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Alt 12.06.2009, 14:15
Gebo86 Gebo86 ist offline
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Das Lied im obigen Post ist ja hammer... Nice, da musst ich den Dopwalka doch gleich bei myspace adden.. Dort kann man auch das Album "Fernweh" für lau runterladen...

Hab hier auch was musikalisches, aber auf Englisch...

1.) Megadeth - United Abominations


Within striking distance from Ground Zero sits a smoldering
International cauldron, the "United Abominations" as it were
Born to prevent wars, it froze in the face of disaster and
Stood silent while terrorization took hostage the world
In a mire of hypocrisy, the UN ignores sex crimes by its
"blue-helmets", and enables terrorism; so in the end it's failed
And the UN is where our so-called "friends" get to stab us
In the back and we pay 22% of their tab to host our enemies here at home.
Ambassadors from countries otherwise known
As a catastrophe, enjoy diplomatic immunity living in
Manhattan, while their children are turned into prostitutes
It's a complete and utter disgrace, a blot on the face of Humanity, and they get away with it.

Poverty in their kitchens, held hostage by oil-for-food
Yet their own plates are full off the fats of their lands
There's no blood on their hands, right Kojo?
They promised to tell the truth without leaving a fingerprint
They will lose the UN one way or another
The victim, I fear will be us, sisters and brothers

The UN is right; you can't be any more "un"
Than you are right now, the UN is undone
Another mushroom cloud, another smoking gun
The threat is real, the Locust King has come
Don't tell me the truth; I don't like what they've done
Its payback time at the United Abominations

A grave and gathering danger, the decision to attack
Based on secret intelligence it'll take years
I fear to undo the failings in Iraq, Iran and Korea
You may bury the bodies, but you can't bury the crimes
Only fools stand up and really lay down their arms
No, not me, not when death lasts forever

The UN is right; you can't be any more "un"
Than you are right now, the UN is undone
Another mushroom cloud, another smoking gun
The threat is real, the Locust King has come
Don't tell me the truth; I don't like what they've done
Its payback time

Man: The U.N. writes resolution upon resolution
We really need a new world order.
Woman: There is no such order. I don't believe it.
I don't even listen to the talk of this new world order.
Man: They'll never do anything.

The UN is right; you can't be any more "un"
Than you are right now, the UN is undone
Another mushroom cloud, another smoking gun
The threat is real, the Locust King has come

The UN is right; you can't be any more "un"
Than you are right now, the UN is undone
Another mushroom cloud, another smoking gun
The threat is real, the Locust King has come
Don't tell me the truth; I don't like what they've done
Its payback time at the United Abominations

NATO invaded Yugoslavia to end ethnic cleansing
There was no UN
The US invaded Afghanistan after 9/11
There was no UN
Saddam Hussein violated 17 UN resolutions
The UN was
Asked to join the war in Iraq; US invaded
There was no UN
Libya bombed a discotheque in Berlin killing Americans
There was no UN
And Iran funds Hamas and attacked the US in the seventies
There was no UN
Facing War without end, looking into the future
There was no more UN

2.) Megadeth - Washington Is Next! (Live 2007)


The quiet war has begun with silent weapons
And the new slavery is to keep the people
Poor and stupid, "Novus Ordo Seclorum"

How can there be any logic in biological war?
We all know this is wrong, but the New World Order's
Beating down the door, oh something needs to be done

There was a King (evil king) who dreamt the wickeness of dreams
An ancient mystery no prohet could interpret
Of seven years of famine, the wolf is at my door
As predicted years ago, that that was, that is, that is no more

The word predicts the future and tells the truth about the past
Of how the world leaders will hail new Pharao
The Eighth False King to the Throne, Washington is Next!

Disengage their minds, sabotage their health
Promote sex, and war, and violence in the kindergartens
Blame the parents and teachers; it's their fault, "Annuit Coeptis"
Attack the church dynamic, attack the family
Keep the public undisciplined till nothing left is sacred and
The "have-nots" get hooked and have to go to the "haves" just to cop a fix

I am the King (evil king) who dreams the wickedest of dreams
An ancient mystery nobody could interpret
Of seven empires falling, the wolf is at my door
As predicted years ago, that that was, that is, that is no more

The word predicts my future and tells the truth about my past
Of how the world leaders are waiting to usher in
The Eighth World Power of modern Rome, Washington is Next!

There was a King (evil king) who dreamt the wickedest of dreams
An ancient mystery no prophet could interpret
Of seven empires falling, the wolf is at the door
As predicted years ago, that that was, that is, that is no more

I am a King and I dream the wickedest dreams
And nobody could interpret
Seven empires falling, the wolf is at my door
Oh, that that was, that is, that is no more

There's something at my door
Some ancient mystery
The future tells the truth about the past
I'm the Eighth False King to the throne
I've got you in my crosshairs, now, ain't that a bitch?

Washington, you're next!

Geändert von Gebo86 (12.06.2009 um 14:40 Uhr)
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Alt 12.06.2009, 16:40
Zischke Zischke ist offline
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Niemals aufgeben! No pain, no gain!Angst ist lecker!

"Die Wahrheit ist keine Hure,die sich Denen an den Hals wirft,welche ihrer nicht begehren:
vielmehr ist sie eine so spröde Schöne, dass selbst wer ihr Alles opfert noch nicht ihrer Gunst
gewiss sein darf."
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Alt 12.06.2009, 19:51
maik2008 maik2008 ist offline
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Alt 12.06.2009, 23:32
Devilslayer Devilslayer ist offline
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ich crossposte ma... kuckts euch an. reptoiden inkl. untergrundbasen, entführte kinder, etc., und das mit 80er pop musik! gehts noch besser?
kranker scheiss. david icke würd nen orgasmus kriegen.
Killing time, watching signs,
I'm waiting
On the other side of dark, I've seen the world come tumbling down
So I've come here to make you shaking
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Alt 13.06.2009, 11:18
Impertinenzia Impertinenzia ist offline
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SAXON Dallas 1 pm

RIO REISER Menschenfressser

KNORKATOR Wir werden...


GÖTZ WILDMANN- Politiker beim Ficken
http://www.youtube.com/watch? gl=DE&...eature=related

HEINZ RUDOLF kUNZE Medienboykott mal anders
Glückliche Sklaven sind die ärgsten Feinde der Freiheit

Geändert von Impertinenzia (13.06.2009 um 11:41 Uhr) Grund: Link verwechselt
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Alt 13.06.2009, 18:22
Gebo86 Gebo86 ist offline
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Guckt mal alle bitte hier. Hab in der wende zum Neujahr nen Video zusammengeschnitten und joa mal weiterschauen was das bringen wird. Das ist auch auf der myspace seite der band megaherz gelandet und auchso hat der Sänger Lex, nach dem das Video einige Zeit online war mich angeschrieben. Es kam also eine stets prositive Antwort von der Band darauf zurück.

Have phun by watching this vid !


MySpace: www.myspace.com/megaherz

PS: Cool das oben auch Knorkator verlinkt wurden.. jaja, bald ist es soweit, vielleicht beim Zähne putzen...^^
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Alt 14.06.2009, 09:02
Impertinenzia Impertinenzia ist offline
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Einen hätt´ich noch :
EAT THE RICH ( Motörhead )
They say music is the food of love,
Let's see if you are hungry enough,
Take a bite, take another, just like a good boy would,
Get a sweet thing on the side,
Home cooking, homicide,
Side order, could be your daughter,
Fingerlicking good
Come on baby, eat the rich,
Put the bite on the son of a bitch,
Don't mess around, don't give me no switch,
C'mon baby eat the rich
C'mon baby eat the rich
Sittin' here in a restaurant,
Tell the waiter just what you want
Is that the meat, you wanted to eat,
How would you ever know?
Hash browns an' bacon strips,
I love the way that you lick your lips,
No fooling, I can see you drooling,
Feel the hunger grow
Eat up, eat you, eat me,
Eat two, get one free
Shetland pony, extra pepperoni
Just pick up the phone,
Eat greek, or eat chinese,
Eat salad, or scarf up grease
You're on the shelf, maybe eat yourself,
Come on, bite my bone
Glückliche Sklaven sind die ärgsten Feinde der Freiheit
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Alt 17.06.2009, 23:43
Morestradamuz Morestradamuz ist offline
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Am 01.07.2009 kommt der Sampler der Wahrheitsbewegung..
"Die Kritische Masse"

..und seit heute ist das Video zum Intro online...


spread the message

Geändert von Morestradamuz (18.06.2009 um 01:27 Uhr)
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Alt 18.06.2009, 01:27
Frank Drebin Frank Drebin ist offline
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Zitat von Morestradamuz Beitrag anzeigen
Am 01.07.2009 kommt der Sampler der Wahrheitsbewegung..
"Die Kritische Masse"

..und seit heute ist das Video zum Intro online...


spread the message
"Dieses Video wurde vom Nutzer entfernt."
wirklich schon wieder selbst gelöscht oder hat Youtube die neue High-Speed-Zensur eingeführt?

EDIT: hmm - scheint doch zu gehen... aber nur wenn man den Text des Links kopiert - einfach draufklicken funzt bei mir jedenfalls nicht...
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Alt 18.06.2009, 14:08
Morestradamuz Morestradamuz ist offline
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..ja ich hab den alten link gelöscht und schon den neuen reingestellt.

bei dem ersten video gab es noch minimale änderungswünsche von seiten zeitgeist-revolution. deswegen habe ich das alte video gelöscht und das neue hochgestellt..

jetzt dürfte aber alles passen..

Watch It!!
Wake Up!!!

Spread the message...
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