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24.06.2009, 22:05
Registriert seit: 09.11.2008
Ort: Feucht
Beiträge: 249
Nanosilber, Food Freedom E-Journal, Selbstversorgung
Nano Silver is the Swiss Army Knife of Your Home Health Care(TM). And just as the US Government is trying to make Swiss Army and other pocket knives illegal (!), they don't really, really don't want you to have access to Nano Silver. For now, however, we pushed them back with the size and intensity of our protest. We imagine that the EPA did not quite expect what it got and right now it has decided to "study" the matter with grants to be awarded next month and a two year study period. So right now, you can still obtain the nano silver you need to be prepared for infections or pandemics, real or manufactured, whether naturally occurring or weaponized, here: www.nutronix.com/naturalsolutions. The FDA has made it forbidden speech (First Amendment? has anyone seen the First Amendment) to say that anything at all except vaccines and drugs can treat, mitigate, prevent or even, dare I say it, relieve symptoms of, Swine Flu. So, in order to not have the manufacturers or distributors invaded by FDA thugs with axes and rifles (literally, folks - welcome to Brown Shirt America!), we are NOT saying that Nano silver will reat, mitigate, prevent or even, dare I say it, relieve symptoms of, Swine Flu. Nope! We are saying that Nano silver, which has been proven to be effective against all of the pathogens against which it has been tested, which includes weaponized ones, kills viruses, any viruses, at least so far, which it comes into contact with. We are saying that it has no known toxicity. We are saying that it appears to have an unlimited shelf life and can safely be given to anyone who meets two characteristics: 1. They are breathing 2. Their heart is still beating. That's the screening test, folks. And the patient does not have to be human: dogs, cats, horses, cows, pigs (both flying and non air-born) can safely consume weight-adjusted doses orally, on their skin or in any other fashion you choose. Can you see clearly why FDA wants this off the shelves and out of your hands? EPA is just doing FDA's dirty work. You don't have to let them frighten you. No one turns blue except, possibly the antibiotic and antiviral manufacturers who are losing market share with every bottle sold.
Sounds like a good deal to me. We Want You To Know How To Grow Your Own Food! "Solutions" - It's Our Middle Name Helping you to have the tools to make sure that you have clean, unadulterated food and herbs is part of our work. So we have created a unique ePublication, The FOOD Freedom eJournal. "FOOD" is an acryonym for "Food On Our Doorsteps", which is just where you need it: close by, easy to access and easy to grow in a tiny space.
We call that way of producing food "Intensive Urban Agriculture" and we want to share what we know with you.
Here's our free First Issue of the eJournal where you will find several hours of videos:
103.5 minutes of free
Intensive Urban Agriculture Training Chapter One: Intensive Urban, Raised Bed, "Square Foot" Gardening 44 minutes
Chapter Two: Meet the Chickens 8.5 minutes
Chapter Three: Dr. Rima Makes Her Rounds 32 minutes
Chapter Four: Lessons from the Sun, the Earth and the Rain 19 minutes
You can find our new FOOD Freedom eJournal at: Whew! You can see from what you've been reading that the Natural Solutions Foundation is working hard on many fronts to protect your health and your health freedom. We, together, ARE the netroots of health freedom. We need you to ride your Freedom Mouse hard, ask your friends to do the same and we need your support.
The battle is joined: WHO/UN/Codex/Big Pharma have, in my estimation, declared out and out war on us, the "Useless Eaters" of the earth. They want us sick, controllable and, ultimately, out of their way and in our graves.
We, of course, want our freedom and our health. By taking action and staying strong in every way, we will prevail. The battle is a life-and-death struggle and we want life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness AND health.
We want it all. And we can have it!
Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Glücklich leben und naturgemäß leben ist eins.
25.06.2009, 00:54
Registriert seit: 22.03.2009
Ort: Rheinland Pfalz
Beiträge: 38
Codex Alimentarius
Gibts zufällig auch was in deutscher Sprache ? Bitte, bitte...
Mein Englisch ist miserabel.
25.06.2009, 20:32
Registriert seit: 09.11.2008
Ort: Feucht
Beiträge: 249
Uebersetzen von NSF-Artikel
Rima will einen Uebersetzer auftreiben.
Wenn sonst jemand Interesse hat, gerne!
Glücklich leben und naturgemäß leben ist eins.
25.06.2009, 21:24
Registriert seit: 26.03.2008
Ort: NRW
Beiträge: 2.660
Zitat von Sonmartini
Rima will einen Uebersetzer auftreiben.
Wenn sonst jemand Interesse hat, gerne!
Du schriebst mir - ihr habt genug?!
26.06.2009, 19:46
Registriert seit: 09.11.2008
Ort: Feucht
Beiträge: 249
Du schriebst mir - ihr habt genug?!
Wir haben auch genug Leute, die Kritik an der NSF fuer Rima ins englische uebersetzen, damit sie antworten kann, aber nicht genug Leute, die den newsletter regelmaessig uebersetzen.
War ein Missverstaendnis.
Gruesse, Sonja
Glücklich leben und naturgemäß leben ist eins.
04.07.2009, 23:55
Registriert seit: 09.11.2008
Ort: Feucht
Beiträge: 249
Bericht der NSF vom ersten Tag des Codextreffens
We’re here in Rome at the Codex Alimentarius Commission annual session. This report covers the first day of the meeting.
Ractopamine is a beta agonist, a drug which causes profound changes in the animal which consumes it, or the human which consumes the animal which consumes Ractopamine. As a physician (trained in nutritional medicine and environmental medicine as well) I am, of course, deeply concerned with the nutritional value of food and its toxic components. I know that toxic compounds (including drugs like Ractopamine) may be more toxic AFTER the liver has had a go at them than before. These compounds, called “metabolytes” have a toxic profile all thier own and, in the case of Ractopamine, have not been studied after their passage through animal livers, into their tissues and then into us when we consume their tissues [meat]. That is apparently of not much concern to Codex, despite the fact that their first mandate, posted on their website, www.CodexAlimentarius.net, is the protection of the health of consumers.
For the first time in history, Codex Alimentarius, the “World Food Code” is on the verge of approving a drug, and a dangerous one at that, which has no other function in pigs or cattle than to cause them to swell and get fat. Swollen, they come to market weight sooner, reducing the cost of raising them by fewer days of feed and housing costs.
JECFA, the Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives, says that Ractopamine is perfectly fine to give to pigs and other animals and, hence, to people. Of course, the break down products of this pharmaceutical poison (and ALL drugs poison enzyme systems so it is, quite literally, one poison among many) either in pig tissue or in people eating that tissue (AKA “meat”) have yet to be studied.
China is the world’s largest consumer of pig meat. Not surprisingly, it is also the world’s largest producer of pig meat. At last year’s 31st Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) in Geneva, we reported that China was very upset by the pending approval of Ractopamine and said so, quite unusually for the Chinese, in no uncertain terms (after all, this time, it was their ox, er, pig, which was being gored). They were, quite literally, smacked down by the Chairman, Dr. Claude Moshe, who said that if they had concerns, they had failed to present them at the relevant committee meeting so their voice was now of no consequence on the matter.
The Chinese Delegate, in what sounded to me like fiery fury (astounding at Codex, and doubly so from the Chinese) responded, out of turn, if I recall, that the Chinese Delegation to the meeting on the topic in the US had been denied its necessary visas by the host country, which just happened to be the US, which just happens to be the second largest pig meat producer in the world and which just happens to permit Ractopamine. And, if I forgot to mention it, the US just happens to be the home of Monsanto, which just happens to be the owner of the world-wide patent on the [Ractopamine-doused] pig and every other modified pig in the world.
The anger of the Chinese Delegate apparently spurred Brazil, ordinarily one of the US’s most docile toxic ducklings, to make the point that the legitimacy of Codex was highly questionable because of this sort of disregard for both science and sense while Iran made the point that small countries have an enormous difficulty participating in the many, complex and intertwining meetings which lead to decisions in which they are disenfranchised and which thus lack legitimacy.
China, not a small country, of course, is also selectively disenfranchised… when it suits the Powers That Believe, they are the Powers That Be. While we would not presume to compare the Natural Solutions Foundation to the mighty empire of China, none the less, we, too, are selectively isolated by Codex. Click below to read the email which we just sent to the Codex Chair and Commission about the fact that we, alone of all observers, have been relegated to an un-airconditioned, uncomfortable 4th floor gallery for “lack of room” for Public Observers.
Open Letter to Codex Chairwoman: http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=3005
Here is the Gallery in which we are confined -
And here is the seating area in the main hall in which there is “no room” for the Natural Solutions Foundation.
Back to the pigs.
The new CAC Chairwoman, Dr. Karen Hulebeck, works for the Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS) of the USDA. FSIS is the home of the US Codex Contact Point. Like the US President, CAC Chairs are selected, then elected. Dr. Hulebeck is smart, forceful, savvy and nobody’s fool. She is completely in control of the Codex meeting, or believes that she is.
Yesterday, in the opening sessions of this year’s CAC, she welcomed the delegates and observers (apparently, not the only Public Observers, us, who had come to the meeting, though, since we were relegated to our hot and guarded gallery and were not given invitations to the OPEN reception held after the meeting yesterday… but not to worry, delegates are seeking us out) and introduced the welcoming remarks of the newest member of Codex, Djibuti - whose Trade Minister noted that the reason that he was there was that Codex dealt with trade - the Codex Secretariat and WHO and FAO folks.
I was delighted to note that the Natural Solutions Foundation was mentioned in the welcoming speech given by the Codex Secretariat, the organization which runs the technical and procedural details of the Codex meetings. On previous occasions we have been specifically mentioned from the Podium (sometimes in a clear breech of protocol, but that happens when your impact is unexpected and difficult to deal with) by the Chair (CAC, Geneva, 2006) and, given the “guarded” response that we get when we arrive, we are by no means unknown.
This time, however, we were not mentioned by name. Here is the direct quote from that ‘welcoming’ speech. See if you agree with me that we are the subject of this quote:
“… In addition, Codex is being challenged in the public domain in a court of public opinion that did not exist when it was founded in 1963. Science and prevention are hard sells. In today’s multimedia world, with YouTube and online blogs, Codex has new challenges from self-serving interest groups [yes- that would be us healthy eaters! - REL] that have tapped the online public to their advantage, taking the challenge of Codex well beyond the scientific debate. In answer to this, Codex has produced a series of public awareness and communication products in order to make sure that the real picture of the crucial role of Codex - what it is and what it does - reaches the public. Codex videos are now online and the new Codex website will further increase the transparency of the Codex process….” CAC/32INF/11
The Natural Solutions Foundation is Health Freedom’s New Media; we are Global Health Freedom. It would appear that we have pushed Codex into the world of new media, as well.
Back to the pigs: After numerous countries, starting with China, stated their strong dissent to the use of Ractopamine, stated their concerns and challenged both the science and the procedure by which the use of Ractopamine had come to be on the agenda today for world-wide approval.
Country after country raised grave concerns, the Chairwoman appeared frantic to get the Ractopamine standard approved but was facing major opposition.
I am writing this to you in real time. The Chairwoman is doing her level best to make sure that the comments against Ractopamine are both brief and limited. The Chair finally acknowledged the fact that consensus has not been reached. None the less, she wants to “hold Ractopamine at Step 8, the approval step. Once something reaches Step 8, it has been approved. There is actually no definition of what “Holding something at Step 8″ so in this highly rule-bound environment, where everything is detailed and spelled out in obsessive detail, the Chairwoman, who has already acknowledged that she works for the USDA, which never met a drug for animals it did not like (just like the FDA), but that, whatever it means, is what she wants to do with a substance which has no reason to be fed to animals except for profit.
But, she says, that is not enough. Since there is no real meaning to holding something at Step 8, she suggests new work be taken on to “advise guidance” to tell the Commission what it means to “hold at Step 8″ to the Committee on General Principles” including a “full and complete discussion of all the issues which are blocking consensus”, that a time line be developed for working through those issues and that a deadline be established. Chairwoman Hulebek says, “I have a further suggestion: that the work be undertaken without prejudice to those items which are still under development which means that during the time that the guidance is developed, the issues of any one of those draft standards can be worked through so that it seems to knowledgeable parties that consensus can be developed, that the issues can be brought to this body at any time. I suggest that the development be done very carefully but very rapidly.” and then she asks: “Can I have the sense of this Commission on this proposal?”
I sat here shaking my head, as did General Bert. We looked at each other, shaking our heads and asking “Huh? What did she say?” Canada, perfectly happy, like the US, to dose animals with needless toxic chemicals to get them to market weight faster, regardless of toxicity, noted that any expressions of concern were about the science and that all of those expressions of concern were about pig meat (since China spoke about their research showing toxicity in pigs fed the drug), “so we recommend that the MRLs [Maximum Residue Levels) be adopted with regard to cattle since no mention was made of those levels.” Not exactly Canadian bacon! Instead, eat your beef with Ractopamine and don’t ask any questions. Good for you? Not at all. Good for the company that makes it? Sure! Good for the factory “farms”? Sure. OK with Codex? Well, as far as the official line goes, holding up the water works by refusing to accept this poison is bad form since it does not lead to “consensus”!
The Chairwoman responded, as if approving Ractopamine for cattle was fine, “For pig meat, we would propose that the CAC consider an expert consultation with respect to establishment of an MRL and that come back to the CAC next year for a decision. In framing the question to be put to the expert consultation, you might wish to consider the framing of a “Group of Interest” to articulate the question.”
Long story short?
CAC wants to use this chemical. Even China, a country staggering under astounding pollution and contamination burdens in its environment and its food, cannot tolerate the use of this drug which has, as Norway pointed out last year, no use except to fatten animals through metabolic poisoning with a toxic substance. Remember that Risperadol, an “atypical anti-psychotic” drug, and others of its class, lead to weight gain in humans. That weight gain is the result of a dangerous toxicity. It seems to me that making an animal sick to make it fat to make it profitable is a disgusting use of NOT better living through chemistry.
And what does the Observer Organization which denies us a seat at the table (as ordered to do so by the Codex Commission in 2006) have to say about this issue? Good question.
NOTHING, nothing at all.
Let’s talk about that “Voice of Health Freedom” as it recently styled itself on a major radio show, the one “health freedom organization” which has a seat at Codex as an Official Observer organization. On this radio show they called themselves “the Voice of Health Freedom”. Well, apparently the voice had sever laryngitis!
The ONLY Observer Organization which spoke in this debate was the International Food Additives Association. Guess upon which side they spoke?
Where was the “Voice of Health Freedom” when the health of billions, literally billions, of pork consumers and everyone drinking the water downstream of those pigs was under attack? What about the health of the people who will be eating the plants watered with water contaminated by the excrement of those pigs? Nowhere. Nada. Not a peep. Just the Sound of Silence, and nothing more.
Are they here? Hard to tell. The Codex Commission keeps us relegated to an upper gallery where we cannot see the delegates well. We are under guard so getting to talk to National Delegates is extremely difficult (although we have managed to do so, but with significant difficulty). Is the Voice of Health Freedom asleep? Couldn’t say. Are they “controlled opposition”? Who knows. What is for sure is that they are not speaking out for your well-being!
The fact remains that the Natural Solutions Foundation is here, but not permitted to speak, although Codex itself has directed this other organization to give us a seat at the table, and a seat at the microphone. They have not done so. Whether they are lap dogs or lazy watchdogs, they are not providing the voice that health freedom needs and are blocking us from doing so. And you know that we will speak clearly on your behalf, once we have the microphone.
Right now, the CAC is acting with outrage at the idea that their powerful dedication to the use of this chemical is being derailed.
EU says that despite what Codex does, it will continue to forbid the use of Ractopamine as it will do with MGA, debated yesterday and approved “by consensus” despite similar fervent opposition. Thus the real players know that our Codex Two Step is a viable alternative to countries submitting to Codex dictates
By the way, this “Ractopamine Mutiny” shows that Codex can be stimulated, with appropriate science and personal contact with decision-makers around the world, either to finally become a health freedom organization or be dissolved.
The multi-nationals are hard at work degrading the world’s food.
But the world’s buyers and eaters of food, you and I, who are anything BUT useless, can have their desired impact: clean, healthy foods supporting the needs, and lives, of the world’s peoples.
Right now, the worst of the worst industrialization and degradation of food is underway through the food laws which are supposed to “HARMonize” our laws with Codex standards.
Those bills MUST be defeated. Click below to take this critically important action step to protect your food and your freedom.
Educate Congress about (sic) “Food Safety” Bills: http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o...aign_KEY=26714
And, on a slightly different note, the same WHO that is a parent organization of Codex has other ways to take you out, food only being one. Another one is to create a phony pandemic and then take you out with a weaponized vaccine while international organizations take over the country. Sound OK to you? Good. In that case, please do nothing. DO NOT click below to demand your right to self-shield in the event of a US Pandemic Emergency State.
Demand your Right to Self-Shield: http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o...aign_KEY=27275
And click below to show your support for the ONLY group at Codex which is watching out for your interests, the Natural Solutions Foundation!
Donations: http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?page_id=189
Glücklich leben und naturgemäß leben ist eins.
05.07.2009, 00:04
Registriert seit: 09.11.2008
Ort: Feucht
Beiträge: 249
2ter Bericht der NSF vom Codextreffen
Natural Solutions Foundation
Codex Report #2: July 1, 2009
There is a lot going on here in Codex land and I want to take a moment to thank you all, collectively, for sending the Natural Solutions Foundation here so that we can attend the 32nd Codex Commission (not a lot of fun, actually, but very important to those of us who care deeply about food and freedom; health and freedom).
We are sitting, as before, under guard in a hot gallery with no one here but us chickens, and the hen house guards, so to speak. There do not seem to be any other Public Observers, unless they are not being confined to the upper balcony.
I posted photos of the meeting with our first Codex Report, here:
Yesterday afternoon, when I went into the meeting room during a break to present our business cards to the Delegate from Benin, a country with which we have ongoing relations, and two agricultural projects in progress, General Bert was approached by an obviously shame-faced guard who told him to get me out of the room. When Gen. Bert told me that I had to leave, rather than continue the conversation with the delegate, I asked the guard why he was ejecting us from the room. He said several times, “It is not me, madam, it is not me. I am not responsible.” “Well, then, who is responsible? Whose orders are these, that we cannot be in this room?” I asked. He replied, “The Codex people, madam, they told me to keep you out!”
But wait! This is is an open meeting. Or is it?
Yesterday, we were awaiting the arrival of my friend who has an organic farm near Rome and a few of her friends. There is precious little available about Codex here in Italy, but she wanted to experience it for herself and brought others who did, too, including 2 teenagers.
I was not aware of it until last night when she and I chatted but she arrived at the Food and Agriculture Building at the appointed time. The guards and registration personnel blocked their entry. They were quizzed intensively about why they were interested in such a technical meeting and told that the teens were “a security risk”. Two and a half hours later, they still had not been admitted to this “Open Meeting…”
Open to Whom? What age do you have to be to attend this “open” meeting.
What is Codex hiding? And whom are they hiding it from?
What do they fear if we, or other observers, actually observe?
We are finding out more about the answers to this question as we go along and of course we will keep you informed about what is going on here and why.
Before I give you the juicy sub-text of the moment, and tell you why your voice, Health Freedom’s Voice, has apparently become the center of a turf battle -royal and why you can expect fierce (and fascinating) disinformation zinging around the Internet, at least for a while.
I did a radio show with Fred van Liew a while ago in which he introduced me to his audience by saying that you can tell who a person is by their enemies and, he added, “You, Dr. Laibow, have all of the right enemies.”
You can also, of course, tell a great deal about the real motives of people by looking at whether they attack you.
OK. What is this about?
As you know, we have been, and continue to be, outspoken critics of Codex, an organ of the WHO, FAO and UN, almost totally controlled by people who want a lot fewer people on the planet and are willing to criminalize the production of clean, healthy food to profit from illness and gain ground on the depopulation killing fields while doing it.
Remember WHO, the World “Health” Organization? The one that says a sustainable planet should have just 10% of its current population in order to be “sustainable”. And FAO, the Food and Agriculture Organization, which is happy to have more and more and more chemicals, irradiation, GMOs, veterinary drugs and just about anything else that makes money for corporations dumped in higher and higher levels into “food”.
It is worthwhile remembering that this WHO is the same one as the WHO which on June 11, 2009 declared the existence of an absurd Level 6 “Pandemic” resulting in an almost unthinkable windfall for large numbers of pharmaceutical companies, human trials for vaccines being rushed into production, the growing threat of mandatory vaccination or incarceration - all against the “threat” of a clearly bio engineered virus.
So let us not be too respectful of processes and organizations which do not deserve either respect or trust. We must be enormously careful about, and distrustful of, anything which comes out of this process. Now consider that the United States Government, always ready to do the bidding of the multinational masters who want to control our food totally, is considering farm bills which will bring home to our tables whatever, and I do mean whatever, Codex decides to pass. See yesterday’s Report about poisoned pigs…
Codex Report 1: http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=3007
Let’s be clear here: there are no consumers here raising their voices for us. We are not allowed to speak. The one health freedom organization that is “allowed” to speak here chooses to be mute. Industry is here (we are talking Big Pharma, Big Biotech, Big Agribiz, Big Irradiaton, and so on), speaking like Jim Henson through cute little Muppets with names like “The US Delegate to Codex” or “The Australian Delegate to Codex”, etc.
Food Freedom vs Food Fascism
Food is the source of freedom, and, unless we push-back, of fascism. The new Food Bills in front of Congress, including HR 2749 allows the FDA to literally declare martial law for “food safety” threats AND implement Codex. Farmers will be forced to farm in accordance with Codex. Rremember, the FDA announced way back on October 11, 1994 in the Federal Register that it would “HARMonzie” with International Standards - that means Codex, whether or not those standards were finalized.
Food fascism will be complete, complete with martial law, complete with required chemicals in your food, complete with required animal surveillance, complete with GMO feed for animals, complete with meaningless “organic” standards, complete with forbidden seed saving. Sound good? Click here to make sure this does not happen. Please click below to send your message to your state and federal lawmakers.
This Action Item now covers Rep. Dingle’s new (sic) “Food Safety” bill, HR 2749, which is the new attempt to push a dangerous, food-freedom killing bill through Congress, so please send your messages again! Don’t forget every member of your family can send a message too!
And what does Dingle bill do… well, as soon as we tell you, we’ll be accused of “inaccuracy” by the do-nothing crowd since we call it as we see it. Here is what the “Writers Collective” on the No GM Food Forum has to say about it:
“HR 2749 is a strange bill in many ways. While the other “food safety” bills have been around since winter, allowing for much public discussion on the internet, HR 2749 has only suddenly appeared. It is a mutant conglomeration of the worst of the other bills, with the addition of one very original part – martial law… HR 2749 is both insane and cruel. And the deceptiveness of hiding a Patriot Act in it and the brutal rush to slip it through Congress are ANTI-democratic.”
Marshall law for food contamination? What???
Are you scared yet?
If not, you need your meds adjusted downwards!
This is horrifying and more than a little crazy.
And while you’re at it, take a look at our new Food Freedom eJournal to learn about how to grow your own beyond organic food… even if you live in a city: http://www.FoodFreedomeJournal.org
Missing — Clarion Call for Food Freedom…
So where is the clarion call for health freedom here at Codex? Absent. We’ve had quite enough of that, haven’t we?
So we wrote a letter, as you may recall, to the “owner” of that Observer Seat reminding them that the instructions of the then-Codex Chair were to form a confederation of health freedom groups to allow participation in the process when we applied in 2006. That has not happened, of course.
Next, we wrote to the Chair of the Codex Commission, from the US, by the way, and asked her to seat us as observers. The answer was the same as the health freedom voice: thundering silence. But then the silence broke: a vicious, and wildly inaccurate letter was circulated by the organization which “has” the seat. Cowardly, they did not respond to us. Instead, they falsely accuse us of “extortion”, a criminal charge, by the way. Of course, we have written to them demanding a retraction.
See our Open Letter to the Codex Chairwoman: http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=3005
Now, as you probably know, I am, by training, a Child, Adult and Adolescent Psychiatrist (who has practiced drug free medicine and psychiatry for my entire career) so I tend to think like a psychiatrist when weird or challenging things present themselves.
The ferocity (and inappropriateness) of this response suggests to me, thinking about what might be behind it, that we are looking at the product of fear. Fear that, because the organization in question is actually not doing its job representing health or freedom here that we might, in fact, be granted its seat.
Fear that, despite claims of longevity in this field, maybe the game is up and the fact that they are not representing anyone very well might become generally known.
From my point of view, to tell you the truth, the entire “movement” which calls itself the “Health Freedom Movement” has been doing a pretty dismal job. Your health freedoms and mine, your food freedoms and mine, your fight against the USDA, EPA, FDA and mine, your vaccination threat and mine, have been being eroded for decades, ever since the stunning victory of the 1994 Dietary Supplements Health and Education Act which united consumers into a flying wedge that derailed Congress’ attempt to take away all of our supplements.
In the 10 years between that stunning victory (which was, in fact, only a victory in one area of many) and the time that General Bert and I decided that things were in such bad shape that we needed to close our private practice of medicine to protect health freedom here and abroad since NO ONE ELSE WAS DOING A VERY GOOD JOB OF IT, we were losing ground rapidly while the “Health Freedom Movement” presided over a series of losses.
We came on the scene with our unique way of working and you said, YES!
We developed strategic plans and started implementing them and you said, YES!
We traveled to Codex meetings and met with Delegates, then went to their countries and met with their decision makers and you said, YES!
We presented science to delegates and blocked the US move to allow fluoride in baby formula and then you and the American Dental Association said YES (they changed their policy and recommended NOT using fluoridated water for babies under 12 months old virtually upon the heels of that Codex decision).
And we keep going. We briefed the President of India and 6 weeks later there was a new bill with the power to protect 1.2 billion people from Codex.
We said, we need to help reclaim the production of food, create an Eco Demonstration Project, teach urban people how to grow their own food and you said, YES! You can click below to see a partial list of our accomplishments for your health freedom. They are innovative, effective and meet the emerging situation, not the past ones.
Accomplishments: http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?page_id=195
Meanwhile, with every innovation, the invective, disinformation and outright slander and liable grow stronger. You can understand why, of course: these people are simply outclassed and out-manouevered so, since the cannot see the value of joining together to create a strong health freedom movement that uses the skills and talents of us all, they attack.
And attack.
And attack.
If you want to see a response to some of their more idiotic and vitriolic attacks, you can visit “Truth Is Our Defense” at http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?page_id=1805.
But be forewarned: there will be much more of this offal flinging around the Internet.
Here is my recommendation: write to the source of any allegations published about us and ask for the data, not more allegations, upon which those allegations rest. See what you get, and then send it to us. We always like a good laugh.
Here is an open letter we sent “leaders” of the Health Freedom movement a Open Letter about supporting your Right to Self-Shield; at the bottom of that posting we copied the letter we had sent to the Codex Health Freedom seat “owner” — you might want to read it to see if we were extorting anyone, or just exercising our Free Speech Right to call them to account for their failure to defend your rights.
Open Letter: http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=2931
We are here at Codex. We are helping to reclaim the production of food. We have proposed the only innovative and effective option to mandatory vaccination or incarceration (click below and make sure you alert everyone you know), we are creating programs and options around the world to keep health free and keep free people healthy.
Your Right to Self-Shielding: http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=2752
Thanks for your support. Fasten your seat belts. The ride could get bumpy!
Remember: Health Freedom is Our First Freedom!
Glücklich leben und naturgemäß leben ist eins.
05.07.2009, 00:08
Registriert seit: 09.11.2008
Ort: Feucht
Beiträge: 249
3ter Bericht vom Codextreffen
Codex Report #3
When Animals Flu:
Q. What is the difference between Bird ‘flu and Swine ‘flu?
A. For bird ‘flu you need tweetment and for swine ‘flu you need oinkment.
The Sound of Silence
Was the Self-Declared “Voice of Health Freedom” Asleep at Codex this Morning?
This morning at the Codex meeting here in Rome the topic was the relation of Private Standards to the Codex Standards. You will recall that Codex is a standard setting body. Their standards and guidelines, as you know, cover every bite of food or drink that goes into your body.
As you know, too, there is enormous money and political advantage to be gained from controlling those standards. If you manufacture chemicals/pesticides/veterinary drugs/fungicides, no matter how toxic, for example, you want standards and guidelines which allow as much of your materials in food residues as possible. Your company makes money, after all, from selling more of your stuff, no matter how dangerous or toxic your stuff might be.
Those defending access to clean, unadulterated food, on the other hand have a very different agenda: they want those standards and guidelines to be as low as possible to protect health and the environment. So there is a strong tension between the purveyors of poisons and adulterants and health freedom advocates.
Or at least, there should be. The organization which calls itself “The Voice of Health Freedom” did not utter a single word to protect your rights to clean, unadulterated food. Isn’t that why they are here? We cannot confirm that they are here, but they trumpet their role as the only health freedom organization which has a seat at the Codex table (and defensively commit slander and liable when we remind them that Codex rules and past Codex Chair say they need to share that table with other organizations, for example, us) but when there comes a moment for them to protect health and health freedom here at Codex, they remain astonishingly, disappointingly, but not surprisingly, totally silent. Not a word was said to assist you in maintaining your access to clean, wholesome nutrition.
Now, there is one other piece of information you need to understand my outrage (outage coming right up, folks): Private standards are set by national authorities (e.g., Iraqui Date Growers Organization”, regional ones (e.g., West African Coffee Growers Council”, industry ones (e.g., “Middle Eastern Pomegranate Manufacturers Association”, and global ones (e.g., “International Animal Feed Additive Foundation”) [note, these are not necessarily real organizations, I created their names to give you an idea of what these terms mean).
These private standard setters pose a real and direct threat to Codex in several ways.
First of all, they render Codex unnecessary if their standards are higher than those of Codex (and the easily can be since, as Singapore pointed out this morning, "Codex sets minimum standards and there are segments of the market such as consumers who want higher standards."). If you have been following our Codex-related writings for a while, you will recall that we have developed a mechanism for countries to deviate from Codex standards by setting higher ones for their country which allows them to be safe from WTO (World Trade Organization) trade sanctions for doing so. We call it "The Codex 2 Step."
Article 3 of the The Sanitary and PhytoSanitary Agreement (SPA, one of the group of agreements which forms the WTO) allows exactly that: different, higher standards which are then encoded by the nation which wishes to protect its food supply from the low - and potentially deadly - standard set by Codex at the behest of the industrial forces who seek to sell their products at the highest possible level without regard for health.
When the Natural Solutions Foundation, with the help of two outstanding attorneys, Ralph Fucetola, JD and Jim Turner, Esq., realized that possibility existed, we wrote the Codex eBook, http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?page_id=220.
See our Counsel’s short video on “The Codex 2 Step” - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QNg3MD6BxM
It is worth noting that this same organization attacked us ferociously for promulgating this solution, saying that we were naive in the extreme and that our solution was wrong-headed and naive. Well, as it happens, when countries (including Hungary, the Netherlands and Austria) have employed our technique, they have won their cases with WTO, just as we said that they would.
To continue, here we sat at Codex while the Codex "Biggies" fought a turf battle, saying that all standard setting should belong to them, and that private standard setting bodies should conform to Codex standards and guidelines!
Note, Codex, in its arrogance and industry-serving stance, did not say, "We should lift our standards to better levels protecting health because that is, after all, our first mandate!" No, what it said was, "All other standard setting bodies should conform to our standards!" And they didn’t add, “Which degrade organic standards, allow dangerous levels of toxins and generally provide cover for the worst practices of industrialized Big Agra Biz.”
Well, just in case anyone did not get it, at that point Singapore said that Codex set MINIMUM standards and consumers should have the right to other, better, higher standards. There were other countries which said that they felt the same way. The Chair, of course, was not eager to hear any such thing. But that is to be expected.
What is NOT to be expected, however, is that the ONLY "health freedom organization" permitted to speak, according to their own trumpeting account of themselves, said what?
[Sung to the tune of "Silent Night, Holy Night"]
Silent Night, Empty Night
Nothing Said, Group in Flight
Private Standards could help health grow
Nothing was said to let Codex know
Group keeps quiet in lap dog stance.
So, Rockabye, “Health Freedom Voice”
Here is what the Natural Solutions Foundation would have said if we hadn’t been shut out of the debate and censored:
“Mr. Chairman, the Natural Solutions Foundation, the world’s largest health freedom organization, thanks you for the opportunity to share the perspective of consumers who demand continuing and unhampered access to clean, unadulterated food. It is true, as Singapore has said, that Codex sets minimum standards from the point of view of quality, health promotion and safety since upper residue limits are routinely removed from dangerous agricultural chemicals and contaminants en bloc, leaving the consumer vulnerable to unlabeled dangers in their daily fare.
“It is also true that industry pressures have determined nearly every decision that Codex has taken leading to dangerous irradiation, hormone, veterinary drug, pesticide, GMO and other food degradation on a world-wide basis.
“It is equally true, Mr. Chairman, that the WTO allows for countries to adopt higher standards than those adopted by Codex if that country follows two steps: 1st, devising and adopting a higher standard or guideline than that ratified by the Codex Alimentarius Commission and 2nd, passing national legislation which embodies that higher standard.
“In this regard, consumers who demand food which is uncontaminated, and meets a higher standard, often find that private standard setting bodies offer them higher standards than those of Codex and may wish to have them enacted in the method I have briefly outlined above. These private, higher standards are of enormous importance in the protection of consumer health, environmental health and, perhaps most important, the freedom to access and choose healthy foods.
“The Natural Solutions Foundation strongly endorses the right of private bodies to set standards which exceed those of Codex, consumers to demand those standards, national governments to select these standards and enact legislation to support such standards and trade negotiations to lift other nations to these higher standards.
“Such an approach is also in keeping with WTO decisions over the decades to refuse to mandate Codex standards in trade disputes. Under WTO dispute resolution rules, Codex guidelines are merely presumptive evidence of the standards, unless a party to the dispute has adopted its own science-based standards.
“Thus, private standard setting bodies may play a role in the protection of both health and health freedom and we encourage Codex to work closely with those private standard setting bodies which elevate the quality of food on a national, regional and global basis. Health and freedom depend on it.”
But, of course, since the Natural Solutions Foundation has been excluded from the table by a group which is either not here, or mute, we were permitted to say no such thing.
We believe this is totally unacceptable. And is emblematic of what is seriously wrong with the Health Freedom Movement especially in the US and certain parts of Europe. What do you think?
When our Counsel was told, a year or so ago, by one of the “old hands” that his group could not work with us any more because “the other side” would ostracize them and criticize them for working with us, Gen. Bert remarked, “When you let the enemy dictate your actions, you are controlled by the enemy.” To which I hasten to add, “That’s why they call it a ‘controlled opposition’.”
And what is the opposite of controlled opposition?
We are the Free and Independent Opposition — you and we together — succeeding when we practice ‘push-back’ without regard to what the bureaucrats and lobbyists want.
Glücklich leben und naturgemäß leben ist eins.
05.07.2009, 00:11
Registriert seit: 09.11.2008
Ort: Feucht
Beiträge: 249
4ter Bericht der NSF zum Codextreffen
Codex Report #4 Rome, July 3, 2009
Dupes, Demons and Dogs in the Manger
First a Health NOTE: The FDA recently announced that it has now criminalized the dissemination of any information that states, implies or conveys that any device, substance, supplement or herb can treat, prevent, cure or mitigate the H1N1 “Swine Flu” virus except for 1. Vaccines (proof, anyone? Nah, skip it. No proof needed) and 2. Tamiflu(c) or Relenza(c), two failed antiviral drugs (apparently the fact that drug-resistant H1N1 is rapidly emerging globally, as did H5N1, makes no ‘neverminds’ to the FDA).
First Amendment? What First Amendment? Do we have one of those? No, I did not think so.
So let me be clear: I am not, repeat, NOT talking about the “Swine Flu” virus in any way in what I am about to tell you. That would, apparently, be, well, not exactly against the law, but against the pseudo-law as laid out by the Fraud and Death Administration, arguably one of the most abusive and dangerous agencies in US history. It is an agency that Dr. Ron Paul has said engaged in “abuse of power.”
Gen. Bert and I decided to visit the Isola Tiburina (an island in the middle of the Tiber river with restaurants, shops, an outdoor cinema, etc). We used public transit and, when it was time to come back to the hotel to finish this report, were pretty confused about how to get the correct bus back to the central station. If you have ever been to Rome, you’ll understand!
Anyway, getting there we had asked directions several times and been the object of that famous Roman game “Misdirect the Tourist and Watch the Fun” Since we only asked bus drivers at the Terminal, they knew a whole lot of stuff with which to misdirect us, which they did with skill and amusement a-plenty.
Coming back, there were no bus drivers around so we chose likely looking civilians - people who looked like they might ride the bus, but might also speak English. Lots of mis-direction, some with hilarity, ensued. Finally a very helpful African street vendor who spoke very good English directed us correctly. But while he was doing so, a bit of his saliva landed on my lip. Of course, I wiped it off, but infective particles are small and persistent. I was, as you can imagine, very anxious to get back to the hotel room where my Nano silver bottle was waiting for me. I knew that if this helpful man had multi drug resistant TB, or HIV/AIDS or any other disease communicable through droplet transmission or bodily fluids, I would (in my personal opinion) be quite capable of protecting myself from it, no matter what it was.
So as soon as I came home, I wiped my lip several times with a tissue saturated with Nano silver and then I took 4 capsful in a 1/2 glass of water. I will do the same tomorrow and whatever it was that he might have been capable of transmitting, I am totally confident, because of the science that this product rests on, that I will not get his disease. Of course, it is also fully possible that he has no communicable disease at all. In that case, I have boosted my immune status without killing the beneficial bacteria of my gut, my skin and my body orifices. Good for me. Really good for me.
Where do I get my Nano silver? At www.Nutronix.com/naturalsolutions. I literally never leave home without it. Neither should you. And I certainly have it at home as well. Lots of it.
You know, I find myself giving it to people all the time when they get sick, so I need enough to have extra doses available, too. I advise you to do the same. Don’t even THINK about “Swine Flu” and silver! The FDA does not want you to think. The fact that it disrupts all known viruses (in vitro) is no reason to consider using it for “Swine Flu,” according to the FDA. So don’t. That’s www.Nutronix.com/naturalsolutions
And while you’re at it, remember our White Paper on Your Right to Self-Shield. Have you a pandemic plan?
Let me start my Codex Report today by outlining my understanding of the cast of characters at Codex:
The delegates who come to these meetings are, by and large, perfectly ordinary, perfectly decent people. They work for their governments in mid to high level bureaucratic jobs and occasionally they occupy Ministerial posts. They are overworked, and, in the main, under-supported by scientific and technical personnel and materials, and way, way over committed so that Codex is but a minor dust cove in their array of responsibilities. They are generally badly underpaid for the time, effort and dedication they give to their jobs.
They tend to believe what they have been told: Codex is good for them and for their country, Codex knows what it is doing, Codex works as a science-based decision-making body and Codex works for the trade and health good of the world’s people. If you look at our most recent video, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSB4gtFFwy8, you can get an idea of the propaganda (very well done, by the way) with which they are bombarded.
They also believe what they have been told about the US: that food standards in the US are the best in the world, that decisions are made in the US solely in a science-based context, that the science and food safety in the US are the best in the world and that the US is a positive influence in their future lives and health.
In other words, they have been propagandized by the best in the business: Big Pharma. Some of them come with some suspicions that all is not well in Codex land, but especially the developing world is not well equipped to deal with the situation.
They are well-meaning, like the good men and women who populate the ranks of organizations like WHO, FAO, UN, perhaps like your doctor, like so many who make the systems go round and round by believing what they are told and taught, even thought what they have been told and taught is based on lies. Lenin called them “Useful Idiots” They are, more precisely, dupes.
Mind you, they are generally bright people, frequently very well educated and, as long as they do not have personal corruption or other financial interests in the outcome clouding their judgment, are quite willing to listen and reconsider their previous beliefs with new realities presented to them through discussion, the “Nutricide” Video, http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?page_id=156, the Codex eBook, http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?page_id=220, our video for Delegates on the Codex Two Step Process, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QNg3MD6BxM, and the opportunities available when we have time to spend with them in their own countries.
In fact, we have been invited to visit 3 more African countries and one developing former Eastern European Bloc nation for this purpose, and to help them develop sustainable, BeyondOrganic BioDynamic Zero Emissions (BOBDZE(TM) ) food production AND talk with their leaders about Health and Health Freedom.
As with the rest of us, once their eyes are opened, things fall into place and they see the world differently. And that explains why, since we are the ONLY health freedom organization in the world taking this tack, Codex fears us and chooses to interfere, to the extent that it can, with our access to the delegates at the Codex meetings. That accounts for the fact that we are, quite literally, under guard and, as one of the guards told us this week, “We were told to keep you out by the Codex people!”.
So we know we are doing good work.
Then there are the demons at Codex. There are a few people, a very few we believe, in the Codex meetings who appear to us to understand very clearly what the stakes are and what the game is. They are scary folks. Their personal energy is rather horrible and they exude a vastly unattractive mixture of confidence and evil. We have written about some of them in our previous reports. The cast of characters has not changed since our last discussion of who seems to know the score and who seems to be quite happy with a genocidal agenda. They strike us as truly evil people.
Codex is working as rapidly as it can to create a global standard for all food under the guise of somehow benefiting everyone on the planet. I cannot find a logical reason to support the idea that this makes any sense, and discussed the debate at Codex about “private standards” vs. Codex Standards in Report #2. But, leaving that aside, a change has occurred at Codex and a very dangerous one at that.
Not a murmur of dissent or question was raised by the Official Observer organization that the Codex hierarchy allows to “represent”, allegedly, health freedom.
In 2005, Codex ratified the Vitamin and Mineral Guideline which mandates global under-nutrition. At that time, the Chair of the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses, Dr. Rolf Grossklaus, the head of a German government Risk Assessment company called bFR, was pushing for nutrients to be treated as toxins and subjected to a toxicology technique called “Risk Assessment”. WHO was asked to provide technical guidance on how substances necessary for life itself (e.g., vitamins and minerals) could be evaluated like toxins and on January 14, 2006, if memory serves me, it did so, revising that technical report again in May of that year.
We wrote at that time about the strange conflict of interest for Dr. Grossklaus to be the head of the company that seemed to be doing risk evaluation work for Codex while serving as a Chair for one of its committees and noted that we thought that that this was both corrupt and very dangerous for global health. We believed then, and believe now, that bFR’s work is sole source contract work for Codex since we have not been able to locate any indication of any other source of risk assessment and analysis for Codex.
This year, however, the Chair person of the Codex Commission, the US’s Dr. Karen Hulebak, and others referred again and again to Codex as “A Risk Assessment body”. How did that happen? Where did that come from? Why is Codex, whose mandate makes no mention of risk assessment, now the world’s “Risk Assessment Body”?
And why did no one representing health freedom ask that question or object to the change in self-definition? More of that below. Suffice it to say here that this is a very troubling redefinition and redirection of Codex fraught with dangers for health and freedom on a global basis.
If Codex is now the world’s “Risk Assessment body”, then anything that the multinationals and their hand maiden, the US + its compliant national ducklings, decides they are not in favor of is labeled a “risk” and thus, forbidden from global trade. Example: any nutrient which can cause any measurable change in any human being. Applying this principle, nutrients and herbs are too “risky” to allow in biologically effective doses. Hence, the Vitamin and Mineral Guideline.
Real risks, however, like the toxic pesticide malathion, whose MRL, or maxiumum residue [upper] limit was increased by the Commission by 20 fold, a 2000% increase!, are not considered risks. GMO foods, which are scientifically emerging as massively dangerous, are not considered risks. Veterinary drugs, which are changing aquatic life in disastrous ways, and poisoning the environment, the animals and their consumers, are not considered risks. Entire groups of dangerous chemicals are permitted by Codex with NO upper limits — no, not a risk. Unlimited irradiation of foods at every step of their production is not considered a risk. But nutrients and herbs are evaluated as dangerous risks.
Money is king and death is the masked guest at the Codex feast.
If ever there was a time when the voice of global health freedom was needed, it is now. With every Codex session, our health freedoms, including the right to clean, unadulterated food, are being stripped away from us at an alarming rate. Then the Codex standards and guidelines are implemented as national law, as is happening right before our eyes in the horrific food and farming bills before Congress.
Click here () to protect US food and food freedom and here [ www.FoodFreedomeJournal.org ] to make sure that you are reading our Food Freedom eJournal, www.FoodFreedomeJournal.org, to learn how to grow your own clean, unadulterated food quickly and easily, even if you have to do it in a corner of your apartment!
MayDay! MayDay! No Signal From “Health Freedom” Picked Up at Codex!
But we have been silenced at Codex. The Natural Solutions Foundation commissioned a film in 2005 which was titled “We Become Silent” and silent we have, indeed, become. As I have been sharing with our supporters and friends in our blog Reports this week, the “Health Freedom” Observer Organization calling itself the “Voice of Health Freedom at Codex” [SIC!] has been mute, totally mute. THEY have become silent, and through them, WE have been silenced. This organization is, in fact, the Codex Dog in the Manger. They are not using the opportunity to speak out for health freedom while the quality of food is degraded world wide; they refuse to allow us to share their table or microphone and so we, the health freedom constituency, are both silenced and abandoned by the self-styled “Voice of Health Freedom”. After a 45 year history of existence we would have expected better from them.
This is clearly unacceptable. Because of this global problem, we feel that it is necessary to write an Open Letter to the leaders and activists of the Global Health Freedom Movement.
“Dear Health Freedom Movement Leaders:
Allow me to direct your attention to the problem of enforced silence at Codex. This silence is enforced, disturbingly enough, not by Codex itself, but by an organization which has been given the opportunity to serve as Heath Freedom’s voice at Codex and has chosen not to do so and not to allow anyone else to do so, either.
Whether this is through collusion with the Codex powers or not is immaterial. The effect is that Codex has silenced us totally. We must not allow this to continue.
First, a word of reassurance: The Natural Solutions Foundation, the world’s largest health freedom organization, has observed that there are territorial issues which concern various organizations in the Health Freedom arena so let me assure you that nothing in the strategy we are proposing involves any mergers, blending of groups or competition for donations or other funding. What we are proposing is limited to Codex Alimentarius activities and is a loose consortium for that purpose, NOT a fusion or blending of groups or confluence of funds, or supporter lists. It is our hope that this early clarification will ease some of the tensions which seem to fuel competitive and unproductive behaviors on the part of some in the Health Freedom world, reducing our effectiveness by dissipating our energy in strife. That helps no one, least of all the people we are trying to assist.
We applied for recognition as an Official Observer at Codex in 2006 and were turned down, but told that since there was another health freedom organization which was an Observer organization, we should work with them so we could be present and represented at the table.
The other organization, which is now totally mute at Codex meetings, did not reply directly to our requests, instead attacking us publicly for asking, again, to participate at the Codex meetings. We put this inactive organization on notice that we would be seeking redress if they once again did not allow us to participate in the Codex meeting. Their response was an actionable letter to their mailing list, but silence to us. And silence is their modus at Codex as well.
Ractopamine used in animals: silence.
Lacto peroxidase in milk: silence.
Increasing malathion levels by 20 fold: silence.
Eliminating all Maxium Residue Levels for a group of major toxins: silence.
Vertinary drug levels: silence.
Because it is clear that they have chosen silence, and thus we have been silenced, in this forum, the Natural Solutions Foundation has reapplied for a seat as an Observer organization on the basis that we are the largest and certainly one of the, or the, most effective global health freedom organizations in the world and should, therefore, be represented in the Codex proceedings.
Our Open Letter to the Codex Chairwoman and application is here: http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=3005
I am an environmental physician, an MD with decades of experience in natural medicine and a qualified expert in the areas of health, nutrition and toxicity. My co-trustees are my dear husband Gen Bert Stubblebine and our good friend Ralph Fucetola JD are experts in their respective fields. We are asking for your support in this application with the following promise:
Those organizations which support our application will have a guaranteed seat at the Health Freedom table at every upcoming Codex meeting, whether we able to attend or not, and thus, organizations will be assured that their their position, their truth, their perspective at that table is articulated within the Codex forum. I cannot promise you that our clarion calls will be heeded by Codex, but I can certainly promise you that our positions will be articulated well and fully within the Codex framework and that we will educate delegates and nations to provide a meaningful framework for health freedom on a global basis.
Murray Rothbard, the brilliant Free Market philosopher, pointed out that in a social moment it is very useful, indeed, imperative, to have many different organizations attacking the opposition from many different points of view, articulating many different, but philosophically related, positions.
Natural Solutions Foundation does not need to agree with all of your positions or actions, nor do you need to agree with ours. We do need to bring as many, and as varied, voices to the table as we can marshal.
Silence is no longer an option.
Health freedom is under attack globally with degraded and industrialized food, vaccines, medical privacy, compulsory drugging, GMO “foods”, criminalization and suppression of natural medicine and accurate information about it, and a host of other threats to our ability to make our own health choices. Let’s all come together to ’speak truth to power’ and push-back against this globalist agenda.
Codex is but one of the threats facing us, but it is a huge one. I invite you to join me in bringing health freedom’s voice to Codex.
To signal your willingness to work together to assure a seat at the Codex table, or any questions that you may have, please write to the National Solutions Foundation, dr.laibow@gmail.com, with “CODEX” in the subject line telling us the name of your organization, your URL, the issues of greatest significance to you and your contact information. We will connect wtih you to strategize our next moves. But the net result needs to be a seat at the table and a live microphone at that table so Codex will hear a voice for health freedom, since, after-all, Health Freedom is Our First Freedom.
Glücklich leben und naturgemäß leben ist eins.
12.07.2009, 16:36
Registriert seit: 09.11.2008
Ort: Feucht
Beiträge: 249
The General Looks at the Data:
ALERT!!! ACTION NEEDED!!! I am writing to you in my official capacity as the President of the Natural Solutions Foundation. However, the basis of the information that I am about to share with you comes from decades of experience engaged in real-world, real-time intelligence collection and analysis. In this environment, the work involves piecing together divergent "bits" of information from divergent sources into a coherent picture of past events/situations from which you can reliably predict future events/situations.
Having the "picture" (from connecting the "Dots" or the "Bits" of information) provides the base from which counter actions, plans and solutions develop.That is the simplistic process. Now let me show you some of the "Dots" as they exist today. You do the connecting. You paint the picture that comes to your mind. I think after you do, you will see why it is so urgently important that we create the Push Back needed to protect our health, our rights and our freedom at this time.
1. An "informal" [e.g., illegal] clinical trial of the Avian Flu vaccine on about 200 Polish vagrants resulted in 11 immediate deaths and an additional set of 20 later deaths (approximately 15% of the test population). The doctors and nurses involved were charged with murder. (Fact. 200
2. Approximately 3500 Chinese children died in an Avian Flu vaccine experiment. (Rumor, 200
3. The Philippine High Court convicted WHO (The World Health Organization) of involuntarily sterilizing over 3 million Philippina women through the use of vaccines. (Fact)
4. The WHO in 1985 documented that one of its' primary goals for the use of a sterility vaccine disguised as a smallpox vaccine was to "eliminate 150 million excess Sub Saharan Africans". (Fact, 1985-ongoing)
5. The WHO 5-shot vaccine programs for tetanus in third world countries in South and Central America caused the involuntary sterilization of millions of women. (Fact, ongoing)
6. Monsanto's MON 810 corn causes sterility according to studies published by the Austrian Government. (Fact, 2009)
7. Monsanto's MON 810 corn contains the Cauliflower Mosaic Virus which, when ingested, lowers the bodies CD 4 cells to a point which, on immune tests, indicate that a person has HIV/AIDS. The lowered CD 4 cells results from eating GMO corn, the staple of the diet in many parts of Black Africa. MON 810 is grown in Europe for animal feed and in many places, including the US, around the world for human food. (Fact, ongoing)
8. Merck's Gardasil vaccine causes death, collapse and chronic illness in young woman and girls, including a new, never-before described "disease" called Juvenile ALS, a fatal condition in which the nervous system is slowly destroyed while consciousness remains unimpaired. This vaccine increases cervical cancer by 44.7% in women and girls who already have Human Papilloma Virus. Cervical Cancer is easily detected and cured in early stages and is not a major killer of women. Gardasil contains substances which may cause sterility in women receiving it and any protection lasts only a few years, so 9 year olds will probably not be sexually active by the time this protection has worn off. (Fact, ongoing)
9. Baxter International Inc. was in the process of applying for a contract to provide Avian Flu vaccines to European countries in the event of an Avian Flu epidemic. Its Austrian laboratory shipped Seasonal Flu vaccines to 18 countries in Europe. A laboratory technician tested the Baxter Seasonal Flu vaccines sent to the Czech Republic and discovered that they were contaminated with a highly pathogenic version of the Avian Flu, 72 Kilograms of it, although Level 3 precautions were in place and such contamination "could not have happened accidentally" according to experts in the field. No documentation of the destruction of this highly infective material has been provided although the Austrian Health Ministry insists that the deadly viral material was destroyed. (Fact, 2008, 2009)
10. A WHO investigation into the Baxter contaminated vaccine issue resulted in NO findings and in NO disciplinary actions. An Austrian investigation into the same events yielded the same results. (Fact, 2009)
11. Baxter has been rewarded with a lead role in developing, producing and disseminating the Swine Flu vaccine for the upcoming pandemic. (Fact, 2009)
12. Swine Flu was first identified to the public as a serious problem in April/May 2009 when 168 persons in Mexico were confirmed by CDC and WHO to have died from the Swine Flu. This number was later revised downward to only 16 deaths. (Fact, 2009)
13. It normally takes a minimum of 12 to 18 months to create a vaccine after a specific virus has been identified. (Fact)
14. The US Government has spent more than a billion dollars to develop and to make available the Swine flu vaccine for a disease which poses no significant health threat. (Fact, 2009)
15. The "Seed Culture" for the Swine Flu virus was provided to vaccine companies in May, 2009. Baxter International Inc. announced in June, 2009 that they would have their vaccine ready in July, 2009 . (Fact, 2009)
16. A WHO container of Swine Flu virus from Mexico City exploded on a passenger train in Luzon, Switzerland. All of the current Swiss cases of Swine Flu are from the area where the explosion took place. It is illegal to ship pathogenic viruses in this way. (Fact, 2009)
17. A significant number of virologists and other scientists are on record stating that the Swine Flu was created in a laboratory and could not evolve naturally. (Fact, 2009)
1. Canada, Sweden, Norway, France and other countries have announced intentions to vaccinate every man, woman and child. To do so, they are ordering 2 shots per person of untested, unsafe and unnecessary Swine Flu Vaccines from a variety of manufacturers. The US Departments of Homeland Security and Health and Human Services both stated in early 2009 that they would do so "beginning with those who want it". (Fact, 2009)
2. President Obama announced to the public shortly after his inauguration that every man, woman and child should receive the Avian Flu vaccine this fall along with seasonal flu shots this coming Fall. President Obama is on record saying that he believes that vaccinations should be mandatory. (Fact, 2009)
3. The United States has spent $714 Million GPS mapping every front door of every house and apartment in the country and listing who lives in each house or apartment under the direction of the White House. (Fact, 2009)
4. Many people have reported that they have received calls at home or at work from agencies of the US Government inquiring about the "number of unvaccinated children in the household". (Fact, 2009)
5. The United States, Norway, Sweden, Austria and other countries have announced that in case of a Swine Flu pandemic all health and security authority shall revert to teams and command centers run by the WHO. (Fact, 2009)
6. Every recent major event like 9/11, the Madrid bombings or the London bombings has been accompanied by a materially identical "training exercise" simulating the actual event involving, confusing and distracting the legitimate responders. (Fact, 2001-ongoing)
7. A major set of FEMA training exercises is scheduled for 27 July, 2009. (Fact, 2009) DATA SET 2
Draw your own conclusions about what is afoot. And if you, like the officers and trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation, are deeply concerned by what you see, intuit and conclude from these facts, you WILL take action by clicking on the two Action Steps that follow. And you WILL enlist everyone you know and can reach to do the same and activate their contacts and circles of influence.
Click HERE to tell your legislators and your Governor that you demand your right to Self-Shield, instead of taking the dangerous vaccine OR being incarcerated:
Click HERE to urge your national and state legislators to protect food and farming (you'll find more information below):
Yours in health and freedom,
Major General Albert N. Stubblebine III
(US Army, Ret.)
Natural Solutions Foundation
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