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Alt 14.04.2009, 18:51
??? ??? ist offline
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Standard Vanilla Sky


gestern habe ich wieder mal vanilla sky den film auf sat.1 gesehen ist ja auch ein guter film sonst halte ich mich eher zurück beim fernsehen!!

ich habe ihn endlich mal im ganzen gesehen natürlich mit den kommerziellen werbepausen die immer länger werden!

So nun was sollen wir halten von diesen nachrichten oder ist es nur ein verwirrender liebesfilm.

ich bin mir sicher das da mehr dahinter steckt?

hatt wer eine ahnung?
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Alt 14.04.2009, 19:02
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einer meiner lieblingsfilme...ABER...

leider auch MKULTRA deluxe...

Vanilla Sky – 2001. Tom Cruise, Penelope Cruz, Cameron Diaz, Jason Lee, Kurt Russell. Remake of the 1997 Spanish film “Abre los Ojos” ( Open Your Eyes. )
We’re introduced to David Ames (Cruise) as he recounts his life from behind a prosthetic face mask to a psychiatrist named Dr. McCabe (Russell). David is being accused of murdering his girlfriend, of which he denies adamantly, and with the help of Dr. McCabe he needs to piece together what really happened before his trial. The story is told in flashback memories, and we see that David used to be a spoiled rich kid who had inherited the fortune of his deceased publishing tycoon father. He cavalierly breezed through life without a care in the world and took everything for granted – his money, his good looks, the endless beautiful women he could have, the company he owned 51% of. At his 33 rd birthday party he found himself hitting it off with Sophia, (Cruz) who just so happened to be the date of his best friend Brian, and starting to actually fall in love for the first time in his life. Unfortunately his jilted lover Julie Gianni, (Diaz) whom he’d treated carelessly, convinced him to go for a ride with her the morning after the party…only to commit suicide by driving the car off a bridge. David lived, but now had a horribly disfigured face and a jaw broken in four places requiring multiple reconstructive surgeries. Hence the mask. In constant pain and on meds, with a personality that was changed as much as his looks, his life was never the same again. Sophia eventually shunned him and his friendship with Brian suffered. However, mid-movie we find that his life seems to have done a rapid 180, with everything miraculously improving and working out in his favor overnight…until disintegrating again into mind bending craziness. Reality seems to have become not only a dream, but a nightmare that David can’t wake up from. So what’s really going on?

A literal remake of 1997’s “Abre los Ojos,” and even using the same co-star from that movie, Penelope Cruz, “Vanilla Sky” is another surreal, reality bending movie with a twist ending. I recently re-watched it and noticed a few more noteworthy symbolisms, which I’ll talk about here:

Open your eyes. For starters, the phrase open your eyes. It’s the name of the original Spanish movie from which this adaptation was taken, and it’s the first and last lines of the movie, said repeatedly. As noted in the “Fight Club,” “Stay” and “Eyes Wide Shut” write ups, I’ve come to discover that this indeed seems to be one of those “trigger phrases” used to snap someone into or out of their programming. So since this is the fourth movie I’ve come across now in which either this phrase, or a related variation of it, is used (with all four movies involving mind bending dream vs. reality themes…) then it definitely means something. These movies possibly trigger or reinforce people’s latent programming.

The mask. Not to state the obvious, but David is featured for a chunk of the movie with a mask on his face. As mentioned in the “Labyrinth,” “V for Vendetta” and “Eyes Wide Shut” analyses, mask symbology is heavily used in mind control as it represents the compartmentalized/masked off areas of a person’s mind.

Reality vs. dream. Again, not to state the obvious, but the entire movie centers on a reality that disintegrates into a dream-like madness, much like “Stay,” “Mulholland Drive” and “Fight Club,” or “Jacob’s Ladder” and “The Machinist,” (the latter two not reviewed here). What’s real and what isn’t? Are you alive or dead? Asleep or awake? This is a key theme that compartmentalized mind control supposedly relies on, to disorient and confuse the target and get them to give up on reality and succumb to alter ego programming.

“You’re the key…” Dr. McCabe states several times that David is the “the key” to figuring out what’s really going on here. Exactly the way Dr. Surridge says about V in “V For Vendetta.” We don’t see an actual key, such as in “Labyrinth,” “The Game” or “Mulholland Drive,” but it is mentioned, and more than once, which makes it meaningful. Unlocking a person’s programming requires “the key” — trigger word, phrase, gesture, etc.

Other interesting, non-mind control symbolism

“33.” It’s no coincidence that the crux of the movie starts right on David’s 33rd birthday. As explained elsewhere in this section, 33 is a master number, linked to Freemasonry, (think the 33rd level in the Scottish rite of Freemasonry). And so of all the ages they could have chosen, David just so happened to be 33. Of course.
Also, there’s parallels to “Jesus” with this. David’s life takes a turn starting at 33, eventually resulting in his death, and Jesus (supposedly…) died at 33. The connection is emphasized at the beginning of the movie when David finds himself in a strange dream, where the streets of NYC and Times Square are deserted. He gets out of his car, runs around, then stops, raises his arms with his body thrown back, and affects a Jesus crucifixion pose while screaming. Why, I have no idea, but it’s there.

Something else I noted was the similarity that Vanilla Sky shared with The Forgotten and “Stay” in the sense that all three movies involve the main character being questioned by a psych doc assigned to their case as they try to figure out what’s really going on in their reality. There’s even a line in “The Forgotten” spoken by Dr. Munse (Gary Sinise) that’s nearly verbatim something Dr. McCabe says in this movie…and with Kurt Russell’s voice being uncannily similar to Gary Sinise’s as well. When I get home from work later I’ll retrieve the two quotes to compare.

falls dir MKULTRA nix sagt, liess auch gleich die einführung auf der seite...kein leichtes thema...
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Alt 14.04.2009, 19:17
??? ??? ist offline
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hm english zuhören ginge aber lesen und so viel text auch noch tut mir leid!!!!

kannst du mir eine kurzfassung machen:BITTE:

meine meinung von den film ist dass, das ganze leben nur ein traum ist. Hatte schon viele träume die ich real empfand wusste selbst nicht träume ich oder nicht!!!

veilleicht sollte man diese botschaft verstehen!!

matrix der film hatte auch solche botschaften!

mfg micha
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Alt 14.04.2009, 19:49
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ok gaaanz grob:

In Vanilla Sky, Cruise lives through a complete fantasy world which begins to disintegrate around him. At the end he throws himself off of a tall building (inside the fantasy world). As stated above, the Green-Bomb or Omega program makes mind controlled people want to commit suicide rather than to get well.
es handelt also von mind-control aka MKULTRA, also programmierte sklaven die in einer "traumwelt" leben und selbst nicht wissen dass sie mind-controlled sind!

ähnlich sieht es mit dem massen auf diesem planeten aus, also ist an deiner vermutung auch was dran...

mehr zu MKULTRA speziell:

hier gabs wohl einige deutsche infos.

auch alles engl., aber zum zuhören


ausserdem empfehle ich diese 4 teile:





ich hätte noch zig andere links, aber alles engl. und elendig viel zu lesen...


fast vergessen...



Geändert von muffl556 (14.04.2009 um 20:04 Uhr)
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Alt 20.04.2009, 00:02
PlatonsErbe PlatonsErbe ist offline
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ich hätte noch svali_die illuminaten als pdf file
das handelt auch vom programmieren von menschen, halt in geheimbünden und nicht vom geheimdienst ausgehend, was aber total irrelevant ist, da die praktiken mehr als menschenverachtend sind und meines erachtens derschlimmste bericht den ich jemals gelesen habe
also das ist echt alles andere als etwas für zarte gemüter
ist vllt. ganz interessant da es komplett in deutsch ist
kurze zusammenfassung:
Svali wurde als Programmiererin und Trainerin im Illuminatenkult benutzt. Sie
und ihre Familie waren bis vor wenigen Jahren in die Kultgruppe verwickelt, bis sie
endlich ausbrachen.
Sie wurde eine Beraterin bei einer Online-Überlebensgruppe, die Leuten hilft,
welche von Ritualmißbrauch und Kult-Programmierung betroffen sind.
Svali, eine Schreiberin und eingetragene Krankenschwester, hat ein Buch über das
Ausbrechen aus Kult-Programmierung selbst veröffentlicht, worüber verschiedene
Experten sagten, es hat "unschätzbare Informationen" für die Überlebenden von
rituellem Mißbrauch.
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Alt 20.04.2009, 04:05
freestyle freestyle ist offline
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zu mk ultra / geheimdienste hätt ich diesen link

zu ritueller mißbrauch

Gehirnwäsche & Gedankenkontrolle / Psychotronik / Subliminals / Eugenik

Geändert von freestyle (20.04.2009 um 04:15 Uhr)
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Alt 20.04.2009, 04:26
The_End The_End ist offline
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wg. realität und bewussten träumen eine kleine geschichte:

jemand wird in einer hypnsoe show unter hypnose versetzt. seine freundin stellt sich vor ihm hin, er sitzt auf einen stuhl. der hypnotiseur hält eine uhr an den rücken der freunding, im prinzip also direkt vor seinem kopf, wenn sie nicht im weg wäre. er hat ihn nun so programmiert, das seine freunding nicht existiert, für ihn.

er konnte die uhr ablesen....

war in england mal in tv....

Amoklauf Erfurt (PDF vom 13.09.2003)
Hey, Forentroll:

Zitat von INP
[...] heul nicht rum wenn deine Kinder bei einem Amoklauf ins Licht gehen [...]
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Alt 21.04.2009, 15:57
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Hollywood MK Deception - Hollywood Hologram

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