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Alt 26.09.2006, 00:40
Benutzerbild von Anarcho
Anarcho Anarcho ist offline
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Hi NWOFighter,

willkommen auf Infokrieg und danke für die Blumen......

Hi, bin neu hier und hoffe, mich mit Gleichgesinnten austauschen zu können. Im "normalen" Alltag geht das ja nicht, über solche Tabuthemen zu sprechen. Und irgendwie dreht man durch, wenn keiner (natürlich auch nicht die Mainstream-Medien) über etwas, das so offensichtliches vor unser aller Augen stattfindet, nämlich die NWO, sprechen kann oder will...
In der Tat ein Problem..... Aber hier sind solche Themen sehr willkommen und es finden sich hier etliche die gerne darüber diskutieren, mich eingeschlossen.

Die Website ist uns bekannt, die Linas Doku dürften einige hier schon gesehen haben und wenn es eine Genehmigung gibt und noch Zeit bleibt, wird Alex sie sicherlich mit einer deutschen Tonspur versehen.
„Die bewusste und intelligente Manipulation der organisierten Gewohnheiten und Meinungen der Massen ist ein wichtiges Element in der demokratischen Gesellschaft. Wer die ungesehenen Gesellschaftsmechanismen manipuliert, bildet eine unsichtbare Regierung, welche die wahre Herrschermacht unseres Landes ist. Wir werden regiert, unser Verstand geformt, unsere Geschmäcker gebildet, unsere Ideen größtenteils von Männern suggeriert, von denen wir nie gehört haben. Dies ist ein logisches Ergebnis der Art wie unsere demokratische Gesellschaft organisiert ist. Große Menschenzahlen müssen auf diese Weise kooperieren, wenn sie in einer ausgeglichen funktionierenden Gesellschaft zusammenleben sollen. In beinahe jeder Handlung unseres Lebens, ob in der Sphäre der Politik oder bei Geschäften, in unserem sozialen Verhalten und unserem ethischen Denken werden wir durch eine relativ geringe Zahl an Personen dominiert, welche die mentalen Prozesse und Verhaltensmuster der Massen verstehen. Sie sind es, die die Fäden ziehen, welche das öffentliche Denken kontrollieren.“
Edward L. Bernays (* 1891 † 1995) „Vater der Public Relations“, Auszug aus dem ersten Kapitel „Organising Chaos“ des Buches Propaganda.

"Es bedarf heutzutage eines mutigen Mannes,um furchtlos die Wahrheit zu sprechen, denn selbst das bedeutet persönliches Risiko und Kosten. Das Gesetz verbietet es nämlich, die Wahrheit zu sagen, außer unter Zwang, bei Gericht und unter Strafandrohung wegen Meineids. Wurden öffentlich und gedruckt Lügen über dich erzählt, bist du machtlos, um deinem Ehrabschneider den Mund zu stopfen, außer du bist wohlhabend; nenne Tatsachen, und du wirst ein Verleumder; hüte deine Zunge bei einer Ungerechtigkeit, die in deiner Gegenwart begangen wird und deine Freunde werden dich als ihresgleichen ansehen - als ihren Verbündeten. Seine ehrliche Meinung zu äußern ist unmöglich geworden in diesem, unseren Zyklus."
- Helena Blavatsky: Collected Writings, XI:188

Beste Grüße an unsere Freunde von der Antifa und vielen Dank für die zahlreiche,
bundesweite Werbung für infokrieg.tv auf Euren lustigen Seiten, die, wenn sie auch in Ihren Aussagen und Behauptungen grenzdebil anmuten und unhaltbar sind, jeden Tag viele Leser zu uns bringen!!!
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Alt 26.09.2006, 20:53
Benutzerbild von Anarcho
Anarcho Anarcho ist offline
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Die okkulten Symbole der globalen Elite: Die europäisch-amerikanische Aristokratie zeigt ihre Dominanz
„Die bewusste und intelligente Manipulation der organisierten Gewohnheiten und Meinungen der Massen ist ein wichtiges Element in der demokratischen Gesellschaft. Wer die ungesehenen Gesellschaftsmechanismen manipuliert, bildet eine unsichtbare Regierung, welche die wahre Herrschermacht unseres Landes ist. Wir werden regiert, unser Verstand geformt, unsere Geschmäcker gebildet, unsere Ideen größtenteils von Männern suggeriert, von denen wir nie gehört haben. Dies ist ein logisches Ergebnis der Art wie unsere demokratische Gesellschaft organisiert ist. Große Menschenzahlen müssen auf diese Weise kooperieren, wenn sie in einer ausgeglichen funktionierenden Gesellschaft zusammenleben sollen. In beinahe jeder Handlung unseres Lebens, ob in der Sphäre der Politik oder bei Geschäften, in unserem sozialen Verhalten und unserem ethischen Denken werden wir durch eine relativ geringe Zahl an Personen dominiert, welche die mentalen Prozesse und Verhaltensmuster der Massen verstehen. Sie sind es, die die Fäden ziehen, welche das öffentliche Denken kontrollieren.“
Edward L. Bernays (* 1891 † 1995) „Vater der Public Relations“, Auszug aus dem ersten Kapitel „Organising Chaos“ des Buches Propaganda.

"Es bedarf heutzutage eines mutigen Mannes,um furchtlos die Wahrheit zu sprechen, denn selbst das bedeutet persönliches Risiko und Kosten. Das Gesetz verbietet es nämlich, die Wahrheit zu sagen, außer unter Zwang, bei Gericht und unter Strafandrohung wegen Meineids. Wurden öffentlich und gedruckt Lügen über dich erzählt, bist du machtlos, um deinem Ehrabschneider den Mund zu stopfen, außer du bist wohlhabend; nenne Tatsachen, und du wirst ein Verleumder; hüte deine Zunge bei einer Ungerechtigkeit, die in deiner Gegenwart begangen wird und deine Freunde werden dich als ihresgleichen ansehen - als ihren Verbündeten. Seine ehrliche Meinung zu äußern ist unmöglich geworden in diesem, unseren Zyklus."
- Helena Blavatsky: Collected Writings, XI:188

Beste Grüße an unsere Freunde von der Antifa und vielen Dank für die zahlreiche,
bundesweite Werbung für infokrieg.tv auf Euren lustigen Seiten, die, wenn sie auch in Ihren Aussagen und Behauptungen grenzdebil anmuten und unhaltbar sind, jeden Tag viele Leser zu uns bringen!!!
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Alt 26.09.2006, 21:20
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Leider scheinen die Bildunterschrifte ein wenig hochgerutscht zu sein...

Die Glaspyramide mit den VVV Gläsern 666 ... sonderbar ..

Das NBC - Symbol ... der Pfau hat viele Federn, welche "Augen" haben .... (es könnte auch der übertragene Phönix sein ...)
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Alt 26.09.2006, 21:36
Benutzerbild von Anarcho
Anarcho Anarcho ist offline
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Zitat von nobody23
Leider scheinen die Bildunterschrifte ein wenig hochgerutscht zu sein...

Die Glaspyramide mit den VVV Gläsern 666 ... sonderbar ..
Das Problem ist, es wird in der Vorschau anders angezeigt, als es letztendlich auf der auf der Seite erscheint.

Meinst du die Pyramide vor dem Louvré?
Ich meine gelesen zu haben, es wäre ein Gerücht dass sie aus 666 Elementen besteht. Könnte aber auch Desinfo gewesen sein.
„Die bewusste und intelligente Manipulation der organisierten Gewohnheiten und Meinungen der Massen ist ein wichtiges Element in der demokratischen Gesellschaft. Wer die ungesehenen Gesellschaftsmechanismen manipuliert, bildet eine unsichtbare Regierung, welche die wahre Herrschermacht unseres Landes ist. Wir werden regiert, unser Verstand geformt, unsere Geschmäcker gebildet, unsere Ideen größtenteils von Männern suggeriert, von denen wir nie gehört haben. Dies ist ein logisches Ergebnis der Art wie unsere demokratische Gesellschaft organisiert ist. Große Menschenzahlen müssen auf diese Weise kooperieren, wenn sie in einer ausgeglichen funktionierenden Gesellschaft zusammenleben sollen. In beinahe jeder Handlung unseres Lebens, ob in der Sphäre der Politik oder bei Geschäften, in unserem sozialen Verhalten und unserem ethischen Denken werden wir durch eine relativ geringe Zahl an Personen dominiert, welche die mentalen Prozesse und Verhaltensmuster der Massen verstehen. Sie sind es, die die Fäden ziehen, welche das öffentliche Denken kontrollieren.“
Edward L. Bernays (* 1891 † 1995) „Vater der Public Relations“, Auszug aus dem ersten Kapitel „Organising Chaos“ des Buches Propaganda.

"Es bedarf heutzutage eines mutigen Mannes,um furchtlos die Wahrheit zu sprechen, denn selbst das bedeutet persönliches Risiko und Kosten. Das Gesetz verbietet es nämlich, die Wahrheit zu sagen, außer unter Zwang, bei Gericht und unter Strafandrohung wegen Meineids. Wurden öffentlich und gedruckt Lügen über dich erzählt, bist du machtlos, um deinem Ehrabschneider den Mund zu stopfen, außer du bist wohlhabend; nenne Tatsachen, und du wirst ein Verleumder; hüte deine Zunge bei einer Ungerechtigkeit, die in deiner Gegenwart begangen wird und deine Freunde werden dich als ihresgleichen ansehen - als ihren Verbündeten. Seine ehrliche Meinung zu äußern ist unmöglich geworden in diesem, unseren Zyklus."
- Helena Blavatsky: Collected Writings, XI:188

Beste Grüße an unsere Freunde von der Antifa und vielen Dank für die zahlreiche,
bundesweite Werbung für infokrieg.tv auf Euren lustigen Seiten, die, wenn sie auch in Ihren Aussagen und Behauptungen grenzdebil anmuten und unhaltbar sind, jeden Tag viele Leser zu uns bringen!!!
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Alt 26.09.2006, 21:40
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Ist leider schon lange her, dass ich in Paris war ...

Allerdings, würde ich mir die Mühe machen die Gläser nachzuzählen, wäre ich dort....


Laut Wiki ist es ein Mythos ...

1989 entstanden .... da passierte ja soviel ...
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Alt 27.09.2006, 20:26
Benutzerbild von Anarcho
Anarcho Anarcho ist offline
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Allerdings, würde ich mir die Mühe machen die Gläser nachzuzählen, wäre ich dort....

Ich auch.... Beim Washington Monument hängen sie auch nicht an die große Glocke, dass die Gesamthöhe 666 ft. ist.

Mich würde es nicht wundern, wenn es tatsächlich 666 Elemente wären. Schießlich hat sie ein Mason dort aufgestellt.
„Die bewusste und intelligente Manipulation der organisierten Gewohnheiten und Meinungen der Massen ist ein wichtiges Element in der demokratischen Gesellschaft. Wer die ungesehenen Gesellschaftsmechanismen manipuliert, bildet eine unsichtbare Regierung, welche die wahre Herrschermacht unseres Landes ist. Wir werden regiert, unser Verstand geformt, unsere Geschmäcker gebildet, unsere Ideen größtenteils von Männern suggeriert, von denen wir nie gehört haben. Dies ist ein logisches Ergebnis der Art wie unsere demokratische Gesellschaft organisiert ist. Große Menschenzahlen müssen auf diese Weise kooperieren, wenn sie in einer ausgeglichen funktionierenden Gesellschaft zusammenleben sollen. In beinahe jeder Handlung unseres Lebens, ob in der Sphäre der Politik oder bei Geschäften, in unserem sozialen Verhalten und unserem ethischen Denken werden wir durch eine relativ geringe Zahl an Personen dominiert, welche die mentalen Prozesse und Verhaltensmuster der Massen verstehen. Sie sind es, die die Fäden ziehen, welche das öffentliche Denken kontrollieren.“
Edward L. Bernays (* 1891 † 1995) „Vater der Public Relations“, Auszug aus dem ersten Kapitel „Organising Chaos“ des Buches Propaganda.

"Es bedarf heutzutage eines mutigen Mannes,um furchtlos die Wahrheit zu sprechen, denn selbst das bedeutet persönliches Risiko und Kosten. Das Gesetz verbietet es nämlich, die Wahrheit zu sagen, außer unter Zwang, bei Gericht und unter Strafandrohung wegen Meineids. Wurden öffentlich und gedruckt Lügen über dich erzählt, bist du machtlos, um deinem Ehrabschneider den Mund zu stopfen, außer du bist wohlhabend; nenne Tatsachen, und du wirst ein Verleumder; hüte deine Zunge bei einer Ungerechtigkeit, die in deiner Gegenwart begangen wird und deine Freunde werden dich als ihresgleichen ansehen - als ihren Verbündeten. Seine ehrliche Meinung zu äußern ist unmöglich geworden in diesem, unseren Zyklus."
- Helena Blavatsky: Collected Writings, XI:188

Beste Grüße an unsere Freunde von der Antifa und vielen Dank für die zahlreiche,
bundesweite Werbung für infokrieg.tv auf Euren lustigen Seiten, die, wenn sie auch in Ihren Aussagen und Behauptungen grenzdebil anmuten und unhaltbar sind, jeden Tag viele Leser zu uns bringen!!!
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Alt 27.09.2006, 21:15
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Zitat von Anarcho
Allerdings, würde ich mir die Mühe machen die Gläser nachzuzählen, wäre ich dort....

Ich auch.... Beim Washington Monument hängen sie auch nicht an die große Glocke, dass die Gesamthöhe 666 ft. ist.

Mich würde es wundern, wenn es tatsächlich 666 Elemente wären. Schießlich hat sie ein Mason dort aufgestellt.
Wobei immer nur die Höhe ÜBER dem Grund angegeben wird, welche nur 555 Fuß sind
...allerdings sollen nur 111 Fuß unter Grund hinzukommen

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Alt 05.10.2006, 23:25
AlexBenesch AlexBenesch ist offline
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Zitat von NWOFighter
Kennt ihr schon die Website

Definitiv eine meiner Lieblingsseiten.

Hat jemand schon den Film "The Lightbringers-the Emissaries of Jahbulon" (2005) von Jüri Lima gesehen?
Das Buch von Lina verstößt eindeutig gegen deutsche Gesetze; in der Doku "The Lightbringers" wird auf das Buch verwiesen was widerum bedeuten könnte dass die Doku ebenfalls gegen die Gesetze verstößt.

Eine Zensur findet .... statt.
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Alt 20.10.2006, 04:34
Benutzerbild von Anarcho
Anarcho Anarcho ist offline
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Bin gerade auf eine recht lange Liste mit Famous Masons gestoßen:

Zitat von [url
http://www.longcounty.net/famousmasons.html[/url] ]

Bill Schnoebelen
– former Satanist, witch and freemason (now a true Christian).

Aliester Crowley – 33rd & 97th Degree Freemason, self proclaimed 666 Beast, taught

human sacrafice

Bill Clinton – practicing witch and 33rd degree freemason. Jerusalem Post Article

In this video, you'll see pictured the ad run by the Grand Lodge of Israel in The Jerusalem Post newspaper congratulating President Bill Clinton and a prominent world Moslem leader as brother "Masons of Peace."

Search Engine results - Jerusalem Post and Freemason Clinton.

Hillary Clinton – practicing witch higher ranking than Bill.

Oral Roberts, 33rd Degree Freemason, founder of Oral Roberts University

Louis Farrahkan, leader of the Nation Of Islam

Geoffrey Fisher, Archbishop of Canterbury 1945-1961

Billy Graham 33rd degree Freemason

G. Bromley Oxnam, 33rd Degree Freemason, friend of Billy Graham, head of the

FCC churches

Kenneth Copeland (on TV) Kenneth Copeland 33rd degree Freemason

Robert Schuller, 33rd Degree Freemason, Pastor of the Crystal Cathedral and host of the

popular "Hour of Power"

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, female co-freemason, wicked satanist, occult leader and co-founder of the Theosophical Society.

Annie Besant – friend of Helena Blavatsky and took over after her death, Satanist and

33rd degree freemason

Gerald B. Gardner, founder of the modern Wiccan (white witchcraft) revival

Dr. Wynn Westcott, member of the Societas Rosicruciana and founding member of the

occult Order of the Golden Dawn (Satanist) and freemason

Newt Gingrich, 33rd Degree Freemason
Bob Dole, 33rd Degree Freemason
Storm Thurmond, 33rd Degree Freemason
Colin Powell, 33rd Degree Freemason
Jesse Helms, 33rd Degree Freemason
Barry Goldwater, 33rd Degree Freemason
Al Gore, Freemason

President George Bush secret order of the skull and bones (Yale high ranking freemasons).

Walt Disney, founder of the Disney Corporation

Giuseppe Mazzini, Italian Illuminati leader, friend of Albert Pike, founder of the Mafia

Hitler – freemason and Satanist

Anton LaVey, the High Priest of the Church of Satan. In his book, "The Satanic Rituals: Companion To 'The Satanic Bible'", Satanic ritual is a blend of Gnostic, Cabbalistic, Hermetic, and Masonic elements, incorporating nomenclature and vibratory words of power from virtually every mythos." (Page 21)

Foster Bailey, Alice Bailey – husband and wife 33rd degree masons responsible for ushering the

“New Age” Alice was called the “queen of new age” Both satanists.

Theodor Reuss - founder of the Satanist Ordo Templi Orientis and Freemason introduced

Satanist Aliester Crowley to the organization.

Dr. William Wynn Westcott, Dr. William Woodman, S.L. MacGregor Mathers (also mentor

to Satanist Aliester Crowley)– founders of the occult Golden Dawn organization and all


Arthur Edward Waite also a member of the “Golden Dawn” and author of the “New

Encyclopedia of Freemasonry”

Gerald Gardner freemason and Lodge Master of the O.T.O teaching Satanist Aliester

Crowley writings of satanic rituals.

Alex Sanders Freemasonic witches (titling the “new age of witches as

wiccans). Founder of the Alexandrian school of Witchcraft.

Eliphas Levi – notorious Satanist and freemason designing the modern day “Baphomet goat

god of the freemasons, wiccans and satanists.

Joseph Smith – founder of the Mormon Church (Latter Day Saints – LDS). Went from apprentice to 33rd degree mason in one day.

Charles Taze Russell – founder of Jehovah Witness cult – Member of Masons Knights Templar also the organization of

satanist Aliester Crowley (self proclaimed Great Beast 666)

Just Some Former “Famous” Political and “christian” Freemasons – taken from THEIR WEB SITE


Adams, Sherman - Governor of New Hampshire and US Congressman
Aguinaldo, Emilio - President of the Philippines, he declared their independence in 1898.
Aldrich, Nelson Wilmarth - U. S. Senator, known for his extensive impact on banking reform. He also served as Treasurer of the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island.
Allen, Charles H. - First Governor of Puerto Rico (1800-1802) when it was freed of its 400 year despotic rule by Spain.
Allen, Ira - Known as the 'Father of Vermont', he played a significant role in the acceptance of Vermont as a State and then gave land to help found the University of Vermont.
Archer, Dennis - Mayor of Detroit, Michigan
Arnold, General Henry "Hap" - Medal of Honor recipient and American general whose efforts helped establish what is now the U.S. Air Force. Commander, Army Air Force in World War II.
Arthur William Patrick Albert / Prince Arthur - Third son of Queen Victoria and the longest serving Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England
Austin, Stephen F. - American colonizer and political leader who worked to make Texas a state of Mexico but later helped Texas settlers gain their independence (1836). Known as the 'Father of Texas'.
Baldry, Tony - Current (1999) UK Member, House of Commons
Baldwin, Henry - American jurist who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1830-1844).
Barnes, Roy - 80th/Present (1999) Governor of Georgia
Barnes, W. W. - Professor of church history at Southwestern Seminary 1913-1953.
Bartholdi, Frederic A. - French sculptor best known for his figure of Liberty Enlightening the World, the Statue of Liberty, in New York Harbor
Barton, Edmund - Speaker of the legislative assembly, New South Wales, Australia, Attorney General, and judge of the Australian high court
Bass, Edward - First Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Massachusetts
Bates, Frederick - Governor of Missouri
Bayh, Birch - US Democratic Senator from Indiana from 1962-1981.
Baylor, Robert E. B. - Founder of Baylor University, Texas' first Baptist college
Beard, Daniel Carter - American writer and illustrator. In 1905, he founded the Sons of Daniel Boone (Mason) which in 1910 became the first Boy Scout organization in the US.
Bell, Lawrence - Bell Aircraft Corp.
Bellamy, Francis J. - The Baptist Minister who created America's Pledge of Allegiance
Benes, Eduard - President of Czechoslovakia elected in 1935, he led his nation's government into exile after the outbreak of World War II.

Bennett, Viscount R.B. - 12th Prime Minister of Canada 1930-35
Benton, Thomas Hart - U. S. Senator from Missouri for 30 years and Grand Master of Iowa
Bentsen, Lloyd M. - A life member of his Masonic Lodge in Texas, Bro. Bentsen served the U. S. with honor and distinction as a bomber pilot in WWII, a US Congressman, Senator and Secretary of the Treasury. He was the Vice Presidential candidate with Michael Dukakis.

Berthold, Bartholomew - Businessman who organized the first territorial bank in the Louisiana Territory
Black, Hugo L. - U. S. Senator and Supreme Court Justice
Blair, Jr., John - U. S. Supreme Court Justice and member of the Constitutional Convention.
Blatchford, Samuel - U.. S. Supreme Court Justice
Boaz, Hiram Abiff - Bishop of the Methodist Church, one of the first presidents of Texas Wesleyan University and a member of two Texas lodges.
Bond, Shadrach - First Grand Master of Freemasons and first Governor of Illinois
Borden, Sir Robert Laird - Prime Minister of Canada during World War I
Bowell, Sir Mackenzie - British-born Canadian Prime Minister 1894-96 who later led the Conservative opposition.
Brant, Joseph - Chief of the Mohawks 1742 - 1807. Supported the British in the French and Indian War and the American Revolution.
Breckinridge, John C. - American Vice President, he ran as the pro-slavery candidate and lost to Abraham Lincoln. His bust is in the Senate wing of the US Capitol.
Brown, Major General Charles E. Jr. - Served as US Army Chief of Chaplains.
Brown, Foster V. - US Congressman from Tennessee, he served as Attorney General for Puerto Rico
Bryan, William Jennings - US Secretary of State under President Woodrow Wilson.
Bullock, Bob - Texas Lt. Governor.
Burnett, David G. - 1st President of the Republic of Texas
Burrows, Lansing - President of the Southern Baptist Convention (1914-1916), secretary of the SBC from 1881-1913, and pastor of 8 Southern Baptist churches.
Burns, Conrad - US Senator from Montana
Burton, Harold H. - Supreme Court Justice (1945-195
Bush, Vannevar - Pioneer in development of atomic and nuclear energy; Vice President and Dean of Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); frequent speaker at Massachusetts Lodges of Instruction.
Byrd, Robert C. - The "Dean" of the US Senate.
Byrnes, James F. - Supreme Court Justice and Secretary of State. He tried unsuccessfully to ease post-WW2 tensions between the US and the USSR.

Calvo, Father Francisco - Catholic Priest who started Freemasonry in Costa Rica 1865
Canham, Erwin D. - Rhodes Scholar; Editor of The Christian Science Monitor; Governor of Guam

Carroll, B. H. - First president of Southwestern Seminary and instrumental in the creation of the Department of Evangelism of the Home Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention
Cass, Lewis - American solider, politician and diplomat. Served as Secretary of War, Secretary of State, and U. S. Senator. He was a Grand Master of Iowa and the first Grand Master of Michigan.
Catton, John - U.S. Supreme Court Justice
Christian, John T. - Baptist Minister; Professor of Church History and Librarian of the Baptist Bible Institute. The Library on the New Orleans seminary campus bears his name.
Churchill, Winston - British politician and writer. Prime Minister (1940-1945 and 1951-1955).

Clark, Montague Graham, Jr. - Presbyterian minister and President of the School of the Ozarks.
Clark, Tom C. - Supreme Court Justice (1949-1967)
Clarke, John H. - Supreme Court Justice (1916-1922)
Clay, Henry - Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives and Grand Master of Kentucky
Clinton, De Witt - Mayor of New York City, Governor of New York, and presidential candidate, he also served as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New York.
Clinton, George - Third Vice President of the United States and first to die in office.
Cohan, George M. - American composer and lyricist, famous for such songs as "Yankee Doodle Dandy"
Coleman, Frank - Founder of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity
Colt, Samuel - Firearms inventor and manufacturer. He invented the first revolver.
Craig, John B. - Career US foreign service officer and current (1999) Ambassador to the Sultanate of Oman
Crockett, David ('Davy') - Frontiersman and politician. US Representative from Tennessee who joined the Texas revolutionaries fighting against. Mexico.

Crowe, William J. Jr. - Served as Commander-in-Chief, US Pacific Command; Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and sworn in as U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on May 19, 1994.
Cushing, William - Supreme Court Justice

Daub, Hal - Mayor of Omaha, Nebraska (2001)
delPilar, Marcelo - The "Father of Philippine Masonry", a lawyer who founded the first
Devanter, Willis Van - Supreme Court Justice
Diefenbaker, John G. - Prime Minister of Canada 1957-63
Dirksen, Everett M. - American political leader, he served eight terms in the US House of Representatives and became Republican minority leader of the Senate.
Dole, Robert J. - Decorated Veteran, World War II; U.S. Congressman and Senator from Kansas, 1961–96

Dodge, Henry - First U.S. Marshal in Missouri, Governor of Wisconsin Territory, Senator from Wisconsin.
Douglas, James - Became Governor of Vermont in 2003.

Douglas, William O. - US Supreme Court Justice for 36 years.
Dunant, Jean Henri - Philanthropist who inspired the founding of the Red Cross
Edson, Carroll A. - Co-founder of the Order of the Arrow, the Boy Scout honor fraternity.
Edward VII - Prince of Wales and subsequently King of England
Edward VIII - King of England who abdicated the throne in less than 1 year in order to marry the woman he loved.
Ellsworth, Oliver - The third Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court and responsible for the term "United States" appearing in the Constitution.
Enzi, Michael B. - United States Senator (Wyoming) whose father was also an active Mason and whose mother was a member of the Order of Eastern Star.
Ervin Jr, Samuel J. - As U.S. Senator from North Carolina, he led the "Watergate" committee during the Nixon presidency and was widely praised for his fair-handed behavior.
Evanko, Col. Paul J. - Current (1999) Commissioner of the Pennsylvania State Police.
Field, Stephen J. - US Supreme Court Justice (1863-1897)
Fisher, Geoffrey - English churchman, the 99th Archbishop of Canterbury. He became Bishop of London in 1939, and archbishop of Canterbury in 1945. Fisher was a distinguished pastor and administrator, helping to reorganize the work of the Church of England after World War II. As President of the World Council of Churches (1946-54), he was a vigorous proponent of ecumenism.
Foelsche, Paul - First police inspector in Australia's Northwest Territories.
Ford, Gerald R. - 25 year Congressman and Minority Leader of the US House of Representatives, he was appointed Vice President of the U.S. in the wake of the Spiro Agnew scandal. When President Richard Nixon resigned, he became the 38th President of the United States.
Franklin, Benjamin - American printer (he published the first book to come off the press in the colonies - Anderson's Constitutions of 1723), author, diplomat, philosopher, and scientist, whose contributions to the American Revolution (1775-1783), and the newly formed federal government that followed, rank him among the country's greatest statesmen. He held the Masonic title of Grand Master of Pennsylvania and was one of the 13 Masonic signers of the Constitution of the United States.
Frederick II ("The Great") - King of Prussia (1712-1786)
Gatling, Richard J. - Inventor of the famous "Gatling Gun".
George VI - King of England during World War II.
Gerry, Elbridge - American politician. Signer of the Declaration of Independence and a delegate to the Continental Congress, he served as Governor of Massachusetts (1810-1811) and Vice President of the United States until his death (1813-1814).
Gilman, Benjamin A. - One of the highest ranking members in seniority, a U.S. congressman from the 20th New York District who in 1978 was successful as a champion of human rights.
Girard, Stephen - Born in France, he was an enormously successful merchant, mariner and banker. He largely financed the U.S. government during the War of 1812.

Glickman, Dan - US Congressman from Kansas and Secretary of the US Department of Agriculture
Goldwater, Barry - American politician, a conservative Republican he served as Senator from Arizona and unsuccessfully ran for president in 1964.
Gompers, Samuel - He led in the formation of the American Federation of Labor and (with the exception of one year) headed it from 1886 to 1924.

Goodman, E. Urner - Co-founder of the Order of the Arrow, a Boy Scout honor fraternity.
Goodnow, David - Newscaster and former long-time news anchor on CNN News
Gorham, Nicholas - Son of Bradford and a RI State Representative.
Graham, Albert Belmont - Father of the 4-H Rural Youth Program. You can read about it here.
Gray, Harold Lincoln - Creator of "Little Orphan Annie"
Hamilton, Frederick William - Unitarian minister and President of Tufts College.
Hamilton, William W. - Named the Southern Baptist Convention's Home Mission Board's first head of the Department of Evangelism in 1906. He served as president of Baptist Bible Institute (BBI), now the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, from 1927to 1943. While president, he saved BBI from bankruptcy in 1932 when the school defaulted on $353,000 in bonds. President of the SBC from 1940 to 1942.
Hancock, John - One of nine Masons - and the first signer of the Declaration of Independence, he was President of the Continental Congress and served nine terms as Governor of Massachusetts.
Harlan, John M.. - U.S. Supreme Court Justice
Helms, Jesse - Well-known conservative US Senator from North Carolina, he has been a leader in the field of US foreign relations for decades.
Henry, Patrick - American colonial patriot, member of the Continental Congress, he spurred the creation of the Virginia militia with the famous words "Give me liberty or give me death". Later served as the Governor of Virginia
Henley, Vernard W. Henley Sr. - C.E.O. and President, Consolidated Bank and Trust Co in Richmond, Virginia, the oldest Black owned Bank in the United States. Made a Mason at Sight in 1997 at the Annual Grand Lodge Session held in Arlington, Va. by The Most Worshipful Grand Master Of Virginia. (P.H.A.).
Herrmann, Alexander - "King of Magic"
Hershey, Lewis - Director of the U.S. Selective Service for 30 years
Herter, Christian - Diplomat and Journalist; Under Secretary of State, Governor of Massachusetts and United States Congressman.
Hobbs, Herschell Harold (d. 1995). - An ordained Southern Baptist minister for 69 years, he wrote at least 147 books and Bible commentaries used in Southern Baptist churches. He preached more than 700 sermons on the syndicated radio program, the "Baptist Hour" between 1958 and 1978. He was president of the Southern Baptist Convention from 1961-63. He was raised a Master Mason in Siloam Lodge No. 276 in Oklahoma City at the age of 54, which was during his first term as president of the Southern Baptist Convention. He became a Scottish Rite Mason in 1966 while a preacher on the "Baptist Hour".
Holland, Leonard - Longtime Adjutant General of the Rhode Island National Guard
Hoover, J. Edgar - American Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation

Horton, Frank Reed - Lawyer, textbook author, Scouter, and Founder of the Alpha Phi Omega service fraternity, an organization at the forefront of college service fraternities.
Houston, Sam - American general who became the first President of the Republic of Texas even though his candidacy was announced only 12 days previously. He later served a second term. When Texas was admitted to the Union, he served as US senator and governor.
Humphrey, Hubert H. - US Vice President under Lyndon Johnson.

Irvin Tommy - Georgia's Commissioner of Agriculture and the state's longest serving official, he is also a Past Grand Master.
Jackson, Reverend Jesse - Baptist Minister, American civil rights leader and politician. His concerns for the oppressed and his dramatic oratory have attracted a large grassroots constituency called the Rainbow Coalition.
Jackson, Robert H. - American Supreme Court Justice and Prosecutor at the Nuremberg War Trials.
Janos, Paul - Mayor of Tarrytown, NY (2000)
Johnson, Richard M. - American Vice President under Martin VanBuren
Jones, Anson - 5th President of the Republic of Texas
Jones, John Paul - Scottish born seaman, he became a naval hero and 'Father of the U. S. Navy'. He later commanded Russian naval ships in their war against the Ottoman empire.
Jones, Melvin - One of the founders of the Lions International, the international service organization.
Juarez, Benito - First Native-American President of Mexico, he reestablished republican government there.

Kalakaua, King David - Last monarch of the Hawaiian Kingdom
Keating, Kenneth B. - Congressman and Senator from New York, Ambassador to India and then Israel. He died in office in 1975.

Kemp, Jack - US Republican Congressman from New York, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, and Vice Presidential candidate with Mason Bob Dole
Key, Francis Scott - American lawyer and poet who wrote the lyrics which in 1931 became the United States' National Anthem
King, William - First Governor of Maine and first Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Maine, he held both offices simultaneously.
King, William Rufus - American Vice President, he died in office. His bust is in the Senate wing of the US Capitol.
Knox, Major General Henry - US Revolutionary War hero, he was the first Secretary of War under the U.S. Constitution. A Masonic lodge named in his honor was constituted on the gun deck of the USS Constitution ('Old Ironsides') in 1926. Knoxville, Tennessee and the famous "Fort Knox" were named in his honor.
Kresge, Sebastian S. - Founded S. S. Kresge, one of the great Five and Dime Stores. It's now known as K-Mart.

Lafayette, Marquis de - French soldier and politician, he took part in the American Revolution as a close supporter and friend of Brother George Washington.
Lake, Simon - Engineer who built the first submarine to operate successfully in open sea.
LaGuardia, Fiorello - American politician, the major airport in New York city is named in his honor.
Lamar, Joseph R. - US Supreme Court Justice
Lamar, Mirabeau B. - American politician and diplomat, he was the 2nd President of the Republic of Texas and later served as Minister to Nicaragua.
Land, Frank S. - In 1919, founded the Order of DeMolay, a fraternal organization for young men aged 12-21. Originally a group of fatherless boys, DeMolay quickly grew and was 'adopted' by Freemasonry in the United States. Today DeMolay is international in scope and millions of boys and men still refer to the founder of the Order as "Dad".
Lawrence, J. B. - Vice president of the Southern Baptist Convention and Secretary-Treasurer of the Home Mission Board for 30 years.
LeJeune, John A. - Major General, U.S. Marine Corps and 13th Commandant of the Marine Corps (1920-1949) he earned the proud title of "the greatest leatherneck of them all".
Livingston, Robert R. - American statesman and diplomat, he was a member of the Continental Congress, was on the committee which drew up the Declaration of Independence and was a co-negotiator for purchase of Louisiana Territory.
Lloyd, Harold C. - Entertainer and American silent film actor
Long, Odel Squier - Clerk of the Supreme Court of West Virginia for 30 years.
Lord, John Wesley - Bishop, United Methodist Church
Lott, Trent - US Senator from Mississippi and current (2001) Senator Majority Leader.
MacArthur, General Douglas - A former US Chief of Staff, he commanded the Allied Forces in the South Pacific during World War II. He promised the Filipino people "I shall return" to save them from the occupying Japanese Forces..
MacDonald, Sir John A. - The first Prime Minister of the Dominion of Canada (1867-1873 and 1878-1891 when he died in office). Began the creation of rail service across Canada.
MacLean, John B. - Founder of MacLeans Magazine.
Marsh, Daniel L. - (1880-196 Clergyman and Educator. President of Boston University, 1925-1952; Chancellor of Boston University, 1951-1968; The huge dome of Marsh Chapel named in his honor dominates the campus of Boston University on
Marsh, Henry - First Black Mayor of Richmond, Virginia (1977)
Marshall, George C. - American soldier, diplomat and politician. He served as Secretary of State from 1947-1949 and organized the European Recovery Plan most often referred to as the "Marshall Plan" for which he received the 1953 Nobel Peace Prize.
Marshall, John - A former Grand Master of his Grand Lodge (Virginia), he served as Chief Justice U.S. Supreme Court 1801 - 1835 and firmly established the judiciary branch of US government.
Marshall, Peter - Presbyterian pastor of churches in Georgia & Washington, DC, Chaplain of the US Senate.
Marshall, Thomas R. - 22nd Vice President of the United States.
Marshall, Thurgood - The first Black to be appointed to the Supreme Court of the United States
Mathews, Stanley - US Supreme Court Justice
McCall, Abner V. - President, Chancellor and President-Emeritus of Baylor University in Texas, he also served as the First Vice President of the Southern Baptist Convention (1979-80) and a long-time leader of the Organization of Baptist Colleges and Universities. He wrote "In thousands of meetings of Freemasons and of Baptists stretching back 60 years
McHenry, James - Was a surgeon in the American Revolution and private secretary to Generals Washington and Lafayette. Fort McHenry, Maryland, of "Star Spangled Banner" fame was named after this U.S. Secretary of War.
Mclellan, Archibald - Editor-in-Chief , The Christian Science Monitor.
Mellon, Andrew - Financier, public official, philanthropist; He helped found the Union Trust Company of Pittsburgh (189, the Gulf Oil Corporation (1895), the Pittsburgh Coal Company (1899), the Aluminum Company of America, and the company that built the Panama Canal locks. He served as Secretary of the Treasury under three presidents and stressed policies aimed at reducing the national debt.

Mesmer, Franz Anton - practiced Mesmerism, the precursor of hypnosis in modern psychotherapy.
Mfume, Kweisi - U. S. Congressman and President and CEO of the NAACP.
Minton, Sherman - US Senator and Supreme Court Justice from 1949-1956.
Moody, William H. - Supreme Court Justice
Moore, David - Well known Baptist pastor in Southeastern New Mexico until his death in 1992 at the age of 103.
Morris, Rob - Lawyer, educator, 'Poet Laureate of Masonry', and founder of the Order of the Eastern Star.
Murrow, Joseph Samuel - Southern Baptist Home Missionary - and the 'Founder of Freemasonry in Oklahoma', he is said to have established more than 100 churches.

Nelson, Samuel - Supreme Court Justice
New, Harry S. - Postmaster General of the United States who established Airmail
Newman, Robert - Revolutionary War Patriot. He was the Sexton of Christ Church (Old North), Boston, when lanterns were hung for Paul Revere. He served as Grand Tyler for the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts.
Newton, Joseph Fort - Christian Minister and Masonic Author
Newton, Louie D. - President of the Southern Baptist Convention; Vice President of the Baptist World Alliance; served 27 years on the SBC Executive Committee.
Nunn, Sam - Respected former U.S. Senator from Georgia. For seven years, he Chaired the Armed Services Committee.

Peale, Rev. Norman Vincent - American cleric, founder of "Guidepost", and known for his famous book, "The Power of Positive Thinking"
Pepper, Claude - US Senator from Florida, he was an active supporter of rights for senior citizens and when he died in 1989 was the oldest man ever to serve in Congress (an honor presently held by Bro. Strom Thurmond).
Pike, Albert - Pioneer, explorer, Confederate General, he re-wrote the rituals of the US Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite Bodies.
Pitney, Mahlon - US Congressman and later Supreme Court Justice
Poinsett, Joel R. - First U.S. Ambassador to Mexico and an amateur botanist who developed the flower: Poinsettia.
Polk, James Knox - Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Governor of Tennessee and eleventh President of the U.S.
.Quezon, Manuel L. - First President of the Philippine Senate, first Commonwealth of the Philippines and first Grand Master of Philippine Freemasonry.
Quitman, John Anthony - Legislator, Governor or Mississippi and US Congressman, he served as Grand Master of Masons

Rangel, Charles - U.S. Democratic Congressman from New York
Reed, Stanley F. - US Supreme Court Justice (1938-1957)
Revere, Paul - American silversmith, engraver and Revolutionary hero

Richardson, Elliott - Decorated soldier (Bronze Star & 2 Purple Hearts), he held many top governmental posts. As Attorney General of the United States, he resigned in what became known as the 'Saturday Night Massacre' rather than carry out President Richard Nixon's orders to fire Watergate Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox who had been investigating White House wrongdoings.
Ridgeway, General Matthew B. - US Army Chief of Staff.
Roemer, Buddy (Charles E.) - Louisiana Governor 1988-1992.

Roosevelt, Theodore - Hero of the Spanish-American War, Governor of New York, Vice President and when President (and Mason) William McKinley was assassinated, he became the 26th President of the United States. Winner of the Nobel peace prize.
Ross, Edmund G. - United States Senator who cast the one impartial vote of "Not Guilty" thus saving President (and Brother) Andrew Johnson from impeachment and preserving the American system of Constitutional government.
Rusk, John W. - Gained national prominence as "Uncle Sam", he was a regular fixture in any event involving the Nation's Capitol in his striped pants, top hat and stilts.
Russell, Richard B. - US Senator and member of the "Warren Commission" investigating the assassination of President Kennedy.
Rutledge, Wiley B. - Supreme Court Justice (1943-1949).

Saltonstall, Leverett - Three term Governor of Massachusetts and US Senator for 21 years.
Sayers, Joseph Drayton "JD" gravestone.gif (67 bytes)- Methodist Layman, Adjutant General of the Confederate Army, US Congressman and Governor of Texas
Schaefer, Julius Earl - Founded the company which later became Boeing's Wichita plant and oversaw production of large volumes of aircraft during World War II
Schumer, Charles E. - U.S. Congressman from Brooklyn, NY
Sciubba, Elvio - Chief Controller, Italian Treasury Department.
Sexson, William Mark - Ordained Minister and, in 1922, founded the Order of Rainbow for Girls
Sheffield, James E. - First Black Circuit Court Judge appointed in the City of Richmond, Virginia
Simcoe, John Graves - Hero of the Revolutionary War, Founder of Ontario and Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada, Canadians annually celebrate Simcoe Day in August.
Simmons, Robert - U. S. House of Representatives 2000. Formerly Connecticut State Representative.
Smith, Joseph - Founder of the Mormon Church. We have a page about Mormonism and Freemasonry right here.
Smith, John Stafford - Composer, and musical scholar, born in England. He wrote vocal music, and the tune of "The Star-spangled Banner', the US National Anthem.
Soboleff, Walter A., Rev. - Tlinglit American Indian, Presbyterian Minister, spiritual, business and community leader in Juneau, Alaska
Spruill, Lionell - Presently a Member of the Virginia House of Delegates. Served as Grand Master for the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Virginia 1994-1996.
Stassen, Harold E. - Governor of Minnesota (the youngest governor ever elected at the time), he held many positions in government including service in Eisenhower's cabinet.
Stennis, John - United States Senator from Mississippi from 1947 to 1988. He was replaced in this office by another Mason, Trent Lott.
Stephens, William D. - Mayor of Los Angeles, Congressman and Governor of California 1917-1927.
Stewart, Potter - Supreme Court Associate Justice (1959-1981)
Swayne, Noah H. - Supreme Court Justice
Symington, Stuart - First Secretary of the U.S. Air Force, he was approved for nomination for high office by the Senate six times without a dissenting vote. He later served as Senator from Missouri.

Taft, William Howard - Civil governor of the Philippines, Secretary of War, Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court and twenty-seventh President of the U.S.
Thayer, Sylvanus - Father of the U. S. Military Academy - West Point
Thomas, Danny - Entertainer / Founder of St. Jude's Children's Hospital.

Thurmond, J. M. - Mayor of Dallas, Texas 1879-1880.
Thurmond, Strom - The longest-serving United States Senator
Todd, Thomas - Supreme Court Justice (1807-1826)
Tompkins, Daniel D. - Vice President of the United States, his bust is in the Senate wing of the U.S. Capitol.
Trachtenberg, Stephen J. - President, The George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
Trimble, Robert - Supreme Court Justice

Truett, George W. - Pastor of the First Baptist Church, Dallas (1897-1944); President of the Southern Baptist Convention; President of the Baptist World Alliance.
Vinson, Frederick M. - American Jurist who served as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court from 1946-1953.

Wallace, Governor George C. - Alabama governor and US Presidential Candidate who was nearly assassinated and spent his remaining years in a wheel chair and in constant pain.

Ward, Rev. John - First of the Episcopalian faith to enter Missouri and organize his people.
Warner, Jack - One of the brothers who created the American motion-picture production company known as Warner Brothers.

Warren, Earl - Succeeding another Mason (Frederick Vinson), Warren served as Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court from 1953 to 1974 and led in sweeping changes in civil rights and criminal law.
Washington, George - As General of the Armies of the colonies, he led the revolution
Webb, James E. - NASA Administrator.
Webb, Wellington - Mayor of Denver, Colorado.
Wentworth, Benning - Colonial Governor of New Hampshire; Portsmouth NH merchant; gave 500 acres of land to Dartmouth College; Bennington, Vermont is named in his honor.
Wesberry, James P. - Pastor of the Morningside Baptist Church of Atlanta, Georgia for 31 years; Recording Secretary of the Georgia Baptist Convention for 20 years. Died in 1992.
Wescott, Joseph H. - Former Deputy Commissioner, Pennsylvania State Police (retired 2000).
White, William - President of Baylor University 1948-1961; Executive Secretary and later President of the Baptist General Convention of Texas.
Wilder, Lawrence Douglass - First elected Black Governor in the US from the State of Virginia.
Williams, Jonathan - Colonel, United States Army; he was the first Superintendent of the United States Military Academy, West Point, New York.
Wilson, Robert - Member of the Texas Republic Senate during the 1830s and twice candidate for President of the Republic of Texas.
Woodbury, Levi - Governor of New Hampshire, US Senator, Secretary of the Navy, Secretary of the Treasury and Supreme Court Justice. Woodbury County Iowa is named for him.
Woods, William B. - American jurist who served as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court from 1880-1887.
Wootton, Percy, M.D. - President, American Medical Association (1997)
Young, Brigham - Founded the Mormon Church in Utah
Young, Andrew - Former United Nation's Ambassador and Mayor of Atlanta, Georgia

Zanuck, Darryl F. - Co-founder of 20th Century Productions in 1933, his movie productions made him a legend. The memorial by his family notes his Masonic affiliation above all other accomplishments!

Presidents of the United States

George Washington, 1st President, 1789 - 1797, Commanding General during American Revolution, made a Mason August 4, 1753, in Fredericksburg Lodge (now No. 4), A. F. & A. M., Fredericksburg, Virginia.
James Monroe, 5th President, 1817 - 1825, made a Mason November 9, 1775, in Williamsburg Lodge (now No. 6), A.F. & A.M., Williamsburg, Virginia.
Andrew Jackson, 7th President, 1829 - 1837 Harmony Lodge No. 1, Nashville, Tennessee, an Honorary Member of Federal Lodge No. 1, F. & A.M., Washington, D.C., and Jackson Lodge No. 1, F. & A.M., Tallahassee, Florida. In 1822 and 1823 he served as the Grand Master of Masons in Tennessee.
James Knox Polk, 11th President, 1845 - 1849, made a Mason September 4, 1820, in Columbia Lodge No. 31, F. & A.M., Columbia, Tennessee.
James Buchanan, 15th President, 1857 - 1861, made a Mason January 24, 1817, in Lodge No. 43 (it has no name), F. & A.M., Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Andrew Johnson, 17th President, 1865 - 1869, made a Mason during May, 1851, in Greeneville Lodge No. 119 (now No. 3), F. & A.M., Greeneville, Tennessee.
James Abram Garfield, 20th President. 1881, made a Mason November 22, 1864, in Columbus Lodge No. 30 F. & A.M., Columbus, Ohio.
William McKinley, 25th President, 1897 - 1901, made a Mason May 3, 1865, in Hiram Lodge No. 21, A.F. & A.M., Winchester, Virginia.
Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President, 1901 - 1909, made a Mason April 24, 1901, in Matinecock Lodge No. 806, F. & A.M., Oyster Bay, New York.
William Howard Taft, 27th President, 1909 - 1913 - Chief Justice Supreme Court 1921 - 1930, made a "Mason at Sight" in an "Occassional Lodge" called for that purpose on February 18, 1909, in the Scottish Rite Cathedral, Cincinnati, Ohio, by Charles S. Hoskinson, Grand Master of Masons in Ohio.
Warren Gamaliel Harding, 29th President, 1921 - 1923, made a Mason August 27, 1920, in Marion Lodge No. 70, F. & A.M., Marion, Ohio.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32nd President, 1933 - 1945, made a Mason November 28, 1911, in Holland Lodge No. 8, F. & A.M., New York, New York, the same Lodge in which George Washington, the Nation's first President, held Honorary membership.
Harry S. Truman, 33rd President, 1945 - 1951, made a Mason March 18, 1909, in Belton Lodge No. 450, A.F. & A.M., Belton, Missouri. He served as the Grand Master of Masons of Missouri in 1940. Initiated: February 9, 1909, Belton Lodge No. 450, Belton, Missouri.
In 1911, several Members of Belton Lodge separated to establish Grandview Lodge No. 618, Grandview, Missouri, and Brother Truman served as its first Worshipful Master. President Truman was made a Sovereign Grand Inspector General, 33º, and Honorary Member, Supreme Council on October 19,1945 at the Supreme Council A.A.S.R. Southern Jurisdiction Headquarters in Washington D.C.

Gerald R. Ford, Jr. 38th President, 1974 - 1977. He was raised to the Sublime degree of Master Mason on May 18, 1951 in Columbia Lodge No. 3, F. &.A.M., of Washington, D.C., as a courtesy for Malta Lodge No. 465, F. & A.M. of Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Lyndon Baines Johnson 1908-1973. 36th President, 1963 - 1969. Entered Apprentice degree Johnson City Lodge No. 561, Johnson City, Texas October 30, 1937. Did not advance.

Sub Organizations of the Masons

Order of the Knights Templar (satanists)

the Ordo Templi Orientis (satanists)

the Shriners (mason)

Knights of Malta (mason),

Blue Lodge (master masons)

Daughters of the Nile (mason)

Order of the Amaranth (mason)

Royal Order of Scotland (mason)

GROTTO (mason)


Order of the Eastern Star (women's masons)

Rainbows (girls masons)

The International Order of Job's Daughters (mason)

International Order of DeMolay (mason boys)

Secret order of the Skull and Bones (Yale University Elite Masons (see members list enclose)

Mormon Church (Latter day Saints)

Jehovah Witnesses (stemming from the Mormon Church)

Then there is the Catholic Church and the run off churches from this.

„Die bewusste und intelligente Manipulation der organisierten Gewohnheiten und Meinungen der Massen ist ein wichtiges Element in der demokratischen Gesellschaft. Wer die ungesehenen Gesellschaftsmechanismen manipuliert, bildet eine unsichtbare Regierung, welche die wahre Herrschermacht unseres Landes ist. Wir werden regiert, unser Verstand geformt, unsere Geschmäcker gebildet, unsere Ideen größtenteils von Männern suggeriert, von denen wir nie gehört haben. Dies ist ein logisches Ergebnis der Art wie unsere demokratische Gesellschaft organisiert ist. Große Menschenzahlen müssen auf diese Weise kooperieren, wenn sie in einer ausgeglichen funktionierenden Gesellschaft zusammenleben sollen. In beinahe jeder Handlung unseres Lebens, ob in der Sphäre der Politik oder bei Geschäften, in unserem sozialen Verhalten und unserem ethischen Denken werden wir durch eine relativ geringe Zahl an Personen dominiert, welche die mentalen Prozesse und Verhaltensmuster der Massen verstehen. Sie sind es, die die Fäden ziehen, welche das öffentliche Denken kontrollieren.“
Edward L. Bernays (* 1891 † 1995) „Vater der Public Relations“, Auszug aus dem ersten Kapitel „Organising Chaos“ des Buches Propaganda.

"Es bedarf heutzutage eines mutigen Mannes,um furchtlos die Wahrheit zu sprechen, denn selbst das bedeutet persönliches Risiko und Kosten. Das Gesetz verbietet es nämlich, die Wahrheit zu sagen, außer unter Zwang, bei Gericht und unter Strafandrohung wegen Meineids. Wurden öffentlich und gedruckt Lügen über dich erzählt, bist du machtlos, um deinem Ehrabschneider den Mund zu stopfen, außer du bist wohlhabend; nenne Tatsachen, und du wirst ein Verleumder; hüte deine Zunge bei einer Ungerechtigkeit, die in deiner Gegenwart begangen wird und deine Freunde werden dich als ihresgleichen ansehen - als ihren Verbündeten. Seine ehrliche Meinung zu äußern ist unmöglich geworden in diesem, unseren Zyklus."
- Helena Blavatsky: Collected Writings, XI:188

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bundesweite Werbung für infokrieg.tv auf Euren lustigen Seiten, die, wenn sie auch in Ihren Aussagen und Behauptungen grenzdebil anmuten und unhaltbar sind, jeden Tag viele Leser zu uns bringen!!!
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Alt 13.11.2006, 13:47
AlexBenesch AlexBenesch ist offline
Registriert seit: 12.06.2006
Beiträge: 999

Im Zuge der durch die BILD-Springer-Presse aufgeblasenen Hysterie um die Schädel-Fotos der Bundeswehr möchte ich hier nochmal anführen dass in dem Einführungsritual eines höheren Freimaurergrades im schottischen Ritus der Betreffende Bruder Wein aus einem abgesägten Menschenschädelstück trinken muss.

Über das Skull-and-Bones-Gebäude muss ich wohl kein Wort mehr verlieren.

Springer-Chef Döpfner ist ja Bilderberger also sollte das für ihn keine Neuigkeit sein....
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