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Alt 04.11.2009, 01:01
Clemens Clemens ist offline
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War eigentlich eure Frau Merkel kürzlich in der Ukraine zu Besuch, oder ging sie nur auf nen Döner vorbei?!

Quelle: Spiegel.de
Auf dem Foto steht: Döner Produktion GmbH!
Das Foto wurde in Kreuzberg aufgenommen!
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Alt 04.11.2009, 18:19
stupido stupido ist offline
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Ort: NRW
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Situation Update No. 22
On 04.11.2009 at 15:36 GMT+2

Two people have been hospitalized in Kyiv region with suspected symptoms of the A(H1N1) flu virus, commonly known as swine flu, Regional Governor Viktor Vakarash has said. He said this at a teleconference in Kyiv on Wednesday. He said that the patients with suspected swine flu symptoms from Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky and Bohuslav had been immediately taken to hospital, and their samples had been passed to a laboratory to confirm the diagnosis. One of the patients is in an intensive care unit.
Situation Update No. 21
On 04.11.2009 at 12:53 GMT+2

The death toll from flu or other acute respiratory viral infections in Ukraine has reached 81, Ukrainian chief sanitary and epidemiology official Oleksandr Bilovol said during Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko's conference call with the heads of regional administrations in Kyiv on Wednesday. The number of those officially diagnosed with flu or other acute viral infections in Ukraine reached 450,000 as of November 4, Bilovol said. At least three people died from the A(H1N1) flu subtype, commonly known as swine flu, while 11 others recovered from it, he said.
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Alt 05.11.2009, 14:29
stupido stupido ist offline
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Situation Update No. 24
On 05.11.2009 at 04:23 GMT+2

Ukraine's deadly flu outbreak widened on Wednesday, as government officials announced new emergency measures in an attempt to control the spread of the illness. More than 478,000 people were registered with national health authorities as suffering from the flu, of whom 17 had confirmed cases of swine flu, Health Ministry spokeswoman Lyudmila Luharska said. The nationwide death count from flu-related illnesses since late October stood at 86, Luharska said at a Kiev press conference. Flu infection was highest in Ukraine's western Lviv, Ternopil and Ivano-Frankivsk provinces, where reports of flu to health authorities had doubled since the weekend, she said. Four deaths from the virulent swine flu strain were confirmed as of Thursday, Luharska said.

One man who died of swine flu was a Kiev resident. A second person in the Ukrainian capital was suspected of having been infected with swine flu. The Kiev swine flu death marked the first jump of swine flu from Ukraine's western provinces, where the flu outbreak has been concentrated so far, to Kiev, Ukraine's largest metropolitan area. Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko said at a meeting that her government would enact more emergency measures to control the disease's spread and to combat retail shortages of anti-flu drugs and protective anti-infection masks. Tymoshenko said the government would prepare a plan "within a week" to establish a nationwide chain of state-run drug sales centres to combat what she called hoarding and price-gouging by the private health industry.

The centres, each offering a limited assortment of some 100 basic anti-cold and flu drugs, would operate in government-run hospitals and clinics, and sell medical supplies at a marginal price mark-up, Tymoshenko said. Tymoshenko also instructed Foreign Minister Petro Poroshenko to obtain a "special pandemic price" in negotiations with international drug companies for emergency deliveries of anti-flu drugs to Ukraine. Government textile and clothes factories have received 1 million metres of gauze and cheesecloth from state reserves, Tymoshenko said,and emergency production of surgical masks was beginning. Initial deliveries of cloth masks would reach the general public in seven days, "sufficient to provide every Ukrainian citizen two masks," she said. Factories in Kharkiv and the hard-hit Lviv region would produce the masks, according to Ukrainian media reports. Tymoshenko on Monday said that if necessary, her government would commit 6 million metres of gauze and cheesecloth to the emergency mask production programme. Tymoshenko was scheduled to travel to the Lviv province, the epicentre of the flu outbreak, on Thursday afternoon, according to a Cabinet of Ministers statement.
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Alt 07.11.2009, 22:31
stupido stupido ist offline
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Situation Update No. 26
On 07.11.2009 at 14:09 GMT+2

The number of infected people in the Ukraine shot up to 764000 since about two days ago. They have all fallen ill with the "flu and acute respiratory infections", 34000 have been hospitalised claims Olexander Bilovol. The flu AND respiratory deaths jumped up to 109 people and only 14 of those linked to swine flu according to health officials. The World Health Organisation however said that more people could be infected with h1n1. It is still unclear whether most people are infected with h1n1 or the viral pneumonic plague or as some claim it is the same thing (although the one is a virus and the other one a bacteria). So far evidence shows that this is a pneumonic plague mostly as well as h1n1 infecting people at the same time. the WHO is still to confirm whether the it is a normal h1n1 or if it has mutated into a different h1n1 than seen in the US and Uk like the president of the Ukraine claimed this week.
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Alt 08.11.2009, 02:17
666-million-ways-to-die 666-million-ways-to-die ist offline
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hast du einen link, wo ersichtlich ist, um was es direckt geht?!
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Alt 08.11.2009, 10:46
stupido stupido ist offline
Registriert seit: 26.03.2008
Ort: NRW
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hast du einen link, wo ersichtlich ist, um was es direckt geht?!



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Alt 10.11.2009, 19:36
Specht Specht ist offline
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Laut dieser Meldung soll die Lage in der Ukraine übertrieben dargestellt worden sein, zumindest in Bezug auf "Schweinegrippe":

"Schweinegrippe-Hysterie jetzt nur noch in Deutschland

Berlin - Die Ukraine hat sich am Montag mehr oder weniger für die in ihrem Lande ausgelöste Schweinegrippe- Hysterie entschuldigt,
die vor allen Dingen auch nach Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz rübergeschwappt war und dort teilweise immer noch für eine
durch die Medien aufgeheizte panikartige Stimmung sorgt. Der ukrainische Präsident Viktor Juschchenko gab derweil zu, dass der
Verlauf der Grippe-Epidemie in der Ukraine nicht anders sei als die Situation in anderen Ländern, aber in seinem Land sei leider zehnmal
mehr Panik und hundert Mal mehr Verwirrung als anderswo "gestiftet" worden. Auch Regierungschefin Julia Timoschenko musste heute
eingestehen, dass wohl doch alles nicht so schlimm sei und war wie Medien und Behörden es darstellten. Es seien keine hundertausende
oder gar Millionen Ukrainer an irgendeiner Form von Grippe erkrankt, sondern nur derzeit 32 448 Menschen. Nach wie vor gebe es auch
"nur" 65 A/H1N1-Grippe Fälle landesweit nachgewiesen worden, 14 Menschen seien daran gestorben.

Noch am vergangenen Freitag wollten Viktor Juschchenko und Co. den Ausnahmezustand im Land verhängen, heute musste er zugeben,
dass sich die Lage nicht nur stabilisiert hat, sondern auch dass die tatsächlichen Verdachts- und Krankheitsfälle kaum noch der Rede
Wert sind. Über die angeblich "tödliche Schweinegrippe" verlor er dann nur noch wenige Worte. Ende Oktober hatte das ukrainische
Gesundheitsministerium wörtlich mitgeteilt, dass im Lande eine A/H1N1-Grippe Epidemie ausgebrochen worden sei, was viele Menschen
vor allen Dingen im Westen des Landes in einen panikartigen Zustand versetzte, wobei meist die letzten Ersparnisse für Grippemittel
ausgegeben wurden, welche niemanden helfen mussten und konnten..."

Daneben wird auch von solchen Vorkommnissen berichtet. Als Außenstehender blickt man da nicht durch. Wenn das Untenstehende
tatsächlich wahr ist und nicht Teil einer großangelegten Falschdarstellung, hat das mit der angeblichen "Schweinegrippe" nichts zu tun.
Und womöglich will man deswegen nun abwiegeln.

"...Während in Deutschland die Massenimpfung gegen das relativ harmlose Schweinegrippe-Virus laufen, hat die WHO ein Expertenteam
in die Ukraine entsendet, um die mysteriösen Vorfälle dort zu untersuchen. In der Ukraine herrscht Wahlkampf, der Notstand wurde
ausgerufen und sämtliche Schulen geschlossen – 80 bis 100 Menschen starben, nur woran? Darüber herrscht weltweit noch Rätselraten.
Bei den Infizierten kam es zu einer blitzartigen Veränderung der Lunge, die zum Tod führte..."
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Alt 10.11.2009, 20:03
stupido stupido ist offline
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Also diese quelle ist erfahrungsgemaess ziemlich nuechtern...


Situation Update No. 33
On 09.11.2009 at 13:24 GMT+2

The number of deaths and infections from flu were still rising in Ukraine on Monday, as government officials argued the outbreak was showing signs of stabilizing. "Today we clearly had certain positive signs of a reduction in the flu infection rate," said Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, at a meeting with World Health Organisation officials. "We are seeing a positive trend." A total of 155 people have died from flu or flu-related symptoms since the outbreak struck the former Soviet republic in late October, with nine victims losing their lives in the last 24 hours, Tymoshenko said, in comments reported by 1+1 television. Lab tests had confirmed the virulent A/H1N1 influenza strain, known also as swine flu, was responsible for 15 of the deaths, according to data made public on Ukraine's Ministry of Health website Monday. Segodnia, Ukraine's largest daily, reported on Monday that the number of swine-flu-related deaths nationwide was actually 24. Tymoshenko said the flu situation was nonetheless showing signs of improvement. She said the number of Ukrainians admitted to hospitals as flu patients fell for the first time on Sunday, to 42,468, compared with 127,254 on Wednesday. Almost 1 million Ukrainians have received treatment for the flu since the October 29 initial outbreak, according to Ministry of Health statistics. Most live in Ukraine's western Lviv, Ivano- Frankivsk and Ternopil provinces, adjacent to Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. Officials in the Ivano-Frankivsk and Ternopil provinces echoed Tymoshenko's assertion that the infection rate was stabilizing. A Ternopil city council statement said, "there is a definitive improvement in the epidemic's situation," according to an Interfax news agency report. Almost 50,000 people across Ukraine have been hospitalized for dangerous flu infections, and 445 are in severe or worse condition, according to a report from the Korrespondent website. Shortages of basic medical supplies for first-line response to flu continued to be widely reported in major Ukrainian media on Monday, despite repeated promises by Tymoshenko that state-owned pharmaceutical and fabric factories would soon redress the problem.

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Alt 12.11.2009, 00:01
dr.lichtstrahl22 dr.lichtstrahl22 ist offline
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Standard Krieg ohne Kriegserklärung - mit biologischen Waffen

Die Kriegserklärung an die Bevölkerung der Erde fehlt deshalb, weil es sich bei der Krieg führenden Partei nicht um einen Staat handelt, sondern schlicht um Verbrecher des zionistischen anglo-amerikanischen Finanz- und Machtkartells.

Der begonnene Krieg hat als Gegner die Menschheit – die 90 % der 6,6 Milliarden Menschen auf der Erde. Der Finanz- und Machtelite genügen durch Impfungen in der Jugend verblödete 500 Millionen Sklaven. Man ist jetzt – jetzt gerde !!! – dabei die 6,1 Milliarden unnützen Esser der Erde mit biologischen Waffen umzubringen.

Hoffnung ist eine Mischung aus Feigheit, Handlungsunfähigkeit und Selbstbetrug.
Vertrauen dagegen ist die auf einem tiefen Glauben beruhende Gewißheit den jeweils
richtigen Weg zu gehen.
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Alt 12.11.2009, 00:51
ampersand ampersand ist offline
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nette deutschsprachige quelle rund um die ukraine.
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