um millionen) sind laut bibel aus ALLEN geschlechtern israels. wie wir aber wissen, handelt es sich ja um das geistige israel und nicht um das judentum oder das heutige israel. so steht es in der offenbarung im 7.kapitel.
ich muss das nochmal nachlesen....man ...das ist vielleicht zeitraubend hier...
Ich zeigs dir später--geht jetzt grad net. Aber iss immer gut nochmal nachzulesen. Es sind Juden die nach der Entrückung zum Evangelium kommen und den Menschen das Evangelium predigen. Auch in der Trübsal können Menschen zum Glauben finden aber es wird schwer sein. Ab Offenbarung Kapitel 14
20.07.2009, 18:14
Erfahrener Benutzer
Registriert seit: 23.05.2008
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Bis jetzt habe ich immer zwei Arten Gläubige kennengelernt. Die einen wollen weder den Antichrist sehen noch irgendwie die Trübsal miterleben. Die Anderen wollen beides miterleben. Wenn nun jemand beharrlich darauf besteht das er entrückt wird bevor was schlechtes hereinbricht. Dann frage ich ob derjenige überhaupt geprüft werden will? Bzw. wie soll denn die Prüfung dann aussehen wenn ihr euch so schnell aus dem Staub machen wollt? Denkt mal darüber nach RFID...
Man muss heutzutage in erster Linie wissen was einem der Satan für die Seele bietet und was bietet Gott. Ohne die Erkenntniss um wieviel mehr der Wert der Liebe die von Gott kommt, die Liebe Satans übersteigt sehe ich für so manchen schwarz. Denn die Gefühle mit denen der Satan ein Drittel der Himmelsschar mit sich riss, kann auch für jemanden der von Gott außerwählt ist von Gefahr werden, falls derjenige nicht beides schon vorher kennengelernt hat. Die Betonung ist hier natürlich Gottes Liebe von der viele keine Ahnung haben, und nennen sich Christen.
Jesus müsste als Terrorist durchgehen, da Er droht, das "President der Welt" in den Feuerpfuhl geworfen wird.
Nach Auffassung christlicher Lehre ist der erste, gewählte Weltpresident, automatisch der
" Antichrist".
20.07.2009, 18:22
Erfahrener Benutzer
Registriert seit: 08.09.2008
Beiträge: 115
As long as on your planet there is a presence of some agents of the positive state and some grains of truth scattered throughout various teachings, the full exposure of the true ugly nature of the negative state cannot take place. Their presence makes it impossible for this to happen. It is blocked by their presence.
For that reason, the pseudo-creators will be released and will take over your planet for a very brief period of time, sufficiently brief to wipe out and totally remove any grains of truth and good still present on your planet and put an end to the presence of the agents of the positive state there.
As you remember, this situation was already foretold in Prophet Daniel Chapter 7, verse 25 and in Revelation of Jesus Christ, Chapter 13, verse 7:
‘He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, shall persecute the saints of the Most High, and shall intend to change times and law. Then the saints shall be given into his hand for a time and times and half time.’(Daniel 7:25).
‘And it was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation.’ (Revelation 13:7).
The entire process and outcome of the pseudo-creators' return is described in the internal sense of Chapter 13 of the Revelation of Jesus Christ in the Holy Bible. That the negative state will fully win for a brief period of time is obvious from the words of Jesus Christ recorded in Matthew 24, verse 21 and in Mark 13, verse 19. There you can read:
'For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.' (Matthew 24:21).
'For in those days there will be tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of creation which God created until this time, nor ever shall be.' (Mark 13:19).
For in those days' indicates return of the pseudo-creators. 'There will be tribulation' signifies complete victory of the negative state.
The rest of the verse indicates that such a situation has never existed since God created His/Her Creation and never will be again.
Once the concrete illustration of life in the fullness of the negative state takes place, and everyone in Creation has a chance to observe, to learn and to record for eternity the facts of life without the presence of anything positive in the most concrete natural degree, in the only place where it can have any sense at all, such a situation will never need to occur again to eternity.
20.07.2009, 18:25
Registriert seit: 16.08.2007
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Es gibt zwei Arten Gläubige: Die, die das Wort des Herrn geschmeckt haben, an ihn glauben, ihn aber nicht in Busse angenommen haben und in die Nachfolge treten und seine Lehre entweder wieder vergessen oder uminterpretieren und die, die in Busse den Herrn angenommen haben, wiedergeboren sind und sich an sein Wort halten und es studieren und dann durch den hl. Geist auch die Weisheit der Erkenntnis bekommen.
Die Frage ist die: Bin ich wiedergeboren oder nur gläubig aber nicht wiedergeboren und lege ich die Schrift nach Gefühl und Spekulation aus oder nach dem wie sie sich immer selber erklärt und durch Studium erkannt werden kann.
Beides zieht verschiedene Wege nach sich. Wer nicht an die Entrückung glaubt wie sie in der Heilsgeschichte der Bibel verankert ist und einen festen und fundamentalen Bestandteil bildet ohne den die Heilsgeschichte und Gewissheit gar nicht möglch wäre, der muss sich fragen ob er denn die Heilszeiten verstanden hat und die Schrift nicht nochmal grundlegend in ihren Basisaussagen studieren sollte.
JESUS ist Gott und er wird kommen und seine Gemeinde zu sich holen BEVOR die Tage der Drangsal anbrechen. Nachzulesen in etlichen Stellen im AT und im NT.
20.07.2009, 18:42
Erfahrener Benutzer
Registriert seit: 23.05.2008
Ort: Himmel City
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Du interpretierst dir das Wort Drangsal wie dir es passt, sprich du willst gar nichts schlechtes miterleben. Wir werden entrückt wenn Gott endgültig die Menschen auf der Erde vernichten wird. Du wirst Gottes Macht sehen aber du wirst nicht miterleben wenn sich die Toten auf den Strassen stapeln, davor wirst du entrückt. Aber nicht eher. Gott kann dir Gnade erweisen und dein Leben JETZT unterbrechen, dann bist du zwar auch irgendwie entrückt aber nicht so wie eine Richtige Entrückung aussieht, wo du noch lebend zu Gott ankommst.
Jesus müsste als Terrorist durchgehen, da Er droht, das "President der Welt" in den Feuerpfuhl geworfen wird.
Nach Auffassung christlicher Lehre ist der erste, gewählte Weltpresident, automatisch der
" Antichrist".
20.07.2009, 18:43
Erfahrener Benutzer
Registriert seit: 16.05.2008
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Zitat von doors4ever1
Bis jetzt habe ich immer zwei Arten Gläubige kennengelernt. Die einen wollen weder den Antichrist sehen noch irgendwie die Trübsal miterleben. Die Anderen wollen beides miterleben. Wenn nun jemand beharrlich darauf besteht das er entrückt wird bevor was schlechtes hereinbricht. Dann frage ich ob derjenige überhaupt geprüft werden will? Bzw. wie soll denn die Prüfung dann aussehen wenn ihr euch so schnell aus dem Staub machen wollt? Denkt mal darüber nach RFID...
Man muss heutzutage in erster Linie wissen was einem der Satan für die Seele bietet und was bietet Gott. Ohne die Erkenntniss um wieviel mehr der Wert der Liebe die von Gott kommt, die Liebe Satans übersteigt sehe ich für so manchen schwarz. Denn die Gefühle mit denen der Satan ein Drittel der Himmelsschar mit sich riss, kann auch für jemanden der von Gott außerwählt ist von Gefahr werden, falls derjenige nicht beides schon vorher kennengelernt hat. Die Betonung ist hier natürlich Gottes Liebe von der viele keine Ahnung haben, und nennen sich Christen.
na so ist es ja nun nicht. es geht nicht darum nicht geprüft zu werden, da du ja hier täglich geprüft wirst. Gott mutet jedem menschen auch nur das zu, was er tatsächlich tragen kann, den rest trägt Gott selber für denjenigen. wir können aus menschlicher kraft gar nix machen. die prüfungen bestehen ja nicht darin, die zeit oder den aufstieg satans zu er-oder überleben sondern sie bestehen aus deinem täglichen wandeln hier auf erden. die einstellung deines herzens und das nachfolgen von Jesus ist gefragt. natürlich mit all seinen anfechtungen und verführungen der heutigen zeit. ich muss also nicht wirklich, um mal bei deiner beschreibung zu bleiben, gefoltert, getötet und verfolgt werden um das glaubensziel zu erreichen.
zum 2.absatz: satan hat nur bei den menschen eine chance, die zum einen Jesus nicht annehmen und oder nicht in der lage sind, das irdische vom geistigen zu trennen. grade letzteres ist das was die menschen im leben verfolgen. hab und gut. doch genau das ist nix wert...also was sollte mir satan bieten können? eben...nischt. diese erkenntnis bekomme ich aber aus dem erlebten glauben und der schrift. erst dann erkenne ich den unterschied. dazu muss ich aber auch nicht zwingend leiden. entbehrungen sind in meinen augen was anderes. viele haben ja diesen neid wie: schau mal...die ganzen verbrecher...denen geht es gut und sie leben in saus und braus. unser einer, der das nicht macht hat nur probleme..und sowas lässt Gott zu?
das ist eben das typisch irdische denken der menschen, die nicht wirklich mit dem herz und geistlich forschen.
20.07.2009, 18:52
Erfahrener Benutzer
Registriert seit: 23.05.2008
Ort: Himmel City
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Satan kann dir bzw. wird dir durch Antichrist etwas bieten was du bis dato noch nicht kennst. Du wirst vom Anbeten des Satans wie von einer Droge beflügelt. Das wird dir unheimlich gut tun. Das kennen die meisten aber nicht, sie denken es steckt nichts handfestes dahinter. Doch, es ist wie eine frei zugängliche Droge die keine Nebenwirkungen zeigt, von der Du niemals wegkommst. Ich sage euch das wird eure Gefühlswelt entscheidend verädern! Der Unterschied zu Gottes Liebe muss man bis dato unbedingt kennen, um diese schöne Satanswelt wirklich verachten und ablehnen zu können. Denn Gottes Liebe ist unschuldig, und mehr intensiv, welche die Seele absolut ergreifend packt.
Jesus müsste als Terrorist durchgehen, da Er droht, das "President der Welt" in den Feuerpfuhl geworfen wird.
Nach Auffassung christlicher Lehre ist der erste, gewählte Weltpresident, automatisch der
" Antichrist".
20.07.2009, 18:56
Erfahrener Benutzer
Registriert seit: 08.09.2008
Beiträge: 115
from The New Revelation Of The Lord Jesus Chist Ch. 7 "The Concept of Antichrist"
Now, let us look briefly on the internal sense of Chapter 13 in the Revelation of Jesus Christ in the Holy Bible.
As you remember from previous statements, the internal sense, hidden in the literal statements of the Revelation and other places in the Holy Bible, has multiple meanings accommodated to all times, situations and conditions.
Thus, Chapter 13 has also the same structure. For that reason, the inner sense of this Chapter will have different interpretations, relevant to each particular time and situation. One such interpretation was transmitted through Swedenborg. His interpretation is proper and valid at his time in the intermediate world. The present interpretation has relevance to this time and to planet Zero.
First verse: 'And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name.'
'This verse internally describes the nature of the pseudo-creators.
'A beast rising up out of the sea' signifies return of the pseudo-creators. 'A beast' here means the pseudo-creators. 'Out of the sea' signifies the lowest, deepest Hell where they were locked up by The Lord Jesus Christ. 'Having seven heads' means all accumulated knowledge of all times and all types in being and existence. 'Ten horns' denotes all accumulated power of utilizing that knowledge to produce life forms and to manipulate correspondences. 'And on his horns ten crowns' signifies the summary of all falsified truths. 'And on his head a blasphemous name' denotes that all that knowledge and power was used for activation of the negative state.
2: ‘Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority.'
'Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard' signifies appropriation by the pseudo-creators affection for violence against the power of The Most High. 'His feet were like the feet of a bear' denotes an affection for disregard of anything positive and good. 'And his mouth like the mouth of a lion' means appropriation to themselves the appearance of The Lord Jesus Christ."
And the dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority' denotes that all other regions of the Hells, the rest of the Zone of Displacement, planet Zero and all religions, spiritual trends, philosophies, cults, etc. (dragon), submit themselves fully to the pseudo-creators, giving them all available means they acquired and possessed since the time of the pseudo-creators' lock up.
3: 'I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast.'
'I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded' reflects the fact of the pseudo-creators' lock up and isolation and loss of knowledge of time travel and some other important knowledge. 'Mortally wounded' means an assumption of everyone in Creation that this is a permanent state and that the pseudo-creators will never be released again.
And his deadly wound was healed' signifies that it is not so but that they will have another important role to play in the life of the negative state. 'And all the world marveled and followed the beast' signifies unconditional acceptance of the pseudo-creators as uncontested rulers.
4: 'So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?’
So they worshiped the dragon' signifies acceptance of the negative state of evils and falsities as the only authority. 'Who gave authority to the beast' means recognition of the negative state that the pseudo-creators are the actual activators of the negative state and fabricators of humans and all creatures of the Hells and other regions of the Zone of Displacement.
And they worshiped the beast, saying, ' Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?' denotes recognition of where the true source of the negative state is rooted and that nothing in and of the negative state can prevail over the pseudo-creators because they are the embodiment of the negative state, being its activators and fathers.
5: 'And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and he was given authority to continue for forty-two months.'
And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies' signifies that the pseudo-creators will come with great words of love and wisdom, peace and unification, and positiveness and goodness. But, because those words are used for deceptive purposes, they are of pure evils, falsities, violence, disunion and destruction:
'And he was given authority to continue for forty-two months' means to prevail over the forces of the positive state until full illustration of life without any presence of anything positive is accomplished. 'Forty-two months' does not mean physical time elements. 'Four,' in this connotation, means full measure. 'Two' in this connotation signifies evils and falsities. Thus, 'forty-two' means manifestation of full measure of everything evil and false.
6: ‘Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, His tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven.’
Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God' signifies denial that there is any other Creator but the pseudo-creators. 'To blaspheme His name' signifies denial of the true Nature of God which is The Lord Jesus Christ. THE NAME OF GOD IS THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. To deny this fact means blasphemy. 'His tabernacle' denotes denial of all true spiritual principles and their unification in The Lord Jesus Christ. 'And those who dwell in heaven' means denial of existence of the entire positive state. By blasphemy of these things means that the pseudocreators will proclaim that there is no other reality but the negative state, being the only positive state. All else is nonexistent. And because they are the creators of the negative state, which is presented as the positive state, there is no other God and Creator but them. This is the true meaning of the word 'blasphemy' in connotation of this text.
7: ‘And it was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation.’
And it was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them' signifies a successful removal of all agents of the positive state from the entire Zone of Displacement and planet Zero and of any grains of truth and good contained in various teachings of humans.
And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation' means complete victory of the negative state in the Zone of Displacement and on planet Zero without any exception or exclusion.
8: 'And all who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.'
And all who dwell on the earth will worship him' signifies all those who a-re in the externals of spirituality and in love with the external possessions and values. 'Whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb' denotes all creatures in the Zone of Displacement and all humans who were originally fabricated by the pseudo-creators and who refuse to acknowledge the true Nature of The Lord Jesus Christ (Lamb).
Slain from the foundation of the word' signifies the continuous effort of everyone in the negative state to reject the fact that The Most High made His/Her Divine Human and His/Her Human Divine, becoming The Lord Jesus Christ. To reject these facts means slaying this truth with one's heart and mind ('foundation of the world').
9: ‘If anyone has an ear, let him hear.’
If anyone has an ear, let him hear' signifies that only those who keep their minds and hearts open to the truth are able to perceive the reality of these facts.
10: ‘He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.’
He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity' denotes the necessity to bear the consequences of activation and acceptance of the negative state.
He who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword' signifies the necessity to learn the consequences of proclamation that the negative state is the only reality in being and existence. To proclaim this means to kill spirituality. Acceptance of this means spiritual death.
Here is the patience and the faith of the saints' signifies that the positive state tolerates all these atrocities and abominations of the negative state for the sake of important spiritual learning, knowing about the promise made by The Lord Jesus Christ to the entire Creation and all else that the negative state, after this learning takes place, will be permanently and eternally eliminated and abolished.
11: 'Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon.'
Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth' signifies formation of a new religious belief system derived from the pseudo-interior mind (earth here signifies pseudo-interior mind). 'And he had two horns like a lamb' denotes combination and unification of all evils and falsities in the same manner the good and truth are combined and unified in The Lord Jesus Christ (Lamb).
And spoke like a dragon' means that this new religion will derive from all available distortions and falsities as contained in all human religions, sects, cults, occults and various pseudo-spiritual trends ('dragon').
12: 'And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.'
And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence' reflects the relationship between this religion and the pseudo-creators. The rise of this religion is motivated solely by the pseudo-creators' presence.
'And causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed' signifies that this new religion will proclaim the pseudo-creators as the only spiritual power and God in the multiverse who must be recognized and worshiped because they were able to break out of the locks put on them by The Lord Jesus Christ and to come out, proving that they are more powerful than The Lord Jesus Christ, who in their eyes is an imposter and fake.
The release and return of the pseudo-creators will be perceived as if the pseudo-creators were able to break out on their own, outsmarting all blocks put on them by the positive state. They will not recognize that it was by permission of The Lord Jesus Christ. This is the reason why 'all the world marveled and followed the beast (verse 3).
13: 'He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.'
'He performs great signs' signifies convincing proof of their mind powers and performance of miracles. 'He even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men' denotes that all this is done with great and intense affections, with the words of love, good and peace, knowing what people expect and what is pleasing to them.
14: 'And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived.
And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs' signifies that people who place all their values in the externals and outward appearances without any consideration of internal spiritual values win readily accept those words and miracles. 'He was granted to do so in the sight of the beast' means that this is done with full authorization of the pseudo-creators.
Telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived' signifies externalization of the externals.
Those who are in the external form of worship need all kinds of external symbols, depictions and pictures to the objects of their worship, in this case to the pseudo-creators.
15: ‘He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.’
This verse describes the fact that all modern technology and scientific accomplishments will be used for control of people's mind, behavior and actions so that nothing of the positive state remains in them.
16 & 17: 'And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.'
These two verses describe a new form of genetic engineering revived by the pseudo-creators and given to the scientists for the purpose of altering the human brain and mentality in such a manner so as it does not contain any inclination toward, or even memories of, the positive state. If any such inclination and memories are found, a sensory deprivation will be imposed on such humans or, if they refuse to obey, they will be eliminated.
18: 'Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.'’
Here is wisdom' signifies penetration of the mystery of the negative state and its full exposure. 'Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast' means that the proper understanding of the negative state can be derived only from the nature of the pseudo-creators who originated it. 'For it is the number of a man' signifies that the negative state originated in the most external natural degree by the people on planet Earth. 'His number is 666' means that the duration of the negative state is limited to only one cycle of time in Creation and is confined within the Zone of Displacement and planet Zero. '666' means a shortened cycle of time in which the negative state was being activated for the purpose of spiritual learning.
All other cycles of time have a code '777.' '777' means fullness of the positive state but '666' means lack of this fullness which gives an opportunity for the negative state to come to its fruition. In actuality, '666' means fullness of the negative state which is outside of the positive state. Because planet Zero has the natural correspondence of this most outside of the positive state, the negative state had to be originated on your planet. However, this is also the reason why it has to be finished also on your planet. This is the way of the hierarchy of spiritual organization of Creation. This hierarchy cannot be violated.
Now, the means by which the pseudo-creators will be released and reappear on your planet, and in what form and condition, cannot be revealed at this time. But it will be a very dramatic and obvious appearance by all means. Do not be surprised if they appear in space ships, proclaiming themselves to be the saviors of humankind which will be and already is on the verge of total doom and self-destruction.
As you know, many rumors exist on your planet regarding the appearance of space ships and alien life forms which will rush to help your planet. There are many 'channelers' who channel various messages from these aliens and ancient people. Do not be taken in by any of them. In fact, no matter how positive and good and loving and wise they sound, none of them are from the positive state.
These phenomena all appear in preparation of the way for return of the pseudo-creators. Of course, it will be with 'pomp and circumstance,' to use your words.
There will be a certain recognition of and affinity to the pseudo-creators by all creatures and humans, with an exception of very few agents of the positive state remaining on your planet for finishing off some business for The Lord Jesus Christ and then being recalled. This recognition and affinity will surface from the deeply buried memories in the recesses of the pseudo-mind, recognizing their own 'creators-parents.
You have to understand again and again that the pseudo-creators win appear as saviors at first. They will unify your planet into one nation. They will eliminate all wars, famines, diseases, and external suffering and misery. They will institute space travel throughout the Zone of Displacement. And they will do many other 'positive' things of similar nature.
Once they will have the entirety of humankind and the Zone of Displacement firmly in their hands, then and only then will they reveal their true intentions in such evil proportions that there are no words in your vocabulary or imagination that can describe them.
At that point they will resume their genetic work, attempting to develop a superhuman or an army of superhumans with the highest technological accomplishments of unimaginable proportions. They will succeed in producing a huge army of such superhumans with the most evil and negative intent and use this army to invade the forces of the positive state through the ninth dimension, through certain time and space warps, and all kinds of correspondential means. 'The healing of the mortal wound' means also restoration of their ability to travel through time and space but not into the past. The travel into the past will not be restored to them.
Once they complete this preparation and are ready to undertake this invasion, the Divine Providence of The Lord Jesus Christ will arrange a very slight, undetectable by any means, error in their calculation for the entrance into the ninth dimension. As the pseudo-creators with their army of superhumans attempt to transit into the ninth dimension and reappear in the positive state of Creation, by that error they will be sidetracked into limbo - a place and state outside of the twelfth dimensional structure of the fabric of time and space. And while in that limbo, a judgment will be pronounced on them.
Being in the state of limbo means total loss of all power and ability that the pseudo-creators have possessed. But it also means a totally neutral state, outside of any influence from the positive or the negative state, respectively. It also means a complete opening of all memories about the voluntary status of all activators of the negative state and all illustrations of the consequences, outcomes and results of the negative state. Suddenly everyone will recognize the true reality of the origin of the negative state and the reason why it was permitted to rule this cycle of time.
With such an important realization, everyone in the negative state will be presented with a new choice - to convert to the positive state, undergoing the process of spiritual transformation in the New School or, should anyone choose not to convert, the removal of life energy from their minds and becoming a part of limbo-nothingness, becoming nothing.
By this act, the negative state will be permanently and eternally abolished and all learning about its nature will be completed. Thus, the promise of The Lord Jesus Christ, given at the time of creation of the foundation of all being and existence, will be fulfilled. By this act, the last phase of the Second Corning of The Lord Jesus Christ will be completed and finished. His/Her words 'It is done!' (Rev. 21:6) will become reality.
'Now, this is one of many possible scenarios of how all this will be accomplished. However, which alternative will be used depends on many complex factors that cannot be revealed for security reasons until all this takes place.’
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